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The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
I'm a little sad to say that I spent real money on this film. It wasn't showing at my Cineworld and the chance of a second stage release with the summer holidays approaching was unlikely. Luckily one of my Showcase Cinemas had it on and I ventured out into the real world to see it.

I won't bother with an extended synopsis because honestly I don't know what the point would be... it's zombies, everyone is trying to stay alive, literally nothing else is really happening in the story.

Up until this point I never really understood people using the word "meta" (unless it was DC related), I get it now. Officer Peterson, played by Adam Driver, is so meta that there actually may not be any more to go around.

The cast felt like it was just quirky enough to work together, especially as this wasn't going to be a traditional zombie movie. Looking back at the actors now I'm wondering if I might have enjoyed this movie more if it had unknown actors in it. I don't think it would have risen much higher in the rankings but I would have been less annoyed by some of the happenings.

Bill Murray plays Chief Robertson, a man who is seemingly always slightly confused by everything and also never becomes more than mildly alarmed by what's going on. The character and the performance were both rather boring. Murray came alive about as much as any of the zombies did.

The same can be said for Adam Driver, though I actually think that's par for the course with the way he acts rather than anything else. He always feels like mid-tier Keanu Reeves without the range. Once you realise that Peterson has the meta inside track it becomes a challenge to see anything he says in any other way. The script became rather frustrating because of this.

We're shown a very strange Tilda Swinton in the trailer and you have to wonder if the make-up direction was just "I want her to be the palest she's ever been and throw in a little "Ring" vibe for good measure." Zelda is probably the perfect zombie apocalypse companion, but she doesn't make for very dynamic viewing.

All of this negative feeling can be laid squarely at the script's door. It has little of interest to warrant a story at all, which is weird because there are elements that you think lead somewhere and then inexplicably don't. The ending is particularly bad and is what I've dubbed the "Stephen King ending". I won't expand on that here because it definitely constitutes spoilers if you haven't seen it.

There are some nice touches. The animal behaviour, the character of Mallory, and some of the effects on Selena Gomez. There's also some that left me questioning how they've portrayed zombies in this compared to other z-movies, but it's not in the trailer and while it's in my notes I'm wondering if I didn't just imagine the whole thing.

Those few little snippets can't save this movie. The poor script has several (that's me being generous) holes in it that just don't stand up when you look closely, and it's not good enough to give you anything else to look at apart from those holes. From its "maybe sciency things will cover the lack of reasoning" beginning to the "Stephen King ending" I was very disappointed.

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BANG! The Dice Game: Undead or Alive
BANG! The Dice Game: Undead or Alive
2019 | American West, Bluff, Deduction, Dice Game, Fighting
In the expansion review series, we take a look at a game expansion to discuss whether it is a necessary purchase/addition to one’s collection.

This breakdown is for the push-your-luck dice game BANG! The Dice Game‘s modular expansion Undead or Alive.

The Undead or Alive expansion offers several modules that can be added or left out at the players’ discretion. Module 1 is entitled “Look Me in the Eyes” and cannot be used unless Module 2 is also included. This module replaces two normal white dice for the new black Duel dice. On the Duel dice is a new icon of crossed pistols signifying a duel. The player who rolled this symbol chooses another player and they engage in a roll-off using the Duel die. Whichever player loses will need to take a random Wound Token found in this expansion. Module 2 is “Two Bullets Are Enough” and references the new Rage cards included. Every time a player suffers two or more lost hit points they must draw a Rage card to be used at the start of their next turn. Module 3 is “A New Posse in Town” and simply add in the new character cards to the base game characters. The catch is that some characters have special abilities that only trigger if the appropriate expansion module is being used, so character choices may need to be adjusted.

