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Synopsis: Jennifer Dukes Lee never thought she struggled with control. As long as everything went exactly the way she wanted it to, she was totally flexible.

But then Jennifer discovered what happens when you try to wrap your arms around everything, thinking it’s all on you: You get burned out on hustle. You toss and turn more at night, and you laugh less during the day. You’re so busy—caring, serving, working, and trying so hard—that you can’t even hear God’s voice anymore.

It’s All Under Control is a book for every woman who is hanging on tight and trying to get each day right—yet finding that life often feels out of control and chaotic. Join Jennifer on the journey of learning how to:

Overcome the anxieties and worries that burden your heart
Prioritize your busy life so you can make choices that align with God’s best for you
Find freedom through a new “Do, Delegate, or Dismiss” approach to your daily tasks
Let go of what God has not asked you to do, so you can shine at what he has
Discover a new way of living that will free you to be you, and finally experience the peace of knowing a God who truly has it all under control.

My Thoughts: This book will not disappoint you! This is a book for anyone who feels like the world is pressing in on them, a person who has to be in control of every aspect of their lives.

For a lot of us, it is hard to let go of the reins and let God take control. In this book, author Jennifer Dukes Lee takes us on a journey to show us how to let God take back the control He needs in our lives.

I highly recommend this book, if you find yourself full of busyness, or say you're too busy to read it.. then you need it!
Murder in Chinatown
Murder in Chinatown
Victoria Thompson | 2007 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Missing Girl Leads to Murder
After a recent close call, midwife Sarah Brandt has vowed to stay away from solving crimes and getting involved in anything dangerous. However, she is in Chinatown with the Lee family since Cora Lee is about to give birth and gets a front row to the family drama unfolding. Cora’s niece, Angel, is upset that her father has arranged a marriage for her to an older man and runs away. The family is frantic to find her because the city is no place for a fifteen-year-old to be alone. While the family does find her, she turns up dead a few days later. Sarah manages to get NYPD Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy involved in the case because she fears other police won’t care to fully investigate given who the victim was. But can Malloy figure it out? Will Sarah get involved despite her promise to stay away from murder?

Once again, we are expertly transported back to 1890’s New York City. Along with our normal glimpses of life during the time period, we get to see a bit of how the Chinese were treated during the time; unfortunately, it isn’t pretty. However, the book never stops to preach at us, instead working this in during the mystery. The case itself is strong with plenty of twists to keep us entertained until the end. I thought I had a few things figured out, but I discovered I was wrong when I reached the logical ending. Sarah, in her efforts to stay out of the case, isn’t quite as involved as Frank, but she still has plenty to contribute. Both are great lead characters, and I enjoyed spending time with the regular supporting players as well as meeting the new characters introduced here. We get some advancement on a couple of on-going storylines, and it looks like one of them will be the main focus of the next in the series. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing where that leads.
Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Not even two Will Smiths can save it.
"Gemini Man (2019)" is a blend of action, drama, crime and sci-fi, and tells the story of Henry Brogan (portrayed by Will Smith), the world's most renowned assassin who is looking to retire from the government agency he's been working for.

When he finds out his last job wasn't all it seemed, he starts asking questions, which quickly prompts the agency to try and retire him themselves. We know from the trailers that a younger clone of himself is sent to kill him, and so begins a typical cat-and-mouse gunfight across the globe.


I was really disappointed with this film. It had so much potential - a strong lead with great support from Clive Owen (in fine antagonistic form), Benedict Wong (playing another Wong-esque character) and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (in a commanding, if at times a little bland, outing). But even a good turn from Mr. Smith can't stop it from ultimately becoming a victim of its own ambition.

The plot isn't especially original, but has a nice twist to it that sets it apart. However, it loses itself halfway through, becoming convoluted and indecipherable, seemingly even for the cast. Nothing feels like it has any meaning, and the promising start was soon forgotten in favour of one set piece after another.

And speaking of the set pieces, whilst the action and choreography is really good, the scenes with Will Smith vs. Will Smith (both fighting and talking) are ruined by poor CGI. It's too obviously computer-generated. To me, good CGI looks integrated into the real life scenes, but this stands out like a video game. The action scenes in particular are way too fast and unrealistic. It's like they're trying to recreate the gritty, hard-hitting pace and tone of the Bourne films, but end up with The Matrix being playing on fast forward.

Ang Lee is the kind of director who either wins big (see "Life Of Pi (2012)") or loses big (see "Hulk (2003)"). I don't know where the blame lies here. The script wasn't particularly bad. The direction was... okay. But nothing seemed to gel. It had all the right ingredients and should've been great, yet it fails in every aspect.

