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This is the fifth installation of The Earthsea Cycle.In this book is a collection of short stories from different eras and locations within Earthsea. There are tons of links to other tales in this series throughout this book, including character crossovers. There's even a whole section on describing Earthsea at the end, giving a real in-depth history of the land and it's cultures.

I am getting a little bored with this series, but I think it's just because of how the writing has a rather archaic feel. This writing really does help create the universe, but it's just not my thing. I appreciate how effective it is in creating the world of Earthsea and immersing you in the book, though.

My favourite tale in this book is the final one, where a woman is allowed entrance into Roke School. I'm interested in seeing if equality returns to Earthsea - women with power are looked down upon, whereas sorcerers, wizards and especially mages are respected for their power.

I will stil finish reading this series, despite not loving it as much as I maybe should. 3 stars.
Within Our Gates (1920)
Within Our Gates (1920)
1920 | Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Because that’s what I’ve got on my mind, at the top of the list is an Oscar Micheaux film. Oscar Micheaux was just a legendary figure, especially among African-Americans. And fortunately, because we’ve been able to recover his silent films, he now has a place in general film history. Within Our Gates, like many of his films, really deliberately and explicitly takes up questions of racial politics in America. The film is about a woman named Sylvia Landry (Evelyn Preer) who is a teacher and she goes up north to try to raise money for this small black school, the Piney Woods School, which was an actual full black school that still exists. We experience what she does in terms of the feeling of isolation that many people who moved from the south to the north felt. She’s escaping a really traumatic family history of violence in the south. The film represents lynching and the attempted rape of black women. Micheaux was just really out there in terms of showing the ugliest aspects of racism in America. He had very clear ideas about the way forward and how education uplifts the right living. These are the things that he felt were keys to black success. He’s a filmmaker whose films still spark really powerful debates today. Amazingly, this film had been lost for decades, and it was found in an archive in Spain. It had been there for decades. It was a title that just wasn’t recognizable to scholars who know Micheaux’s work. In the 1990s, the film was repatriated to the United States and restored. The inner titles had to be translated back from Spanish into English. In addition, it’s just the visual and the narrative power of film itself. It’s a real lesson for us to work hard to try to recover these lost works."

The Women at Hitler’s Table
The Women at Hitler’s Table
Rosella Postorino | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Even though The Women at Hitler’s Table doesn’t feature an appearance by Hitler himself, it is very much about Hitler’s Germany and how his paranoia directly affected the women who were forced into becoming his food tasters. 1943 saw a shift in the Second World War, the Allies and Russia began to take the upper hand, and Hitler saw assassination plots around every corner (he wasn’t far wrong, but it was generally instigated by his own side).

Rosa Sauer moves from Berlin to live with her husbands parents in the countryside, to escape the bombs that killed her parents. However, in doing so she draws attention to herself and ends up being ‘enlisted’ by the SS as one of the female food tasters at the Wolfschanze (Wolfs Lair). In some ways this is a privileged position - food is scarce and people are starving. Rosa and her fellow food tasters are guaranteed regular food, but each meal could be their last. They have no choice but to eat: SS guards watch their every mouthful. Some of the women are Hitler loyalists and see it as an honour to do this, whilst others (Rosa included) aren’t as keen. Rosa is beginning to see the cracks in the regime, and in fact has disagreed with the party’s politics for a long time. But she has chosen not to do or say anything - as many people did.

This book looks at what life was like for the ordinary Germans. Their loves, loyalties, secrets and the fear for both their present circumstances and their futures. This isn’t a comfortable read. It looks at some very unsettling subjects, and the fear of the women is palpable. I think the story would have stood up well without the romance element, but I’m sure some would disagree with me and would enjoy that aspect more.

I really liked the links with real historical figures: Claus Von Stauffenberg, some local nobility and a real food taster that the story was based on (Margot Wölk). I also liked the style in which this was written. It was dark, subdued, much like how I imagine the country felt as a whole at this point. I really did enjoy this book - it was an interesting and new angle to look at a period in history which we all feel that we know a lot about. Just when you thought you’d seen it all, Hitler’s female food tasters make their appearance....

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my copy of this book to read and review.
Two Women in Rome
Two Women in Rome
Elizabeth Buchan | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two Women in Rome is a truly captivating story set in two time periods. In the present day, Lottie is an archivist working in Rome who comes across a painting once owned by an English woman called Nina who died in the late 1970’s. The painting appears to be valuable, painted in the fifteenth century.

Lottie also finds Nina’s journal in her personal effects, and the more of it she reads, the more she wants to find out about her life.

I loved the details about Rome in both timelines - I’ve visited Rome and loved it. The strong female characters were also a big plus point for me. Lottie is a head archivist, she really knows what she’s doing and is confident in her abilities. Nina is also an assertive woman - she is often in new situations that many would find themselves floundering in (Ok, that sounds really vague, but I don’t want to give anything away!)

