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Staged 4 Murder
Staged 4 Murder
J.C. Eaton | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder is a Catwalk
The Booked 4 Murder book club is thrilled to find the local theater is putting on a production of The Mousetrap and asking the residents of the local retirement community to participate. Naturally, everyone is excited to be part of the cast and crew. Since Sophie Kimball’s mother lands a part in the play, she expects she will hear all about it in detail. What she doesn’t expect is that someone will find the dead body of Miranda Lee, the star, on the catwalk above the stage one day. Yes, Miranda was being a diva with a capital D, but who would want to kill her?

I was glad I finally found time to return to Sophie’s world. Fans of the play will appreciate references to it and other Agatha Christie works, but knowing the play isn’t a requirement, and nothing is spoiled. There is plenty of action to keep things going. The climax was fun, but there was a bit too much to it. The Booked 4 Murder ladies were mostly balanced between funny and annoying, and I laughed as I read. Sophie is a great main character, and I enjoyed the bit of romance. Hopefully, it won’t be as long before I get to the next book in the series.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Like many parents, Lee (John Krasinski), and Evelyn (Emily Blunt), have an overwhelming urge to keep their children safe in the world and protect them at all costs. In the new film “A Quiet Place”, that maternal drive is taken to extreme levels as the world has been attacked by vicious creatures who hunt by sound alone.

The slightest loud noise will bring a rapid moving creature in moments that will destroy whatever made the sound instantly. As such, Lee and Evelyn have gone to great lengths to live as quietly as possible and even have a system for their home and supply runs to be as safe as possible.

When tragedy strikes, it causes a division between Lee and their only daughter Regan (Millicent Simmonds), who although deaf herself believes she is being blamed for the tragedy and the guilt has only grown over time.

The family continues on and the film jumps forward in time to show that Lee is studying as much about the creatures as he can in an effort to find a weakness they can use as well as to provide more security for his family.

Of course even the best plans do not always work and what follows is a very intense and raw struggle for survival which shows just how far a person is willing to go for their family.

Krasinski not only stars in the film but also directed it and helped to write the screenplay. Working with his actual wife worked very well as they have a fantastic chemistry which helps them convey the emotions and thoughts of the film well which is amazing considering how little dialogue there is in the film as gestures and sign language are the most common form of communication.

The film is very intense in moments and a fantastic extended sequence with Blunt had my wife squeezing my hand tightly and afraid to utter a sound as it left her holding her breath.

The film is a very fresh take on the creature genre and the quality of the performances lifts the film to a level rarely seen in a suspense film. The film did play a bit fast and loose with some aspects such as the history of the creatures and the state of the world around them as it is largely conveyed through newspaper headlines left lying around. As such I found myself wondering why certain defensive options and offensive tactics were not used as to me they seemed to be common sense approaches. For a film with such a fresh premise and strong performances, the ending did seem to depend a bit too much on some of the usual Hollywood stereotypes but it did not keep the film from being highly entertaining and effective. As I watched the film I kept thinking that there could be a connection to “Cloverfield” especially based on aspects of the creatures. The film was made for a very small budget so hopefully we will be seeing a sequel in the near future as “A Quiet Place” was a very enjoyable film and one of the best surprises of the year.
Rock My Body (Mondez, #2)
Lee Piper | 2017
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rock My Body by Lee Piper ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Four Stars
Rock My body by Lee Piper is a whirlwind of hot and heavy. The story is centered around Riley Sears and Dominic Mondez. Riley is a midwife and has major OCD and anxiety issues. She has been through the ringer all her life and it just seems like she can’t get it right. Dominic is a musician and loves fixing up old school cars. Their story is a storm of highs and lows. When diving in be prepared to feel at every flip of the page. If you’ve ever felt abandoned, unloved, worthless or fear this book will have you in all your feelings. But you also see those same feelings get pushed away but believing in yourself. Dominic is your everyday jerk. He wants what he wants and will do what he can to get it. He doesn’t do relationships or sleep with the same woman twice. He gives off the vibe of someone who would do nothing but leave broken hearts every where he goes. But is it just a cover up for some dark past? I fell in love with this couple because no matter what they did they kept coming back to each other. Fate damned them and the clouds never looked so dark. I loved reading how Riley found her self worth. How she grew into loving herself and knowing she was enough. I recommend you pick this book up not just for the seriously delicious images of male perfection. But for the down right joy of an author who knew what she wanted to get across to her readers and nailed it.
The Neon Demon (2016)
The Neon Demon (2016)
2016 | Horror
A combination that looks like it may be a vapid display of glitz and garbage, the trailers for “Neon Demon” don’t dare give away just how far this film will take audiences.