This could've been one of the year's best blockbusters... sadly, it's a forgettable tale that Will Smith will likely want wiping from his IMDB profile.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Simu liu (2 more)
Tony leung
Watched today I knew enough about the character going into the film knew he was created in the 70s at the height of King fu movies and Bruce Lee in particular I'm glad I've seen the film it ticks all my boxes for action movies best scene got to be the bus fight the cheography on the fight superb. On to the acting simu liu was standout as shang - chi even awkwfina even her character could get annoying at times but she was still good but now on the villain played by Tony leung who steals the show as the sympathetic villain u know he was doing wrong but u see it from his point of he fought he was doing right. I won't give any spoilers but there is a surprise appease from someone u will know who I mean when u see it and no its not wong. overall good movie definitely needs a sequel.
An Acceptable Loss (2018)
An Acceptable Loss (2018)
2018 | Drama, Thriller
Story: An Acceptable Loss starts as Libby (Sumpter) takes a new job in education, her former career saw her working under the Vice President Rachel (Curtis) being part of a campaign known as ‘Total Victory’ which saw her career change. Libby’s new job shows how she doesn’t have any forms of communication and one of the students Martin (Tavassoli) has taken an extra interest in her life, following her around, spying her on her.

Rachel now being President sends her Chief of Staff Adrian (Hephner) and former lover of Libby to make sure she isn’t going to spill the beans on what happened in this case, all while Libby is trying to make sure she can just get on with her life.


Thoughts on An Acceptable Loss


Characters – Libby once worked for the Vice President on one of the most controversial projects in defence and dealing with potential terrorist against America, she has left this job because of what happened trying to find a new career in education, she wants to stay off the radar with how she lives, which sees her avoid her former colleagues and fellow members of the faculty. Rachel is the former Vice-President, now President who is trying to tie up the loose ends of operation Total Victory, this will see her challenge Libby on whether she will expose the truth of her actions. Martin is a student that has taken an interest in Libby following her around spying on her looking for some kind of answer. Adrian is the Chief of Staff and former lover of Libby’s, he has been assigned to keep Libby quiet.

Performances – Tika Sumpter does give us a strong performance, we do see how her guilt is controlling her life, while showing how she will do what she can to fix her mistake. Jamie Lee Curtis is the star of the film because every time she is on camera we seeing everything upped to the next level. Ben Tavassoli and Jeff Hepnher both complete the main cast and both do a solid enough role.

Story – The story follows a former staff worker for the Vice President and one of the major parts of a project which saw many people killed, she has moved on with her life away from politics, hoping to one day tell the truth against the now current President. This story is a heavy political set up which shows us just how they will do anything to cover up any secrets, the story does jump around between the two times and careers that Libby has which does just come and go way to often. The problem with this story comes from the fact this could have been a lot more intense because of the subject matter we are going into.

Thriller – The could be a thriller that is truly one of the most intense movies of the year, because the subject could have been showing bigger consequences instead of a couple of friendly conversations.

Settings – The film is set in the everyday location, it shows how easy it could be to get people coming after somebody who might hold a secret.

Scene of the Movie – Jamie Lee Curtis scenes.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It does become very predictable.

Final Thoughts – This is a predictable thriller that does tackle a bigger subject matter that goes through cover ups, we are saved by Jamie Lee Curtis scene stealing performance.


Overall: Predictable, through entertaining.
Black Rose
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars

A story about an abduction, a crazy rapist who enjoys torturing young girls and one couples fight to be with each other again, Black Rose is so much more than what is advertised on the summary. Incorporating all aspects of human emotion, Thompson pulls you into her story from the beginning and leaves you holding your breath for the happy ever after you so desperately want, but fear will never arrive.

I was hooked from the very beginning of this story. I am the first to admit IÕve not read a thriller like this in a long while, but I fell easily back into the genre and loved ThompsonÕs way of telling the story. The dual perspectives of both Richard and Lee were incredibly well written and enabled you to see the story from all sides, meaning your mind was free to ponder what ÔHeÕ was going to do next. This also makes for really compelling reading because the moment you finish hearing about Lee, youÕre on tenterhooks as to what is happening to her whilst youÕre following Richard and vice versa. So many times whilst reading this I ended up with a kindle falling on my face because I just simply couldnÕt put it down.

ThereÕs a great deal of sisterhood between the girls that are trapped, and this could have easily come across as cheesy or overdone, but Thompson had an excellent range of characters, all adding to the dynamic of what must have been a terrible experience for them. The fact they developed the bond in such hardship is remarkable, but to see the sisterhood continue through the many trials and tribulations they experience is fantastic. I canÕt say itÕs a pleasure to read, because their circumstances are grim to say the least, but there was comfort in knowing they had found friendship and a way to survive.