This is a book about secrets: about keeping them, and what happens when they are revealed - both good and bad. This isn’t a book that goes fast and hard in its revelations. Quite opposite in fact, and probably why I liked it so much. I love a well told story, and I really felt that I knew the women in this because of that feeling of not being rushed through the story.

There’s a fair amount of Italian politics in this, some of which I had never known about, so that was another plus point. I hadn’t realised that Italy had had quite such a tumultuous political life for so long after World War Two. The novel has a great mix of themes, actually: secrets, history, politics, life in Rome, betrayal, guilt. I think I’m becoming a bit of an Elizabeth Buchan fan because I really enjoyed her last book The Museum of Broken Promises, as well. Both books are set in Europe, with the aftereffects of great political upheavals, ostensibly going back to World War Two. This book is well worth reading - I’d definitely recommend it.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and NetGalley for my copy of this book.
What would our world be like without Christianity? Jeremiah J. Johnston has taken time to write his thoughts about this. A world without Christianity would be a very dark place to be.

In his book, he looks at how Christianity has stood against the wrongs of slavery, racism, eugenics, and injustices toward women and children. How democracy, freedom and a whole value, and modern education and the legal systems all owe a lot to Christianity.

In his research, Mr. Johnston takes us back through church history and we explore what was and if we aren't careful what can be again.

This is a very thoroughly researched book, full of insight and leaves the reader thankful for Christianity.

I would recommend this book to read. It is informative and eye-opening.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The House with the Golden Door
The House with the Golden Door
Elodie Harper | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amara’s story in The House with the Golden Door picks up where The Wolf Den ended. Amara now lives in a house provided by her patron, Rufus, and she must cater to his every whim, even though she’s a freed woman. He provides all that she needs to live - without him, she may as well return to the Wolf Den.

But Amara feels a responsibility to free or buy the friends she has left behind.

I loved the world building in this book. And even though she’s supposedly free, she is still constrained by her sex and status. Being a woman doesn’t seem like much fun at any point in history. Whilst Roman women may have had more rights than many others, I struggled to see any advantages. Whilst I live reading about history, I have NO wish to travel back in time. Only men could do that in relative safety, I think. And I’m happy with my antibiotics and my rights, thanks!

So Amara decides to work with her strengths, and continues to sing for money with Victoria and two slaves that she buys with the help of a friend.

It becomes apparent though, that Rufus is becoming bored with Amara, and she starts playing a dangerous game.

I seriously can’t wait until the third part of this trilogy. You just know that there’s going to be a pretty BIG event coming up (Vesuvius, anyone?!), and I’m desperate to know how this all plays out.
Highly recommended.

Micky Barnard (542 KP) rated The Orphan's Tale in Books

Dec 13, 2018 (Updated Dec 13, 2018)  
The Orphan's Tale
The Orphan's Tale
Pam Jenoff | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Intensely compelling
This was a heart-stopping and painful read but there are no regrets in reading it. THE ORPHAN'S TALE broke my heart at the beginning and it didn't stop there. The premise for this story had me searching for the history behind the start of the book; a boxcar of babies on their way to be transported to a concentration camp and a young infant saved. This was based in reality and I can say this book was very well researched and the story throughout felt so tangible.

The two main characters in this book, Noa and Astrid are two women brought together through the rough and barren circumstances of war. They develop that kind of bond that feels like sisterhood. The main story centralises around a circus, such a contrast to war and occupation but this wasn't a joyful, fun life. These two aerialists, learner and mentor, continued in this world just to survive. There was a wonderful cast of characters both in the circus and also along their travels; the character development was superb.

This book provoked such emotion, making the reader really feel the desperation, attachments and loss and hope in 1940s war time Europe. This story was not neatly tied up to make the reader satisfied. Any discomfort or sadness I felt was necessary and right. I don't want to feel my emotions smoothed over for a more comfortable experience, I want to vicariously feel the experiences of these characters cast from real history....and I did.

Pam Jenoff has excelled in her writing, concept, story and character development. This is her best work yet.
Dread Nation
Dread Nation
Justina Ireland | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stong Women of Color (0 more)
Rushed, Not enough backstory/world building. (0 more)
I was excited for this one,it had SO MUCH POTENTIAL, but it let me down.

