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No Less Days
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won a copy of this book and I didn't know it was Christian Fiction. Definitely not something I would grab for myself to read. I was not turned off by the religious aspects of it though, as most are subtle and not in your face. I tended to glaze over them, which makes me believe this book would have been just as good without them. I won't say they didn't add anything as that's not my place to judge, but I won't judge the book either on parts that I wasn't particularly interested in. I wouldn't judge a mystery on it being mysterious, or a romance for being romantic. So now that we're past that...

The premise of this story is really cool. I admit, it reminded me of that Blake Lively move, Age of Adeline, but WAY better. There was thought here, and it drew me in the second I started reading.

The main focus of the story is that David Galloway cannot die. It should have happened, many times. But nope. Still here... 100 some odd years later and still looking every bit a healthy 35 year old man. We learn a lot of David's history, as well as his present situation, and we wonder: How did he become this way? Are there others like him? Will he ever die? How does he live live without ever aging?

I read this book really fast as I honestly wanted to find out what would happen. Page after page, it kept me riveted. I would give it 5 Stars, but I had some issues with parts of the story. Particularly all the themes going on - some felt really unnecessary. There was a lot of mystery, racial stuff, domestic abuse, love stories, historical references, religion, murders, celebrity, books.... I'm probably missing more. I felt like too much was happening and a lot could be toned down or eliminated. And it's very obviously set up for a sequel, but the way this "strange character" just showed up and then left... felt really disjointed and out of place.

I'm also not a big Speculative Fiction reader as well as the Christian Fiction genre. I would have never bought this book and read it on my own. But that is how you lose certain generalizations about things, and find some of the best stories. I took a chance, and I won :)

I'm happy to have read this book. And I'm pretty sure this is a sequel in the works, and I'll most likely seek that one out to read!

Isabel Smith (34 KP) rated Obscura in Books

Jun 28, 2018  
Joe Hart | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fine example of genre-blending!
Joe Hart’s Obscura is a must-read for fans of science fiction and space travel. Dr. Gillian Ryan, a neural radiologist, is down on her luck. Ever since losing her husband to the mysterious new form of dementia called Losian’s, she has been working hard to find a cure for the disease that is now afflicting her only daughter. She’s so close to locating the exact neurons in the hippocampus that are affected by the disease when she gets word that her funding has been cut. With all the stress she is undergoing, it’s no wonder her opioid addiction makes a reappearance.

When an old colleague that now works for NASA offers her the opportunity to continue her Losian’s research with unlimited funding, she’s hesitant to take him up on the proposition because he wants something from her in return: to accompany a group into space and study the inhabitants of a United Nations space station who are experiencing neurological side effects due to working on a top-secret NASA project. Even though she hates the idea of leaving her daughter behind for six months, she knows she can’t pass up an opportunity like this and so she agrees to the terms.

Almost from the moment she steps off the space shuttle and onto the space station (or is it?) things begin to feel off. Her research assistant, Birk Lindqvist, starts experiencing major hallucinations and she is sedated once she discovers a startling truth that was initially kept hidden from her. Everything is called into question and nothing is at it seems. What’s really going on? Where is the station they’re supposed to be rendezvousing with? And why does it feel like there is a hidden presence on board with her after everyone goes into stasis?

Obscura is a heart-pounding, adrenaline-filled thriller set in the vastness of space. Is that great or what? The prospect of reading a psychological thriller combined with a space mission story is what initially attracted me to the novel. Joe Hart does not disappoint with his ability to blend the two genres seamlessly. He even tossed in the element of the ‘unreliable narrator’ with Gillian for a little while there during her opioid abuse and withdrawal periods where readers couldn’t judge which of her experiences were real and which ones weren’t. Genius! I loved every bit of it: the deception, the uncertainty, the space travel, the action scenes, the startling discoveries…everything!
Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human
2018 | Action/Adventure
Best story of the year (3 more)
Incredible voice acting
So many different possibilities
Amazing replayability
There were a couple of very slow missions (0 more)
An almost perfect game let down by 1 or 2 slow parts
Wow what a game. I have to say straight away that game of the year this year shouldn't be a thing. There are so many incredible games out this year. Red dead redemption 2 and God of war are incredible games and 1 of them to me will end up being game of the year but if it was based on story alone then this would win easy.

