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jd2105 (10 KP) rated Lords of Waterdeep in Tabletop Games

Feb 26, 2020 (Updated Feb 26, 2020)  
Lords of Waterdeep
Lords of Waterdeep
2012 | City Building, Fantasy
A great begginer game
This worker replacement game is a very good games to start with for anyone who has never played tabletop games before. The strategy for this game is minimal, it is always good to have some kind of strategy, however other players moves may change your strategy for you in this game, but its effects are not very harsh. There is always another option in this game especially the further into the game you get as more placements will be available. However worker placement is the main mechanic in this game set collection is also a mechanic which is really important in this game. Collecting your pieces are almost just as important as placing your workers. Even though it is generally considered a beginner's introductory game I find this game to be a great go to for myself even though I am beyond beginner level. This is a great game for beginner intermediate to expert and family all different groups enjoy this game.
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
2016 | Civilization, Dice Game, Economic, Environmental, Business / Industrial
Excellent Work Placement Game
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire- is a excellent work placement game. I love work placement games and this one is one of them. Lets talk more about the game.

Players sit in the roles of countries trying to develop industry and energy production over a period of time roughly from the end of World War II to the present day. Throughout the game, players will construct buildings, power plants as dice, and manage the pollution in their environment with the aim of scoring the most points.

To begin play, the main board for Energy Empire is seeded with starting Building cards. These are divided into three different sectors: Government spaces, Industry spaces, and Commerce spaces. A set of pollution tokens, depending on the number of players, is also stacked on a track as the game timer.

Once the game begins, it flows continuously without rounds. Each player chooses, on their turn, to take a Work Turn or a Generate Turn.

Work Turn- During this type of turn, players must place a single worker on the main board on one of the spaces which represent activities and resources to collect. For example, this may be gaining science, steel, or purchasing oil. Afterwards, depending on which sector the player placed their worker, they can activate any previously purchased buildings, assuming they have enough workers and/or energy. Players can also activate their nation card and move up on the United Nations track, which is a pure competition for end game points. Energy is also used if a player wishes to place a worker on a space occupied by another worker. The player must place additional energy under the worker until their placement stack is larger than any other already placed.

Generate Turn: This type of turn represents the player resetting their work potential for a new set of placing workers. They do this by first potentially collecting an achievement which represents end game points for a variety of goals. They then recall any workers to their Player Mat and discard all Energy tokens. Players can also spend any oil resources to gain oil power plant dice. Finally the player rolls any or all power plant dice they have. This might include Solar/Wind (green dice), Hydro Power (blue dice, limited to one per player), Coal (black dice), and Nuclear (yellow dice). The resulting number of lightning bolts on the dice are delivered as energy tokens to the player. If a clean energy source rolled the highest cardinal number, the player does not collect pollution. If coal, oil, or nuclear dice resulted in the highest number, then the player places a single pollution token into their environment. Players continue this process one after another until a predesignated number of pollution tokens are removed from the game. Players get one final turn and then points are tallied. Players receive points for keeping their player mat free of pollution, building power plants, the United Nations track, and various points for each building constructed.

The most engaging part of the game and the main reason to seek it out, comes from the theme of global power intrigue. The building cards show off the exceptional art in the game.

Manhattan Project: Energy Empire Cards
The global impact cards for the first half of the game are green with a milder impact. Once they go red, prepare for some serious negative events. On top of this theme, the actions associated with everything in the game fit just right. The concept in game actions connect directly to the theme concept. In addition, the country actions to move up on the United Nations track also represent the tone and success formulas for those countries. The mechanism for rolling dice to gain energy and how much pollution is delivered feels just perfect given the competing goals of clean environments and high energy production.

The worker placement mechanism itself (largest stack among existing workers) is not new, but it is just the right mechanism to promote the overall feeling of energy competition. Choosing the space on which to place a worker is highly engaging and the choices tense to maximize efficiency. It is easy to connect with both strategy and tactics in this game.

Even with this engagement, it is also easy to see optimal routes for gaining points assuming opponents follow their strategies. It’s not “easy”, but it is possible to not even worry about opponents blocking a particular path to victory with low numbers of players.

