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I finished reading NEW X-MEN: CHILDHOOD'S END Vol 2 this afternoon. Wow! No, seriously, WOW! I thought the first volume had some drama going on, but this volume turned that drama up to eleven!

It's a brutal story, as the New X-Men have to struggle with trying to work as team as well as dealing with their teammates getting killed by Reverend Stryker. Humor is nowhere to be found in this story. From the opening pages' funeral for the "M-Day"/"mutant powers no more" students who perished at the end of the first volume, you can tell you're gonna have a storyline big on the feels!

For me, what really stood out for me was the way Laura Kinney's (X-23) was written, as well as the students' reactions to all the ensuing chaos. We can see some of the students starting to think of Laura as one of them, instead of just the token "weird, new kid". I am pleased with Marvel's decision to let Yost and Kyle handle this. Man, I miss GOOD editorial decisions, versus the ham-fisted ones being made of late!

Okay, I am already over-anxious, wanting to go read Vol. 3, as this story arc is like a loose tooth you gotta wiggle. Yes, it's very moody and sombre, but it should be, as this TPB features a hell of lot of death and destruction. Initially, I did not necessarily approve of the basis for the revived X-FORCE, but seeing what these poor kids went through, yeah, the world definitely called for a team that allowed for killing of the Big Bads.

In short, read this, but definitely read Vol. 1 first!

<b>RATING:</b> 5 out of 5 SNIKTS
X2: X-Men United (2003)
X2: X-Men United (2003)
2003 | Action, Sci-Fi
Fans had to wait three years for the release of X2, and with it came a much better film in almost every way. By introducing new mutants including Nightcrawler, played fabulously by Alan Cumming, to proceedings, X2 was a triumph in the superhero genre that brought this untested genre into the mainstream. The opening scene in which Nightcrawler tries to assassinate the US President is one of the best action sequences put in a superhero film, with perfect pacing and great tension building.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Cant think of anything! (0 more)
Too much to mention (0 more)
Worst of the lot!
I know this is the last Fox produced X-men film however they haven't even tried with it, i was hoping they would go out with a bang! They have already explored the Phoenix story line i the original time line and got it all wrong, you would have thought they would learn, but no, this is possibly worse, the acting is terrible, even the basics of the characters are all wrong, what annoyed most was the handling of Nightcrawler, what a waste!
    The Fury Files

    The Fury Files

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    Fury Files gives viewers top-secret access to S.H.I.E.L.D. intel on key Marvel heroes and villains....


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Logan (2017) in Movies

Sep 20, 2019 (Updated Sep 20, 2019)  
Logan (2017)
Logan (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
The crown jewel in Fox's X-Men saga
Logan is easily one of the best comic book movies out there.

This is the third solo outing for Wolverine (following one garbage pile attempt, and one annoyingly average attempt), James Mangold really pulled it out of the bag for this one.
The characters are great - Hugh Jackman at the top of his game for his final performance as Logan. He's a grizzled and pain ridden man, in this bleak, mutantless future.
Patrick Stewart is also at his best here as Charles Xavier. The two of them are the beating heart of this movie.
We're introduced to Dafne Keen (playing a young X-23) who rounds out the small cast nicely.
As Logan fights a shadowy organization to keep her safe, the stakes have never been higher, and no one feels safe at any point - something that has never really been explored in the X-Men franchise.

Logan is a hard film to watch, it's bleak, its gritty, it's not particularly colourful (especially if you opt for the brilliant Noir version), and it's brutally violent in parts.
The set pieces are nasty in places, and sometimes pretty shocking, but it all aids the narrative here - the narrative that Wolverine is an ailing old man, who is struggling against all odds to do one last good deed, and protect the few people that still mean something to him.

It's an emotional and powerful film, that deserves all the praise bestowed upon it - amazing work from everyone involved .
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
One of my all-time favorite movies!
I love Deadpool, but the version in X-Men Origins: Wolverine was awful. Ryan Reynolds did his best but...ugh. So I was iffy about the premise of a full movie for the character. Would it just be a full-length rehash of the Wolverine mess?

No, I'm glad to say it is not. Deadpool is an action-packed, raunchy, romantic but not sappy, and character-driven movie that definitely left me wanting more. I'm glad I gave it another go and am really looking forward to the sequel.