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His and Hers
His and Hers
Alice Feeney | 2020 | Crime
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will keep you guessing until the big reveal
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

There are three sides to every story, his, hers, and the truth. In Alice Feeney's latest, His & Hers, there is his, hers, and a killer out for vengeance.

Narrators Richard Armitage and Stephanie Racine skillfully bring Feeney's thriller to life as a detective and his news journalist ex-wife who are separately trying to solve/report the murders of people from their past while trying to stay out of the crosshairs of a serial killer on a mission. The chapters alternate between DCI Jack Harper and Anna Andrews, which allows us to see the story from both sides as it unfolds. The killer, using a voice disguiser, breaks the fourth wall to explain his/her reasons.

Because of Feeney's clever writing, I was unable to figure out the killer until the big reveal. I switched suspects with each suspenseful chapter I read. Her red herrings were flawless.

Richard Armitage is an actor and audio-book narrator known for his role as Thorin in The Hobbit trilogy. Stephanie Racine narrated numerous novels, including Feeney's three best-sellers, Sometimes I Lie, I Know Who You Are, and His & Hers.

Goodreads lists Feeney's next novel, as of yet untitled, to be released in 2021.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/28/20.
Eversworn ( Daughters of Askara book 3)
Eversworn ( Daughters of Askara book 3)
Hailey Edwards | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
168 of 230
Eversworn ( Daughters is Askara book 3)
By Hailey Edwards


When an exchange of stolen goods in the Feriana marketplace turns sour, Isabeau stumbles from the encounter bruised and laden with new orders to complete an even larger heist. With her child’s life at stake, there’s no room for error—or allies.

Armed with a lethal book of spells, she strikes a dangerous bargain with Roland Bernhard. Steal a shipment of salt from the Feriana colony, and she’ll have her freedom—and her daughter. It’s all she’s ever wanted. At least it was…until she runs into Dillon Preston.

Dillon is out of commission after a mine explosion, and itching for a distraction. He gets it when the female who saved his leg arrives at the colony with nothing but flimsy excuses and even flimsier attire. She’s after something, but is it him—or the salt?

Trapped in a desperate bid to gain true freedom, Isabeau is willing to sacrifice her life for her daughter’s, but Dillon has other plans. He wants a package deal, and he’s not willing to lose either female, even if it means the future king of Sere’s head will roll.

That was much better I think I just really don’t like Emma or Harper! So this is Dillon Isabeau’s story and I really enjoyed it. He’s a grumpy guy who final warms through. This was an easy read and a decent continuation of the series.
The Diary of Pelly D
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book while browsing at my local library. i tried reading it once, and it seemed so trivial and unimportant. i returned it and forgot about it.

a year later, i saw it again and thought "what every happened to Pelly D after she got kicked out of her holo-pool and lost her street-side friend?" so i borrowed it again and read it through in a few hours.

i got a lot more out of it the second time, i'll say that much right away.

this book has a lot of hidden messages in it, and it's not something you can really say in words, let alone out loud. so the author used this book to paint a picture of something. it's more than fiction, it's a statement. like Orwel's <i> 1984,</i> or Harper Lee's <i> To Kill a Mocking Bird </i>. it's main focus isn't Pelly D, it's actually judgment, prejudice, and politics.

but, it also has the lighthearted addition of a teenage girl who really couldn't give a rat's poo about anyone but herself.

i won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but i will recommend it. i'll also say this: the ending is good, but it doesn't wrap up the story like most books do. it's well written (aside from the missing letters, which is part of the futuristic style of speech and writing used in the book. example: "v" instead of "very" or "cd" instead of "could.") and the characters are very real.

take a step forward, go onward and upward, and plunge into a very deep book.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Weyward in Books

Mar 4, 2023  
Emilia Hart | 2023 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book held me in its spell from start to finish. Is that a bit too corny, considering it’s about witches? Actually, I don’t care, because it’s true!

It’s spellbinding, in fact.

