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Codename Villanelle (Killing Eve #1)
Codename Villanelle (Killing Eve #1)
Luke Jennings | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick read (0 more)
I admit that I picked this book up because I'd been watching the TV series. Unlike some others who I'd seen review this before I didn't mind too much that the book wasn't as detailed and didn't match up 100% with the TV series. You have to accept that tv/film adaptations and the original books are very different mediums and try and judge them accordingly. I must admit I don't always succeed in this myself but I usually manage better when the book comes second.

I did like the fact that the book is more focused on Villanelle rather than Eve, I liked having that different viewpoint. Definitely worth a quick read if you fancy a bit more to sit alongside the series.
The Nameless City
The Nameless City
H.P. Lovecraft | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
159 of 200
The Nameless City
By H.P. Lovecraft

The Nameless City of the story's title is an ancient ruin located somewhere in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and is older than any human civilization

As someone who isn’t very wordy and struggles with certain terms I’ve always sort of stayed away from H.P. Lovecraft but my husband installed all the Novellas onto my kindle so I thought what the hell let’s give it a go! I don’t pretend or write big long fancy reviews so this won’t be as intelligent as some you read if you read it at all!
So I enjoyed this short I felt so claustrophobic during the crawl through the hidden corridors and found myself getting involved in the story. This even to me is the whole point of writing to bring your reader into the world you’re creating. I did have to find out a few of the big words as like I said I’m not entirely sure of some of the language used! I’m not entirely hooked from one short book but I’m certainly intrigued!
The I Hate to Cook Book
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The I Hate to Cook Book starts off like this:

Some women, it is said, love to cook.
This book is not for them.

Basically, this book is for me.

The I Hate To Cook Book has tons of great recipes sorted in to simplistic chapters, each focusing on another important aspect of the chore of cooking: how to use leftovers, soups, salads, fancy meals for guests, last minute meals, cooking tips etc.

I loved the recipes in this book, and I actually (almost) want to get into a kitchen and try some of them out (usually I hand cookbooks to my mom and say “here, make this pretty please!!”). This one will stay on my shelf for… well in all honesty, I don’t ever intend to part with it. I mean, if the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, I’d better learn how to make something edible, right?


The only reason I don’t give it five stars… there aren’t any pictures. And I really need pictures… because I can’t cook. Still, the recipes are easy enough that I’d probably survive just fine. As well as any man I might attempt to feed.

I recommend The I Hate To Cook Book for anyone who… well, hates to cook but is stuck with the job.
Stephen Laws Spectre
Stephen Laws Spectre
Stephen Laws | 2013 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great storyline (2 more)
Lots of twists & turns
Supernatural theme
It ended a bit too suddenly (0 more)
Twists & turns galore! I couldn't put this book down!!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Blurb:The inseparable Byker Chapter: six boys, one girl, growing up together in the back streets of Newcastle. Now memories are all that Richard Eden has left and one treasured photograph. But suddenly, inexplicably, the images of his companions start to fade, and as they vanish, so his friends are found dead and mutilated. Something is stalking the Chapter, picking them off one by one, something connected with their past, and with the girl they used to know.


So I got this book after going to a Sci-Fi convention, I met the author who was wonderful!

This book is divided into different parts, which I think helps as it is a lot to take in and can be quite heavy going. When I started to read this, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not. The first part is pretty heavy going (the build-up) and there is a lot of information to take in and remember but once you get past this part, it then blossoms into a fabulous book with so many supernaturally frightening twists and turns, you never know which direction it is going to go in next!

Overall, I thoroughly loved this book and if you fancy something different to read then definitely read this!!
The Dream Defenders
The Dream Defenders
Neal Denhartog | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good if you fancy something different (0 more)
Have to really use imagination (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I really enjoyed this book. I loved all the different stories going on with all the different characters.
The end definitely shocked me but I like books that I can't second guess.
This isn't a genre I would normally read but when I read the blurb I got the feeling that is was going to be very similar to Desperate Housewives and I enjoyed that show. I wasn't wrong. The characters and stories were similar. The blurb gave off just enough to make me want to read the book.
The book took me a little while to get into but once I picked up who the characters were it keep me reading.
I liked getting to know the characters even if I didn't like the type of people they were but that was not a bad part of the book. It gave me compassion for some of the characters and helped me get involved in the story line.
I would definitely recommend this book to other people especially people who like desperate housewives and for anyone who loves to gossip (both telling and hearing it).
Please note I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author via Voracious Readers Only within your review.
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
I just wasted nearly 2 hours of my life.
Already having issues with Rob Zombie films after he single-handedly tried to kill the Halloween franchise, I went into this one already predisposed to not have a good time watching. But, trying to partake due to my wife's love affair with this movie series, I was open-minded and objective. And then I wasted nearly two hours of my life I'll never get back.
Make no mistake, I get the series. I get the ideas behind Zombie's pet project series. A little comedy, a little horror, a little action flick, and a little bit satire. The violence, language, and nudity is gratuitous throughout, and I am one who can enjoy some violence, language, and nudity.
But this is all nonsensical BS passed off as a film. The film has more plot holes than bullet holes in random people. The characters are caricatures, hollow vessels that carry no weight or consequences. I didn't care who died by whose hand or what happened to anyone. There was blood, gore, boobs, language, and blunts. Time passed.
I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Maybe Zombie should do another film in this series. Or maybe some other pet project that tickles his fancy. Just as long as he leaves Michael Myers and every other quality iconic character alone. Please, Rob, for the love of all that is sacred in film.
This was a very entertaining collection of stories. I was thoroughly entertained with these proposals gone awry. From Texas 1879, to Kansas 1901, there are enough laughs and gasps to go around.

