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Darkness Watching (Darkworld, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THIS IS AN ADVANCE REVIEW. Date to be posted on <a title="Darkness Watching by Emma L. Adams" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>: October 10, 2014

Note: Formatting and pictures are lost due to copy and paste.

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> Review copy provided by Curiosity Quills Press via Netgalley for review – Thanks!</i>

     Okay, wow. I'm so behind with writing reviews, I kind of slacked off a little... along with other factors (the not so controllable factors).

     On the bright side, I actually did catch up with my reading schedule during Thanksgiving Break. Like I said, best thing ever invented. The inventor deserves a hug.

     Back to talking about Darkness Watching. It's a very interesting and unique concept with demons and sorcerers/magic-users (it could be witches. Most common name used throughout the book are those two, so feel free to correct me) in a school setting – well, particularly a college setting. It's making me a bit curious about how the British school system works. Well, I'm a tad bit confused on that... the dictionary wasn't – and isn't – entirely friendly. I might understand the book better then.

     *brushes off and doesn't even count since it's a random, erudite-ish thought of mine...*

     Speaking of the book's setting, it seems that most of the time, the characters are in a club. And getting drunk. Not that the main character, Ashlyn (aka Ash), is.... but speaking of Ash, she seems to be the type that easily succumbs to peer pressure. She is still, however, a strong heroine.

     Random thought, but Leo apparently reminds me of Rick Riordan's Leo Valdez from The Heroes of Olympus series. Their humor and personality – and their namesake! (now I just need to find out if this particular Leo is Spanish...) – are almost the same, they could probably pass as twins.

     Imagine that. A demigod and a sorcerer.... O_o It's not a bad thing; I kind of enjoy Leo as a character (from both series now). :3

     In terms of grammar, it's virtually spotless, aside from a few tiny mistakes here and there. Nothing distracting though (I'm assuming it's not an ARC since it was on Netgalley after the publication date...). :)

     In the overall view though, I enjoyed reading Darkness Watching; it's a fresh take with the combinations of demons and sorcerers/magic-users!
<blockquote>Not everyone runs screaming out of their interview.</blockquote>
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<b><i> DID NOT FINISH </i></b>

If you have been following my book journey for a while, you will know what I’m about to say. I don’t have rules about reading a certain book, but there is one thing I always stick to:

<i>I give a chance to every book that comes my way. If I have it in my physical library – it will be picked up at some point. </i>

Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft is a book I won from a giveaway. It is not usually a genre I go for, but I do love witchcraft and spells. It intrigues me.
This book focuses on the Celtic Witchcraft and explains what it means to firstly, be a witch and what Celtic culture is all about – the beliefs, the customs etc.

After reading 30 pages, I decided that this book is not for me. This is, therefore, the second ”Did Not Finish” for 2019.

It starts very slow, gives detailed information of all things Celtic and the history of Celtic Witchcraft. It was a very boring introduction for me.

Then I got involved in a few life lessons without any added benefit really, and a full overview of a moon cycle followed by a detailed report on how the author’s behaviour changed during all these phases. This might be something you are interested in, but I felt like wasting my time reading someone’s daily moon diary. This was the moment I decided to close this book and move on.

I can understand why some might like this book, and you are valid! I am aware a lot of you will love and appreciate this book for what it is. And that’s okay. I just don’t seem to fit into this group. I love learning about witchcraft, witches and find out new things, but this book didn’t give me what I was looking for.