Three generations of witches tell the stories of how they came into their power despite the interference of society and men (mainly men though 🤷🏼‍♀️).
In 1619, Altha Weyward is on trial for witchcraft, and whilst she’s in the towns prison she reminisces over her mother, her life before, everything she has learnt and the circumstances that led up to her incarceration. Altha had the knowledge needed to help people, but that same knowledge put her in danger from the church and general ignorance (and we can’t have women knowing more than men, can we!)

In 1942, Violet Ayres lives a very restricted life, tucked away from the rest of the world in her family home. She has only two clues about her heritage: her dead mothers locket with a “W” inscribed and the word “Weyward” scratched into the skirting board under her bed.

2019, Kate Ayres escapes a violent relationship in London and flees to Weyward cottage - the house her Aunt Violet had left her in her will. It’s a wild, unkempt, rundown house and garden, but it’s what Kate needs. She finds Altha’s diaries, some writings from Violet, and begins to learn about her true inheritance.

I just loved this book so much. Women taking control of their lives away from the men who would control them. Nature and magic is woven throughout, and nothing feels far-fetched or unbelievable.

I loved the alternating chapters between the three women, and this was probably the main reason why I couldn’t put it down. I needed to know what was going to happen to each of them next.

What more can I say? This WILL be high up in my favourite books this year. And to have read it in February!! How lucky am I!

I can’t wait to see what Emilia Hart writes next.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK for my ebook copy of this book to read and review. Of course these are my own opinions!
Force of Nature (Aaron Falk #2)
Force of Nature (Aaron Falk #2)
Jane Harper | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspenseful (2 more)
Tense and fascinating
Intricate characters
Sucks you in immediately
Aaron Falk doesn't receive the voicemail until the morning. It's mostly garbled anyway, but he feels like he hears the strains of "hurt her" at the end. He doesn't think much of it until the woman who left the message, Alice Russell, doesn't return from a corporate retreat. Alice and four of her female colleagues went into the woods together. But when the women come out--bruised and battered--Alice isn't with them. Their stories don't quite match up about what happened, either. Aaron joins the investigation about Alice's disappearance as she's related to a case he's working with his partner, Carmen. He quickly realizes that nothing is as it seems deep inside the bushland. But is Alice simply missing, or worse?

I absolutely adored Jane Harper's first Aaron Falk novel, The Dry, and was really excited to see Aaron back again. He's a wonderful, complex character. Indeed, all the characters in THE DRY were so intricate and deep. Here, I was definitely sucked into the world Harper created again. I won't lie, beyond Aaron, most of the characters in FORCE OF NATURE are not easy to like. The five women who head off on this retreat are often despicable, whiny, and just plain mean. But, as the novel continues, we learn more about their motives and what drives them to act as they do. They may still be, well, despicable and mean, but there's a reason for it. There is no unformed character in a Jane Harper novel. Each comes with a backstory and a reason for every action.

It's nearly impossible not to get sucked into this book. The chapters alternate between the present, from Aaron's point of view as he tries to unravel things, and then flip to the near-past, slowly ticking down the events of the women at the retreat. The result is a nearly unbearable suspense at times, where I found myself wanting to scream, "What happened to Alice?!!" It's a slow, tense, fascinating build as we watch things fall apart for the group--getting lost in the deep woods--and seeing events unfold from there. We also see Aaron figuring out his own chain of events. The format works quite persuasively. Even better is that we get Aaron and Carmen's financial investigation thrown in as well. It adds a nuanced layer to the plot and the overall apprehension.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. The characters are complex, and I really liked how their intricate personal lives intertwined. I'm not sure I loved this one quite as much as THE DRY, but part of that is because you can never quite replicate the joy and surprise of discovering a new, talented author again. Nonetheless, this is a great thriller that keeps you guessing with its nuanced characters. I certainly hope Aaron will be back for a third book.
Tuesday Mooney Wore Black
Tuesday Mooney Wore Black
Kate Racculia | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book, which is packed with genuinely likeable characters and a mystery to solve. Tuesday Mooney is a bit of an enigma - at least to her gay best friend, Dex. She gives little away about herself, and tries to live apart from other people when she isn’t at work researching rich people who can make charitable donations to the hospital she works at. She loves all things gothic and horror. At a fundraising event, she meets Archie, a rich, possible-contributor to the hospital, and witnesses the death of the eccentric billionaire Vincent Pryce (not to be confused with Vincent Price!). Mr Pryce then sets in motion a treasure hunt across Boston, for anyone to take part in and potentially win a fortune. The clues are inspired by Edgar Allan Poe - something that Tuesday very much appreciates. She starts up a team with Archie (who is not at all who he seems to be), Dex and her teenaged Tuesday-wannabe next door neighbour, Dorry.