Its a excellent work placement game. One i highly recordmend getting and play.
Wreck Raiders
Wreck Raiders
2019 | Dice Game, Nautical
“X marks the spot.” But what happens after the pirates sail off with the treasure? Usually the next time we see it, it’s in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean. How did it get there? I’m not exactly sure. But your job as a Wreck Raider is to get that treasure out of the water, onto land, and into museums to start earning you some serious cash!

Wreck Raiders is a dice rolling game of worker placement and set collection in which you are trying to collect sunken treasures for museum exhibits and build extravagant aquariums that will earn you a fortune once opened to the public. Players take turns claiming dice, moving Divers to underwater wrecks, collecting treasures for museum exhibits, and safely collecting exotic sea creatures for display in aquariums. Can you find the rarest and most desired underwater treasures, or will your competitors take all the goods and leave unimpressive baubles for you?

DISCLAIMER: There are a few mini-expansions for this game, and we do have them. We are reviewing only the base game for now. Should we decide to review the mini expansions, we will either update this post or link to the new post here. -T

I don’t own a lot of worker placement games. I don’t usually enjoy ‘take that’ type actions, and in most worker placement games, when one player monopolizes a single spot on the board (either to amass those resources or block their opponents), it can certainly escalate the tension of the game. Wreck Raiders is a worker placement game, but with a twist. When you place one of your Divers at a wreck, any players in the adjacent spots also receive the benefit of your placement. If a dive site is full, you have the ability to bump your opponents to the beach, where they will also collect that resource. Nobody can truly be blocked in this game, and that makes it feel like a friendlier game. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still competing for the most end-game points, it just doesn’t feel as cutthroat because you know that you can still have access to the resources you need.

With that said, Wreck Raiders requires a whole lot more strategy than meets the eye. All collected treasures are public information – you know what your opponents have gathered, and they know what you have. Since your worker placement could benefit Divers in adjacent spaces, you really have to think about what resources you need, and what resources you are willing to hand to your opponents, free of charge. If you have enough Divers at a site, you could multiply your own collection, but if your opponent holds the majority, you could be handing them end-game points if you decide to place your Diver there. It’s a game of give-and-take, and a single placement decision could inadvertently affect the entire outcome of the game. Another aspect of this game that I really like, regarding strategy, is that there are several ways to earn points. You can earn points for completing museum exhibits, collecting matching sets of artifacts for your personal vault, and building as many aquariums as possible. There’s no single path to victory, and the options provided make for a different game every play. Make sure you keep an eye on your opponents, though. How can you inhibit their strategy while maximizing yours? I guess you’ll just have to play to find out for yourself!

Wreck Raiders looks like a daunting game with a lot of moving parts, but it really is quite simple to learn and to play. That is a huge positive for me because I am not the greatest board game teacher (yet!), so if a game is pretty intuitive, it makes it easier for me to teach. The gameplay itself is not too complicated, and that makes it fun and fast to play. Yes, you’ve got to be constantly strategizing, but there aren’t so many options that you feel overwhelmed and unsure of what moves to make. This game is a great balance of strategy and ease of play and I will never turn down an opportunity to play it.

Wreck Raiders is a game that I Kickstarted, and I am so glad that I did. The artwork is neat, the components are high-quality, and the game itself plays extremely well. There are so many strategic paths open to you, every game is going to be different. Wreck Raiders is one hidden treasure that I am happy to have discovered! Purple Phoenix Games gives it a seaworthy 10 / 12.

Viticulture Essential Edition
Viticulture Essential Edition
2015 | Economic, Farming
Viticulture: Essential Edition Review
Viticulture: Essential Edition is one of the most polished, professional board game packages I’ve ever seen. From the perfectly sized box to the phenomenal graphic design to the most succinct and clear rulebook I have ever read, Stonemaier games have gone above and beyond to provide a quality product.

Beyond the beautiful presentation lies a fantastic worker placement game that is a lot more interesting than its closest popular peers–Stone Age and Lords of Waterdeep. While perhaps a half-step more complicated than those two games, Viticulture has the advantage of being more thematically cohesive.

