3D Modeling: Digital Sculpting, Texture, and Topology
3D modelers use Maya in pipelines for animation, video game, VR/AR. Maya's integration with Mudbox...

D'artiste Character Modeling 2: Digital Artists Masterclass
Daniel P. Wade, Kevin Lanning, Zack Petroc and Timur Baysal
d'artiste: Character Modeling 2 presents the techniques of leading character modelers Kevin Lanning,...

'My name is August. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably...

Generation Z
It's been twelve years since the undead hordes swept over the earth forcing mankind to the brink of...

Physics for Game Developers: Science, Math, and Code for Realistic Effects
David M. Bourg and Kenneth Humphreys
If you want to enrich your game's experience with physics-based realism, the expanded edition of...

Agile Project Management with Kanban
Use Kanban to maximize efficiency, predictability, quality, and value With Kanban, every minute you...

2D Graphics Programming for Games
The success of Angry Birds, Peggle, and Fruit Ninja has proven that fun and immersive game...

Real World Windows 10 Development: 2015
Edward Moemeka and Elizabeth Moemeka
Emphasizing XAML and C#, this book provides readers with all the tools, ideas, and inspiration to...
Computer Architecture: Fundamentals and Principles of Computer Design
Not only does almost everyone in the civilized world use a personal computer, smartphone, and/or...

Minecraft Mobestiary: An Official Minecraft Book from Mojang
Written by a naturalist who has made it his life's work to study Minecraft's mobs, and illustrated...