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Dan (11 KP) rated Aladdin (2019) in Movies

Jun 25, 2019  
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
I was ready to walk out in the first 10-15 minutes. I thought they had ruined it and I would be better not to stay and watch the rest. I am glad i did stay, the film got better and better.
Will Smith did an amazing job with the character of the genie, and my favourite part by far was the prince Ali song. The rest of the film was very similar to the original animation, the main difference being Jasmine. This version seemed to focus a lot on Jasmine's political standing, more than the original. I think this has developed the story further than it was, in a positive way.
Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Good action but unsettling CGI
Much like the Justice League film, the CGI distracted me too much to enjoy the film. I don't know whether Will Smith used a body double and his Fresh Prince face was superimposed or if he did it himself (or likely a combination) but it is a little unsettling. Especially so in long frantic action sequences where it just jars and detracts from the action.
Overall a decent film but maybe too ambitious for the technology available.
Although it did amuse me to think about how the film would have been if they had just inserted clips from the Fresh Prince into the film and wrote the script around that.
After Earth (2013)
After Earth (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
4.9 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: On paper this is a very good idea for a story, but it gets put together so badly it feels messy and confusing from start to finish. The idea that only two people that survive are father and son is a bit farfetched too. The biggest flaw I see is that Kitai is meant to be trained and thinks he is ready but as soon as he is out in the field he makes mistake after mistake even with the so called best helping him through the situations. If I was to give the mark on just how the story unfolds it would only get a 2 but I like the idea and with better performers it could work. (5/10)


Actor Review: Jaden Smith – Kitai trained to become a soldier against creatures that sense fear but doesn’t seem to stop panicking. Poor performance in this film it clearly is too much too soon for the young man. Poor Performance Award, Miscasted Award (4/10)


Actor Review: Will Smith – Cypher the injured father who spends most of the film telling his son what to do and shouting because he doesn’t follow the instructions. Remember when Will Smith was a selling point for any movie, well this time he just sold out, gets the career back on track and stop working for money. Pay Check Performance Award (2/10)


Director Review: M. Night Shyamalan – You have to give this guy credit for being able to create an unusual world but this isn’t his written work, he creates some good scenes but still expect better. (5/10)


Action: Lacklustre action throughout. (5/10)

Adventure: It could have been a great adventure film. It is not. (5/10)

Sci-Fi: With the world creature it is a interesting look at the future. (7/10)

Special Effects: Some good but mostly poor CGI effects. (5/10)

Chemistry: The awkward chemistry between father and son tries to shine but fails. (6/10)

Believability: Anything could happen the future but this is too much to imagine. (1/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Settings: Earth in the future is an interesting setting and creates some atmosphere but it could have easily been in a normal jungle with real animals. (5/10)

Suggestion: This is poor it will most likely go down in Will Smith’s career as his worst film. (Avoid)


Best Part: The final battle is you make it that far

Worst Part: The first hour is boring.

Action Scene Of The Film: The final battle

Kill Of The Film: The final creature

Oscar Chances: No

Chances of Sequel: No


Overall: Terrible sci-fi thriller
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Jared leto as the joker (0 more)
Not enough joker (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I had high Hope's for this film but was left feeling disappointed, for me Harley Quinn was sexed up way to much, would rather had seen her in her full jester look. I will say however that I enjoyed will Smith as deadshot, for once a film with him in it as not the main role or hero is refreshing. I loved the role of diablo and think the actor playing him was great but just like every other film the actor I always like dies. In my opinon Jared Leto's joker was amazing and I think cutting most of his scenes was the worst thing they could have done as now the joker seems a lesser role and makes leto seem like his not up to the role when I feel he played it the best. (Sorry Ledger fans but it is MY OPINON)
I, Robot (2004)
I, Robot (2004)
2004 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
I think it was Isaac Asimov who came up with the 3 laws of Robotics, as follows:

1.A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

That's the starting point for this movie, which sees Technophobic 2035 cop Del Spooner (Will Smith) convinced that a robot has just carried out a murder - something which, by those laws, should be impossible for it to do.