Original Rating: 8/10
Reviewer: Marc Davis
Read the full review here:
2011 | City Building, Economic, Fantasy
I don’t know if I have ever just come out and said it before, but I love worker placement games. I just adore the mechanic and if a game includes it, the chances of me liking it are quite good. Belfort is an older game now (almost 10 years old!) so does it still excite and deliver the goods when so many other great worker placement games have been produced since it debuted?

The winner of Belfort is the player who, at the end of seven rounds of play, earns the most Victory Points (VP). Players will earn victory points by having majority of buildings claimed within the five districts of Belfort. To claim a building, players will be shrewdly sending workers to mines, the forest, and various buildings and guilds of Belfort to recruit more workers and earn the ever-important buck to finance these buildings.
Setup is kind of a beast, so I won’t detail everything here. Similarly, I will not be detailing every rule in the book, as there are just too many. But, I will give a general flow of the game so readers may be able to decide if this is a game they must add to their collections.

Once the game is setup and player order is established, each player will complete their entire turn in player order. Players will have many choices available to them on their turn: place workers on various buildings they had previously built, place workers on guild tiles to access powerful abilities, recruit more workers, hire gnomes to unlock certain portions of buildings, gaining more building plans, visiting the trading post to exchange resources, transform normal workers into master workers, and lastly assign workers to gather resources (wood, stone, metal, and gold) in the forests and mines surrounding Belfort.

At certain times during the game players will score their efforts to move up (and down) the VP track. It is at the end of the third and final scoring that the game ends and a victor is crowned.

While this is a very broad and general description of the rules of Belfort, each option listed contains layers of strategic depth that, like all good worker placement games, limits the players’ abilities to go everywhere they like as workers are in limited supply. For those gamers who have never played a worker placement game, this is both excruciating and delicious.
Components. This game boasts way too many components for the box in which is barely contained. I say this with one complete expansion and the promo set of guild tiles included, and the latest expansion on the way. All of the components in this game are stellar. The cards are great. All the cardboard play mats and tiles are great. The worker components and all the wooden bits are super great, AND I didn’t even mind having to sticker my own workers. The best part about the components in Belfort is definitely the art. The team designed an excellent art style for this one, and seeing little hidden jokes within the art makes it all that more interesting to me.

So DOES it hold up after all these years? I think it does. Though I would not consider Belfort an “easy” game to learn, teach, or play at first, after a few rounds players generally catch on and begin to really weigh all their options. This is a great game for think-hungry gamers. This game is conversely a bane for all AP-prone players. I fall right in the middle, but lean towards faster play at the expense of my final score. But that’s the beauty of Belfort and of all worker placement games: there are so many choices that one could easily just try to play so that they visit every location at least once. Now, by doing this the players are also ignoring the true goal of the game: area majority within the districts of Belfort, but if a player isn’t as aggressive or victory-crazed, that’s not a bad thing.

For me, I love Belfort. A lot. Unfortunately for me, during this crazy COVID time, I will not be able to play it much, and was lucky to be able to pull it out recently again after not playing it for several years. But, I always look upon the box fondly and wish I could just bust it out any time I want. Maybe someday someone will create solo rules for it and I can enjoy it that way. My wife is not a fan, but also she’s not really a fan of games that are longer than an hour generally. I cherish this game, and am quite happy to have it in my collection.
2014 | Medieval, Religious, Travel
The many different options on how to play (1 more)
I kinda like the old european art
The theme isn't great (0 more)
A multi dimensional multipath to victory game with bag building and worker placement.
This game is one of my wife's favorites too. So many different ways to win this game, and the special buildings are the key to different paths. I will warn you as a first time player, make sure you don't neglect the knowledge path (books) or the map, those are the key to the game, how you get those down are how you win. This game is all about how you find your personal efficiency, and use your strengths which you've built better than you neighbor. I've not yet played the expansions as we've played the central game only about 20 times so far, holding out on opening those up till after the base game gets stale.
Lords of Waterdeep
Lords of Waterdeep
2012 | City Building, Fantasy
Replayability (0 more)
Control of the city
Even for people with no prior knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons, Lords of Waterdeep is absolutely playable and enjoyable with a great theme and good rules; quick to learn and intuitive, after a couple of games the rulebook is barely touched.

