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Terminal Alliance
Terminal Alliance
Jim C. Hines | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
wit (1 more)
Creative Aliens
pronoun confusion (1 more)
ends too soon
After the humans became ravaged from a plague that reverted all human life to cannibalistic savages, the benevolent Krakau cured them, as best they could. No longer savages their presence is barely tolerated and seen as boogey men by other sentient species.
The crew of the EMCS Pufferfish suddenly revert back to this crazed feral state killing their command Krakau crew. the only ones not affected are Marion "Mops" Adamopoulos and her team of Hygiene and Sanitation specialists. Completely in over their heads this ragtag crew have to figure out how to fly the ship, what kind of bioweapon was used, who used it, and what they have to do to clean up someone else's mess. Their world will never be the same.
Jim C. Hines does a wonderful job of bringing this futuristic world to life. His wit and humor elevate the craziness of the situation wanting more and more. The alien species are spectacular in their creativity. Although, I would have liked to know that some of the alien species used certain pronouns earlier in the book. The Glacidae species are referred to in the plural Them/they. I took me forever to realize Grom was one "person". Just wait until you meet a Tjikko, talk about a confusion of pronouns. An extremely fun, quick, and action packed read.
Line of Duty  - Season 3
Line of Duty - Season 3
2016 | Drama
Another excellent series
I’m starting to feel like a broken record reviewing Line of Duty, but it really is a highly entertaining and gripping show, and is showing now signs of slowing down.

Without going into spoiler territory, this series (despite not being the last) very much wraps up a number of outstanding storylines carried over from the first to series and it does so in a very satisfying way. A lot of shows would be willing to drag these out but not Line of Duty. Instead they’ve brought all of these storylines to a head in a thrilling and action packed manner. I won’t lie, the storyline was maybe a bit predictable in parts as we as the viewers always know more than the characters themselves, but this didn’t really matter that much as it was just good to enjoy the ride. I do like how the plot also tied into relevant historic cases that are current in the UK at the moment, made it a lot more realistic! My only criticism really is that Daniel May was brilliant, but perhaps a little underused but then when you see how the story pans out, it’s understandable. There are a lot of nasty and unlikeable characters in this, and it’s nice to see them get their comeuppance.
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
RDJ, visuals, Don Cheadle, (0 more)
The Mandarin reveal (0 more)
Downey Man!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Continuing my post 'Endgame' stroll down the MCU's memory lane I turned to the third solo outing for Iron Man.

Whilst having good memories of this instalment it was better than I recalled. Picking up after the events of 'Avengers Assemble ' we see Tony Stark dealing with PTSD, suffering anxiety and panic attacks. It's interesting to see now - after Endgame, the change in direction for Stark. Here is a man who knows - who has seen, there's greater threats out there. It's the start of what 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' progresses 4 MCU movies later.

The story is straight forward enough. Initially we are led to believe that the villain of the piece is The Mandarin, played by Ben Kingsley (or so we presume), the terrorist threat with whom Iron Man goes up against. Half way through we are thrown a twist with the reveal that Kingsley is actually Tony Slattery, an actor in the employ of the real puppet master - Aldrich Lillian (As played by Guy Pearce) who is using the terrorist threat to cover his real agenda....Extremis.

Great action, Acting, Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Iron Man 3 is the best of the trilogy helping to solidify RDJ's status as founding player of this cinematic universe.
Blessed Fury (Angels of Fate, #1)
Blessed Fury (Angels of Fate, #1)
C.S. Wilde | 2018
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once you face the devils, there’s no going back.
Guardian angel Ava Lightway has spent a century watching over her charges, whispering the words of the gods in their ears. But her peaceful existence ends when she’s assigned to Liam Striker, a supernatural detective with no memory of his past.
Liam might be Ava’s biggest challenge yet. Stubborn and dangerously captivating, he’ll stop at nothing to find the demon who murdered his father. Even if it costs him his life.
Keeping death away from her new partner is an impossible task. And even if their investigation doesn’t destroy Ava, succumbing to Liam’s smoldering touch just may.
Read the sizzling, breath-taking tale of angels gone bad!

Wow; this was an absolute amazing read.
This is an epic adventure of angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, Warriors and Erudites.
I love that it has so many different paranormals in this.
So action packed but at the same time there are so many sweet moments that happen with the forbidden romance that is happening.
Really loved the plot and storyline.
I am in love wiyh the characters and can't wait to see them develop further.
I can't wait to get stuck into the next one now.
Recommend reading.

I received an ARC from the very talented author and this is my honest voluntary review.
Star Marque Rising
Star Marque Rising
Shami Stovall | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Star Marque Rising by Shami Stovall
Star Marque Rising is a Science Fiction story to sink your teeth into. It is a long book that gives you time to be completely enthralled and entangled with the characters, always giving you an unexpected twist when you least expect it.

Demarco is a genetically modified human, looking for a way out of Capitol Station (which is not the best place to be for anyone!) Going into the ring is his ticket out of there, but things don't quite go his way. He ends up being taken by enforcers, and propositioned by their Captain, and not in the usual way. He ends up agreeing with her, and is taken on as a Starfighter.