I love reading novella collections because it gives you a taste of the author's style. The love of reading does have a lot to do with finding a book, genre, author "to spark your fancy". I went several years without reading much because I was trying to force myself to read a style that I just wasn't interested in. Now, I have read more in half a year than I typically read in several years put together. I have read several books by Mary Connealy, but this was my first taste of the other authors. I can honestly say that I am looking forward to reading their full length novels now. Very humorous and sprinkled with faith. This novella collection is the perfect combination of stories for any reader who loves a good western romance.
The Golden Boy Returns
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest (and not necessarily positive) review.

Having read the novella which precedes this book, I was definitely excited to jump into this one with both feet. I love this series, with all its characters and twists and turns, and this one did not disappoint. While it focuses around a character who's not in the "main group" normally described in this series, everyone is still involved, and you get more insight into the craziness that is Boston, as well as a crash course in politics and all it entails.

I had just binged the 4th season of "House of Cards" right before I started reading this book, so I was in the perfect mindset for all the politicking involved. I love seeing all the backhanded deals, the wink-and-nudge promises, and the like in HoC, and this story is a great companion. I was pulled in right away, and it didn't let up until I read the final line. Especially considering how crazy the candidates and campaigns have been for this upcoming election, this is a perfect book to show that we've really only scratched the surface of just how insane and ruthless it actually is.

Recommended for everyone who likes politics, even as a passing fancy, and for everyone else, it's still an amazing book to further this series.

5 stars =)
Pitching Tents (2017)
Pitching Tents (2017)
2017 |
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you have ever taken the time to listen to our Podcast you will have figured out that I am a big fan of Kevin Smith, John Hughes, Cameron Crowe dialogue heavy story driven movies. Throw one of those coming of age end of summer type movies and ill eat them up like a bowl of Shreddies (Other cereals are available I just happen to be eating a bowl as I write this).

Pitching Tents is exactly this type of movie. Its 1984 its the end of the school year and Danny (Micheal Grant) has very little clue what he is going to do with his life past High School, before he has to really worry about any of that he is having one last weekend at Trout Camp with his buddies. However before his weekend can really begin he is cornered by over zealous guidance counselor Mr. Mulligan (Jim Norton) who has pretty much guaranteed Danny a place at a good college. Obviously though things are never that simple because Danny’s dad (Eric Allan Kramer) has gone to the liberty of securing him a job at the local factory.


Torn between his passion for Art and his desire to please his father, Danny has a tough life choice ahead of him. Of course that can wait because a weekend of smoking weed, contemplating life, trying to get laid lies ahead of Danny and his closest friends. You know standard Dazed and Confused territory.

You could argue that there is not really anything original here and you would right, we have seen these movies before and often done better. However I personally felt the Tug of War between Danny, his father and the Counselor is an interesting spin of the teen coming of age drama. Add to this the supporting cast of friends all hugely believable and relate-able with good turns from Disney alumni BooBoo Stewart (Descendants) as Todd and everyone’s favorite child star Jonathan Lipnicki (who is all growed up nowadays) as Scott. Then there is the final third of the movie in which Danny is to make his choice and the movie shows a level of maturity rarely seen in this type of Flick. Props to director Jacob Cooney on this count.

This is a recommend if these movies take your fancy, I know they are not for everyone but personally it ticked a lot of my boxes, and its always good to see what Lipnicki is doing these days. Oh then theres the soundtrack, typical 80s movie soundtrack, but hey who doesnt love that.
Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Anyone fancy a doughnut?
If I had a pound for every time someone said they wanted a live-action Power Rangers reboot, I’d have exactly… nothing. The popular television series isn’t the first franchise that comes to mind when imagining films that’ll draw in the crowds, especially considering its era was very much the 90s.

Nevertheless, production company Lionsgate has taken the chance and given the plucky superheroes their first film in 20 years. But does this classic brand have what it takes to excite 21st Century audiences?

Five ordinary teenagers must band together to become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being obliterated by the villainous Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks). Chosen by destiny, the new heroes quickly discover they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so, they will have to overcome the issues blighting their real lives and before it’s too late, band together as the Power Rangers.

Director Dean Israelite in his second feature film crafts a gritty, modern-day reimagining of the series that manages to lose nearly all the campy fun in the process. It’s such a shame that a film as progressive as Power Rangers gets bogged down in poor pacing, expositional dialogue, messy action sequences and hilariously obvious product placement for Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

“How is it progressive” I hear you say. Well, this is the first film to feature an autistic superhero and a female protagonist who appears to be questioning her sexuality and for that Power Rangers should be given huge applause.

There is also an impressive cast. Bryan Cranston playing wise former Ranger Zordon is one of the most bizarre casting choices in recent memory. He’s certainly very good, though why he would choose a project of this nature is beyond me. The new Rangers are all fine with RJ Cyler probably coming across best as the autistic Billy Cranston.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth Banks is the only person who seems to grasp the camp, cheesy nature of the original television series. Her completely over-the-top performance is one of the best parts of the film, but it feels at odds with the darker tone that’s been set.

Pacing is also not a strong point. At 124 minutes, you’d be forgiven for thinking there’s time to pop in an origins story, a nice training montage and a climactic battle. It’s there in some form, but our heroes don’t “suit up” until the final 20 minutes which then becomes a mess of brash CGI as the film-makers try to tie up all the loose ends.

Overall, Power Rangers isn’t the royal mess it could have been. It’s stylish, progressive and well-acted with a decent storyline that desperately tries to bring this 90s pop-culture phenomena very much into the 21st Century.

Unfortunately, Lionsgate haven’t realised that retro is all the rage and in updating Power Rangers for a modern audience, they’ve lost what made the series and its films so endearing in the first place. It’s definitely better than 2015’s Fantastic Four, but Guardians of the Galaxy it isn’t.

Anyone fancy a doughnut?