For people with knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons, being able to play as one of the hidden Lords of Waterdeep feels very special; for those who know the Forgotten Realms well, it adds an extra level of depth (outside of the books and pages) to the City, and gives some inspiration for the sort of tasks the Lords may ask players.

The game itself is a worker placement, resource/recruit gathering, with a strong player vs Player element.

The core game is absolutely playable multiple times, and the add on (probably reviewed separately!) adds new rules and characters, but crucially is not an absolute must to get the full experience.
2014 | Farming
Have you ever had that thought, where you were sitting, wondering, has there ever been a board game based on “x” theme? Something really obscure, that you were for sure no one has ever thought of before. I think those of us that are avid collectors have this thought often, and it can be quite amusing at times. Sometimes the thought enters our head as this grand world domination scheme where you are going to be the first person to invent this new abstract and ludicrous board game that everyone is going to buy, making you filthy rich! And other times, the thought is just one of those that exists at the very far back stretches of your brain, jusssst to see how comical a title/theme you can come up with. Well, let me welcome everyone to “Scoville” – the board game I bet you never thought existed…..well, until now that is.

“Scoville” is exactly what you are thinking. Well, if you are a pepper fan or afficionado anyway. You see, Scoville, a term specifically made up by a fellow pepper enthusiast, is a test that measures the “hotness” of a pepper. The test was first used by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, whose namesake became the prodigious word used across the world to catalogue the finest and hottest peppers. The test has become so popular, that each year, farmers across the world make attempts to cross-breed peppers to make even hotter ones, just so they can stake a claim at the highest level of the Scoville scale.

Now that you have an idea of what our theme is all about, let’s talk gameplay. In Scoville, you play a pepper farmer. Your goal is to plant, sell, and breed the hottest peppers in all of town, suitably named, “Scoville.” There are 5 phases in each round of the game. Players complete these 5 phases in order until afternoon occurs in the game. This happens when a set amount of peppers have been sold by the farmers in the “marketplace” based on player count. These 5 phases: Auction, Plant, Harvest, Fulfillment, and Time Check, are described in the rulebook in a short, but thorough way. Each “morning” in the game, farmers take turns selling their peppers for victory points, planting new peppers in the open field plots, harvesting and breeding new peppers to sell later, and completing orders. It sounds like a lot, but the gameplay is one of the smoothest I have experienced in a worker placement style game. It’s unique in that it isn’t truly worker placement where you fill a space and another player is then blocked. The field in this case is wide open and provides ample direction for multiple strategies to get the best peppers on your turn. Once enough peppers have been sold based on the rulebook’s conditions, players enter the “afternoon” phase where they will sell peppers and fulfill any remaining orders they can. Once all players have completed this last trek through the 5 phases, victory points are added up. You’ll get varying points for all orders fulfilled throughout gameplay, points for special award plaques such as the hottest pepper award, points for unused Bonus tiles you are provided at the start (essentially little bumps in the game so no one person can run away with the scoring), and finally points for all money you have left from selling peppers in increments of $3.

While I have only scratched the surface of the breadth of gameplay this game offers, it is by far one of the simplest, yet most strategic, worker placement board games I have come across. The theme is in a very specific niche, yet is so whimsical and fun because of how the game is organized and crafted. It is very accessible for the whole family, and I say even usable as a first gateway game into the worker placement genre. The designer has done great not to let the theme weigh down the game to the point of that typical analysis paralysis that sometimes becomes the crux of most worker placement games. To clarify, actions such as “watering” or “fertilizing” the peppers could have been added to amplify the theme further, but are not included I believe because it truly doesn’t take away from the gameplay and imaginative idea that we are true pepper farmers. Just because we are “farmers” doesn’t mean we have to complete every task a farmer might do. We just have to feel like we are growing some really cool looking peppers (which the unique pepper meeples do the trick!)