The film then takes in the concept of free will and consciousness, all - as an action thriller - wrapped up in a mystery and with a few helpings of what I'm going to call 'wham blam' action

Surprisingly enjoyable.
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
The Music(it's Disney) (4 more)
The Special Effects(it's Disney)
The Atmosphere
The Cast & Characters
One last bit... in the review
Trying just a little too hard in some spots(and not hard enough in some others) (0 more)
Live-Action Magic
Contains spoilers, click to show
Disney has been on a kick of redoing their animated masterpieces into live action masterpieces. It worked with Cinderella... Jungle Book was flawed, but still wild... and Beauty and the Beast was simply Beautiful. So... was this reimagining of Aladdin up to par...

You are damn right it was.

Let's get this out of the way first. Live action musicals still make me feel awkward. Granted, this is Disney... but animated musicals feel just fine. That being said, the numbers were spot on for the most part, while still being slightly altered for the cast in the present. Yes, that includes slight tweaks due to Will Smith being an actual musician(as much as I love Robin Williams, he was not). And those were made(dammit... sorry for the pun)... Fresh.

Acting on point. Because Disney. Sorry, but it's true.

Was the movie perfect? No. It does have some flaws, but nothing that hinders the movie overall. And most of them for me where solely because of the musical numbers. That being said, "Speechless"... bravo Alan Menken.

There is one part of this version that does IMPROVE over the original. The City of Agrabah. The animated version felt nothing more than a backdrop, but this City felt like it was organic. Like an ACTUAL city they were fighting for.

Other changes were proper... made it more modern. Including Jasmine motivation(instead of marrying who she wants, she is made Sultan... so she can protect and serve her people... she marries Aladdin anyway)... and Jafar's true plans(he didn't just want Agrabah, he wanted to conquer the neighboring nations, as well). Jafar in the original was DRAWN menacing... live action Jafar was devious due to his ambitions. Good job, Disney.

How about the Genie? How did Will Smith do? Well... he was great. BUT Disney did something different this time. In the original, because Robin was the star, it put extra focus on how outrageous he was. Will Smith was the billed star, but they put more focus on who the story was really about... Aladdin. Will Smith served a purpose. He might've been the bigger name, but he did NOT play the biggest part. At least, that is what I feel happened.... and it was for the better.

Was it as good as the original? No. Because there is no true comparison. If you haven't seen it... please... erase the original from your mind for a moment... go see this one... then go back and watch the original. While we KNOW the comparison... there shouldn't be one. This live-action version isn't exactly the same, and it shouldn't be. Askewed focus... different delivery... it maybe Disney's remake, but this version should be approached as if you were watching it from a different perspective......

Treat it as if it were it's own movie.

And know this... the best positive of all...

Robin would've loved it.
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Jai Courtney, Margot Robbie, Will Smith. Soundtrack. (0 more)
Story can be a bit incoherent in places. (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'll say from the outset, I'm a lifelong comic book fan. During my teenage years back in the 80's I collected John Ostrander's Suicide Squad title and absolutely loved it. It was always a given for me therefore that I would jump at the prospect of a movie based on my favourite title.

You know the synopsis I'm guessing (if you're reading this review) - government official Amanda Waller assembles a group of the baddest incarcerated criminals to go up against the potential of a metahuman crisis should the 'next' Superman not share our values. This is deemed more relevant following the demise of the man of steel himself at the climax of Dawn Of Justice. Amongst those villains are Deadshot (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), El Diablo (Jay Hernandez), and Enchantress/Dr June Moone (Carla Delevigne). Heading up the group is Colonel Rick Flagg (Joel Kinnaman), albeit reluctantly.

