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The Winter Killer (DI James Walker #3)
The Winter Killer (DI James Walker #3)
Alex Pine | 2022 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book in the DI James Walker series and the second I have read but do not worry, it can be read as a standalone very easily.

It's New Year's Eve and a body is found on a jetty at the prestigious The Fells Hotel on the shores of Lake Windermere where a wedding is taking place but was it an accident or murder? DI James Walker and his team are tasked with finding out and it soon becomes clear that the death is very much suspicious.

This is a proper who-dunnit with plenty of potential suspects and is anything but simple and straightforward particularly when all manner of revelations come to light including members of the victims family and close acquaintances.

With great characters, an intriguing plot and written at a great pace, this is an engaging read. The setting is perfect - well I would say that as it's my neck of the woods - and Mr Pine captures the weather, scenery and location completely.

Overall, a great read and I look forward to the next in the series and my thanks go to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Winter Killer.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated A Sprinkle in Time in Books

May 28, 2022 (Updated May 28, 2022)  
A Sprinkle in Time
A Sprinkle in Time
Dana Mentink | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Corpse in the Trunk. Maybe.
Trinidad Jones is focused on the Alpenfest that is in town for the new two weekends, hoping that the tourists will provide a nice bump to her Shimmy and Shake Shop before business slows for the winter. Her life gets complicated, however, when her grandfather finds a corpse in the trunk of his classic car. When the police show up, the body is gone, only to turn up floating in the lake. What is going on?

I enjoyed the first in the series, but this one was even better. I was pulled in right away, and the plot never lagged. Because of how it impacted some of the characters we got to know in the first book, I found it compelling. I had part of the solution figured out, but there was a lot I hadn’t pieced together. The characters are strong again. I laughed at parts, but because of how things were impacting everyone, I also got chocked up a time or two. There are two recipes at the end to help with your cravings for ice cream and sweets in general. I’m already looking forward to visiting the gang again soon.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated A Very Witchy Yuletide in Books

Nov 5, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
A Very Witchy Yuletide
A Very Witchy Yuletide
D. Lieber | 2020 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A VERY WITCHY YULETIDE is a seasonal standalone romance that involves Pagans. It isn't all about paganism and rituals. If you are looking for that then I can suggest a multitude of other books but this isn't one of them. Saying that, I enjoyed how it was incorporated into the story. It is something they feel/do every day but the Sabbats are special, as are Naming Days, etc.

Eeva and Sawyer were young star-crossed lovers - neither of them prepared to make that first step and both of them feeling let down by the other. Five years later, they get a second chance.

This is a warm and low-angst story that will melt your heart on a cold winter night. Eeva and Sawyer have a great supporting cast, including Sol who was adorable.

The descriptions are very well done and the pacing is perfect for the story. All in all, this was a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 5, 2020
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Marissa Meyer | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
There's going to be spoilers in the review, so be warned.

Marissa Meyer did it again! I have to say this series is a lot better than I had expected it to be. Since it is a book of fairy tale retellings, I expected it to be, not gonna lie, cliche as hell, but it isn't. Though it ties in aspects of the original fairy tales, they are still such separate things that I don't see it as a retelling as much.

Now, the introduction of the new characters, particularly Cress, Jacin, and Winter, was amazing. I love each of them in their own ways because they are not what one would expect them to be.

Cress is just a little ball of happy. I would not have expected her to be so lovely, especially after being mistreated for so much of her life! The little scenarios she makes up in order to get through each situation are just precious and super smart, if I am being completely honest! Cress is strong despite what she looks like. She has the capability of hacking anything she wishes, but even more that that, she is thrown (literally) to Earth after spending seven years basically in isolation and has to learn how to survive and keep another person (who she has a major crush on) alive as well. That's a lot to ask of a girl, but she does it with a smile on her face. If that isn't strength, then I don't know what is.

Then we go onto Jacin Clay. Now this boy is an enigma that I just can't quite figure out yet, but I have a feeling that I will in the next book. So he is a shell in the employ of Sybil, and therefore the queen, but kind of wants to rebel against them because he is in love with the princess, Winter. It gets confusing because Cinder thinks he is a supporter of Selene (her) instead of thinking of the more obvious choice. Jacin seems like he's going to be a pretty okay character, but we haven't gotten enough interaction with him for me to sort him out. There was that last scene in the book where he says he was on the Queen's side the whole time, but I don't think he's telling the truth. There's just something about him that seems trustworthy, and maybe that's myself being too naive, but I want to like him.

Finally, for the new characters, we get to Winter. She seems like a sweet girl, although going a bit mad, but understandably so. She, too, is a captive to the queen, and though it may seem that she has it better because she gets to be on Luna, that also means she is under constant scrutiny. We only get to see her really in one scene, so I can't wait to see what will come of her in the next book!

I loved getting to see all of the old characters again. Thorne is such a romantic loser, I love him so much. He just wants to act all tough, but he's got a major soft spot for Cress and Cinder. Speaking of, Cinder is getting more badass, which I appreciate. She's got some good plans too, so I want to see how that all pans out. Scarlet needs to be rescued ASAP. I need her and Wolf to be besties (and in a relationship forever because, yeah). Wolf needs to be happy, in general.

Now, I'm giving Kai his own paragraph because he is actually doing things in this book. Yay for active King!! Yes, he makes some stupid mistakes. And yes, he got misinformation about Princess Selene, but holy crap he got close to the truth! I am just happy he is taking action, but especially that he and Cinder are in the same space again. (get I crack myself up). No, but really, the laws he is trying to impose are sound and I stand by them. He is acknowledging the wrongs that have been put into place and is trying to change them for the better, all while sacrificing his own happiness for his country, and inevitably, the world. Go Kai!