If you have been wondering why it is called Undead or Alive because no undead anything has yet to be mentioned, you are now in luck. Module 4 is “Undead or Alive?” and can only be used when playing with four or more players. This module has players revealing Boneyard cards when eliminated from the game. Once the number of zombie hands depicted on revealed Boneyard cards equals the number of players a zombie outbreak is initiated. At this point all eliminated characters now become zombies and are tasked with a new goal: eliminate all living characters. Zombies only use three white dice during their turns and do not gain life from beers or other effects. The survivors now switch focus to eliminating all zombies and their Zombie Master (I will let you discover this on your own).

The final module is Module 5 “Wild West Legacy.” This module is only used when playing multiple games of BANG! The Dice Game in succession. This module introduces a method of determining which player will become the next Sheriff in the next game and rules for changing characters between games.
Is it necessary to include the Undead or Alive expansion to enjoy BANG! The Dice Game? Absolutely not. It adds a lot of new content and ways to play the original game, but is not an absolute need.

Official recommendation: I categorize this as an expansion that I am super glad I have now in my collection because I know exactly the gamers with whom I want to play it. I don’t think I will use it every time I play BANG! The Dice Game, but I certainly think it is something that regular players of the base game should pick up. Being able to re-enter the game and gang up on those that were playing without you is a huge step up from typical player elimination style games. I hate being eliminated right away and waiting a long time to get back into a game. Luckily, BANG! The Dice Game is short to begin with, but coming back as a zombie is mega sweet.
Zombies Vs. Unicorns
Zombies Vs. Unicorns
Holly Black | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Book Review</b>
I had heard about this feud soon after it started, so when news that a book was coming out I had to read it. C'mon, zombies and unicorns, this is a combination I couldn't miss out on. After a lackluster and disappointing start, with many stories I didn't like at all, I was starting to think I'd have a hard time finishing the book, even with the different authors. It wasn't until The Children of the Revolution by Maureen Johnson on page 147 that the stories picked up and I ended up enjoying the rest, though my enjoyment deviated from okay to great. The "arguments" between editors Holly Black (Team Unicorn) and Justine Larbalestier (Team Zombie) were usually quite amusing, though they themselves don't contribute to the book. I, for one, would have liked to have read their takes on their chosen teams.

I'm not going to review each story individually, but list them with my (very) basic impression of the story. The book has varying degrees of gore, cursing, sexual innuendo and references, bestiality (you read that right, but it's more referred to than shown, thank goodness), suicide, and other violent acts.

<u>Stories</u> (in order of appearance):
*The Highest Justice by Garth Nix (Marked as a unicorn story, this is actually both unicorn and zombie. A decent story.)
*Love Will Tear Us Apart by Alaya Dawn Johnson (Zombie. Did not care for this at all)
*Purity Test by Naomi Novik (Unicorn. Didn't hate this story, but wasn't fond of it either)
*Bougainvillea by Carrie Ryan (Zombie. Didn't like.)
*A Thousand Flowers by Margo Lanagan (Unicorn. Also wasn't fond of.)
*The Children of the Revolution by Maureen Johnson (Zombie. Rather twisted, but so am I, so I enjoyed it.)
*The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn by Diana Peterfreund (Unicorn. My favorite story in the anthology.)
*Inoculata by Scott Westerfield (Zombie. Pretty good.)
*Princess Prettypants by Meg Cabot (Unicorn. Very tongue-in-cheek, I liked this story a lot.)
*Cold Hands by Cassandra Clare (Zombie. Interesting world created here. Definitely passed my likability test.)
*The Third Virgin by Kathleen Duey (Unicorn. An okay story.)
*Prom Night by Libba Bray (Zombie. Second favorite of the book and very close to a tie with Peterfreund's tale.)