<b>Better luck next time!</b>

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Princess of souls
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book: Princess of Souls
Author: Alexandra Christo
Genre: Fantasy
Number of Pages: 352
Published: October 11th 2022
Main Characters: Selestra and Nox

I loved the fantasy novel Princess of Souls by Alexandra Christo. It was a great read. I decided to read it because it sounded intresting. I also chose to read this novel because I love retellings. I really love the cover too it's what caught my attention and pulled me in. The book starts off slow but slowly starts to get intresting a couple chapters in. Three important characters in this book are the heir Selestra Somniatis, Seryth king of the Six Isles, sand Officer Nox Laederic of Thánatos regiment. Officer Nox Laederic is the king's favorite. Also King Serth had been trying to conquer Southerisle Polemistes is the only one left not bowing down to king after he killed their king. When Officer Nox goes to make the bargain with the king his prediction shows his and Selestra Somniatis death. I hope you enjoy reading this book I sure did.

Now here's some important quotes from the start of the book so I don't spoil the rest of the book for y'all:

1. "I can tell someone when they're going to die. All I need is a lock of hair and their soul."..."That's the job of a Somiatis Witch."

Thoughts on the quote: This job seems interesting but must be hard

2. "At sixteen, I'm still just an heir to my true power, waiting for the day I inherit my family's magic."

Thoughts on this quote: It must be really hard to wait for your true self to kick in.

3. "Somniatis witches are like siphons. We draw in energy and let it pass through us. Energy like death that we call into our veins and let wet our lips. It's what gives us our visions and allows us to take the soulsof the doomed and pour them into the king.
It's cursed magic but it's the only magic left in the six Isles.
My family saw to that."

This quote is important.

4. "Heirs to magic are useless until they reach their eighteenth birthday and are bound to the king by the blood oath, ready to be taught the true essence of magic and trained to take over once the old witch dies. Until then I am Irrelevant."

Thoughts: It must be hard.

5. "Each year only two hundred are allowed to enter into the bargain and risk their souls."

Merissa (11800 KP) rated The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1) in Books

Aug 1, 2022 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
The Wizard&#039;s Ward (Vale #1)
The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1)
Jules McAleese | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A twisted and intriguing story that will keep you turning the pages.
THE WIZARD'S WARD is the first book in the Vale series and we are introduced to a world divided - you have the mers, the elves, the mortals, and the witches. Only by combining these four races in equal measure, do you get a grey blood. Francis is such a unicorn, but she doesn't know it.

We start off with her life in the castle, as a ward to the wizard - in case the title didn't give it away! We learn of her friendship with X, the son of one of the military leaders, who disappears one day without saying goodbye. We learn of her role (sort of) in the castle, with those she likes and loves, and those she loathes. When Billington (the wizard) disappears, Francis is determined to find him and sets out, with X's help. Along the way, they meet friend and foe, but no one seems to be as they appear.

This is a twisted and intriguing story that will keep you turning the pages. Francis is a strong character who faces situations head-on, even if she knows she is at a disadvantage. She doesn't sit back and wait to be rescued. Instead, she forges bonds with others and does her best to help, no matter the circumstances.

X is a character that I thoroughly enjoyed. He is complex and dark, and I can't wait to see where he goes next. How he was, was NOT what I was expecting, so I loved that it caught me unawares.

I personally wish we had more details about the Rottentoes. I can see Ezrah and Cornelia, but Puck and Darwin seem to fade together. Cora is also a character with a lot of depth.

There are parts of this story that are full of world- and character-building, but there are other parts that almost seem skimmed over. I would have loved to have known more about the world itself, the elves' kingdom, and the geography.

As a debut book, I thought this was off to a brilliant start. The story is there and with great characters. I look forward to reading more by this author and continuing with this saga. Recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 26, 2022
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
A.W. Jantha | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can not tell you how disappointing this book was. Everything from the start of the sequel to the very end. I almost DNF the book, but since this is a sequel to one of my favorite Halloween movies as a child I wanted to finish the story. I knew it wasn't going to get better.

The beginning of the book is just a recap from the movie with more knowledge of the characters feelings and a little bit more about the Sanderson sisters. I'm pretty bummed out that the author left out my favorite scene from the movie which was when the kids ran up to the cop who really wasn't a cop! I just think that part should have been put into the book. 

