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Saving Mrs. Roosevelt
Saving Mrs. Roosevelt
Candice Sue Patterson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saving Mrs. Roosevelt is a good book about some actual historical events. It deals with someone that needs to be a spy to help keep the first lady safe. But this also has some fiction in it as it is historical fiction. Some actual historical events do take place. This book is about Shirley Davenport and a few SPARS that help on the home front.

The author does a beautiful job of telling the story and adventures that Shirley Davenport goes through. She goes through some training and trials as she is on a mission but can not tell her family. The way she comes home and has to deal with losing her brother on the same day she comes home from training.

You will be surprised as to who it is in the end. Shirley and her friend Joan sign up to be SPARS. Will Joan be loyal to her country, or will she not be? Things do not all seem as they are when Shirley gets home. She must lie to protect herself and her family. Will she be found out?

She seems to be charming a young man who is a Captain. Will the Captain fall for Miss Davenport, or will he wall in his grief for his two young brothers? They have stood paired up to capture the person trying to kill the Roosevelts. Will Shirley be successful in finding out about the conspiracy against the first lady?

Suppose you are looking for an excellent book to read about history and the woman that help during world war two on the homefront. This book does tell a story about a few heroes of ww2. With a little bit of romance as well.


    Mike Curtis

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    A book about life and death, stories and skies. An engaging memoir of being a local news reporter in...


ClareR (5603 KP) rated Lessons in Books

Nov 21, 2022  
Ian McEwan | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really looking forward to reading a new Ian McEwan novel, and I’m very pleased to say that I haven’t been disappointed.

Lessons is the story of Roland Baines’ life. His successes, loves, losses - all set against an historical background of the 20th and 21st centuries: World War 2, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Chernobyl and Covid 19 (and others besides, but there are too many to mention them all!).

I was completely engrossed, and it’s a book that you don’t want to race through. I love McEwans writing - so much is said in each sentence.

I’ll admit it now, a lot of what really kept my attention were the details about Germany: WW2 and it’s aftermath, Roland’s trips beyond the Berlin Wall and it’s fall.

The future is set for Alissa (Roland’s wife) when her English mother presents her with her journals, written when she travelled to Germany after the war. She had wanted to write articles about German Resistance during the war, and specifically the Scholls White Rose movement. These journals remained unpublished and unread 40 years later. And so when Alissa walks away from Roland and their baby to ensure her own dreams of literary success, it’s unsurprising even if it’ll ears callous.

The book is told from Roland’s point of view, first person, so we hear his inner voice throughout. What stood out most for me, was that his voice doesn’t change through the years. Yes, I know this is obvious - it’s the same book. What I mean is that what younger people often forget, is that the 72 year old man at the end of the book is the same as the 11 year old boy - just with 61 years experience. His experiences as an 11-14 year old with his piano teacher have a lasting and life-changing impact.

I loved this book and would highly recommend it. It’s a book to be savoured.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Sniper Elite 4 in Video Games

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 10, 2017)  
Sniper Elite 4
Sniper Elite 4
2017 | Shooter
Satisfying gameplay. (2 more)
X-Ray camera.
Neat settings.
Generic characters and plot. (1 more)
Sub par graphics.
Hits It's Target
The fourth game in the third person WW2 shooter series, this game expands on the groundwork laid by it's predecessors. If you are coming off of a story driven game and are just looking for something satisfying and fun, then this is perfect for you. The story and characters are paper thin and the voice acting is all over the place in terms of quality, but that's not why you come to Sniper Elite, you come to watch a Nazi's brains explode from the sheer impact of your well placed bullet.

This is definitely the best game in the series in terms of it's gameplay systems. The control given to the player is clear and specific and if you miss a shot, you have no one to blame but yourself. The infamous X-ray cam makes a glorious return and it is even more detailed and brutal than in previous entries. No matter how many times you make a pair of Nazi testicles go pop from across a beautiful Italian town, it never gets old.

The other great thing about this game is it's various settings. There is an array of different maps that you work your way through during the game's campaign and each is unique and well thought out enough to give you a challenge, but also make you feel like a total bad-ass when you land a near impossible shot, in equal measure.

Although the landscapes are nice to run around in and function well in terms of matching with the game's gameplay style, the quality of the graphics itself isn't going to astonish anyone. We are around halfway through the PS4's life-cycle and this looks at best, like a late generation PS3 game. Again though, it doesn't really matter here, no one is buying Sniper Elite 4 for it's graphical quality.

Overall, there is a ton of fun to be had here. Don't think too much about the story and just enjoy systematically working your way through each various map, popping Nazi skulls as you go.
    Frontline Commando: D-Day

    Frontline Commando: D-Day

    Games and Entertainment

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    Lead the charge on D-Day as the tip of the spear in the largest Allied invasion of WW2! Defeat the...

You Will Be Safe Here
You Will Be Safe Here
Damian Barr | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
History that affects the present.
At first glance, you would wonder why this book starts off in a South African concentration camp in 1901, and then goes on to follow a boy whose parents pay for him to go to the New Dawn Safari Training Camp. It does become clear: the title tells us what the British army said to the women and children as they entered Bloemfontein, and what Willem and his parents are told before he goes to New Dawn. They are all lied to.

My dad told me about the concentration camps during the Boer war as I went off to study German at university. He’d read about the history part of the course I’d be studying, and WW2 was missing. He thought it important that I should know that the National Socialists had got all of their ‘best’ ideas from the British (“everyone should shoulder their share of guilt”). I admit I didn’t know this much detail though.

The descriptions in this book are heartbreaking. Cruelty disguised as safe-keeping. New Dawn is cruelty disguised as (re)education. As I attempted to empathise with Will’s mother, I couldn’t help but judge her - how could a mother NOT protect her child? How could she be so easily influenced to give him to someone else to ‘make him a man’? She thinks that this IS protecting him though. The world is a harsh place, and those who are different are not always accepted by their peers (I have two sons, one of whom is disabled. I’ve always worried about how he will be accepted by other children - unfounded worries so far, as it turns out.).

The old adage ‘cruel to be kind’ is just that though: old, outdated. The new world order should be about tolerance and understanding, something that is totally lacking in some of the characters of this book (and out in the real world, too). ADHD is NEVER cured with cruelty. Respect is never gained through starvation and deprivation.

This book is written with such care and understanding: I could imagine the sights and sounds of both camps, smell the cigarette smoke of Willem’s grandmother. I felt so much for Sarah van der Watt and her son and Willem. People put into impossible circumstances. The way we find out about what happens to Sarah and her son is devastating: Willem and his class visit Bloemfontein concentration camp, and Fredericks story is part of their history lesson. This was so cleverly done, and although seemingly detached by the years that had passed, its only one hundred pages or so for the reader.

This is such a moving story, and it shows that history really can affect the present day. I can’t recommend reading this book enough.