While the theme is quite specific to a certain niche of gamer/pepper afficionado, it certainly makes up in fun gameplay that really anyone can enjoy, even us light-weight pepper eaters. It actually gives us light-weights a place to feel inclusive in this world of burn-your-face-off exhilarance that is so apparent on the faces of those that can tackle the likes of the dreaded Ghost pepper or Carolina Reaper. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a hot 10 / 12. I hope you consider picking up a copy of this at your local game store and give it a try. You won’t regret it. And hey, good luck discovering all sorts of new and exciting types of those hot hot little death pickles!
Century: Golem Edition - An Endless World
Century: Golem Edition - An Endless World
2020 | Fantasy
If you’ve read our reviews on the first 2 games of the Century: Golem Edition games, then you will know that we are big fans. The art and theme really drew us in, and the gameplay is what keeps us coming back for more. Now that the third and final game has dropped, how does it fit in with its predecessors? Is it the finale we were hoping for? Or does it leave us yearning for the OG Century Golem? Keep reading to find out!

Disclaimer: This game comes with rules to incorporate any/all of the Century Golem games into one bigger game. In this review, I will only be discussing the stand-alone final game in the Century Golem trilogy. -L

Century: Golem Edition – An Endless World (referred to as just An Endless World for this review) is a game of set collection and worker placement in which players are trying to earn the most points by the end of the game. To setup the game, follow the instructions outlined in the rules, dependent upon your player count. Each player begins the game with 6 Trader meeples (or 7 in a 2-player game) in their supply, and a specified number/type of crystals. The game is now ready to begin!

On your turn, you will have 2 options: Work or Rest. To Work, you will first select a location square on the board. You may not choose a location where you already have Traders, or that has an Exploration tile. You will then place Traders from your supply onto the chosen location – the number of Traders required is printed on the location. If the location is unoccupied, simply place the required number of Traders. If the location is occupied by an opponent, you may place Traders there, but you must match the opponents Traders, plus an additional Trader, to take control of the location. Any opposing Traders ousted in this manner are returned to their players’ supply. Once you have placed Traders on a location, you can then perform the action listed on that location. Action options are: producing gems, upgrading gems, trading gems, or collecting Point cards/bonus tokens. If you cannot or do not want to use a location on your turn, you can Rest. To Rest, you will collect all of your Traders from the board and place them back into your supply.

Point cards can provide immediate, ongoing, or end-game benefits for players. Help cards allow you to place 1 fewer Trader than required on certain locations. Tool cards give players an additional gem of a specified color when they place Traders on corresponding locations. New Trader cards allow players to add either 1 or 2 more Traders to their supply, thus increasing their ability to play each ’round’ before needing to Rest. Finally, Exploration cards allow the player to select an Exploration token from the board. Any time an Exploration token is claimed, that location is now ‘uncovered’ and can be used for the remainder of the game. Bonus tokens grant end-game points based upon sets of icons collected, number of Traders in your supply, or simply straight-up points.

The game continues in this fashion, alternating turns, until a player has collected their 8th Point card. The current round is played out, and then points are counted. Points are earned through Point cards, bonus tiles, Exploration tiles, and any remaining gems in your supply. The player with the highest score wins!
One thing I really like about worker placement games is that the actual gameplay is pretty logical and straight-forward. Place your worker, perform action. And An Endless World is no exception to that. Of course, how you decide to play all comes down to your strategy, and again, An Endless World has tons of options for players. Maybe you want to just get 8 Point cards as quickly as possible and call it a day. Or perhaps you want to maximize your bonus tokens and eke out as many points from those as possible. Or maybe you even just want to keep your opponent(s) from achieving their goals. You can play this game so many different ways, and you can totally adapt and change strategy mid-game if you so choose. Each game feels unique and new, and I have yet to tire from this gameplay.

An Endless World is a worker placement game, but there is one factor that I find extremely unique for the mechanic. Usually, in worker placement games, once a worker has occupied a location, it remains there until the player chooses to recover their workers. An Endless World offers players the chance to oust opponents from locations, by placing the same number plus 1 additional worker. I just think this is super neat, because it means that you can’t just ‘block’ a location from everyone. If someone really wants that location, and they have the workers, they can get to that location. Also, along those lines, since ousting a player from a location means you have to match their workers plus an additional worker, you have to decide if you want to risk dedicating that many workers to a single location. You might reaaaaally want to perform that action, but for the cost of 4 Traders, is it worth it at this moment? Could those workers better be used on different locations and you just snatch your desired location on a future turn? All part of your strategy for the game, and definitely keeps all players engaged.