The unicorn stories went in many different directions, with all sorts of unicorns, while most of the zombie stories stayed where you would expect them and had typical zombies, though there were a few surprises still in store. I went into this as Team Zombie, and while my favorite was a unicorn story, I still firmly remain with the shamblers. Overall, I ended up enjoying the majority of the book, so if you're interested in zombies, unicorns, or especially both, pick this up for an interesting assortment of stories.
3.5 stars for the print version

<b>Audio Review</b>
This unabridged CD set includes ten discs, which average a little over one story each, though generally there is one whole story bookended by the end of one preceding it and the start of another afterward that will continue onto the next disc. They have very short chapters, generally less than a minute and I could tell when each chapter ended and the next began, which didn't make for totally smooth listening but it also wasn't too bad either. I would have rather have had longer chapters that had a clearer starting and stopping point to make it easier to find my place again. Most of the readers, both male and female, sound fairly young, which makes sense since this is a YA anthology, but the majority also sounded as if they were reading to school children, which makes for annoying listening. I found most of the voices grating and unfortunately none of them are named for me to be more specific. However, the one male was fine and the woman who did Diana Peterfreund was good and I believe she also narrated one or two others in the book. The use of sound effects break up stories, a groan that also says "brains" for zombies and trumpets and a horse whinny for unicorns. Immediately after is the intro from the editors with their ongoing debate that became increasingly irritating as I read on; this may have to do with how they performed those discussions. As written word, these exchanges are far more entertaining. For the most part, I really didn't enjoy listening to this and much prefer reading it in print.
2 stars for audio

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) in Movies

Jan 30, 2020 (Updated Jan 30, 2020)  
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Horror, Romance
Pride and Prejudice. Zombies. That's it pretty much!
The book was released a fair while back now, and it's a shame that a film adaption took so long to materialise - by 2016, countless 'quirky' zombie movies in a similar vain had saturated the market, and what we're presented with is a film that tries reasonably hard to be something 'out there' but ultimately feels uninspired.

The main issue I found with PPZ was the actual zombie side of things! The zombies themselves looked great, the make up used is gruesome and effective, but the scenes of horror are seldom, and just quite boring. The final act sees a massive horde introduced into the narrative, but said horde probably gets less than two minutes screen time.
The actual Pride and Prejudice side of things felt way more fun.

The cast is pretty strong, even if a few of the characters are insufferable. Lily James is a great lead as Elizabeth Bennet. Her and her sisters make for a strong band of kick-ass zombie slayers. Sam Riley as Mr. Darcy took a (really) long time to win me over, but I actually ended up enjoying him as well.
Lena Headey is entertaining as a badass eyepatched version of Lady Catherine, and it's clear in moments like this that PPZ is just a bit of fun horror comedy fluff that shouldn't be taken too seriously.
The undisputed highlight of the cast is Matt Smith though. His comedic timing is on point and got a few genuine laughs out of me.

Another thing I found frustrating is the story that we weren't being told...the film opens with an animated story book style flashback of how the zombie apocalypse came to be, and what happened in the ensuing chaos. Even the soothing tones of Charles Dance can't distract me from the fact that this exposition dump sounds like a far more interesting story!
Couple that with the fact that we only get glimpses in the distance of a zombie infested flaming London completely surrounded by a massive concrete wall, and you can't help but feel that the film is a bit of a missed opportunity.

Oh well - here's hoping we get a Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters adaption somewhere down the line!
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
It's like Spaced with a bigger budget and zombies. (0 more)
It's not as good as Spaced. (0 more)
Spaced on the big screen
In principle, I really don't like comedies. Yes, there are examples of the genre out there that I like, don't get me wrong. But generally-speaking I just don't dig them. I won't go into my anti-comedy rant in great detail here, but I think that one of the main reasons for it is that I love the craft of filmmaking and most comedies are severely lacking in any kind of interesting creative decision that make me appreciate a filmmaker's craft. Now Edgar Wright, there's a director who knows his craft, and it is very much evident in Shaun of the Dead. It is very slickly shot and edited, brilliantly-paced, pitch-perfect in tone and yes - it's funny! There aren't many comedy-horror movies that work, but this one really does. Also, I am a huge fan of Spaced, which is up there in my top 5 tv shows of all time, and this film is very much a spiritual successor to the show.
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead
Max Brooks | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Humor & Comedy
7.9 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 'historical' accounts of zombie attacks. (0 more)
The detailed descriptions of various weapons and places of safety. Not for me, I'm afraid! (0 more)
I loved World War Z, but I really struggled to read this. It’s all very useful stuff: lists of things to do to survive various types and levels of zombie outbreak, lists of equipment you’ll need, descriptions of various weapons. Actually, that last bit is where I feel my brain was fried. I’m not really terribly interested in a detailed description of various weapons. I’m not interested in weapons, full stop. I did, however, like the history of the zombie outbreaks. More of them please! This is the type of thing that had me looking out of the window just to check that there weren’t any zombies hoofing it down the street whilst I was reading WWZ!
I could see hardcore Zombie fans really enjoying this. I just don’t think I’m that big a fan. I’ve only just started season 5 of The Walking Dead: I watched the opening credits of the first episode 3 months ago and haven’t managed to watch the rest of it yet. I’m a very poor TV viewer (books are more fun!).