I cannot wait to read the next book (but I have to buy it first!!)!!
The Winter Duke
The Winter Duke
Claire Eliza Bartlett | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A duchy of ice and snow above, a duchy of water and magic below, separated only by a lake of ice. Both dependent upon one another and both as violent as they are beautiful.

Ekata is a middle child within the Avenko royal family: a family who are intent on murdering each other to get to the throne. However, Ekata has no interest in the throne at all: her interests lie in biology rather than brokering treaties and she wants nothing more than to leave Kylma Above and attend university.

However, at the age of thirteen, Ekata wakes to find herself the only member of her family who has not been cursed into a permanent sleep. Suddenly, she is the Grand Duke and is expected to prove herself worthy to rule Kylma Above: conquering the world of politics and magic in order to find a way to wake her family and avoid death herself.

The Winter Duke spans only six days in its storyline. Nonetheless, this does not diminish the journey that Bartlett takes her readers on: there are twists at every turn and almost everyone seems like a villain; neither Ekata nor the reader knows whom they can trust.
 Although this is very much Ekata’s story, there are so many characters surrounding her that there is a danger some of these may seem undeveloped. Thankfully, I didn’t feel this way at all. Bartlett brings something different to each character she introduces: from Sigis’ immediate repulsiveness; Eirhan’s deadpan nature and Inkar’s flirty charms. All the characters have their part to play and, although keeping track of all the ministers could be difficult at times, this only added to the overwhelming suffocation that Ekata must be feeling.

Ekata herself is an amazing protagonist: at just thirteen she makes a number of impulsive decisions which end disastrously – so why do we, as a reader, not get frustrated with her? Again, I feel that this is due, in part, to the dizzying number of secondary characters. The reader witnesses the sheer number of commitments that fall onto the shoulders of one who never aspired to this role: we attend unwanted proposals; hear the accusations of murdering her own family; comprehend that she is used as a pawn by her Prime Minister and constantly see Ekata’s authority undermined due to her sex. It is impossible not to empathise with her desperate need to return to her normal life.

Sexism plays a large part in Ekata’s story, with Sigis immediately heralded as the solution to her problems due to his position as a strong man with an army. Inkar is also underestimated due to being female: before she then shatters these perceptions with her axes, her willingness to fight and her protective nature over Ekata.
However, The Winter Duke has to be commended for the gender fluidity within its pages. The brideshow is made of men and women, at least one minister is non-binary and the only romance within this novel is between two queer females. This was such a natural romance as well, slow-burning and cautious due to the politics involved but one that, when the walls of both women came down, could achieve the impossible.

The world building by Claire Eliza Bartlett in this novel is second to none. Kylma Above is impressive with its ice palaces and winter roses invading every corner. However, Kylma Below, the duchy below the ice is magical and sinister in equal measure. With fields of magic, sharks used in tribunals, and coral gardens, it wasn’t only Ekata who wanted to explore further.

Quite a few YA novels recently have included queer women smashing the patriarchy. This is the first one I have read where they smash the autocracy.
Ekata’s journey to find out what kind of ruler she will be is encapsulating and riveting. In a story where the betrayal just keeps coming, Ekata remains loyal to the end – despite the epilogue proving that this is never appreciated. The world of Kylma was immersive and the themes of politics, murder, sexism and violence are swept up by the breezy writing style to create a book that was impossible to put down.

Thank you to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this wonderful novel.
The Sunlight Pilgrims
The Sunlight Pilgrims
Jenni Fagan | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Concept (0 more)
Writing (0 more)
So boring
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Note: I did not finish reading this book.

It is winter 2020 and the world is facing the most extreme winter for over 200 years. Jenni Fagan’s The Sunlight Pilgrims explores the potential disastrous effects of climate change beginning with a new ice age set in the very near future, only four years away. With the North Atlantic drift slowing and temperatures around the world dropping to -40 degrees, the Earth’s inhabitants fear a pending apocalypse.

The story is largely set in Clachan Fells, a Scottish caravan park situated at the base of a group of mountains. Tin houses are not the most practical form of abodes for cold weather, let alone the worst snowstorms the world has ever seen. This is the situation the main characters of The Sunlight Pilgrims find themselves. Dylan MacRae has moved into a mobile home he did not know he owned until the recent death of his mother and soon makes friends with his neighbour Constance and her daughter Stella. Although only twelve years old Stella is more concerned about her identity than she is the fatal weather condition outside. Born a boy, Stella is uncomfortable in her body and struggles to get other people to accept that she is really a girl.

Surprisingly, the dystopian snow scene seems to be more of a backdrop to a different storyline featuring identity, family and romance. Dylan is a lonely man falling in love with the woman next door, however she is tied up with relationship problems of her own. Stella, whilst seemingly carefree, is desperate to be accepted for who she is and live a happy and secure life.

Jenni Fagan does an exceptional job of portraying the confusion, thoughts and emotions of a transgender child experiencing stigma amongst her peers. Yet Fagan also emphasises the potential acceptance of people in this situation through the reception received from Dylan who did not bat an eyelid on discovering the truth about Stella’s identity.

The Sunlight Pilgrims combines popular current affairs that are likely to attract a wide audience. Sadly as a story it falls short of mediocrity. Without a clear storyline it is a struggle to remain interested. The readers’ lack of enthusiasm for the characters and their individual worries makes it a challenge to reach the end. As I never made it to the final chapter I cannot say whether the conclusion is worth sticking around for. Mixed reviews on Goodreads suggest that enjoyment depends on the individual reader rather than the novel itself. I, however, cannot recommend this book.