Completely unique, the psychological thriller goes to dark places – necrophilia, cannibalism, and the solitary confines of the human mind.

The film stars Elle Fanning as Jesse, a sixteen year old girl from a small town who decided to go to LA to become a model. Without any parents, Jesse is completely on her own in a seedy wonderland.

She stays by herself in a dingy motel. Keanu Reeves plays the grubby motel manager, Hank. His role in the film is more of a supportive one, but he still plays a major part in the overall story and feel of the film.

Of course, Jesse meets all kinds of odd people as she dives into a world that is so shallow it could break her. Makeup artist Ruby (Jena Malone), and supermodels Gigi (Bella Heathcote) and Sarah (Abbey Lee) are characters the audience will love to hate. Malone, Heathcote, and Lee have done a great job becoming their characters. They incite visceral disdain, perhaps laced with admiration.

There may be a few moments where it feels like the plot is going nowhere fast, but I highly recommend resisting the urge to lose hope. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts in this case.

It’s not a stretch to say that Director Nicolas Winding Refn has created a piece of cinematic art.

The combination of finely selected camera technique, psychedelic lighting, and a cerebral soundtrack is like watching a beautiful nightmare.

Best described as “Clockwork Orange” meets “Top Model,”

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Ancient Fall in Books

Jun 28, 2019  
Ancient Fall
Ancient Fall
Jaime Lee Mann | 2019 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jaime Lee Mann continues to enchant readers in the seventh book in the Legend of Rhyme series.Ancient Fall begins with the characters in various states of confusion. Twins, Ariana and Asher, find themselves lost in an ice-covered land and their mentors have vanished into thin air. Other characters are desperately trying to return to the magical realm of Coraira, however, the land appears to have died. Not only has Coraira been destroyed, but the Earth is not faring much better.

The Ancients have failed to look after the world and the humans, under a dark curse, have been abusing the planet for centuries. Mother Earth has decided to fight back. If she wins, it will mean the end of human life. By removing the powerful Ancients, Mother Earth does not think anyone will be able to stop her, however, she underestimates the heirs of Elora and Larque who join together to attempt to lift the curse. The only problem is, they are running out of time.

In the previous books, the main goal has been to protect the twins - of which there is more than one set - because they have a vital role in the future of the land of Rhyme. The fight has always been between good and evil, however, things are different in this final(?) book. Most of the baddies have been defeated and it is Mother Earth that is the antagonist. But is Mother Earth really evil? For years, humans have been polluting the world beyond repair and destroying everything is the only way Mother Earth can end her pain.

Although Ancient Fall is a work of fiction, it strikes close to the truth of the current predicament our own world is facing. Unless we completely change our ways, we will destroy the Earth and everything on it. Unfortunately, unlike Ariana, Asher and friends, we do not have magic on our side.

Admittedly, the last few books of the series have felt a little tedious, the story being dragged out to involve more and more characters. Once reading the seventh installation, however, the importance of each character becomes clear as they join together in a battle against nature.

Until now, Jaime Lee Mann has subtly alluded to issues relating to pollution and climate change, however, now the references are obvious. Children (or adults) will be thinking about the planet whilst they read and enjoy the storyline. If only Ariana and Asher were real!
Into Coraira (Legend of Rhyme, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Into Coraira</i> is Jaime Lee Mann’s second book in the <i>Legend of Rhyme</i> series for older children. Previously twins, Ariana and Asher, have been reunited after being separated for most of their childhood. They have also helped to defeat an evil witch, but their troubles are only just beginning.

When the witch, Elora, was sent to the dark realm, the most powerful and evilest sorcerer escaped. If he gets access to the magical realm of Coraira, all hell will break loose. Ariana and Asher are only just learning about their own magical powers; ones they never knew they had. Eager to show off this newfound magic, they inadvertently aid the villain in his quest to regain his wicked rule over the world.

In a world where it is not clear who to trust, <i>Into Coraira</i> is full of twists and turns as the characters begin to learn the truth about their friends and family. With an exciting central plot, children will be fully engaged with the magical story enfolding on the pages in front of them. Alongside the fantastic creatures featured in the first book are unicorns, mermaids and dragons. Such beasts will amaze and inspire young minds and imaginations.

