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TheBookMother (105 KP) rated Christine in Books

May 26, 2019  
Stephen King | 1983 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sets the scene of 50s and 80s America well. Creative use of music lyrics. Supernatural thriller typical of King. (0 more)
Felt abit stagnant in places Bit of a slow burner (0 more)
Think classic slasher come Top Gear.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Like alot of my recent reads I picked up a very well loved copy from a supermarket fundraising bookcase.
Now, I do feel quite conflicted in critiquing the master that is Stephen King especially as it's not all positive. It's probably the same feeling if you kicked your Nan or when you've hidden your son's favourite toy that drives you crazy and watch him scour the house for it for days on end.
It started off in true King fashion. I've read a few of his repertoire including the classics. I have come to recognise his tone and the way he sets the scene.
We begin by meeting Dennis who is recalling past events which include his friend Arnie and his obsession with his new car Christine. We soon find out Christine is a bit more than your average first car and anyone who seems to cross Arnie will feel her very gory and murderous wrath. We learn that her previous owner LeBay begins to possess Arnie. Dennis sets out to try and save his friend from the evil clutch(es) (I had to sorry!) of Christine and stop her once and for all.
Tense, descriptive with an air of paranormal/ supernatural you generally know what you're getting with King and you know there will tend to be a twist or scare along the way.
However, I did find this abit of a slow burner and not what expected it to be.
I think it could be because this is 20+ years old and I am probably desensitised by slashers it did feel quite cliché in places.
I did at times feel slightly confused as we were introduced to Christine the possessed car but then we learn it's all to do with Lebay taking over and even ageing Arnie. It did remind me abit of Ghost Rider.
I enjoyed the music lyrics at the beginning of each chapter and throughout as it really did help set scene and help with showing the difference between Arnie and Lebay's ages.
I have to admit I was distracted alot and do put it down frequently but I did pick up and finish it eventually.
I normally finish a book in 2-3 days (children, work and life permitting!) But this took a while longer. Perhaps, as I felt it was a tad stagnant in places.
It was never the less an okay read, it's a good slasher come supernatural story but one I did think I would have enjoyed alot more.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well, we all knew this had to happen. And I am a full week late in getting to watch this movie.

Alright, if you know Norse mythology: IGNORE EVERYTHING YOU KNOW. Seriously. Fenrir made it. Yup. Okay, let’s… let’s just not discuss that. I would need to go and refresh myself and, I just don’t want to be that dissapointed.

Outside of that, it was a good movie. A LOT happened, and just understand that we are basically jumping two years from when Age of Ultron took place. Also, Thor has become a true American and lost his god talk. I wish they hadn’t done this. I wish they would have updated him without losing that, because, even though it was annoying at times it also kept to the myth side a bit more. I did love the short hair.

LOKI! Yes! Though, in many ways, I wish we had a lot more of him. It seems as if the film makers are angry over how popular Loki has become – he could have been a lot more.

And the pacing. The pacing was odd. Skipping a lot of information. What happened to Thor the last two years? How, exactly, did Hulk get there? Why does the Valkyrie have such a poorly described and explained back story?

That being said, I did enjoy this. So much sass, so much action, and the characters did move forward.
I adore this series! It is amazing!

I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more.

How can you not love Charley? She has this strange but sometimes brilliant way of thinking that makes you laugh out loud half the time. And Reyes? Come on! Reyes is hot! And he's incredibly sweet a lot of the time when he's not going all sever-your-spinal-cord mad at people who hurt Charley, though that's actually kinda hot, too, come to think of it :P

I love the progression of their relationship in this one. Having wild hot sex within the first 60 pages or so? Yeah! The post-its and him buying her things. I really think he loves you, Charley, and after what you did and said during those pages, I think you love him to. Aww, you'll make an amazing couple :')

For the first time ever (I think, anyway) I actually cried while reading one of these books. That scene near the end. God! I could hardly see the words in front of me because of the tears. You should have called Reyes, though, in my opinion.

And then that cliff-hanger question of an ending?!?! Girl, you have to say YES! of course.

Eagerly awaiting book 6 now to find out what she does say.
The Loney
The Loney
Andrew Michael Hurley | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
5.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also find my review here:

<b><i>’”It’s funny, int it?” he said. “How you church people can have more faith in something that can’t be proved than something that's standing right in front of you? I suppose it comes down to seeing what you want to see, dunt it?”’</i></b>

<b>3.5 stars!</b>

I had really high hopes for this book, more because I’d been wanting to read it since before it came out than due to others reviews, so I really didn’t want it to let me down, and I can’t seem to make up my mind as to whether it did or not.

Let’s just put it this way, <b>there was a lot left unsaid.</b>

This book classes itself as a horror, but I don’t see it that way myself, though I’m not sure what genre I would place it in. There were parts of the book that did in fact freak me out and I had to stop reading it at 2am in the pitch black because I was just a tad scared but in the end there was not a lot to be scared of. Just things to be curious about.