Tuesday’s backstory is fascinating and sad in equal measure, and it’s fortunate that she meets Dorry, a girl who misses her dead mother terribly. Tuesday misses her best friend Abby, who went missing without a trace as a 16/17 year old.

On the front cover, this looks as though it will be a YA paranormal/ horror novel. It’s not. There’s a smattering of the paranormal perhaps, but it’s certainly not a main theme. This is a mystery, where we also learn that to be yourself is the most important thing in life - as is friendship. I loved this book, and practically inhaled it on a long train journey. It’s a bit quirky, but it has a lot of heart (and hey, I like quirky!). Highly recommended.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my copy of this book to read and review!
Smith&#039;s Corner: Delilah &amp; Dallas (The Heartwood Series #1)
Smith's Corner: Delilah & Dallas (The Heartwood Series #1)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
SMITH'S CORNER: DELILAH & DALLAS is the first book in the Heartwood series. Delilah is young but with a mature head on her shoulders. She knows what she wants to do and isn't afraid to work hard to get it. Dallas is older and has played the field, but when Delilah arrives on the scene, his playboy days are over, his eyes and heart are now Delilah's if only he can convince her to take a chance on him.

This was a great story that took the unusual turn of knowing who the stalker was but waiting for him to be caught. I loved that as it didn't detract from the main story, but also kept you on your toes for the next time he would turn up.

There were a couple of minor issues that I didn't understand, but that in no way detracted from the story. It's definitely a case of it's me, not the story! I loved all the brothers and hope we get all of them. Layla and Levi are up next, but I have high hopes for Ash and Alora, Stone and Storm, Holden and Harper, but no idea yet about Fox, and I really REALLY want his story. Of course, these may not be the official couples, but are the ones I have in my head!

With a smooth pace throughout, this story definitely kept my attention. With some steamy moments, along with banter between the brothers, the pages turned themselves.

Absolutely recommended by me, and I can't wait to continue the series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 17, 2021
Schoolgirl Missing
Schoolgirl Missing
Sue Fortin | 2019 | Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Palm Sweaty Thriller!
Holy Smokes. That's all I can say to start this review off with. Sue Fortin is a new-to-me author. I was browsing for some thriller novels to review and saw the cover of this one. It caught my eye. So, I proceeded to do something I don't often do. That's read the blurb. I read the blurb, dropped my jaw, sent it to my Kindle and devoured it. I don't mean I devoured it in one sitting. It was through a few sittings. Because with this book, I had to keep stopping to process all that I read, to pick the bones, so to speak.

This isn't your normal psych thriller. This is so much more. Poppy, Neve, Kit, and all the other characters that come to light in this story will have your heart pounding, your hands sweaty and your seat tipping from being on the edge of it for so long through the story. This is a story about a family. Not an ordinary family. A family full of secrets. A family that takes a trip, and has the unexpected happen, and only one person in this book, knows the absolute truth of what happened to Poppy.....and why.

Just when I thought I had it figured out, just when I thought I knew who was getting their way in the story, Fortin through another twist and left me back pedaling to figure it out all over again. That's the kind of writing that makes a phenomenal thriller novel. So many peaks, only to have so many twists thrown at you to leave you wondering just what exactly is going on and who did it.

