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Anything You Sow by William Onyeabor
Anything You Sow by William Onyeabor
1985 | Hip-hop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Five years ago William Onyeabor was unknown to all but the deepest record collector. Now his work has been reissued by Luaka Bop and captivated music journalists and fans all over the world. I sampled this track to make my Daphni track “Ye Ye”, but despite my track being made 25 years later I think his is the more forward-looking"

Kohinoor: The Story of the World s Most Infamous Diamond
Kohinoor: The Story of the World s Most Infamous Diamond
William Dalrymple, Anita Anand | 2016 | Art, Photography & Fashion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Extremely detailed account of the origins of one of the most famous diamonds and why there is so much contention (0 more)
Sometimes too much detail makes you lose track (0 more)
Dalrymple's no holding back factual account
This was the missing piece of the puzzle in terms of attempting to find out the truth behind the Kohi-Noor diamond. Absolutely no frills account on how the diamond left in its path so much wanton death and destruction. William Dalrymple as always - a detailed historian putting forward the facts. Fascinating and both historically and currently important.
Innkeeper’s daughter Mina Scott will do anything to escape the drudgery of her life. She saves every penny to attend a finishing school, dreaming of the day she’ll become a real lady—and catch the eye of William Barlow, a frequent guest at the inn. William is a gentleman’s son, a charming rogue but penniless. However, his bachelor uncle will soon name an heir—either him or his puritanical cousin. In an effort to secure the inheritance, William gives his uncle the impression he’s married, which works until he’s invited to bring his wife for a visit. William asks Mina to be his pretend bride, only until his uncle names an heir on Christmas Day. Mina is flattered and frustrated by the offer, for she wants a true relationship with William. Yet, she agrees. . .then wishes she hadn’t as she comes to love the old man. And when the truth is finally discovered, more than just money is lost. Can two hearts survive such a deception?

My Thoughts: Mina has had her eye on Will since the first time she served him at her father's inn; so when Will asks her to help him by pretending to be his bride, she jumps at the chance. But as Mina and Will find out, deception brings on worries and more deception. They soon learn that as the Bible says that truth will set you free. There are many lessons in this novel. One is to not lie, to be truthful in all things. It's never good to keep secrets. It's never a good thing to play with another's affections. It is also a story of forgiveness and second chances.

 This was a fun book to read. This is the second book in the series "Once Upon a Dickens Christmas" and even though I haven't read the first one, it was easy to read and follow along. The characters were fun, Mina being the main character is a sweet young woman who loves to read. The readers are instantly drawn to her. Then there are Will's cousins, which I found to be very comical and in some ways true to life.

Michelle Griep is a wonderful writer, who holds the reader's attention and adds a little whimsy to the characters and story-line.

I truly enjoyed this book and will be looking forward to reading more from Michelle Griep.
Back Cover Copy: William Caverly can't seem to understand the unsettling feeling that has been nagging him for far too long. Memories of a baby sister are forever haunting his waking hours, and as he sleeps at night, he is repeatedly awakened by nightmares, confusing ones that he'd rather forget. His baby sister died. He saw her little body laid to rest beside their mother. But that doesn’t explain the dim remembrance he has of an event that happened not too long after that.

Charlotte Porter's days are full and busy as she diligently teaches her young art students at her mother's boarding school, and tries desperately to stay away from an annoying suitor. Painting has been her passion and dream ever since she could hold a brush, but lately, she has begun to question her mission and calling in life. What is her real purpose? And why does she know so little about her father, who supposedly died before she was born?

William thinks he's discovered the hidden link that has kept him from his sister for over fifteen years. But then she's kidnapped, leaving William no choice except to find her and get her back. Once and for all.

My Thoughts: This is an exciting series of books, and although this is book 2 in the series, I was able to jump in and follow the story easily. I do recommend that the reader reads book 1 in the series " A Higher Ransom", only because this is such a wonderful and exciting series. This novel is full of adventure and mystery.

The characters are enjoyable, and the readers will have their favorites. The storyline keeps the readers' attention and flows at a good quick pace. There isn't any lagging in the storyline, and the plot is interesting to follow. I believe that the readers', like myself, will enjoy the fact that the author uses plenty of scripture that compliments the plot of the novel.

