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Clair (5 KP) rated Moonrise in Books

Sep 29, 2017  
Sarah Crossan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moonrise by Sarah Crossan
Having discovered Sarah Crossan and the style of writing in verse earlier this year, I was keen to read her latest book. Moonrise is told from the point of view of Joe. His brother Ed is on death row in Texas for murdering a policeman and the story starts as the date of execution is set.
I love the medium of verse as a writing tool – Crossan is able to convey emotions and tell a story in far less words than a conventional novel. The topic of the death penalty is interesting and thought provoking and its perfectly pitched for the young adult audience it is aimed at (but is also of interest to adults too).
If you fancy something a bit different, I would recommend this or any of Crossan’s books wholeheartedly.
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.2 (185 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I can see what all the hype surrounding this book was about! Holy crap! I haven't cried so hard reading a book in a LONG time. It was so sweet, but so painful all at once. All I can really say is cancer sucks, not that we didn't all know that already. This just puts it in such a different perspective. Yes, it is young adults being effected by it which makes it even harder to accept.
The story is so simple yet so well written. It seems like it could be about any 16 or 17 year old kid anywhere. Yet Hazel & Augustus are also not your typical teens & this is not your typical Y.A. romance. It chronicles their relationship, yes, but it takes you inside their battles...with cancer, with friends, with family, & with themselves.
Commander Toad and his crew aboard the Star Warts have found a new planet to explore. But when Lieutenant Lily starts sneezing and the Commander Toad gets swallow in a giant red bump, they may be facing more than they bargained for.

I recently remembered this series from when I was younger, and it seems like it’s not as popular as it once was. That’s a shame. While the story and characters are a bit simple, they are fun. Once we get the introductions out of the way, the story is interesting, and will definitely connect with young readers. Adults will love the spoofs on Star Wars and Star Trek and everyone will groan at the grape puns.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Domestics (2018)
The Domestics (2018)
2018 | Horror
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nothing (0 more)
Everything (0 more)
So bad
This movie was bad. Post apocalyptic world where a young couple decide they have to go to the hometown of the wife because she hasn't heard from her parents in a while. The apocalyptic event wasn't a war or anything, the 'government' just decided to poison everyone with some kind of massive crop dusting technique. Survivors were anyone immune to the poison. Most people then belong to some violent gang or another and money still means something (what?). Anyway, the acting was shoddy at best and the cinematography was pretty low calibur. The characters were very boring and the story line was just all over the place. There's enough violence to say kids shouldn't watch it but this movie is so bad I'd say the adults should pass on it, too. This one is NOT worth a watch.
The Graveyard Book
The Graveyard Book
Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell | 2009 | Children
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
An interesting tale
My biggest criticism about this book is that it has been written for kids, or young adults, and I feel like this is a big shame as it could have been pretty terrifying. But aside from the fairly creepy first chapter, it falls just a little short of being actually scary (at least for a fully grown adult).

But that doesn't mean it's not a good book, because it is and it's such a wonderful idea for a story. I found it well paced and intriguing, with a lot of interesting characters although j do wish we'd have seen more of some of them. There is a certain lack of threat even considering the death theme, aside for the ghoul gate episode, but this is still such an enjoyable read that this doesn't really matter.

ClareR (5608 KP) rated The Truants in Books

Feb 22, 2023  
The Truants
The Truants
Kate Weinberg | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jess arrives at university in East Anglia, chosen purely because she wants to be taught by a specific lecturer - the charismatic Lorna. She makes friends with another girl, Georgie, in her halls of residence, who is very Upper Class and more interested in having fun than going to lectures.

When they meet Alec, a South African journalist on sabbatical at the University, Georgie has the confidence to start a relationship with him, whilst the shy Jess misses out.

This is a story that meanders along, occasionally revealing a secret (some of which are pretty major!). I empathised with both Jess and Georgie, two quite vulnerable, inexperienced young adults, who were taken in and manipulated by both Lorna and Alec.

This is a compelling read though, and the grey, windy atmosphere, the bleakness, all adds to the feel of this novel.
I enjoyed this!
When Dimple Met Rishi
When Dimple Met Rishi
Sandhya Menon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dimple Shah has just graduated from high school and, in the fall, she will go to Stanford and study web design. San Francisco State University, is holding a six-week course for this over the summer, that Dimple would love to attend. The only problem is that it costs $1000 and she knows her parents can't afford it. So she is genuinely surprised when they agree to let her go. On her first day she runs into, literally, Rishi Patel, who is there on an arrangement from his parents. Dimple has no idea. Dimple is not having any of it. When they are paired for the six weeks, Dimple is sure it will never work. Rishi isn't even into web design, but as time goes on, and they get to know each other better, Dimple begins to change her mind about Rishi. But is it enough to promise her life to him at this young age, or will they just be friends for the long haul.

I loved listening to this book. I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed the book just reading it. As a married woman, I don't know if I could have allowed my parents to set me up with my future husband.