I’ve actually found it quite difficult to write a review for this <i>(hence the very short review)</i> because I’m not sure what there is to talk about. I loved the writing of this book, the characters and the setting but I’m not sure how to feel about the plot.
The Great Dictator (1940)
The Great Dictator (1940)
1940 | Classics, Comedy, War

"I saw this one as a kid on PBS, I think. It was weird timing for that movie when it came out, and it was perceived in many different ways. I think it was probably one of the boldest statements from Charlie Chaplin. And I remember as a kid being very confused because I was terrified of Hitler. My mother’s family, her aunt, went to Auschwitz and a couple other places. And she wasn’t Jewish, but she was captured and thrown in with everybody else and went through some pretty heavy shit. So all of the stories I had heard, and the symbol of that being Hitler, was terrifying. I knew what he was trying to do, which was show the absurdity of people who have so much power built off of insecurity and what they’re willing to do, and then just showing him as an imbecile. As a kid that was an important thing to see, because it took the mickey out of something that was incredibly terrifying. I don’t think any other film can really touch what he did, and I don’t think you can really do that again. It was a first in a way, and there is not really a comparable thing in history that’s so singular that you could make fun of. So I think for me, as a kid, it was nice to know that you could disarm something so terrible. I was a huge Charlie Chaplin fan, and I loved seeing all of his slapstick comedy, but that one did me in."


Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post in Smashbomb AMA

Mar 26, 2019 (Updated Mar 26, 2019)  
Award-winning author Joanne Harris, has answered YOUR questions in Smashbomb's first AMA.

 @Katie Loves Movies asked:
How many half-finished books do you have?
Currently, two, plus one draft that still needs editing. I always tend to work on more than one thing at a time.

How do you choose your character names?
It depends on the book. Sometimes I use the credits from old episodes of DR WHO and BLAKES7. Sometimes I use the names of ex-colleagues from my teaching days.

Do you have anything unusual on your desk?
A brass frog that my grandfather used to have on his desk: a stone from a sandcastle my daughter and I built when she was nine.

 @DaveySmithy asked:
What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear it?
People who say: "I'm going to write a book when I retire."

Do you think that aliens exist?
Statistically, yes. In practical terms, I doubt we'll ever see them.

What song hits you with a wave of nostalgia every time you hear it?
The Flowerpot Men's "Let's go to San Francisco."

Does anything worry you about the 'kids of today'?
The epidemic of mental health and anxiety issues inflicted on them by the previous generation.

 @Random47 asked:
Do you write with a pen or on a machine? If either, what type?
Mostly, I write on a Microsoft Surfacebook, or in Moleskine notebooks with a Rollerball.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations?
Angela Carter, Ray Bradbury, Amelia Earhart, Audrey Hepburn, my daughter.
What books are your guilty pleasure?
I don't feel guilty about pleasures.

When did you first start writing?
When I was nine. I wrote and hand-illustrated a sixteen-page book called "Flesh-Eating Warriors of the Forbidden City", and distributed copies around my class at school.

Where are some of your favourite places to write?
My shed; the garden; trains; the penthouse of the Four Seasons in Chicago; the first class lounge at Heathrow airport; the roof of the Duomo in Milan.

 @Drayton Kool asked:
Do you prefer to write in complete silence or whilst listening to music?
Silence - music interferes with the rhythms of my writing - although I do create playlists to get into the mood.

What makes you happier - chocolate or a few margaritas?
Margaritas, every time.

On your website FAQ you mention that you love spaghetti westerns. Which is your favourite and why?
A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS - it's bleak, classic and existentially funny.

Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
Virtually any romantic hero.

On average, how long do you sleep each night?
8 hours: more, if I can get it.

 @Whatchareadin asked:
Where is your favourite place to read? To write?
I like to read in the bath, where I can't hear the phone and no-one disturbs me. When I'm at home I write in my shed, but I can write pretty much anywhere. Hotel rooms are great - there are no distractions, and you can get room service...

Which character in your books do you think you connect to most?
Loki. I was just like him when I was in my teens.

If you weren't an author, what would you be doing?
I was a teacher for fifteen years, and I was pretty good at it.

What is your favourite book of all time? Of right now?
Of all time? Probably Victor Hugo's LES MISERABLES. Right now, I'm rediscovering P.G. Wodehouse's THE INIMITABLE JEEVES, and it's sheer joy.

What are you reading now?
Christopher Fowler's THE LONELY HOUR: his Bryant & May books are so funny and deftly-written that it's easy to overlook their dark menace and the sheer gorgeous ingenuity of the plotting.

Thanks Joanne! We'd all love to see you on here again :)

Whatchareadin (174 KP) Mar 26, 2019

Thanks Joanne for answering our questions! I always enjoy getting to know authors better.