The concept has always intrigued me. The whole idea of there being androids then they develop a consciousness and gaining free will. I can see our world going there and this showed that world perfectly. Throughout the world you can find magazines and I found myself reading these and being in awe at how accurate they are. They all felt they could each be a plot to an episode of black mirror. Everything from there being less babies born because people are having sex with androids more to music concerts not being a thing due to VR. There were a lot of political, racism, slavery and abuse messages throughout the game which felt very relevant.

The gameplay was great. It felt like an interactive movie with quick time events that actually mattered. There was genuine fear for these characters since any could die. There was a certain mission that was extremely slow paced and I got bored a little but luckily that was the only part. I fell in love with the characters and their relationships towards humans and other androids. The choices given to me felt like I was making my own personal story. Acting was incredible and it was graphically beautiful. The expressions were incredible.

The flowchart at the end of each mission a welcome addition. You are able to see all the many paths you could take without seeing what they actually were. You could see the complex mind of David cage behind this chart and it looked incredible. This got me very excited to go back in the future to try out the different paths and see what happens.

This is another incredible exclusive for ps4 and it should not be missed. A beautiful score and complex writing make this a game that leaves you thinking weeks after finishing and I look forward to another playthrough and maybe even another game in this world.
Jayden's Cybermountain (The Sanctum Series #1)
Jayden's Cybermountain (The Sanctum Series #1)
Katrina Cope | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this book on my recent holiday and it kept me enthralled, my eReader didn't leave my side and I was always itching to read a bit more to see what happened next.

At the start of the story Jayden is 11 and due to family problems is sleeping rough. One night he is given an opportunity to turn his life around from an unexpected source. Dubious at first, Jayden accepts and is soon settling into a new life, studying at a secret school where all the pupils are from disadvantaged backgrounds. Clearly there is a purpose behind the school, but what exactly is it?

This is a hard book to review simply because it's tough to give any idea of the story without spoiling it. And really this is a story I don't want to spoil for anyone.

Although aimed at young adults (particularly around 11, the same age as Jayden) as with all the best young adult fiction it's an excellent read for anyone.

The plot is really well handled; The journey of Jayden and his friends is one aspect, the purpose of the school another and the reader is kept on their toes by regular twists and turns. Some of these are totally unexpected, others are nicely flagged for the observant reader who will feel very pleased with themselves for having spotted the clue.

The characters are all clearly drawn and the descriptions are detailed enough to sketch them out out not laboured and allow enough space for the reader's imagination to add the finishing touches. All the main characters are very positive role models for young people and many will identify with them and hopefully appreciate how they develop. The writing moves at a really good pace and it is never slow and always grabs attention.

There are moments of humour - mostly around the student's antics either trying to break the rules or playing tricks on each other. Much darker threads are wound in with skill by Cope covering topics such as drug abuse, bullying and terrorism but these are never laboured and always dealt with sympathetically and optimistically. As a parent it is great to see these topics mentioned.

My 9-going-on-10 year old read this book and said it was 'great' and could he have 'more like that'. I don't think you could get a better recommendation.