By the end of this 5 star thriller, I was ready for another. This book is filled with intensity like I haven't read in a while. It is, by far, one of the best books I've read this year. If you are looking for a novel that will make you sweat, make you mad, make you turn the pages long into the night, then I highly recommend this novel. This is an author who has quickly made me a fan and I absolutely can not wait until another intricately written novel is released by her. Well done, Fortin!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Collins, NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Final Destination 5 (2011)
Final Destination 5 (2011)
2011 | Horror
7.3 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Director Steven Quale brings us the latest bloody installment of the “Final Destination” series 5 in 3D.
In this installment Sam Lawton (Nicholas D’Agosto) and his girlfriend Molly Harper (Emma Bell), work in the same office with their friends and boss Dennis (David Koechner).

Sam has been offered an apprenticeship in Paris as a cook and though this has been Sam’s dream Molly feels that she is holding him back. This becomes awkward for the both of them as this happens right before they leave for a conference with their co-workers.

As with past films in the series, Sam has a vision of a very gruesome accident that kills him and his friends in a very grisly manner, this time through a bridge accident.

Sam awakens from his vision and manages to get several of his friends and his boss to safety before the accident happens. Despite being unable to explain how he saw the accident coming to his friends and the local authorities, Sam and his friends are thankful to be alive.

As fans of the series know, death does not like to be cheated, and one by one the survivors die in a series of freak accidents. In a race against time, they must follow the advice of a creepy medical examiner (Tony Todd), who advises them they must find someone to replace them in order to escape their fate.

What follows is a gory thrill ride that should delight fans of the series old and new.

Final Destination 5 is the perfect ending to a long and drawn out series of events. In Final Destination 4 is almost seemed as though the series would just keep going and we would see the same old story plot.
After the first two movies the sequels to those became dull and boring for me as how often can you play out the same formula? This time out, the deaths are over the top and cringe worthy and have breathed a new life into the franchise. Sure the acting is bad, but I would ask if anyone has ever gone to see any of the movies in the series for the acting?

For me it is all about the blood and guts with the outrageous death scenes and in this regard “Final Destination 5” delivers.

The studio made a very wise decision to film the entire movie in 3D rather than converting it after the fact as the opening title sequence alone is amazing with tons of glass and other objects floating in front of you in a menacing fashion.

The movie in a whole with its cheesy lines and absolutely horrible acting is made up for with the 3D effects. You will find yourself laughing often as the film plays up the humor and shock value instead of the frights. Be sure to pay close attention to references of past “Final Destination” movies as this chapter has a nice way to connect itself to the previous films. If you go to the theater with low expectations which most of you probably will you will sure to be blown away by this latest outing as this movie will provide you with great entertainment and is a must see in 3D!
I know this series has some issues that people will struggle with. The bullying is pretty bad at times and some of the stuff these kids got up to when they were 15? I cringe remembering but this is the fourth and final book of the series so something about it has kept me hooked.

Marnye is entering her final year of Burberry Prep. She wants to graduate the top of her class and head off to her dream university, Bornstead. If the five boys she's torn between follow her there then that's a bonus for her. Her mission is to bring down the remaining Bluebloods and to stop bullying at the school and the Infinity Clubs influence. Nothing is ever easy, though. I'm also not going to go into any more detail as it will totally spoil the story for you.

I'll hold my hand up and say that the two Z's - Zach and Zayd have always been my favourites but we see a softer side to all of them in this and I truly - FINALLY! - believe that the boys care for her. Even Tristan, who's cold and stiff most of the time, had a really nice scene in this with Marnye and I actually softened a lot towards him. Creed is still the "look bored while totally caring" one but he did have a few cute scenes with Maryne, too. And then finally Windsor, the Prince. I'd liked him all along but I never quite understood his fascination with Marnye when he finally arrived at the school so he was never going to be top of my list. Above is probably my preferred order of the boys, which is a little strange BUT at the end of the book there's an Author's Note where she mentions being interested in doing an older series following this group as they head off to University as there little group of six and I have to say I am interested in that!

So, yeah. The series has grown on me a lot since that first one where when I started the second book it was all about Marnye getting her revenge on the Idols for the crap they'd pulled.

My rating is only a 3.5 for this as I do feel a bit like the ending wasn't entirely finished, though Harper du Pont did get what she deserved.

This is a little messed up initially but if you like bully romances and reverse harem books then you should totally give this a go and stick it out after the slightly cringe-worthy sex scenes and evil plots.