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ClareR (5667 KP) rated Small Mercies in Books

May 22, 2023  
Small Mercies
Small Mercies
Dennis Lehane | 2023 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve never read Dennis Lehane before - and what a place to start! This novel is phenomenal, and I ended it thoroughly heartbroken.

1970s Boston, America, and the school districts want to merge the separate schools for black and white children. Except your average white Southie doesn’t want that to happen, and they’ll do anything to ensure that.

There are violent demonstrations, tensions boil over, and amongst all this a young black man is murdered. At the same time, Mary Pat Fennessy’s daughter goes missing. At first, these two events seem unconnected, but as Mary Pat searches for her daughter it starts to look otherwise. And somehow, the Irish mob are involved.

Mary Pat is the ultimate tiger mother. Her daughter Jules, is her only surviving child, and she’ll stop at nothing to find her - dead or alive.

This is brutal, and proves that ultimately revenge profits no one. The heat simmered off the page, as did the threatened and real violence. The writing is gorgeous despite the violence, and is a masterclass in how a writer can make the most ugly things so astonishing.

I’m expecting to see a film adaptation of this at some point - it reads like a screenplay.

This may well be my first novel by Lehane, but I doubt very much that it will be my last. Thanks for introducing me to another new-to-me author, Pigeonhole!
Dead Rising: Endgame  (2016)
Dead Rising: Endgame (2016)
2016 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There are a plethora of really shitty movies based on Games being released each year. None of them holding a candle to the source material it is based on. However each and every time I get suckered in because I want to be impressed by these attempts, as a movie fan and a gamer I need to be impressed. Lets be honest the premise of the Dead Rising games is just about absurd enough to work as a movie and with this being the second outing well have they learnt.

Based on the worldwide smash-hit video game series, Dead Rising: Endgame is the sequel to Dead Rising: Watchtower. Directed by Pat Williams (Continuum), written by Michael Ferris (Terminator Salvation) and Tim Carter (Mortal Kombat: Legacy) and starring Jesse Metcalfe, Marie Avgeropoulos and Dennis Haysbert.

Journalist Chase Carter Heads back into a quarantine zone to find the truth as to what happened to his partner. He and a small group of Journalists want to expose the creators of the outbreak. What he is going to find is a huge cover up that is going to threaten everything. General Lyons (Dennis Haysbert, President Palmer in 24 “Yaaaay”), is a Military officer who will never let anyone get in his way. Racing against the clock, Chase and crew must slice, hack and use any weapon at there disposal to find there way through the zombie hordes and out of the quarantine zone.

I really couldn’t figure out where I stood with this movie at first. I felt like I maybe should of been on the side of thinking it was hot trash. However the Dialogue all though Cheesy at times suits the world its in. The acting although not exactly Andrew Lincoln levels is pretty damn good for this type of flick. Budget and effects wise I had no complaints you could see they hadn’t cheaped out on the practical or the FX on the Zombies they were genuinely scary and brought a certain amount of originality.

I would recommend you see this movie. Go into expecting a fun action packed romp of a movie. Brad Pitts World War Z this movie is not, Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead Remake this movie also is not, but the best thing is that it knows its not those movies, it knows its a Dead Rising tie-in and it brings all of that together in this glorious fun time at the movies. Who knew Jesse Metcalfe was a total Bad Ass????

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Des in TV

Sep 20, 2020  
2020 | Crime, Drama
8.8 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Gripping and creepy
I will start off by saying I might be biased when it comes to dramas like this. I love true crime, especially ones based here in the UK. It may be because of where I work or my educational background, or just because true crime is a fascinating subject. Whatever the reason, I've heard about Dennis Nilsen before and this short series is a truly excellent depiction of him and his crimes.

Right from the start this is a gripping and chilling watch. It has a slow pace but fortunately not enough that it ever drags too much. The soundtrack in this is often haunting and really enhances the tension and suspense, as well as giving you the creeps. And speaking of giving you the creeps, whilst the rest of the cast are very good, the standout is by far David Tennant as the ridiculously creepy Nilsen. He really gives you the chills and watching this you're almost in disbelief that Nilsen was this nonchalant and manipulative. But if you'd watched the "Real Des" documentary shown after this series finished, you'd see that this was actually have Nilsen was. And not only that, but Tennant embodies him perfectly - in looks, accent and general manner and behaviours. I couldn't imagine anyone else playing him so well.