The story essentially revolves around Enchantress going rogue and converting a subway station in Midway City into a warzone as she resurrects her brother Incubus and the two attempt to destroy the world. The only criticism I have with the movie concerns the simplicity within which Enchantress 'turns' on the group shortly after it is her actions that cause the senate committee to approve the founding of Task Force X only a couple of scenes earlier in the movie. It just feels a bit rushed. It's also interesting to note that the events of the movie would never have taken place had Waller not established her little 'pet project' to begin with!

The dialogue is witty and sharp and the characters are highly likeable (despite them being arch-villains and - in some cases, murderers). Will Smith is the core of the group as Deadshot and his cold-bloodedness as an assassin is softened by the connection he has to his daughter (how the audience is expected no doubt to warm to him?). Joel Kinnaman's Rick Flagg is also key to the story's heart with his flawed relationship with Dr June Moone - Enchantress's alter ego. Margot Robbie is superb as Harley Quinn although at times it seems as if her rear's the star of the show.

What do I need to say about Jared Leto that hasn't been said before? You'll either love or hate his portrayal of Mr.J!
The Devotionals (1 more)
The Research
I don’t often review non-fiction books. It’s just not something I like to do. I’m a fiction gal. I love reading a book where I can lost and escape reality for a few hours a day. But, when I have a favorite author, such as Jill Eileen Smith, I will give even a non-fiction book a try. And, I was actually rather excited to read this one, because let me tell you. My life, definitely does not match my dreams. Sure, I have a wonderful husband and two amazing children and a loving father and two gorgeous sisters. But, my health is not great, and my dreams? I dream so much more than this. I fell like I’ll be like this forever and never accomplish anything.

Smith has done a wonderful job with this book. It brings us the stories of 12 women of the Bible and how they dreamed for so much more, but it didn’t match up to what God had in store for them. You see, He is the creator of us all and He is the one that can see our future, know our plans, know what our lives will be like. And, through the tender words that Smith uses, along with the 12 women and phenomenal research she incorporated into the book, we see how life can be when we are disappointed that our dreams are following into line with our life.

Through this devotional, I was able to better understand my own life. I know what I want, I know what I wish I had, I know that I’m going to be disappointed because I’m not fully relying on God to help me with that. If I trust in Him, if I seek out his love and guidance, I won’t be so disappointed when a hope or dream falls short. Smith has once again used her incredible talent to hook me on a book. Her research is exquisite and her writing is filled with emotion and raw feelings.

This is a 5 star devotional book I would recommend to all the women out there. Get lost among the pages, see how these 12 women made mistakes, made choices that effect them and their families and see what God had in store for them. You may find the same hope and encouragement I did. Definitely a book for the keeper shelf and one I’ll share with my family and friends!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
My Eyes Are Black Holes
My Eyes Are Black Holes
Logan Ryan Smith | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Extremely well written (0 more)
Prior event that seems relevant to the story goes unmentioned. (0 more)
A weird, but fantastic read!
Easily the weirdest book I've ever read (and I've read quite a few). A great book to read for those who want to know what it's like in the mind of someone who suffers from schizophrenia. Well written (so much so that even I as the reader had a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy). I would love to know what happened prior to the book (an unmentioned event seems relevant to the story). I will say that, despite having read this book, I'm still not entirely sure what happened (that may have been the point though). All in all, well done, Mr. Smith.
I, Robot (2004)
I, Robot (2004)
2004 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
That detective, is the right question.
In the year 2035 A.I. robots are an every part of life throughout the world, working public jobs in place of humans with three rules, number 1 being to protect human life. Most people trust these robots except for one man, detective Del spooner who has a dark past involving robots. Del takes on a case involving a possible suicide of the robotics founder/creator and believes a human like A.I. May be involved.
With help of a robot expert, spooner discovers a conspiracy that may endanger the human race.

This movie has a dark tone, some great cgi work but a story similar to previous movies like terminator and Extinction.

Starring Will Smith, Alan Tudyk, James Cromwell and Bridget Moynahan.