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Roxane Gay recommended Pachinko in Books (curated)

Min Jin Lee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Pachinko is the novel I tell anyone who will listen about. It is a multigenerational, sweeping saga of Koreans in Japan. The prose is as edifying as it is absorbing. There are no easy, convenient endings for any of these characters but my goodness, how richly Min Jin Lee renders their lives."


Roxane Gay recommended Pachinko in Books (curated)

Min Jin Lee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Pachinko” is the novel I tell anyone who will listen about. It is a multigenerational, sweeping saga of Koreans in Japan. The prose is as edifying as it is absorbing. There are no easy, convenient endings for any of these characters but my goodness, how richly Min Jin Lee renders their lives."

Birth of the Dragon (2016)
Birth of the Dragon (2016)
2016 | Drama
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
At first I was curious about the movie that was meant to be about Bruce Lee titled Birth of the Dragon. I love Bruce Lee. I grew up watching his movies, I watched episodes of The Green Hornet, and I voraciously read everything I could about him. One of my titos (that's Tagalog for uncle) told me about how he met Bruce Lee before and how kind he was. I am Filipino and white so I grew up with both these cultures and I'm grateful for it. My family has all kinds of people from all over and all walks of life and I love them dearly. When I would visit my Filipino family I loved that we would often gather round together on the couch with popcorn and snacks and watch Bruce Lee movies. This was special and it's one of my favorite memories from my childhood. I would watch Kung Fu Saturday when I was a kid and I would be excited when they would feature a Bruce Lee movie. My grandparents weren't really into it, but they would watch with me and my brother Rob sometimes.
I will always love Bruce Lee and his movies. He was an incredible person and so talented. Watching his movies was a huge part of my childhood and when I see that there's a Bruce Lee movie on, I always watch it.

I didn't know anything about Birth of the Dragon. There was a trailer that looked interesting. Then I kept hearing negative things about the film such as it's racist towards Asians and they made Bruce Lee the secondary character yet claimed it was a biopic about him. Then I read this:

Birth of the Dragon is disappointing to me for this. It IS insulting to Asians and if we're really being brutally honest, it IS insulting not only to Bruce Lee, but to his family and friends who loved him. I don't understand making the white guy the main character when this was shopped as a Bruce Lee biopic. On top of this, it seems they made Bruce Lee appear to be this very one sided character who was just arrogant and stupid and it's simply not true. While Lee himself owned up to being foolish when he was younger, he was never stupid. Bruce Lee thought about each and every thing he did and in his movies there was always a political theme and the ideas expressed were intricate and well thought out. They provoked ideas and discussions as well as entertained. Read any of his books on martial arts and you see a deep philosophy and calm practicality to his teachings that show someone who was an incredibly thoughtful person.

The Filipino kid in me is extremely disappointed by this and a little angry too because Bruce Lee is one of my heroes and I'm disgusted by what appears to be blatantly anti-Asian propaganda in a film that was being sold as a biopic about him. This is irresponsible and Asian people have every right to be angry about this because once again Hollywood is shoving us into the background and telling us we're not as important because we're not white. I loved Bruce Lee because he was amazing and I loved that there was an Asian person who was the main character in his movies; someone like me and my brothers and my sister. That meant something to me and it still does. The people who made this movie should apologize for the horrible lie they told about this being a biopic about Bruce Lee and at least be honest about what it really is a film stating that white people are better than us. We'll never get that apology of course because these are the kinds of people who run Hollywood and have for years. I do know that I for one will not see this film and I will watch Bruce Lee's movies and celebrate the amazing person he was.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Amazing Finish
This is a an amazing movie and worth the three hour time frame. It is the epic ending that the infinity series deserved. The storytelling was absolutely breath taking, just watching it brought back memories from watching all of these characters grow and develop over this past decade. I highly recommend seeing it and to watch all 21 marvel movies if you already haven't seen them. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will experience many emotions before the end of this movie. I feel you all will not regret going to see this movie. As Stan Lee always used to say, Excelsior my fellow fans.
Peach Cobbler Murder (Hannah Swensen, #7)
Joanne Fluke | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hannah's rival Shawna Lee is found murdered in her new bakery. Can Hannah find the killer before she gets blamed for the crime? Another fun visit to the town of Lake Eden that fans will enjoy.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) created a post

Nov 13, 2018  
I don't normally make a post when a celebrity dies, but with Stan 'The Man' Lee passing away, I feel like I owe that man too much not to pay my respects.
If you work in the creative industry, you will know that there are certain people, whom without, you would not be the creator that you are today. For me, Stan Lee was one of my main inspirations. He pioneered an entire genre of entertainment and I have grown up reading and watching his creations. I can honestly say without him, there is a good chance that I wouldn't be doing what I am doing today and I don't think that there will be another person as important or inspiring as him in my lifetime.