Although only a hundred pages, there is so much adventure crammed into this book. Two books into the series and enough surprises have happened fill a lifetime. Once again readers are faced with a cliffhanger, urging them to purchase the next installment. Whatever will happen to Ariana and Asher next?
Elite (The Satellite Trilogy #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elite by Lee Davidson The story of Grant Bradley continues in the book Elite. After they solve his first set of problems. He seems to be having trouble with an another set of problems. Grant wants to prove to the Elite team that he can protect the life of a woman on Earth. Though he has tried to code, he starts to feel pain though his scar when he codes. He then finds out his friends are hiding something from him. What will happen to him and his friends? Grant and his buddies seem to have lost a skill. They can not seem to be able to do the one thing that requires of them. There is one event that he shows up and not expecting it. Jonathan does not know about the one thing that took them to do theirs job.
Men in Black (1997)
Men in Black (1997)
1997 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
"Protecting the earth from the scum of the universe"

The second of the mid-to-late 90s of Will Smit's one-two rapid ascension to movie super stardom (following Independence Day), which sees him recruited by Tommy Lee Jones to join the Men in Black: a top-secret government organisation set up to monitor alien presence on earth.

While we're now up to four entries in the series as a whole following this summer's (2019) by-all-account-disappointing Men in Black: International, it's easy to forget just how well this movie still holds together, alongside some classic exchanges such as:

"Why the big secret? People are smart"
"A person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it"

"You do know Elvis is dead, right?"
"No, Elvis is not dead. He just went home"
The Netherwell Horror
The Netherwell Horror
Lee Mountford | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
62 of 250
The Netherwell Horror
By Lee Mountford

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

After receiving a worrying message from her estranged brother, Beth Davis sets out to find and help him, ending up in the strange, coastal town of Netherwell Bay.

There, she begins to witness terrifying and unexplainable things, and reports of ritualistic murders have the town panicked.

A sinister cult soon makes its presence known, and the dark history of Netherwell Bay is unveiled. Beth then finds herself in a race against time to stop a doorway to Hell from opening… permanently.

The Netherwell Horror is a Lovecraftian mystery that quickly descends into madness, sickening violence, and chaos. Fans of Silent Hill will love this nightmarish tale, but those of a squeamish disposition need not apply…

This was a perfect joining of cult and creature feature horror! Very Lovecraftian feel about the monsters too! Descriptions were full on gruesome and brilliantly done! I’m impressed with the ending too there was no saving the day and it all being perfect. Definitely for lovers of Lovecraft and well written horrors.
Sweet Haven
Sweet Haven
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
what a DELICIOUS book it was! I swear I put on ten pounds reading this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And what a DELICIOUS book it was! I swear I put on ten pounds reading this!

Garrett is a grump and Lee is a clutz. Together they make beautiful chocolate desserts. But the past has a way of catching up with them, and they have to overcome that to be really happy.

Sometimes, my dear book people, your mind reads a blurb and makes a story and then you read the book, and BOOM! this is so NOT where your mind went. And you don't care! Cos what you DO read, where the book DOES go, is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than where your stoopid mind went!

And Ms Sayle has a particular knack of messing with MY brain! She does it all the bloody time, and I love it!

I mean, I have no idea where my mind went when I read the blurb, but all I know is, it was nowhere near as sweet and as sexy and as too-stinking-cute as this is!

I just wanna rant about how sweet and sexy this, but ranting does nota good review make. So lemme try, 'K?? And I apologise if all I do is rant :-)

Garrett is spilt from his ex husband, who by all accounts only used Garrett to get where he wanted to go. Lee is hiding from HIS ex, who by every account here, is a violent man and to be avoided at all costs. Garrett thinks no one will want him, and Lee wants Garrett. Garrett, bless his heart, tries HARD to deny himself the tasty morsel now prancing around his kitchen, but it's a matter of when, not if.

Supported by a huge cast of possible follow up stories: Ollie, Vic, Nese, and everyone else I can't remember, you fall in love with this little town, the people in it and the desserts that are made in these 150 odd pages, and your teeth rot and jeans don't fit anymore, and you really don't care!

Ok, I've written and deleted about 10 versions of this review, and this is the one you're gonna get.


5 sweet and sexy stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**