I will be looking forward to reading more from this author in the future.
The Princess Bride (1987)
The Princess Bride (1987)
1987 | Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Director Rob Reiner really had a fantastic career as a director going in the 80s and early 90s with the likes of When Harry Met Sally..., Stand By Me, Misery, A Few Good Men, This is Spinal Tap and this film of course.

Based on the masterful screenplay by Hollywood mega-scribe William Goldman, it quite frankly gives us the perfect showcase for "True Love".

Every character has their place in bringing the story forward, and the laughs keep coming in every scene. I used to have long passages of the screenplay memorized and could quote at will.

My kids and I will often text each other back and forth with a quote-a-thon of the film (I always win!)

Whenever someone leaves our house to go somewhere someone will always say "Have fun storming the castle!".

If I am ever needing to lighten my mood, I will sometimes even just watch a few scenes or catch some clips on YouTube. Quite honestly I can just close my eyes and recite it from memory.

What a classic!


Kevin Phillipson (9958 KP) Mar 28, 2019

One of those films I've never seen

Braveheart (1995)
Braveheart (1995)
1995 | Drama, History, War
The Story of Scottish Patriot William Wallace (Mel Gibson) and his quest to unite the clans and rise up against their English oppressors.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
The film gets off to a hot start by immediately drawing you into the story. Once the camera pans into the hut with all of the hanging bodies, they had my attention right away. The sheer intrigue was enough to make me want to see more.

Characters: 10
The Scots are a crazy bunch and I LOVE them. Whether old or young, they're all tough guys in their own right. One crazy person is enough to make a film interesting, but you put a bunch of them together and now you're really cooking with fire. William Wallace, of course, takes the cake of all the crazies. His character is easily one of my all-time favorite protagonists from his demeanor to the strong message he carries.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
You kind of cheat when you shoot a film in Scotland, let's be honest. Beautiful landscapes abound, filled with mountains and lush valleys. I got lost watching William Wallace ride through the countryside on horseback. Made me think, "Damn, am I taking enough vacations?"

It's not the landscapes, however, as the battles are epic and sprawling. You get a taste of a bit of blood or something gory right before it cuts to a new fight. Seeing a fight that probably took hours abbreviated into a couple minutes is jarring and effective. These are some of the best battles captured on film.

Conflict: 10

Genre: 7

Memorability: 8
Braveheart is a film that easily stands the test of time. The brotherhood of the clans alone is memorable in and of itself. These are guys that lay down their lives for each other to advance their nation. The battles that ensue as a result of the stand that these men take are sheer inspiration. "They can take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"

Pace: 10
While the film slows down just slightly after the opening scenes, once the fighting starts, things move forward at a breakneck pace. It drives you from one scene to the next with intensity and passion. Just when you think you've had enough action, you're graced with more! Very solid pace.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 5
The ending was a bit deflating, at least for my taste. I respected the realism, but it felt counterintuitive to what the rest of the film was accomplishing. Not horrible, but perhaps a different approach would warrant a better score.

Overall: 90
I never had any interest whatsoever to watch this film and, after finally seeing it, I can't believe I waited this long. Such an inspirational, all-time classic. Loved it.
The Girl In The Rearview Mirror
The Girl In The Rearview Mirror
Kelsey Rae Dimberg | 2019 | Contemporary
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not the best book........
What do I say about this book? I wanted to like it so much. But, I just couldn’t. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t hate it. I just simple didn’t like it. I liked the premise behind the story, but the characters didn’t flow. They felt forced and fake. I like my characters to grip me in to the story as much as the story itself. If I can’t feel that, then I can’t like a book the way I want to because I have to try too hard to get into the story.

That said, the plot line/premise is a good one. I can tell where the author wanted to go with this one, with the secrets, the twists and turns, but with out that captivating connection with the characters, I didn’t get the edge of your seat suspense with this one. I didn’t feel like I was watching a movie play out like I like to see with this style of book.

Sadly, I have to give this one 5 bombs. But, don’t let my opinion deter you from trying this book. What I found lacking, you may find absolutely gripping. Dimberg shows great effort where her talents are concerned. I do look forward to trying more of her books in the future.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from LibraryThing, William Morrow and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Traitor's Moon (Gladstone Shifters #2)
Traitor's Moon (Gladstone Shifters #2)
Alexander Elliott | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TRAITOR'S MOON is the second book in the Gladstone Shifters series and it does follow on from book one so I definitely recommend you read that book just to get the full picture.