Awix (3310 KP) rated One Cut of the Dead (Kamera o Tomeru na!) (2017) in Movies

May 11, 2019 (Updated May 11, 2019)  
One Cut of the Dead (Kamera o Tomeru na!) (2017)
One Cut of the Dead (Kamera o Tomeru na!) (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror
Wildly inventive, brilliantly entertaining and original take on the zombie horror genre. A weary group of actors and technicians struggling to finish a zombie movie, not least because of their unhinged director (Hamatsu), are appalled when real zombies turn up and start attacking the production. However, the director is delighted at this chance to make the most realistic zombie film ever!

If I say that no other film this year has made me laugh as hard or as long as this one, you will perhaps realise that there is more going on here than initially meets the eye. To say more really would be to spoil it, except that - well, if the film does not contain at one point an unbroken 37-minute take, including multiple zombie attacks and gory deaths, then it does a very good job of faking it. Almost like a magic trick in the way it makes you laugh at a series of jokes, deconstructs those gags, and then somehow forces you to laugh at exactly the same jokes all over again, only even harder. Terrific performances from Hamatsu and Shuhama in particular, but this is exceptionally good fun in every way. A gory joy.
Sucker Punch (2011)
Sucker Punch (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
All style, no substance
Apologies in advance to all of the male Smashbombers, but this film basically feels like a teenage boy’s fantasy. I saw it when it first came out at the cinema and wasn’t impressed in the slightest, but I thought I’d give it another go in case I was wrong. Unfortunately I wasn’t.

Girls wearing barely anything, mental asylums, brothels, monsters, war zones, robots, dragons, zombies.... did nobody stop to think that this was maybe a bit too much? Zack Snyder has compared this to Alice in Wonderland, but it is far from it. The plot could’ve worked better if it had just stuck to a girl resorting to a inner fantasy world to escape reality in a mental asylum, but instead it just gets far too ridiculous and silly. Visually it looks very good, although I don’t think the CGI looks quite as good on the small screen as you’d hope, and the soundtrack is great, it’s just a shame the rest of the film is so dull and laughably bad. You’ve got some great actors in here (even a brief cameo from Jon Hamm) but they really are wasted in this.
Eat Locals (2017)
Eat Locals (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Strong cast (0 more)
Doesn't live up to its billing (0 more)
One of those can't decide good or bad movies
Every now and then a movie comes along that you don't really know what to say or think about it... This is one of those films, a strong cast that wouldn't have been out of place in an early Guy Ritchie film, fills you with promise, but it feels very rushed in its storytelling, not really giving you time to work out who the characters are and what the significance of their meeting in a remote farmhouse is and to that point why and how the "Vampire hunting elite squad" knows where this meeting is yet not how many there are, other than they have one target they are after...
Don't get me wrong I did enjoy it, I'm just not quite sure why! if you like comedy horror Cockneys vs Zombies does it better, but the sight of Victor Meldrew's wife (Annette Crosbie) going from knitting in the kitchen to wielding an automatic weapon does leave you somewhat satisfied...

I think this is one that people would really need to make up their own mind on.