Dimple is a non-traditional Hindu woman. She wants a job and a career before even thinking about a boyfriend, much less a husband. Rishi is very traditional and just wants his parents to be proud of him. They both are able to teach the other a different way of life, but will it be enough for them to agree to be together?
I love how these two young adults tried something new and allowed themselves to feel something they may not have otherwise felt. They were both able to make new friends and make discoveries about themselves that helped them to grow.

This is a great story for young adults to read. Sure in the end, we all want to find that special someone and settle down. But you should live your life for yourself, before you decide that it's time to settle down. And when you find that special someone, you should know what to do to make them happy and make yourself happy as well.
Fight for the Blue Planet
Fight for the Blue Planet
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fight For The Blue Planet by Derek Corney was a good book. As an adult reading this book I completely understand the alien's view of humans as a violent and war-like species. I also understood why children were selected to save the world and not adults but more on that later.

One night in the middle of summer three children, Timmy, Adam, and Salma are visited by an alien. This alien, who calls himself Shack-Shack, tells the children of another alien race called The Targ who wants to take over Earth for its resources. Shack-Shack gives each child a special power (invisibility, shape-shifting, and teleportation respectively)and convinces them to fight against the Targ. Following a beacon signal.

Salma teleports them all onto a Targ ship and the fun begins as they start their battle with the Targ. At one point the children find their way onto another planet that the Torg are using for a prison of sorts and manages to free the leaders of another alien race whose species has resistance camps against the Targ all across the planet. Things are not all smooth sailing for the children though as multiple times they find themselves questioning the actions of their allies. Also at a few different times, these young children are faced with the moral dilemma of doing something for the greater good instead of a quick fix. The parent’s of these young children are completely unaware of anything unusual thanks to shape-shifting imposers that look and act just like their children. Will the children be able to save their home and return to their family or is their home going to be destroyed forever?

I really enjoyed the idea that the aliens chose children to help them out instead of adults and their reasoning for it is sound. They mention how children just accept their powers and abilities while adults would question everything. Also, adults would end up debating the circumstance among themselves until it is too late, while the children will just act right away. The one thing that I really did not like was the uses of double names for some of the aliens such as Sim-Sim and Lee-Lee. They made an otherwise good book feel unnecessarily childish to where I thought it was for a much younger age group than what I ultimately decided.

This is a children’s book for some middle school readers and younger. At the same time, I still enjoyed this book as a break from the normally heavy adult literature. It does have a few remarks and comments that would make an adult think about our entire race’s behavior. Overall, I give this book a perfect 4 out of 4. The story moves at a steady pace and introduces new characters and concepts without making the reader confused. This book is an interesting read for all ages.
Teaches children that love is not about gender. 100% of proceeds go to The Trevor Project and AIDS United! The illustrations are bright and absolutely adorable. Learn to celebrate our differences! (0 more)
Not a single thing (0 more)
A tale of tolerance and advocacy for both children & adults
Contains spoilers, click to show
A beautiful tale about a boy bunny, Marlon Bundo, who falls in love with another boy bunny, Wesley. Marlon's grandpa happens to be, Vice President Mike Pence. In real life, Pence has held a strong opposition to LGBTQ rights; young children will probably not be aware of this and so the humor is there for the parents. There is no sexual content in this book and is merely about love. The artwork is amazing and Marlon looks very dapper in his fantastic bow-ties. The stink bug declares that there will only be love between boy/girl bunnies and not boy/boy bunnies and that because Marlon loves Wesley, he is different and bad. Of course the stink bug resembles Pence. I bought this book on Kindle for my 6 month old granddaughter and I read it to her immediately and am eagerly waiting the hardcover version. I also read it to my 2 male and very gay cats and both the baby and 2 cats enjoyed it immensely! This book is a great teaching aid for children born to heterosexual parents or children of same sex parents, not to mention adults!
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fact: When I discover a series that completely sucks me in...I simply have to binge read the whole thing. If the series has stand alone novels in it, it isn't as much torture and I can wait...But if it is a continuing storyline...You won't see me come up for air until I am done (or to post the reviews for said books). So pass me the Starbursts and Red Bull, I will see ya later! Oh, after I finish this post.

Scarlet picks up the day after Cinder ends. Cinder and Kai remain as main characters throughout the second book. But now we are introduced to a whole new level of intrigue in the storyline. Scarlet and Wolf are AMAZING! I adore them and can't wait to see where their story leads. Scarlet's grandmere is pretty awesome too!

As secrets unfold of her heritage and her grandmother's past, Scarlet embarks on a dangerous mission to find her grandmere and bring her home. Scarlet will do anything to protect the only family she has left, even at the risk of her own safety. We also begin to learn more about Cinder's past and everything that she has gone through.

Cyborgs, Wolf Gangs, Lunar aliens, space travel, escaped convicts, hidden princess, hidden genealogy, this series has so much to offer and entertain. Clean and sweet romance appropriate for Young Adults. I am comfortable recommending this book to teens and adults.