Let me touch on components for a minute. As with the other Century Golem games, An Endless World is extremely well-produced. The gems are the same quality, the cards are nice, thick, and clear to read, and the cardboard tokens are nice and sturdy. Plan B Games has hit the mark on this trilogy of games, and they truly are a pleasure to play. Obviously, the artwork and theme consistency throughout the Century Golem trilogy has been really satisfying, but that also carries over into the gameplay. All 3 games use much of the same iconography, so honestly learning An Endless World was super fast and easy for me. That uniformity is extremely user-friendly and is a huge plus for me.
So I guess you can see from my score and from reading this review that I am a huge fan of An Endless World. The final game of this trilogy is a home run for me, and I just keep thinking about what strategy I want to try in my next game. That in and of itself is an indication of a great game – thinking about it even when you’re not playing it! I have yet to try the variants that include the other 2 Century Golem games, and I am very much looking forward to integrating them all into one giant and (hopefully) awesome Century Golem saga. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one an expansive 16 / 18. Give it a shot, even if you haven’t played the other Century Golem games!
2018 | Dice Game
As board gamers, we are always looking for cool new games to play! Occasionally, that search takes us to Kickstarter, which is where I found Dicetopia. After reading the campaign page, I was immediately hooked and decided to back it! I enjoyed following Dicetopia through production, and the finished product is everything I hoped it would be! Maybe after reading this review, you’ll want to give it a try too!

Welcome to the Dicetopia – a vast city teeming with opportunity. Some people capitalize on those opportunities for the greater good, but not you. You and your faction have more dubious motivations – you see a city ripe for the taking. Unfortunately for you, other factions in the city see the same thing. Now, you must work quickly and quietly to gain control over the city’s neighborhoods before your opponents! Pick up loot, carry out secret missions, and undermine your opponent in any way possible. The sneakiest and most clever faction will come out on top – will it be yours?

In Dicetopia, you are a member of a faction vying for control of the city. You and your opponents have secret missions to complete, and your strategy will vary depending on those missions. On your turn, you will swap one of the agents from your faction board with a die from any neighborhood. Each neighborhood has an action associated with it, and placing an agent there allows you to take the designated action. Neighborhood actions could be beneficial for you (re-rolling a die on your faction board), or they could be detrimental for your opponent (swapping one of their dice for one from the board). A controlling presence is one key to success, so make sure you have more agents than your opponent in any neighborhood! End-game scoring is in three parts: 1. Die total from your faction board, 2. Points for controlling a neighborhood, and 3. Successful completion of your secret missions. The player with the highest score wins!

Overall, I love Dicetopia. It’s kind of a game of worker placement without the weight that is sometimes associated with that mechanic. As someone who has not played many worker placement games before, I think Dicetopia does a good job introducing players to the mechanic. You place your agent, take the die, perform the corresponding action, and that’s your turn. Easy peasy. And since your secret missions dictate your strategy, the game is really more about dice/set collection than it is about worker placement. Another thing I like about the game is that it is dictated by dice, which means you’ll never play the same game twice. All of the dice are rolled and randomly placed during setup, so your city board will always be different for each game. And depending on your secret missions, the die values could make completing your secret missions easier or harder! That means you have to strategize your use of neighborhood actions even more! There is so much more strategy involved in this game than meets the eye, and I love that.

The one thing I do not like about Dicetopia is that whenever you place an agent in a neighborhood, you must take the corresponding action. Even if you don’t want to, or if it would be against your best interest. That gets a little frustrating as the game goes on, because some actions (later in the game) could essentially undo your entire game, costing you points by altering your success on secret missions. I wish the neighborhood actions were optional, because then it wouldn’t feel like my entire game strategy had been thrown out the window in the last couple of turns.

Besides my one grievance with the neighborhood actions, I really thoroughly enjoy playing Dicetopia. It was definitely a great find on Kickstarter for me, and I hope you’ll decide to give it a shot too! Purple Phoenix Games gives it a 9 / 12.