Overall this is definitely a must read, not just for its target audience but anyone who wants to read a thoughtfully constructed, engaging and thrilling story. I will definitely be reading the sequel.
The Nightingale (2018)
The Nightingale (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Misery Loves Company
Nightinglale is a harsh, cold, relentless and constantly traumatizing tale of revenge and sadness. Athough I would say this film is one of this years best films and a must see by any serious film fan I can not stress enough just how disturbing and extremely hard to watch it can be at times. Realistic depictions of brutal violence and savage rape chill to the bone and while its tempting not to persist past such horrible scenes they really give the film purpose, such a raw/realistic tone and force you to feel every single emotion felt by its characters. A deep cold and sadness engulf the entire film throughout creating an uneasy atmosphere that constantly feels like a burden weighing on your shoulders making you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable just like the lead character. Acting is magnificent with everyones eyes alone seemingly telling you what kind of person they are or if they are genuine. A film that depicts racism, loss, grief, revenge, power abuse and most of all entitlement perfectly it shows just how much evil and hatred lurks in peoples hearts and the world we live in. Its very much like Hatred, Lady Mcbeth and The Witch infact and just like those films every character feels so real and well developed. A running theme that everyone feels like they are owed something runs throughout and even though we sympathize with our main character she too can prove to be just as cold/heartless and selfish as the main villian that is until she progresses and learns to open her eyes to it all. Dream like scenes also litter the film and show how disturbed/haunted by every encounter she is sometimes apearing just in time to motivate her or be her only escape to the perfect life that she now can never have. Its ever so fascinating stuff and has so much to say that its impossible for me to cram all of it into this review. Nightingale is without a doubt such an important film right bow (especially with how the world is today as the subjects it deals with depict how we have almost in a way have gone backwards in some of our ways). All in all a fantastic piece of film that shows us when we have everything taken from us and feel like giving up theres still beauty and pure souls somewhere in the world to give us hope, new life and help keep our dreams alive.
Carrie (2013)
Carrie (2013)
2013 | Horror
6.5 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you’ve got a taste for terror…take Carrie to the Prom.”

Chloe Grace Moretz plays Carrie, an extremely shy outcast who is bullied by her peers for being “strange” and “different”. Her mother Margaret White (Julian Moore) is an overprotective and a religious extremist who uses her strange beliefs in the form of abuse on her daughter Carrie. Like all teens, Carrie would very much like to be normal and fit in. Her mothers crazy religious beliefs keeps her from teaching Carrie the basics of becoming a woman in the hopes that she will be kept “pure”.

The schools gym teacher Mrs Desjardin (Judy Greer) takes a liking to Carrie and tries to keep her protected from popular mean girls, Chris Hargenson (Portia Doubleday) who is the “leader of the pack” and Sue Snell (Gabrielle Wilde). Sue soon regrets her actions towards Carrie and though Chris does not, Sue devises a plan to be able to make it up to Carrie. Sue asks her boyfriend Tommy Ross (Ansel Elgort) to do her a favor by taking Carrie to the prom and showing her a magical night. When Carrie is pushed too far by her peers she unleashes telekinetic powers over all who have hurt her.

Most fans of horror know all too well about Carrie. This could be the fact that the film itself has been reimagined twice . The 1976 version won an Oscar Nomination for Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie. It was well deserved then and may be well deserved now for the young Chloe who has been making great strides in her acting career since the Amityvile horror. She does a great job at embodying the archetypal superhero kind of character. Julian Moore is perfect in the role of Carrie’s mom, adding more creepiness to the character. This adaption by director Kimberly Pierce (Stop Loss, Boys Don’t Cry) is kept closer to Mr. King’s novel. Pierce makes the audience fall in love with Carrie and wants to see her succeed in her power and in herself.

Though the movie stays closer to the novel it still doesn’t stray far from it’s two predecessors. Pierce’ is my preferred version as she uses more modern effects and we can now visually see Carrie’s powers come to life instead of just burrowing eyes hinting towards powers that are being used. This film is perfect for any horror fan and those that like a great vengeful story about a girl who wanted to just be normal.
The Edge of Belonging
The Edge of Belonging
Amanda Cox | 2020
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Travelers Wife 4 Life</a>
The Edge of Belonging by Amanda Cox was like a breath of fresh air amid uncertain times that cause you to reflect inward to who you really are. It is listed as a dual timeline, but I think it reads just like a complete story of getting to know a person from beginning to end, with some very thought-provoking moments.

<b>“What if this whole thing is really about finding your missing pieces?”</b>

This book and the characters in it made me go on a roller-coaster of thoughts, emotions, and feelings. I was hooked from the very beginning and read the book in one sitting because it was so good. I loved how Amanda Cox used the dialogue to make me feel as if I were in the story observing everything unfolding. She also used everyday life situations to convey hope for every situation tastefully touching on topics like depression, abandonment, abuse, PTSD, and death. It was masterfully done and quite hard to believe that this was her debut novel! (I cannot imagine what she will write after getting “practice” under her belt). The Edge of Belonging has some of the most poignant moments in it that I have ever read before in a book. Ivy Rose, Harvey James, Reese, and Pearl brought to light one of life’s most resounding questions… Who are you?

<b>“You are Braver than you know. And more Loved than you realize.”</b>

The plot is a dual timeline, I do not always like them because they can be kind of wonky, but wow, this one was done to perfection. It was really like looking through a window and watching the characters interact on the other side, definitely one of the best (if not the best) dual timelines I have ever had the pleasure of reading before. Interwoven with great landscape descriptions and interesting background on all the characters plus, the 20 years kept secrets… well this book is one I will be recommending for a long time to come.

While diving deep into the different characters' lives Amanda Cox managed to give many happy endings and bring you on a journey of discovery that I think everyone can relate to and enjoy. I highly recommend this book and give it 5 stars. Great job on your first book Amanda Cox, I cannot wait to see what you write next!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
V.L. Locey | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the Colors Of Love series (you have NO idea, how many times I typed the spelling of Colors!) But you do not have to read the others. Books one and 4 were 5 star reads, from me, and 2 and 3 were 4 stars. I missed book 5!

This is, I thought, a much darker read than all the others, and I read this book in one sitting, 200 odd pages before 8am!

As with the other books, only one of the two main characters have a say, and Carl's voice is powerful. Damaged and broken, but powerful nonetheless. His strong, but often depressive voice makes up for the lack that Tigh doesn't have a say.

Going home for his best friend's funeral would have caused many pain, but for Carl it pushes him over the edge, and into a faster path of self destruction. Only Tigh's strength and help helps Carl pull himself out of that pit of despair, along with a couple of surprising people who I didn't think would help him.

Tigh is Carl's best friend's younger brother, a LOT younger than Carl, but it's not thrown about too much. I liked that it pops up at key points, but only really when it's needed.

Carl's self destruction is painful reading, it really is. You can see it happening right in front of you, and you can't stop it. He was already on a downward spiral when we meet him, but Mike's death was the straw, really.

Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here. It's very difficult reading, but also, you get sucked in so bad because you want to see how Carl pulls out of it, you NEED to see how this plays out with Tigh and before you know it, you've ran out of tears, of cheers and of pages.

And Arn pops up, I love him! Love the little digs he makes about his clients, who are the subjects of the previous books. That made me laugh. But Arn is sad, and I don't want him to be. Will he get a book?? I hope so.

Trigger warnings for alcohol abuse (Carl) and PTSD recovery (Tigh)

5 amazing stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Puppet Show (Washington Poe, #1)
The Puppet Show (Washington Poe, #1)
M.W. Craven | 2018 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tilly and Poe are an absolutely stunning combo. They are total opposites in everything: age, the way they work, IQ levels, but they make such an amazing team together. I really liked Poe and his personality, he has a great analytical mind and strong determination to achieve justice. However, Tilly was my favourite in this book, she is such a unique and original character! She is full of surprises, and her intelligence and naivety are incredibly refreshing. I really liked the way the author portrayed the different relationships between police personnel, all the politics and territorial fights were very amusing to read about, and gave the sense, that the author really knows what he is talking about. His work experience in the police and life in the Lake District was very well utilized in this book.

The narrative was very creatively written. The excitement in this book comes in waves, we have these calm periods, when it seems that not many things happen, and then the author throws in some great twist or turn, and the whole buzz comes back rushing. I really liked the topics which the author discussed in this book, such as workplace bullying, child abuse, politics in the management, etc. The story was told from a single perspective, bringing in a lot of Poe’s personal emotions. Even though it was sufficient to me, I would love to see how Tilly’s brain works and how she is processing different situations.

The setting of the book is constantly changing between different places in Cumbria, and the detailed descriptions made me feel like I am with Poe on this journey. The writing style was very pleasant with short chapters, which really just flew by. I have to add a little warning, this novel does carry some scenes where people might feel disturbed. The ending was very cleverly written, where it rounded the whole story very well, but at the same time, leaving you questioning of what is going to happen next.

To conclude, I think it is a very intriguing and absorbing thriller, filled with very unique but at the same time believable characters, and the plot, that keeps thickening as you go, engrossing you with all the new findings and leads. It was a true page-turner to me and I can not wait for the second book in the series. If you haven’t read it, please do, I think it is worth the time, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.