This might not be a pleasant watch for many as whilst it's still a dramatisation, it does go into some gruesome and rather horrific detail on Nilsen's crimes. But it's worth watching for Tennant's stellar performance if nothing else.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Under the Radar in Books

Apr 25, 2024 (Updated Apr 25, 2024)  
Under the Radar
Under the Radar
Annette Dashofy | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Zoe and Pete Target the Right Killer?
When Zoe Chambers is called to the scene of a shooting, she is surprised to find the shooter is Horace Pavelka, a friend from high school. Horace has confessed to shooting Dennis Culp, a man who has bullied and abused him since they were in school together. The evidence for self-defense is compelling, so Pete Adams lets Horace go. However, Horace has only been out a couple of hours when another of his tormentors winds up dead and everyone on the case seems to go missing. Can Pete find any of his suspects? Will Zoe be able to prove her friend innocent?

This author has a way of pulling you in from the first page, and this book is no exception. The book has several strong subplots that make for even more compelling reading. There was one twist I didn’t quite feel was earned, but that’s a minor issue. Things come together for a tense and logical climax. The characters are strong as always, and I love watching Zoe and Pete’s relationship deepen. This is a little darker than my typical cozies, but as long as you know this going in, you’ll be fine. Once again, we spend equal time in Zoe and Pete’s heads, allowing the suspense to grow as they work on things from different angles. Fans who haven’t read this one yet are in for a treat, and if you’ve missed this series, be sure to start it soon.

Mike Wilder (20 KP) rated Rage (2009) in Movies

May 30, 2018  
Rage (2009)
Rage (2009)
2009 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you get the option to see this film you really should take the chance.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I started out making a blog for movie reviews a short while ago for the purpose of making reviews for fans. However, I didn't expect to be sent films to review so soon. I was put in touch with film maker Chris Witherspoon, he is promoting an independent film that he wrote, produced, directed and starred in called Rage. He sent me a copy and asked if I would review it for him. Happily I accepted. This is what being a film critic and reviewer is all about. Then I started to think, an independent film? There are a lot of them around and a lot of them are made by people that believe they possess the talent and ability to make a film, but in reality they fall far short of the mark. To get a good and unbiased opinion of the film I only watched the trailer for it, I left all the promotional material I received alone. The film arrived and with a fair amount of trepidation I put it on.

The film is about Dennis, a struggling writer with a loving wife Crystal (Audrey Walker) and a mistress Dana (Anna Lodej). Heading out one day he encounters a figure on a motorcycle in a car park. Pushing the encounter to one side he meets up with Dana. During the meeting he tells her that he loves his wife and breaks off the affair. She doesn't take it all that well. Once back in his car he encounters the biker again and this time the biker scratches his car and rides off. This leads to a game of cat and mouse, where at first Dennis hunts the biker down but the confrontations escalate and Dennis is soon in fear for his life. He now believes that the biker is a former boyfriend of his now ex-lover out for revenge. The biker arrives at Dennis's home and things turn deadly.

I went into this with a very open mind. I knew this was an independent film and I didn't expect too much from it. I find this is the best way to view new films. The film started off well with good introductions to the main characters but by the time the second encounter with the biker happened I found myself drawn in to the film. I forgot all about reviewing the film and got engrossed into the story. The film finished and not for a single moment did I feel bored. The pacing of the film is great, the story progresses well and the characters are well written and acted. The biker is menacing and all the more so because you don't really know his motives. The direction is professional and makes good use of lighting and colouring. The effects are very well utilised during the films climax. But the best thing about the movie was the way the story kept you guessing. I thought I had the plot figured out about 5 different times but each time I was wrong. That's what makes a good thriller/horror. There is one particular scene that was emotionally hard to watch but its place in the film drives the story and the terror forward to a new level.

You can see with this film that Chris Witherspoon is a very talented film maker. I wish him luck and hope this film has the desired effect and someone takes a chance on his abilities. I would love to see what he could to with a studio backing him. After all Spielberg started out with a movie called Duel about a truck pursuing and terrorising someone.

If you get the chance to see this film you really should take the chance. If you do you will see the start of hopefully a very successful film maker.