I really enjoyed the world building and character development in as far as it was taken, but I would have liked more depth and backstory on both Jane and Kate as well as Jane and Red Jacks relationship BEFORE as well as more history on the zombies themselves. There is a brief mention of them rising up at Gettysburg and buy few details as to the why and how. Lily seemed centrifugal to the story initially but felt like an after thought overall. Also the story was very slow to start but was totally rushed at the end. As soon as it began to get interesting it ended.
In a time when women never wore trousers and most definitely did not solve murders...Herringford & Watts break every rule in the book of propriety and pave their own future. The year is 1910. Toronto has seen it's share of progress and changes over the last few years. Yet, a woman's duty is still to marry, keep house and raise a family. Merinda Herringford and Jemima Watts are best friends, flatmates...and...detectives. These women do not fit the mold for a "Proper Lady". However, they are living out their dreams and following their passion. And to that I say, "Brava!" When the Herringford & Watts Detective Agency opens for business, mischief, madness and mayhem follow wherever these two go. When the mystery of the deaths of two Irish girls is brushed over by the police and press, Herringford & Watts step in to solve the case. The Morality Squad is on the prowl looking for an excuse to cart women away in the name of, "Cleaning up the town". Reasons may include, but are not limited to: a hemline too short, being out without an escort and sticking their nose in the wrong people's business. For this reason, Merinda and Jem masquerade as men with bowler hats on a fairly regular basis. This offers them the freedom of movement that would otherwise be denied them as women. Leading them to new depths and new heights. Joining forces with Constable Jasper Forth and Ray DeLuca, a reporter, will this team see that justice is served? Will their adventures take them too far? And will these bachelor girls be the voice for the women who have none?
I can honestly say that by page 10 of the novella (A Singular & Whimsical Problem), I was addicted to Herringford & Watts! From the cover design of the book to the quirky traits of these two women, I will treasure their story for many years to come. Let's talk about the book itself for a minute. There are several different aspects to the layout that intrigued me. First of all, the silhouettes on the cover (aren't they gorgeous), can be found at the beginning of each chapter as well, with artwork. Giving a deeper impression of the era. There are lovely quotes at the beginning of each chapter as well. Throughout the book you will find footnotes. Not referencing history books, but referencing our characters and addressing the reader personally. This dynamic didn't just draw me into the story, oh no, it gobbled me up and left me wandering the streets of Toronto, trying to walk without using my hips...Through these footnotes we learn a lot about all of our characters, without the need of an extra hundred pages, although I wouldn't have complained about that either.
The story is one of the most beautifully crafted books I have ever read. I am a HUGE fan of Sherlock and Murdoch Mysteries. And to have a story similar to those with women playing the lead...Brilliant! While we see the story through the perspective of different characters, it is mainly through Jem's eyes. Throughout their crime solving adventure, we can see the strength and determination of these women to do the right thing. Jem and Ray both look to the Lord for guidance and are comforted and encouraged by His voice and His peace. While God is a puzzle too big to solve for Merinda at this point. If you enjoy a good mystery with a lot of humour and some faith...THIS is the book for you! There are pins and needles that I am sitting on, waiting for the next book to come out!
Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn
Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn
Melissa Bourbon | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lane women are so genuinely interesting, I keep coming back for more.
The Book Magic Mystery series is such a splendid way to spend a couple of hours. It starts with a curse; the women in the family are doomed to die in childbirth and their men doomed to be taken by the sea. Add in the special power the women sometimes have as bibliomancers, that in itself makes this series intriguing. What avid reader wouldn’t want to be able to do that?

In Murder at Sea Captain’s Inn, Pippin and her brother Grey are the latest descendents of the Lane family. Pippin is desperate to find a way to break the family curse if only to save her brother from his seemingly preordained fate. She has turned the house they inherited from their parents into a bed and breakfast and she has her hands full with the grand opening. It is bad enough that one of her guests has turned up dead, but as Pippin gets pulled into investigating, it turns out that the woman may have known something about the curse that has been following the Lanes for the past two millennia.

Melissa Bourbon knows how to tell a story. Honestly, that is all that needs to be said.

There is so much going on in the 250+ pages of this book. Pippin has picked up her father’s investigation into her lineage and is learning to have confidence in her role as a biblimancer. That narrative alone is fascinating. I could read a 500 page book on that aspect of the story alone. The Lane women are so genuinely interesting, I keep coming back for more.

I truly enjoyed the tidbits of archeology and history laced into the plot. With a budding archaeologist in the house, I admit to being just a little too excited to read about optically stimulated luminescence in the course of a mystery novel. I mean that doesn’t just pop up in a typical conversation. I also love that I didn’t see whodunnit until it was explained. When Pippin figured it out, I was hoping she was wrong because I just didn’t want to believe it, but of course it was there in the clues the whole time. How did I miss it? Simply put, the clues are so subtly woven into the story that it is easy to forget that we, as readers, are here to help Pippen solve a mystery.

I do think this reads well as a stand alone if this is your first experience with the series. Still, book 1 and its prequel are so worth the effort. The story isn’t all told yet, so I will be back for more.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily