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Cosmopolis (2012)
Cosmopolis (2012)
2012 | Drama, Sci-Fi
I am normally an admirer of David Cronenberg’s work. His films have always at least been interesting even when they were downright strange..up until now . He really dropped the ball here , there’s no other way to say it but this is one pretentious pile of shit. The plot makes no sense whatsoever and solely consists of a billionaire on his way to get a haircut having random encounters with strangers and spouting a load of philosophical existential musings at the expense of a coherent narrative and dialogue. Robert Pattinson is terrible here as well , blank ,emotionless and unlikeable. Perhaps he didn’t know what was going on either. For me the films worst crime is it’s a David Cronenberg film . It’s beyond disappointing seeing the master of weird and wonderful put his name to something as soul destroyingly boring as this cinematic abortion.‬
Bolder Guilt-Edged (Zack Bolder #3)
Bolder Guilt-Edged (Zack Bolder #3)
Janice Tremayne | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who doesn't need a strong, sarcastic, gun toting partner to have their back??

Warning: contains suicide and references to baby deaths/abortion.

Although this is third in, what looks to be, an interesting series it can easily be read as a standalone. There's a little back story on Zack Bolder, our main character, which is woven throughout this story.
    I like that we're taken to Australia, it makes a change from the usual backdrops.

    I found Zack Bolder likeable with a well written character.....a good depth to him without feeling as though you might drown. And Wellbeck, the strong, sarcastic detective, is quite an interesting character.
    The working/personal relationship Bolder has with Wellbeck is just as good, they interact well together, bounce ideas off of each other and have each others back.

With adult themes throughout (not to mention creepy demons etc) I would recommend this for a more mature audience.
Unwind (Unwind, #1)
Unwind (Unwind, #1)
Neal Shusterman | 2007 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
societal commentary, creep factor, pacing, interesting premise (0 more)
seems all too possible (0 more)
Render Unto Cesar
Shusterman takes dystopian futures a step above the ordinary in this dark coming of age tale. In the not too distant future a war was fought in the U.S. over abortion, the 2nd Civil War. To appease all sides an unthinkable accord was reached. Instead of abortion, between the ages of 13 and 18 you can choose to send your child to a Harvest camp to be unwound, taken apart and all their body parts donated to others. We are given three characters with differing perspectives through which we see the workings of this world.

One angry young man always in fights whose parents have given up reaching him. One orphan, a Stork, left on someone's doorstep years ago who doesn't make the necessary grades to keep her off the Harvest camp bus. And Lev, who was conceived and raised by his devoutly religious parents as a Tithe, someone specifically born to be unwound in the church's name. This unlikely trio meet on their way to be unwound and all three are at a loss as to what to do when a resistance movement effort frees them from the bus.

What about Lev's glorious destiny to be unwound for God; is he still chosen, still a willing sacrifice? Where do you go when society says you no longer have the right to live? Who will help you survive in secret until you are too old to be unwound? How can you avoid the bounty hunters who live to capture escapees? What happens to the soul of an Unwound? Do they live on, a second conscience, a wisp of memories, within the body of their new host? Does anyone have the right to decide who in society has the right to live and who would be more useful unwound?

The writer immerses us completely in this bizarre yet oh so familiar society giving us plenty of perspectives from every level. He even included tv and radio commercials to help us understand how normal it has become to consider unwinding another human being. The creep factor is high and sustains itself through all three books in this set. Unwind introduces us to the world of the unwound in a well told thought provoking tale that may have you questioning everything you thought you ever knew about yourself.

A.O. Scott recommended Grandma (2015) in Movies (curated)

Grandma (2015)
Grandma (2015)
2015 | Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My third and final pick is “Grandma,” a comedy about a grandmother and her granddaughter. Her granddaughter is pregnant, she wants to have an abortion. And it’s this very low-key, good-humored… it’s not a movie that tries to be about too much. It’s just about these characters and their situation. The grandmother is played by Lily Tomlin, and [in] this performance she plays this feminist poet and writer who’s just a wonderfully cranky, uncompromising woman. I don’t know, if that is not a great performance, I don’t know what is. And it’s a very underplayed, very controlled performance. The Oscars like to award sort of big, emotional, weeping-and-fist-pounding moments of acting, and there’s none of that in “Grandma.” It’s just such a delight. If I were to give the Oscars advice, first thing I would say is: just lighten up. You know, there’s a lot of really great movies that are funny. And I don’t even wanna get started on the Foreign Language Film category, which is such a mess. The one-film-per-country-rule… Just find the movies from all over the world that are most exciting and most original and find a way to give those some prizes."


Michael Packner (32 KP) rated Black Christmas (1974) in Movies

Jun 15, 2019 (Updated Jun 15, 2019)  
Black Christmas (1974)
Black Christmas (1974)
1974 | Horror
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The ultra dark atmosphere, even with the beautiful Christmas setting. (7 more)
The super gritty and dark tone of the film.
The acting, especially Olivia Hussey is perfect.
A terrifying boogeyman who is not supernatural in any way.
Even being made in 1974, the film still holds up and is just as terrifying today.
John Saxon
The plastic bag.
The touching on hot button issues such as abortion still resonates today, and may be one of the best uses of the issue ever.
There is truly only one word to describe this movie: PERFECT. This is everything a perfect score film should be. Black Christmas is suspenseful, intense, and absolutely provocative. The film is deeply disturbing even by today's standards. Most films don't hold up in that department. What was provocative and disturbing in 1974 is by comparison tame and cheesy in 2018. Not Black Christmas. This film is just as terrifying and just as vile as it was when it came out. Nothing makes your skin crawl quite like this film. If you were to pair this as a double feature with 2008's The Strangers, you just might need to take some heart medication, and just like the latter film, the ending to this film is a nihilistic mindfucking piece of genius. If you haven't seen Black Christmas, what in the he'll are you waiting for? I think this film is a better Bob Clark Christmas film than his ever popular family film, A Christmas Story, but that's just my opinion.
Bad Feminist
Bad Feminist
Roxane Gay | 2014 | Biography
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A mixed bag of essays
Roxane Gay is a gifted writer no doubt, but like a lot of her more prominent work, there are huge amounts of autobiographical information that didn't seem completely relevant.

Her essays on the intersection of feminism with misogynistic pop culture was incredibly on point, exploring E.L. James' infamous BDSM novel Fifty Shades of Grey, as well as other popular novels such as Twilight. She briefly mentions rape culture and how all of the above feeds into this notion.

Similarly her discussion on how race is portrayed in major Hollywood motion pictures is accurately disturbing - showing how African Americans are used in plots as a way to prop up white protagonists (The Help, Django Unchained).

Some of her other chapters seemed disconnected as if they were put in the book because there was no other place for it. This appears in the chapter on Scrabble. (Playing Scrabble doesn't make you a bad feminist).

There were a lot of haphazard thoughts that didn't quite thread together with the rest of the book ie. abortion rights, and male politicians' views on body autonomy. Gay was pretty adamant on her views on this, which appeared to showcase her opinion that she truly is a feminist.

The underlying message was that you may have flaws by enjoying aspects of pop culture, but as long as you are aware of how important it is that women receive equal rights, you can be any kind of feminist. But the book does feel as if she's trying to prove it to herself and to the world which seems rather unnecessary. We believe you Roxane.
When She Woke
Hillary Jordan | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let the Color fit the Crime. Imagine a world where the people among you wear their crimes all over their bodies. People whose skin has been changed a different color to fit the crimes that they have committed.
Hannah Payne was one of those Chromes. Her whole body was now Red. Her crime? She had an abortion and had refused to name the father of her baby as well as the person responsible for its death. She has been shunned by her own mother and is a disgrace to her entire family. It's hard enough for Chromes to walk around everyday let alone get a job.
Hannah's father decides to help the best way that he can by putting her in a "christian" home so that she can repent her sins and begin on the path to righteousness. But this place is anything but that, there has to be a better way.
She finds a way to get out of the home, but the consequences of her actions, make it for a difficult road to get to a place of freedom.
Will she ever name the father of her baby, or the abortionist? Will there be a way for her to live as a chrome and have a slightly normal life? Will the people she meets along the way help her or hurt her?

When She Woke is an interesting novel that makes you think about what you would do if you new the person riding on the subway next to you was a murderer, or a theif, or a child molester. Just by the color of their skin.
Aftercare Instructions
Aftercare Instructions
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was actually quite disappointed by this one. I felt like I expected more from it, especially with it dealing with more serious subjects such as abortion right from the start.

The reason I don’t read much YA any more is the way that everything is glazed over and ignored. I feel like Aftercare Instructions had the chance to be a really good, deep novel about an issue that rarely makes it into YA, but in reality, it brushed over it.

I need to point out I only made it 1/3 of the way through before giving up.

Everything seemed to happen slowly and the narration seemed too whiney to be realistic. The main character, Gen is unlikable and annoying. Within the first 1/3 of the book her character is barely built and does nothing other than complain.

The plot didn’t move, and when nothing happens and I’m that far into the book, I know it’s time to give up.

The book is set out with alternating chapters being in a script format laying out the backstory of the characters. The first YA book I read with this format was cute. The second – fun. But when I’ve now read countless YAs set out in this format, it’s much less quirky and now seems a bit like it’s something to do to fill the pages without adding a decent description or trying to set a scene. It’s a space filler and it just ruins YAs for me.

I always hate DNF-ing books from Netgalley, especially ones by new authors but I just felt like this one could have been a lot more than it was, and it just seemed too much like the stereotypical YA I want to avoid reading and that I wish wasn’t taking over the genre lately.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Red Clocks in Books

Mar 18, 2018 (Updated Mar 18, 2018)  
Red Clocks
Red Clocks
Leni Zumas | 2018 | Gender Studies, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A marmite book!
This follows the lives of five women, in a world where abortion is illegal and seen as murder, IVF is also illegal as the embryo cannot give its opinion, and only married couples can foster and adopt. Back street abortions are back, and the people in a seaside town believe that a woman who lives on her own in the woods and sells cures, is a witch. Each chapter is for a separate female character: the Wife, the Biographer, the Mender, and the Daughter, and between those chapters are snippets from a book that the Biographer is trying to write about a female Arctic explorer. Each woman shows how a patriarchal society inhibits their life choices - they have no choice of their own.
I loved the flow of the language in this novel, I loved the personalities of the characters who were shown to be both loving and spiteful, selfish and generous and strong and weak. Finally, I loved how Zumas has chosen a topic that is all too current in her own country and many others around the world. This is a great book, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it won awards. It has been criticised for riding on the coat tails of The Handmaids Tale, but I really don't think that this is the case. It is a great piece of work in its own right. This is a topic, though, that is very much on people's minds. And rightly so.
I've seen some very mixed reviews about this novel: it seems to attract extremes of hatred/ love, and I'm not overly surprised. I think the best thing to do, is to probably go and read it!
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher, Little, Brown and Company for the opportunity to read this!

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Mar 18, 2018

On my TBR list! Looking forward to it.


Sarah (7798 KP) Mar 18, 2018

Never heard of this one but I'll definitely have to add it to my list now!

The Cheerleaders
The Cheerleaders
Kara Thomas | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Semi-interesting Plot (0 more)
Two-dimensional characters (1 more)
Pacing all over the place
A Forgettable Read
When I first read the synopsis for The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas, I was intrigued. This book was high on my TBR list. When I got the chance to read it, I was ecstatic. However, I was left feeling a bit disappointed after finishing it.

The pacing for The Cheerleaders is a bit all over the place. Sometimes it would be really slow, sometimes it would be a decent pace, and other times, it would just be too fast! I will admit that the pacing got better during the second half of the book. Still, I did find myself becoming bored with the book mostly during the first half. However, most of the book held my attention long enough for me to keep on reading.

The world building was fairly believable although I did have a hard time believing the police would miss some of the more obvious things I won't go into due to spoilers. There's one thing that is described at the end that I wondered how that was never discovered. Maybe the police force in the town of Sunnybrook just aren't very efficient at their jobs. Anyway, the plot has been done before, but it was still fairly interesting to read about. After finding her dead sister's old cell phone and a note saying "connect the dots" on a photo of the 5 dead cheerleaders in her step-father's locked drawer, Monica starts doing some detective work. She doesn't believe her sister would have committed suicide. As she starts digging deeper, she finds out some things aren't what they seem. The plot had some twists. I do believe some of the plot twists were predictable while others were not. I did get the killer wrong though. I will admit that. One of things that felt out of place was the book starting off with Monica's abortion. I really don't see the point of it. It isn't really mentioned again after the first few chapters. Also, there's a paragraph of politics thrown in the book that I didn't know why it was in there. It was as if the author just wanted her audience to know what her political leanings were.

I felt like the characters for The Cheerleaders were all a bit two dimensional. The author tried to make them fleshed out a bit more, but they just felt a bit flat to me. I felt as if they were all a little conceited especially Monica, the main character, for my liking. There were so many times I rolled my eyes at Monica. I just did not and could not bring myself to like her no matter how hard I tried. I felt like she was a bit spoiled and selfish. I did like Ginny though. I just wish she was more fleshed out. I also would have liked to read more about Ethan. I find him to be an interesting character.

Trigger warnings for The Cheerleaders include swearing, murder, death, some violence, underage drinking, drugs (pill popping), abortion, kissing, talks of suicide, and implied sexual situations.

All in all, The Cheerleaders was just an okay read. Nothing really stood out, and I imagine I'll forget about this book soon which is a shame because it sounded really good going by the synopsis. The plot was somewhat interesting, and it did hold my attention for the most part, so it has that going for it. I'm on the fence about whether I'd recommend The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas. Actually, I would recommend people to read it and come to their own conclusions.