I touched on it, but the characters are phenomenally well written and developed. Lee as the lead character is a true inspiration and her very soul is laid bare so many times that the reader really does empathise with her and want to know every little detail I possibly can. Anna, Kandace, Ruth and the other girls are equally as well written, but Lee really does steal the show. Richard is enjoyable to read, if not a little over dependent on Lee at times, but his devotion to her is a different angle to read and his determination to find her is well written.

Without providing too many spoilers, it was a pleasure to read a story and actually have it conclude in a way you get to see the characters ÔwholeÕ again is definitely very much to my liking! I feel like we got to see a natural conclusion to the story, and that made me feel much calmer and fulfilled at the end of reading. My own niggle was that I would have perhaps liked it to last a bit longer and feel it could have potentially been two books with a lovely little cliff hanger in the middle.

With all that said, I thoroughly enjoyed Black Rose, found it captivating, dark, thrilling and very well written. Congratulations to Thompson on a good story well told.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
For Spacious Skies: Katharine Lee Bates and the Inspiration for "America the Beautiful"
For Spacious Skies: Katharine Lee Bates and the Inspiration for "America the Beautiful"
Nancy Churnin, Olga Baumert | 2020 | Biography, Children, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
I usually don't judge a book by its cover, but I'm not going to lie. When I saw the gorgeous cover for Nancy Churnin's children's book For Spacious Skies, I fell in love with the cover and knew I had to read the book. I'm really glad I did because everything about it was fantastic, and I even learned a few things I had never known about the song America the Beautiful and its creator, Katharine Lee Bates.

For Spacious Skies tells the condensed biography of Katharine Lee Bates, the creator of the song America the Beautiful although when it was written, it was originally a poem. Katharine Lee Bates comes across as a fantastic person. She lived in a time when men were seen as being far superior than women, but she didn't let that stop her from getting an education and being a voice for those that felt they had no voice.

I admit that I didn't know the history behind America the Beautiful, so this book was the perfect starting point. I think my favorite fact in the book was that Katharine Lee Bates never wanted or accepted any payment for penning America the Beautiful. She just wanted to give something back to the country she loved so much.

This is a biography picture book for older children, and I believe that it's written in a way that speaks to children and will draw in their attention quite easily. The length is perfect, and the wording is fantastic. Everything flows perfectly. I also liked the fact that Nancy Churnin includes an author's note as well as a timeline of Katharine's life and accomplishments at the end. The author's note goes into a little more detail about Katharine's life which is great for adults, children who want to learn a bit more, or for a discussion. The timeline makes it easy to picture events as they happened.

The illustrations in For Spacious Skies are absolutely breathtaking! Olga Baumert is the illustrator, and her talent shines through in every page. Each illustration is full of detail and really helps to drive the story. Although my 5 year old was a little young for this book, he did love the illustrations in it and even asked if we could just look at the pictures as they are quite colorful and really draw you in. Seriously, I could go on and on about amazing the illustrations are, but it's better if you just pick up a copy of the book yourself to see what I'm talking about.

Overall, I feel that For Spacious Skies is the ultimate girl power book. Katharine Lee Bates was obviously a force to be reckoned with according to this book. If you're looking for a book with a strong female and beautiful illustrations, pick up a copy of For Spacious Skies. I would definitely recommend For Spacious Skies by Nancy Churnin to adults and children aged 8 and older. I feel as if this book needs to be required reading in all elementary schools and should be in every school library. That's how good and informative it is. Grab a copy, and see for yourself!
(A special thank you to Edelweiss for an eBook copy of For Spacious Skies and to Nancy Churnin and Lone Star Literary Life for a hardback copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Men in Black III (2012)
Men in Black III (2012)
2012 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.1 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fifteen years after bursting onto the scene, award winning actors Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are back in black in Men In Black 3! Alien-busting agents J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones) are here once again to protect the galaxy, and the people of Earth, in this action-packed, hilarious and attention-grabbing adventure that is sure to redeem itself from its previous sequel flop.

Men In Black 3 features a time travel plot, with a comedic twist, that focuses on the relationship between Agent J, and surly old character, Agent K. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones have fantastic and seamless chemistry that makes it easy to dispel disbelief and emerse yourself into this secret world of aliens among us.

The film starts off with what seams like a casual conversation, between wise cracking charismatic Agent J and always grumpy Agent K, but soon leads to Agent K stonewalling J’s questions about K’s past by stating, “Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to.” As Will Smith’s character persists, our curiosity grows, and a conspiracy of a cover up and clues to Agent K’s dark past unfolds.

