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Otway93 (567 KP) rated What? (1972) in Movies

Nov 15, 2019  
What? (1972)
What? (1972)
1972 | Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well Improvised (1 more)
Story (1 more)
Rather pointless...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Despite the controversy surrounding Roman Polanski for the past few decades, he has made some astounding movies over the past 50-something years, Rosemary's Baby, The Fearless Vampire Killers, The Pianist, and many others.

Unfortunately, this 1972 x-rated comedy doesn't come up to their standards, it's rumoured that the whole point of the film was so he could see Sydne Rome naked, which would explain the lack of effort put into this film.

The film itself has very little story, a woman (Sydne Rome) escapes from 3 rapists and comes to a luxurious Italian house full of strange sexual deviants, all of whom fit perfectly in with 1970s sex-comedies, but couldn't really do serious acting. That's basically the film.

The script itself is for the most improvised, and the humour from this is probably the best thing about this film, and does cause some funny moments.

For the most part though, the film is only good for those with a particular sense of humour, not dry, but also not crude, somewhere inbetween.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
A nice change from the over-rated Marvel powerhouse
So when this came out, reviews were either positive or negative across the board. You can put me in the positive column. It's not great, but it's good. It's just so nice of a change from the Marvel "got to see them all, even though they're not as good as we say" universe. It's so good to see a comic book movie that's under 2 hours, that moves along at a good pace & is not in the least boring. Let's get the negatives out of the way. Sophie Tucker is a terrible actress. She's terrible as Jean Grey. And although I did find the movie to move along at a good pace, I found the story lacking. They did cram one of comic's greatest stories into a short (for a superhero) film. Aside from Tucker, the acting was very good in the film. And let's just say, the X-Men, along with Magneto's gang, kick some serious ass in one of the best scenes I've seen in a hero flick. Like I said, the film is good, not great. Is it enjoyable? Definitely. Would I watch it again, yes.
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    Marvel Pinball


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Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Ryan Reynolds (2 more)
Hilarious Throughout
Energetic Score
Even Better Than A Chimichanga
Many thought that this movie would never get made, but I am very glad that it did. The movie serves as a long awaited origin story to Deadpool, that is fairly faithful to the comic book, at least more so than the previous iteration that we got of the character. Ryan Reynolds is fantastic in the Deadpool role, he truly was born to play the merc with a mouth in my opinion. Deadpool here is crass, funny, violent and energetic as well as being pretty faithful to comic book Deadpool, with the only thing missing from this version being the multiple voices in his head, but I am pretty sure that we will see that character trait develop in future Deadpool movies. The plot is pretty simple, we are introduced to Deadpool and shown how he got his powers after being diagnosed with incurable cancer via flashback. From there we basically follow him while he attempts to track down Ajax, or Francis, (the guy that turned him into Deadpool and made him deformed,) so that he can cure his skin and give him back his good looks. The one thing that was always going to either make or break this movie, was the humour. However they capture the meta humour perfectly here, which is an essential component of what makes up this character and is one of the main reasons why so many people love him. The movie is chock full of clever fourth wall breaks and pop culture references. The film was granted an R rating by the studio and the filmmakers take full advantage of that fact, with constant blood splatter and f-bombs being dropped left and right. The hip hop based score adds to the energetic tone of the movie and the action scenes are exciting throughout.

All of this results in setting up a Deadpool universe that is full of potential, we already know that we are getting a sequel, probably featuring Cable and possibly introducing the X force, plus I am very curious whether or not we will get to see Deadpool being integrated into the larger X Men universe, it would be really cool to see him interacting with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, since he is the butt of several jokes in the Deadpool movie.

Overall, whether you are a fan of the Deadpool comic or not, as long as you are into crass humour, over the top cartoon violence and R rated superhero movies, then there is no reason why you won’t love this movie. It is also the best Fox superhero movie that we have had and it is the best R rated superhero movie ever produced.