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Ben Watt recommended Blue Afternoon by Tim Buckley in Music (curated)

Blue Afternoon by Tim Buckley
Blue Afternoon by Tim Buckley
1969 | Psychedelic, Folk, Singer-Songwriter
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I first appeared, after I did this EP in 1982 with Robert Wyatt [Summer Into Winter], I got a feature in the Melody Maker. The headline was something-or-other "in a blue afternoon". I was likened to him, but had never heard him – I was just a teenager when I made it, after all – and it took my years to find the actual album. It took years to find anything back then. Also, it'd been out of print for years, but eventually I found it, and still love it. 

It's only been since I've got older that I've thought about the roots of that culture, about these men like Fred Neil, Tim Hardin and Tim Buckley who grew up in that New York 1960s culture clash between jazz, folk and the blues, playing supperclubs, smoking weed. This is the first album Buckley produced himself, and it sounds like it. It's got the sense of someone reaching for something beyond his capabilities at that point. It doesn't always work, it's not always perfect, but it's all about human ambition, in its feel and it execution. I love that. All the best albums have that.

Wynonna Earp  - Season 1
Wynonna Earp - Season 1
2016 | Sci-Fi
8.9 (8 Ratings)
Storyline (4 more)
Characters Development
Reference to History
LGBTQIA+ Inclusion
Wynonna Earp - Season 1
Wynonna Earp - Season 1 is highly recommended ✔️

Throughout the first Season of Wynonna Earp, we are able to gain an extensive insight into the lives of Waverley and Wynonna Earp; sisters. They are cursed and teach us of the importance of family, but also of following yourself independently.

Emily Andras has beautifully captured a storyline that will follow Wynonna and Waverley for many more seasons. Despite being siblings, their upbringings and characteristics are vastly different which permit an addictive dynamic.

The LGBTQIA+ inclusion is a thing that is uncomparable to anything else that has been broadcasted on such a significant platform. We are able to follow Waverleys discovery of her own identity, and understand the significance of self acceptance.

In regards to the storyline itself, and the correspondence between Western History, Wynonna Earp references the lives of the notorious Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.

To conclude, Wynonna Earp - Season 1 and its consequential seasons are highly recommended, the storyline, historical reference and chemistry between the cast makes this series unmissable.
To Die For (Blair Mallory, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmm, I'm having a hard time describing how I feel about this book. I liked it enough, Blair was a decent character, but there was something (or things) missing. I'm not one of those who hate first person narratives (I really have no preference - both first and third person narratives are fine with me, as long as they work for the book), but for some reason it felt weird in this book and didn't quite work for me. Also, I don't know how I feel about Wyatt. His reason for leaving Blair two years ago was lame and I can't believe she let him off the hook so easily; not to mention he was rather one-dimensional. The mystery was hardly that and it seemed as if the author forgot all about someone trying to kill Blair until the end, deadline was near, and just added some cockamamie, loony-tune ending that was a total let down and came from left field. Not to mention, the whole someone-wants-to-kill-Blair thing was pushed aside for all the petty arguing and sex. Now I liked Blair giving Wyatt a hard time and all, but some of the stuff she said or did was overkill and the editor needed to trim a good fifty or so pages of it out of the book. It didn't help that going into the book, I thought it was a more serious romantic suspense, which is what I really wanted to read at the time.

Some of my petty annoyances with the book came fairly early on: I don't get why Blair (and/or the author) thought Jason Carson or Jenni Mallory rhymed. Now if his name was Jason Cayson, I'd understand, or Jenni Menni, but just because Jason and Carson both end with 'son,' it doesn't rhyme because it's the same thing. I don't know if I'm saying that right but oh well. My other thing was that Blair couldn't wear some underwear because the bra got ruined. Uh, okay. Now I like my undies to match but that wouldn't mean I'd never wear the underwear again because the bra that matched got ruined. That's just snobby and stupid. Yeah, I know, ridiculous things to find annoying in the book, but we all have something. LoL

After I finished the book and went to Amazon I saw that there's a sequel. I'm not sure if I'm up for another trip into Blair's mind or not, but if I come across it real cheap or someone gives it to me, I might read it. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the book, I did, but I liked Blair up to a point, but when it got to around page 250, she was just a bit too much for a 378 page book. Maybe if we weren't in her head the whole time, or the book was shorter, I would have liked the book better.

Here's part of an Amazon review I liked:

'Wyatt had stayed away from his soulmate for two years and only came running with an engagement ring when he thought she had been murdered. How long would he have stayed away if nothing had happened to Blair? Also, Blair was supposedly only a 'dumb blonde' when it suited her. But I question the intelligence of anyone who thinks someone who cuts her brake line is just stupid and someone who shoots her with intent to kill is just a nitwit. I wonder if these things bothered anyone else. Still, these problems did not take too much away from my enjoyment of the book.'
Wyatt Earp (1994)
Wyatt Earp (1994)
1994 | Action, Drama, Western
Historical technical detail (0 more)
So loooooooooooooooonnnnngggggg...... (0 more)
In a shootout with Tombstone this would be heading for Boot Hill
The film is very worthy. It tells the story of Earp preceeding, and beyond the events at the OK Corral. There seems to be a reasonable amount of legitimacy to the story, but as always Earp's character - and his relationship with Jospehine - is pretty whitewashed, and hyped for drama.

But that's not actually what's wrong with the film, after all we expect that from Hollywood. The single largest failing of this film is that it plods. It's a plodding film that could have been a t least half an hour shorter than it is. Even that failing probably wouldn't have been so pronounced if this film hadn't bee released at almost exactly the same time as Tombstone, a film with as much historical accuracy in the Earp tale, but which was an hour shorter.

Then there was the cast. Wyatt Earp had a fabulous cast, as did Tombstone but the latter had breath-taking, career-high performances , a script that zinged and considerably more clarity of story and character.

Without Tombstone this film could have been a stand-out historical drama. But it isn't.

Worthy, but not brilliantly engaging
Shooting At The Moon by Kevin Ayers
Shooting At The Moon by Kevin Ayers
2015 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is from that same period. He's such an unusual artist. I could have chosen the first album but I'll choose Shooting At The Moon because I saw him play when I was in Coventry and it was just absolutely extraordinary. It was the group that had Herbie Flowers, David Bedford, Mike Oldfield... This was another John Peel thing. I heard 'Joy Of A Toy', 'The Lady Rachel', 'Stop This Train' with Robert Wyatt playing drums, and all that early Soft Machine stuff which he liked. It's beautiful, things like 'May I?', incredibly gentle, beautiful love songs. Sexy. That gentle and sexy thing has always been there in Wire. When you think of 'Blessed State', which is Bruce's song, absolutely beautiful. There's always that temptation to make it simple; Colin with his white hat and us with our black hats, that's the tension. It's not as if we haven't been accused of being obscure on occasion, or opaque. But usually it's the things that people think are opaque are the things that are straight reportage. People do it, you see it, you write it. Real life is stranger than fiction but it seems as if in popular song it's not - it makes real life really dull and not about love, negotiation, and mess, and passion."