Meanwhile, one of the most feared criminals in the galaxy, Boris the Animal (Jemaine Clement), has just escaped from a maximum security prison that was built on the moon to detain him. Boris wants nothing more than to seek revenge on the person responsible for his 40 year incarceration and kill the man responsible for the loss of his arm, Agent K. Through a murderous rage Boris secures a time travel device and jumps back in time to 1969, where he rewrites history by killing K in hopes that his Boglodite alien kind will fulfill their mission to use and destroy present day Earth. The only person aware that time has been altered is, of course, Agent J who ends up traveling back in time to stop Boris the Animal. In doing so, Agent J unites with the younger Agent K (Josh Brolin) and has to work together to ultimately save mankind. Josh Brolin’s performance was spot on. He gave an uncanny impression of Jones, right down to the mannerisms and facial expressions. He was very entertaining to watch.

When I first heard about a third Men in Black movie, I didn’t expect much out of this 10 year dormant franchise. Mainly because the second movie left so little to be desired, due to its horrible storyline and less than stellar performances by the lead characters. I honestly cannot remember a single enjoyable moment from Men in Black 2, someone must have neuralized me!

Barry Sonnenfeld is back in the director’s seat, hoping to redeem himself from the disaster that was Men in Black 2. He attempts to return to the original formula that made the first Men in Black movie fun, original and entertaining. Proving to have succeeded in creating a more worthwhile storyline, there are however moments within the movie that seem a bit thrown together, times in the plot that could have been expanded upon but may have ended up on the editing room floor.

Kudos to the special effects and art direction team for once again creating amusingly and outlandish aliens that were the real stars of the show. The special effects, such as Boris’ dart spitting spider-like creature that lives inside his hand, were particularly gruesome.

Both Sonnenfeld and Smith, who serve as producers, were aiming at providing more substance to the third installment. They wanted to delve into the relationship between J and K and why K has such a bitter and distant persona, especially after having been partners for 15 years. The real reasons will shock you. I won’t spoil the surprising end, but it was a touching twist that I did not see coming. It made me appreciate both characters and had me walking out of the theater feeling pumped up from all of the action, giddy from all of the laughs and moved from the heartfelt ending. They pulled it off without being sappy, a well rounded action comedy, suitable for the whole family.
Yule Log Murder
Yule Log Murder
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Put on a Yule Log and Curl Up with this Novella Collection
This book contains three Christmas mystery novellas by three different mystery authors featuring their main sleuths. Up first is the title story by Leslie Meier as Lucy Stone tries to figure out how a young woman died on the set of a movie being filmed in town. Next comes "Death by Yule Log" by Lee Hollis. In this story, Hayley Powell meets her daughter's new boyfriend. While she is less than impressed with him, she begins to poke around when he is accused of murder. Finally comes "Logged On" by Barbara Ross. Christmas is approaching, and Julia Snowden is determined to make a great yule log to impress her boyfriend's family. She's so desperate she gets help from Mrs. St. Onge, an unpleasant neighbor everyone agrees makes the best yule log cakes around. Only, something seems off. Can Julia figure out what is going on?

Fans of any of these authors will want to pick up this book. All three feature strong mysteries. Each story is around 100 pages, yet still feature some good twists and surprises that kept the pages flying. I did find the characters in the Lucy Stone story annoying, but that is my only complaint with the book. I don't read Lee Hollis, but I am tempted to with how much I enjoyed the story here. I love Barbara Ross's books, so it was fabulous to get another story with them. You'll get plenty of Christmas spirit while reading this book, and each author includes some recipes you can make after you've finished the book, including three different recipes for yule logs.
Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
I believe that this movie has taken A LOT of flack due to unrealistic expectations. One of the things that I heard a lot before I saw it was that the CGI that made Will Smith appear younger was really poor. Let's take into consideration what is happening with this. They are making a man look over 20 years YOUNGER. FOR AN ENTIRE MOVIE. While the current version of said actor stands next to him. Of course it isn't going to be perfect. Nothing ever could be. But I think Ang Lee and company did a helluva job with it. The action was at times a bit generic but nothing that I would put in the terrible column.

The story itself was pretty original. I won't give too much away, as I try to avoid spoilers when I review things, but you'll likely be surprised on a couple of different occasions.

In regards to the action, I have to admit that it was all kinds of gnarly to see Will Smith fight himself. And due to his acting ability you believed the shock on his face and in his actions as it was happening for the first time.

Don't listen to all the hate, this movie isn't awful. Definitely worth a viewing if you're a science fiction fan.