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    7.0 (2 Ratings) Rate It

    Tabletop Game

    Troyes is strategy game in which players represent rich family from the Champagne region, using...

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Ensemble action pieces (0 more)
Awful dialogue (1 more)
Pointless villain
Dark Phoenix marks the end of an era for the X-Men franchise, being the last of their movies to go into production before the recent acquisition of Fox by Disney. It's a series of movies which unfortunately has had more misfires than hits. But for me, the hits have been right up there with the biggest of the MCU movies in terms of storytelling and entertainment. It's therefore a real shame that Dark Phoenix turns out to be yet another misfire.

Dark Phoenix start off well though. It's 1992, and the X-Men are currently riding high on popularity, with Charles Xavier even having his own hotline to the president. A trip up into space to save some astronauts in peril is impressive, with the X-Men working effectively as a team under pressure. In fact, these team moments are the best thing about the movie - all working together, with every character getting a chance to utilise their specific set of skills.

The worst thing about Dark Phoenix is the script - awkward, cheesy or just plain boring. Moments that are supposed to be emotional, intense or poignant just come across as dull and frustrating, making the heavy handed soundtrack all the more noticeable. Many of the cast do their best with what they've been given, but it rarely works. Add to that a completely pointless villain (Jessica Chastain) without any clearly defined motivation that you can get behind, and the negative elements far outweigh the positive for me. Who knows what form the X-Men may eventually take within the MCU, but hopefully they'll be utilised to their full potential once more.

Erika (17788 KP) Jun 8, 2019

I so agree with you! Seriously, Jessica Chastain's character was completely pointless.
Also, I have no idea why Fox was like, 'Hey, you know that guy that wrote X-Men: Apocalypse? Let's get him to write and direct the next one!'

This One Sky Day
This One Sky Day
Leone Ross | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This One Sky Day is packed full of magical realism and beautiful descriptions of what appears on the surface to be a tropical paradise.
Popisho is a magical land where everyone is born with a special gift or ‘cors’ Some are healers, some have speed or strength, and some, namely Xavier Redchoose, has the gift of cooking the perfect meal for everyone. He is the macaenus of his generation. He has the ability at his fingertips to make food taste delicious, and to cook just what his guest loves and needs the most. All cors are given by the gods.

It’s a story that tells you to use your gifts to make you happy, it talks about politics and how they can be twisted to serve the needs of those who are supposed to who are supposed to serve others, and it’s a story that shows that change is inevitable.

I’m not so sure that I understood everything, but it’s a beautifully written, entertaining story. I never knew what was going to happen next, in a world where literally anything could happen!

I WILL say that I’ve read enough about pum-pums to last me a lifetime. I may even be a little bit traumatised! 🤭

I think the best word to describe this book is “gleeful”. Whilst I was reading it, it felt like the author had enjoyed writing it (whether that’s true or not, I have no idea!), and it was a book that just made me feel happy! 🤷🏼‍♀️

So, whether I’ve managed to grasp the finer details of this novel is immaterial to me - I just really very much enjoyed reading it.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for another great serialisation.


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    Tabletop Game

    In Tokaido, each player is a traveler crossing the "East sea road", one of the most magnificent...


Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
More DC than Marvel
Bryan Singer’s return to the X-Men franchise comes at the perfect time both for the series and its director.

After last year’s poorly executed Jack the Giant Slayer, Singer needed to come back to home turf and after a string of irritating X-Men films, including the entertaining but soulless X-Men: The Last Stand and the downright offensive Wolverine origins story, it seems the superhero series needed to do the same.

But can a re-partnering 11 years after the brilliant X2 restore the magic of one of Marvel’s best comics?

Partially is the answer here. Singer restores the cinematic flair and sparkle of the series and brings back a lot of old faces but forgets a lot of the fun in the process.

x-men-days-of-future-past-character-poster-01.jpgDays of Future Past is set in a dystopian future as a war between mutants and humans continues to rage. Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), Magneto (Ian McKellen), Storm (Halle Berry) and many other fan favourites return to the series after being absent for some time. We follow these characters as they try to escape the sentinels; an army of robots impressively rendered in CGI designed to kill any mutant on sight, friend or foe.

The only way to stop the war is to send a mutant back to 1973 when the sentinel program was put in motion. Unfortunately, Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is the chosen one and remains the lead character throughout the film.

Back in 1973, the mutants from X-Men First Class are blissfully unaware of what lies in store for them, though they still have their own personal battles to deal with.