Once you get to the sequel its 25 years later on Halloween day in Salem. Max and Allison have a daughter named Poppy. I'm curious to why the author wanted the daughter name Poppy when everyone else has normal names like the author wanted the character to stand out more? Poppy has two close friends, Isabella and Travis. Poppy has a crush on her friend Isabella, and Travis who looks out for Poppy helping her with school, and social life with the other kids when Poppy seems to be getting attacked by others.

To sum it up without giving away to much of the story, Poppy doesn't believe in her parents or her Aunt Dani's story about Sanderson's sister when they were kids. Poppy, Isabella, and Travis head to the Sanderson's house and pretty much did exactly what her parents did 25 years ago minus the black candle.

It seems to me the author tried too hard to make this sequel to be better or equal to the first Hocus Pocus that she was adding too much of the same stuff from the first story. I didn't like the same jokes and it wasn't nearly as funny. The story was just too much for me and didn't have enough originality for me. One thing that was irritating was that Sarah Sanderson would say Amok Amok Amok in the first story than with the sequel she always seems to be repeating herself with words like Afoot and such.

You do get to read some familiar characters from the first story which was nice. There is a new character named Elizabeth who is Winnie, Mary, and Sarah's sister. I honestly didn't think it was necessary to add another witch to the famous Sanderson witches. 

All in all this story wasn't it for me. Like I said I'm pretty bummed out about it. I couldn't get into the story, everything just seemed forced together and that the author was trying to hard to make this story stand out.
The Last Witch Hunter (2015)
The Last Witch Hunter (2015)
2015 | Action, Fantasy
Enjoyable if forgettable
Can you imagine Vin Diesel as a peacekeeper in a time of witch suppression? I admit when I first heard the premise of The Last Witch Hunter I was a little sceptical of just how the Fast & Furious star would cope with such a change of role.

However, my concerns were quickly brushed aside during the first ten minutes of this unusual action adventure. But is the rest of the movie as good as its leading man?

Unfortunately, the short answer is no. Not only does Vin Diesel have to stand-off against supernatural beings, he has to take on a bland script, clichéd side characters, including a terrifically poor performance from Elijah Wood, and a plot that constantly shifts uncomfortably in tone – unable to grasp just what genre it is trying to be.

The Last Witch Hunter follows Diesel’s Kaulder as he tries to keep the peace during a time when witches live among humans in plain sight, bound by laws sworn in after a great war that ravished both sides.

He, alongside the ever-reliable Michael Caine, a wooden Elijah Wood and a lacklustre Rose Leslie fight to save the planet from the torment of a Witch Queen.

That pretty much sums up the entire plot and the dialogue doesn’t fare any better with a forced comedic edge stopping the film dead in its tracks.

Elsewhere, the characters are drawn so thinly that only Diesel makes any kind of lasting impression, though the audience is force fed a backstory so emotional, it feels like it’s been brought straight from The X Factor.

Nevertheless, The Last Witch Hunter’s succinct running time does a lot to turn the film around. Thankfully, the thin story just about stretches over the 106 minutes and the set pieces are an enjoyable romp with Diesel doing what he does best.

The special effects too are very good indeed. Considering its lesser-known nature, the production team have crafted some creepy and intriguing sets with the finale looking like it took the majority of the film’s $90million budget.

It’s just a shame that the rest of the movie falls terribly flat. What could have been an unusual and exciting trip to the cinema, ends up being another forgettable and tiresome experience.

Overall, The Last Witch Hunter is an enjoyable if entirely forgettable romp that suffers from the same problems that blight so many Hollywood blockbusters. From bland characters to poor scriptwriting and bad dialogue, only Vin Diesel and some good special effects save it from being a write-off.
Avoiding Alpha
Avoiding Alpha
Aileen Erin | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
So Tessa is now a Werewolf, Human and Bruja (Witch in Spanish) She has accepted the fact she is one and can't do anything about it. She has also accepted that Dastien is her mate. But what she hasn't accepted is that she is going to have to change into a wolf... And that scares her.

