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The Christmas Prayer
The Christmas Prayer
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's Fall. It's time for all things Fall-y, Halloween-y and best of all? Christmas-y! So, when I saw that Ms. Brunstetter was releasing The Christmas Prayer, I jumped on the chance! I love a good novella that's filled with snow, history and best of all? Wanda Brunstetter's addictive characters. This book had it all and so much more, for such a small, quick read.

Sitting down to read this, we are taken to history, during the 1850's, and introduced to some amazing, fun loving characters. Each character has something different for the story, each of their journeys for a different reason, but with God, prayer and unforgettable messages, these characters make being snowed in, a fun treat!

Ms. Brunstetter is the type of author who can write 5 star books across the genre grid. From Amish fiction to historical romance, she can bring the reader to the heart of the story instantly, and keep them their til the very last page is turned. Once you're finished, you want more. She's that good. Ms. Brunstetter is my top author when it comes to historical and Amish romances. If you are looking for a 5 star, winter-y read to set the mood for Christmas this year, look no further than this amazing, soul moving novella! Well done, Ms. Brunstetter! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
When the Grits Hit the Fan
Maddie Day | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To help make money in the cold February winter, Robbie Jordan has opened up her restaurant for dinner two Friday’s a month to the Sociology department of a nearby college. Any thoughts she had about this being a calm exchange of ideas goes out the window when one of the professors, Charles, picks fights with two different people. The next afternoon, Robbie is out with her friend Lou when they find Charles under the ice in the nearby lake. Since Lou had fought with Charles the night before, the police are looking at her as a suspect. But with Charles as universally hated as he was, surely Robbie can find a better suspect, right?

Charles’s habit of making enemies serves us plenty of suspects. The lack of clues to point the finger at any single person makes for lots of fun. I was never bored watching the plot unfold. A couple of the series regulars weren’t around for this book, but those who were around were certainly delightful. The suspects were all strong and viable, and the climax was creative and page turning. Can I just say how much I would love to visit Robbie’s restaurant? Seriously, it sounds delightful. (Well, when a murder isn’t taking place, of course.)

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Full Cicada Moon
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely loved this book! I suppose I’m a bit partial to stories told in poetry, as I’ve really enjoyed all of the YA novels I’ve read that are written this way, but I’m just so impressed at how these authors use this medium to tell incredibly powerful stories about difficult topics.

This particular book addresses issues of racism as well as tackling issues involved with being bi-racial in America, something that hits particularly close to home for me as I’m raising bi-racial children. While the story is set in 1969, I think so many of Mimi’s experiences still resonate today–everything from being followed around a store by a suspicious salesperson to being a wallflower at your first middle school dance.

Of course, the other aspect that I’ve fallen in love with in Marilyn Hilton’s writing is her ability to capture images so beautifully in her poetry. This section, towards the end of the novel, is particularly touching:

I used to think the people of Vermont

were like the snow–



and slow to thaw

But now I think

they’re what’s underneath.

Like the crocus bulbs making flowers all winter

in the dark earth–

invisible until they push through the snow–

and like the cicadas growing

underground for years–

until they burst from the ground–

the people of Vermont

do their hardest thinking

and their richest feeling

deep inside,

so no one can see.
Truth and Lies (DI Amy Winter, #1)
Truth and Lies (DI Amy Winter, #1)
Caroline Mitchell | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick Read (1 more)
Didn't want to put it down
Book #1 in Caroline Winter’s DI Amy Winter’s series
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

“Truth and Lies” captured my attention from the very beginning. I frequently read mysteries and suspense books and, while I enjoy them, am not usually surprised by them. This novel included twists and turns that kept me hanging on every page. After I sat down to read it, my eyes starting hurt from reading the first 16 chapters without taking a break!
While dealing with the death of her father, a fellow police officer, DI Amy Winter receives a letter from Lillian Grimes, one half of a notorious serial killing team, her father’s most famous case. Grimes said she is Amy’s biological mother and would reveal the location of her victims were if Amy follows Grimes’s demands. Amy’s world is turned upside down trying to deal with her father’s death, Grimes’s allegations, and the kidnapping of a young girl. The incidents seem to be related, but can Amy trust herself to handle everything with everything that’s happening?
It was refreshing to have such a fully rounded, well developed, strong female character who is portrayed as a police officer and human and have the two so mingled together. “Truth and Lies” is the first in Caroline Winter’s DI Amy Winter’s series.