As the film progresses, it becomes painfully obvious that this is very much a “First Class” era film. James McAvoy’s impressive take on the young Charles Xavier returns, as does Michael Fassbender’s Magneto.

However, only Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique makes a lasting impact amongst the 1973 era mutants. You can see the pain and torment etched onto her face throughout theJennifer-Lawrence-mystique film and as in The Hunger Games she steals focus from everyone around her. Game of Thrones’ Peter Dinklage also joins the cast as the film’s primary antagonist Bolivar Trask and is a real joy to watch. His character is understated in every way, but he remains an iconic presence throughout.

However, as impressive as the set pieces and acting performances are, it is in the future where we wish to see more. The ‘classic’ characters are barely given any screen time which is a real shame and the real mutant cost of the war is glossed over entirely. The special effects are genuinely very good. Each of the action sequences is well choreographed and the CGI is great, especially the rendering on the future sentinels which can adapt to seek a mutant’s power – no matter what it is.

Unfortunately, the fun factor is completely lost as Singer ramps up the tension and the death toll. In fact, only one character provides the humour and that is Evan Peters’ portrayal of Quicksilver who is only on screen for 15 minutes.

Overall, X-Men: Days of Future Past is definitely the best film of the series and thankfully does away with the atrocities that have been committed previously in the franchise. However, it feels like Singer was trying so hard to repair his predecessor’s mistakes, he forgot some of the key elements of a Marvel superhero film in the process – this is more DC than Marvel.
House of X/Powers of X
House of X/Powers of X
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I regret that it took me almost a month to finish my re-visit of HoX/PoX, but it did. And, not because the book sucked (COVID-19's mandatory "Stay-at-Home" shit starts to grate on the nerves, y'know?)! ANYWAY...
Say what you want about Marvel and their annoying reboot kerfuffles, but this whole "Dawn of X" that Jonathan Hickman is helming? FUCKING BRILLIANT, okay?!!? I swear to ya, the X-books haven't been this exciting or even remotely relevant in about twenty years! And as some who's been reading the X-books since the late 70's (yeah, I'm THAT old!), you can be sure that means something!

I have been bored with Wolverine's character the last handful of years. Other than the film LOGAN, I thought his character was overused and something of an ass, if I have to be honest. However, here? Holy crow, I am digging the ol' canucklehead again! Thank you, Mr. Hickman!

And I am going to keep this next bit Spoiler-free, just in case there is anyone reading this review and they have not yet finishing a'readin' it... Who knew [SPOILER-FREE] was a frikkin' mutant?! Again, I am a reader of the X-Men since the late 70's, but I still never had an even inkling that they were a mutant! And the way it was all presented? EPIC! I wanted to hate it, because it sounded so frikkin' trope-ish, without any redemptive potential! None of us likes to be proven wrong, but in this, yeah, I'll take it! Hickman did a smashing job with this plot point, one in which I am apt to conclude that when "Dawn of X" reaches its pinnacle (whenever this is.. <u>Thanks, COVID!!</u>), it's gonna come back around and it's a'gonna pack one hell of a punch!

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And I am fairly certain that what I am about to say is not going to be a spoiler, as I feel this has been true for some time now, but good Lord, Professor X is a dick! He is playing chess, with a board in his head that only he knows of, and anyone who is close to him gets relegated to "pawn status"!

I totally get where he, Erik (Magneto) and [SPOILER-FREE] are working towards with the whole mutant-nation of Krakoa, I truly do! But, with Xavier keep his hand of cards close to his chest, it seems sketchy at best! While we have seen Xaviers in past X-books where he wasn't as good as we thought, but it got old hat, y'know? Here? Yeah, I'm in for the long haul, as I am curious where this is all going to go and I suspect it's not going to go well as far as Xavier is concerned!

And amaz-a-balls as Hickman is with all this, it would be so unbecoming of me if I didn't address the fab art on both series! We had Pepe Larraz on HoX, while R.B. Silva handled the art for PoX. And let me tell ya, both of them did bang-up jobs, really bringing the icing for two already outstanding "cakes"! Bravo, gentleman, bravo!

So, time to wrap this up.. If you have any vested interest in all things mutant-related and have felt severely disappointed in the way things have been handled for the last twenty years plus, then you sincerely owe it to yourself to read this book! Worse case scenario? You're a closed-minded S.O.B., like I used to be, and there's just no pleasin' yer ass!

Peace. y'all!