With the Vampires gone, and her and Dastien enjoying life as mates. Things couldn't be better (other than the changing into a Werewolf part) However there is a Tribunal approaching because of the whole Dastien biting her thing... (Because wolves aren't allowed to bite human and Dastien broke that rule. They have to have tribubal. Although he bit her due to her being his mate, it still has to happen) She is terrified of what might happen to them both.

Then Meredith her best friend and room neighbor. Was cursed a few years ago so her wolf can't come out and she is never about to change into one again. This curse is now breaking. With Meredith finding her mate in Donovan, who is one of the seven (one of the high Werewolves, who are in charge of all Were.) She freaks and her wolf tries to break out and this gets her really ill. So ill she could die.

Tessa tries to find away to help her by breaking the curse and freeing her wolf. She tries magic and asks for her cousins help. But unfortunately there is no way to break another Witches curse. So Tessa suggests trying to keep the curse to save her life and then working on away to stop this curse later. Once Meredith is better.

We then find out who cursed her and why, Tessa then tries to talk to this Witch and get her to break that curse. But this Witch the leader of the Coven hates all Werewolves and will only break this curse (put the curse back on her and stop the wolf coming back) if she can do the same to Tessa and she joins the Coven she is destined to lead. But Tessa won't join.

Tessa tries to break the curse again and tries to keep Meridith's wolf at bay. But is unsuccessful in doing so. She goes back to the Coven ready to make a deal, but in going there she learns how to break the curse completely. But in order to break this curse she needs to accept she is going to have to change to become a wolf. Which she finally does.

With the Tribunal approaching Tessa has so many emotions. She needs to relax and save Meredith and become one with who she is.


Love, Christina ?
Bitter Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #3)
Bitter Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #3)
Sarra Cannon | 2016 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review of this book and others can be found on my blog:

Bitter Demons is the third book from The Shadow Demons Saga, and the third book of my challenge to read my sister’s books. If you haven’t read the two parts, you can read my reviews on my blog :

Beautiful Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #1) - ★★★★

Inner Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #2) - ★★★★

As a third book of this series, I have to be honest and say that this one didn’t deliver. I expected so much more to happen, and so many more questions to be answered.

The story continues where the second book ends, and now we have Harper, that knows she is a Prima and has great powers. She also really likes this handsome guy, who happens to be a Demon. And Demons can’t have relationships with Primas, because demons are supposed to be slaves, and witches are supposed to use their power.

When two Prima sisters come into town and Harper meets them, she becomes friends with Caroline, one of the sisters. They decide to play a game and swap their looks. But Caroline, who looks like Harper is attacked, which means that someone wants Harper dead - and Harper has to keep this a secret and resolve the mystery by herself.

Now, of course we get to see a lot of Harper in the book - after all, this book is about her. But we don’t get to see her character or story improve in any meaningful way.

We learn a lot about Jackson and his past, and his brother (ooooh… spooky), and how he tries very hard to resist Harper in any way, but ends up doing the exact opposite.

On another note, we are introduced to new characters, but also some of the old characters are given more time in this book and we get to know them better - which I might of not liked so much. Give me more Harper - please!

We meet Caroline - I loved their friendship with Harper and I loved how nice and cute she was. A bit naive, just like Harper, which maybe got her in trouble.

Mary Anne…Oh, Mary Anne... Even though we don’t get to meet her much and she always only shines in the end of the book, I loved the mysterious bit about her, and her will to make the sacrifice that she did. She was the hero for me in this book!

Brook - We got to see the mean side of her, and wow, how fast she changed! Can people really change that quickly and fall under pressure so easily?

I still love the story so much, and will of course read the rest of the books, but I didn’t enjoy this book as much I enjoyed the first two parts. I am hoping the next book will pleasantly surprise me.