RIP Stan.

'Nuff Said.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 13, 2018

Yeah, he's enriched so many peoples lives over so many years... Hope you don't mind me asking, but what do you do?


Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) Nov 13, 2018

I am a 3D animator

Lee sits in on a library board meeting, but the missing member is found murdered at the bottom of the basement stairs. The woman was quiet, and everyone seemed to like her. So why was she murdered?

These books are always light and fun, and this is no exception. I do wish we'd see more of the sizeable collection of supporting characters, but Lee is always a fun host to a fast paced puzzle that will leave you drooling for chocolate and the next book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud and the Last Trial of Harper Lee
Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud and the Last Trial of Harper Lee
Casey Cep | 2019 | Biography, Crime
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"For fans of To Kill a Mockingbird who always wondered (at least until Go Set a Watchman came out) why Lee never produced another book, this story will answer, at least in part, that question. Willie Maxwell was a preacher and a con man and a murderer. This is an intriguing, though I wouldn’t say totally unique, combination. Well, it was enticing enough for Harper Lee to sit in on the trial and spend years trying to make a book out of it as a follow-up to the sui generis Mockingbird. She never managed to do it, but Cep has brilliantly presented for our reading pleasure the full story here. She does so in lyric prose and concise presentment of facts. Maxwell is enough to justify a book all by himself. When you throw in Harper Lee, perhaps the most enigmatic and reclusive author of modern times (with the possible exception of J.D. Salinger), this is a no-brainer of a read. Enjoy."

Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
2002 | Horror
Busta rhymes kicks michael myers into a shitty remake
Contains spoilers, click to show
After H20, killed of micheal myers, the studio was like we need anethor film. So we got this. Jamie lee curtis gets killed off in thr first 5 minutes, so the next 85 minutes we folllow a jamie lee curtis rip-off, maybe not even that. Anyways what was popular back in 2002, reality t.v. shows, so we get people going into micheal myers house for dangertainment the reality tv show.

Busta rhymes is the best part and the worst part of this film. He kicks micheal myers and sends him off to rob zombie's remake. Which i will review. But this film fans should skip.
Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)
Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)
1966 | Horror
Christopher Lee Sences (0 more)
Not Enough of Christopher Lee (0 more)
King Not Prince
Dracula: Prince of Darkness- is a slowburn film. It takes it time to build of Dracula and once Dracula shows than it really gets started. Christopher Lee isnt in this movie very much even though he is Dracula himself, but once he is one screen, he stills the show.

The plot: Four English travellers arrive at a tiny hamlet in the Carpathian Mountains and ignore warnings from the locals not to travel to Carlsbad, the domain of Count Dracula. A dark, driverless carriage arrives to take them to the sinister castle, but they discover too late that they have been lured there to provide the blood which will allow Dracula to rise from the grave once more.

Dracula does not speak in the film, save for a few hisses. According to Christopher Lee: "I didn't speak in that picture. The reason was very simple. I read the script and saw the dialogue! I said to Hammer, if you think I'm going to say any of these lines, you're very much mistaken.

Screenwriter Jimmy Sangster disputed that account in his memoir Inside Hammer, writing that "Vampires don't chat. So I didn't write him any dialogue. Christopher Lee has claimed that he refused to speak the lines he was given...So you can take your pick as to why Christopher Lee didn't have any dialogue in the picture. Or you can take my word for it. I didn't write any.

The film was made back to back with Rasputin, the Mad Monk, using many of the same sets and cast, including Lee, Shelley, Matthews and Farmer. Shelley later remembered accidentally swallowing one of her fangs in one scene, and having to drink salt water to bring it back up again because of the tight shooting schedule, as well as there being no spare set of fangs.

Its a decent Dracula film.