Ben and Evan are still trying to make their Pack a safe home but Wilburn still has other plans. Jack and William are 'on tour' trying to bring the reality of True Elders to other packs.

There is so much intrigue in this book, making it fast-paced and full of action without it being rushed. As a reader, you daren't blink in case you miss anything. And yet, there is still time for romance, for love, for hope. And not just for MM couples either. Personally, I think this is one of the best parts of these books - instead of just one romance, you get a couple or more!

The world-building is excellent and you also get the political structure and problems too. Although there are a host of characters, each one is fully fleshed out, making every single one of them completely believable.

This is a fantastic addition to the series and I look forward to carrying on with their stories. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jonah!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Secrets of Paper and Ink
The Secrets of Paper and Ink
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
My first Lindsay Harrel novel and most definitely will not be my last! She has a beautiful talent for creating characters that will make you feel like family, and a plot line that is full of faith and hope.

I wasn’t sure what I would gain from this book, at first. It’s got emotional triggers, as someone who has gone through the emotional domestic abuse in the past. But, the way Harrel weaved the pain and heartache, the hope and faith, together, she created a novel that completely engulfed me. I loved that. I gained more than just a new author to read. I gained friends in the characters, I gained knowledge of letting go of the past and moving forward.

Sophia and William were two characters that will forever be with me. As they work together to save Ginny’s bookstore, as Sophia reads the words of Emily Fairfax through her journal entries, I was pulled into the sweeping novel and wasn’t set free until the last page was reached. The plot line was unique and absolutely breathtaking!

If you are looking for a tenderly written, powerfully moving novel, then grab this one up. It’s emotional, it’s hopeful, it’s definitely one to recommend to all. Five stars, two thumbs and hats off to an author whom will be on my auto buy list from now on! Well done, Lindsay Harrel. Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Collins (Thomas Nelson) and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
The legendary King Kong returns in an all new adventure that gives the classic tale a much needed update and new setting. Unlike Perter Jackson’s retelling of the original Black and White film, “Kong: Skull Island” eschews the old for the new and in doing so breathes a much needed new life and vitality into the franchise.

The film is set in 1973 when William Randa (John Goodman), informs the government that they have detected a previously unknown island and need to investigate it before the Soviets learn of it and beat them to whatever the island my hold.

William recruits a team which includes a former British officer named James Conrad (Tom Hiddleston), and Photographer Mason Weaver (Brie Larson), to assist his team lead by Houston Brooks (Corey Hawkins), in mapping the island.

William also asks for a military escort and the government enlists Lt. Colonel Preston Packard (Samuel L. Jackson), and his team to accompany the mission. Packard is trying to find his place in the world as he and his helicopter combat team are dealing with the recent end of the Vietnam War. His men are looking forward to going home and resuming their lives, but a dour Packard jumps at the chance for another mission over the uncertainty of the future.

Upon arriving on the mysterious island and starting their survey mission by using seismic charges, the team attract the attention of Kong who is not at all pleased with the intrusion on his island. Kong makes short work of the copters and the team finds themselves scattered about the dangerous island. They soon learn that Kong is not the only danger on the island and must find a way to rejoin each other and make it to their extraction point alive.

Naturally some of the characters have a hidden agenda and there are dangerous and action around every corner. Further complicating matters is the appearance of Marlow (John C. Reilly), a downed WWII pilot who has been stranded on the island for 23 years and warns of dangers far greater than Kong that are ahead of the team.

The film combines a solid cast with state of the art special effects to take a new twist on the standard adventure fare. While many parts of the film remain silly Popcorn entertainment, the quality of the assembled cast allows the film to move beyond being just an assembly of potential victims for a menagerie of CGI creatures to dispatch.

While the story is more in lines with the linear and thin plots of adventure films of old, the sum of the parts does add up to an enjoyable film experience for those who like the giant creature films. You will want to make sure to stay after the credits as there is a very good scene that shows a setup for a future film that had those in attendance at our press screening cheering.

The film may be a bit intense for younger viewers but if you are looking for a touch of nostalgia and action, you may find the film just what you need.