So much action, excellently paced, and a bunch of characters you will grow to know... or do you? I have to say Endellion was never my favourite character, and I really hope there is a second book (or maybe more), as I would love to read further into this, and see where Demarco, Sawyer, and the others go from here.

A gripping tale guaranteed to keep your attention. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
The colors, choreography is remarkable (0 more)
In my opinion, two cast members were off. (0 more)
Will definitely keep your attention.
So I'm a big fan of the Disney classic and was looking forward to this. Right from the start I believe they got Aladdin cast member wrong. Sorry he has a freaking 5 o clock shadow through the majority of the film and hairy ass arms. I thought part of the magic was that the love story between two people at most 20 years of age. So yea not a fan of the post puberty Aladdin. The man sings and acts great however.

Will Smith as the genie was a welcome surprise. He brought his own majic to the part so not to dishonor the legend Robin Williams. The film is great because it is based off of Disney's Aladdin so it is not a word for word live action and even includes two new songs that hold up to the originals.

Another cast member I thought was missing major personality was Jasmine's father. Sure he looked the part but he was not fat or jolly and had a droll type manor. Despite these few differences the movie entertained my son and I and almost felt like a new movie. Snore factor of 0/10 great.
PS I miss Gilbert Godfrey as the birds voice.

Ande Thomas (69 KP) rated White Fang in Books

May 30, 2019  
White Fang
White Fang
Jack London | 2014 | Children
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I appreciate this book; I just don't like it.

Jack London is a unique breed. His voice is so distant, so separated from the subjects in his stories. In short bursts (<i>To Build a Fire</i>) it works for me - there's a beauty in watching the action unfold from such a distance. So too is there a beauty in the way White Fang is portrayed in this book. With an absolute minimum of anthropomorphism, we can see and feel what White Fang experiences. This isn't a cartoon version of a wolf-turned-man's-best-friend. The animals don't talk, don't even think in the way we're accustomed to their thoughts when we try to imagine what goes through their minds. White Fang is a dog; nothing more. It just so happens that we hear the story from his perspective.

But. While I appreciate that sort of perspective, one I wouldn't dream of finding from any other author, I still found myself speeding through the book, and not out of excitement. I just wanted to get it done and move on. The dissociation from the characters, though necessary, can only get you so far. Eventually it dissociated me from the story itself. I'll always maintain that I like Jack London. I just...maybe...won't re-read him.

Kaz (232 KP) rated I Am Mother (2019) in Movies

Jun 14, 2019  
I Am Mother (2019)
I Am Mother (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
The tension and drama, the twists and turns (0 more)
Slightly predictable ending (0 more)
A Great Sci-Fi Thriller
I watched this yesterday afternoon and I thought is was a very enjoyable sci-fi thriller.

I'm a fan of films which explore interesting ideas and have twists and turns and so 'I am Mother' ,was just my kind of film.

The acting was very good, particularly by the young actress who plays 'daughter'. At first, because the actress is younger, I thought this was going to be a stereotypical teen dystopian movie with some cheesy teen romance through in for good measure, but I was pleasantly surprised how it was more mature than that.

 The interesting relationship 'daughter' has with 'Mother' was really interesting. Even though 'Mother' is a machine, the two main characters have some real emotion in their relationship. I think that might have something to do with 'Mother' voice not being metallic, but more 'human'.

This film explores thought provoking ideas, as well has having great tension and action. I also liked the twist towards the end of the film.

The only slight complaint that I had with this film, was that the ending was a tad predictable. However, I still feel that this is satisfactory.

This film is really thought provoking sci-fi film and I would definitely recommend watching it.
DAT Poker Podcast
DAT Poker Podcast
Games & Hobbies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Latest news and gossip (0 more)
Can go quite off topic (0 more)
A news and gossip podcast focusing on the world of poker. Hosted by poker legend Daniel Negrenu, Terrance Chan and Adam Shwartz. Adam is a veteran of the poker podcast world having formerly hosted the long-running Two Plus Two podcast.

This podcast is light on the poker strategy talk but if you want all the details on all the latest gossip you have come to the right place. Daniel offers a good look into the world of high stakes poker with no holding back (language can be very colourful.) We get to hear not just about the action on the felt but also a lot on the gambling that goes alongside whether it’s golf, fantasy leagues or hockey (there is a lot of hockey talk - they are Canadian!) All the latest scandals get a good going over.

It doesn't usually bother going over too many tournament results unless they are significantly interesting or it’s World Series of Poker time. As well as the news in the poker world they also cover the best of the tweets (generally hilarious ones) in the poker world and answer questions from listeners. I enjoy it to keep up to date with what’s going on and find it generally entertaining if sometimes a little grating when they get too opinionated or side tracked.
One of the more interesting novels of the series because it did not have to deal with Arawn directly yet still progressed the storyline in that sense. Despite Eilonway being my second to last favorite character due to her annoying chatter, I still loved reading about her story and history. Alexander actually made me feel pity for both Eilonway and Archen while wanting for Taran to desperately come to terms with his feelings.

Rhun was a light-hearted addition to the cast. he was a temporary character that made me feel constantly frustrated and yet, sympathetic. The only true nuisance to the story was Glew, who must be excused by mean of insanity. I am disappointed, however, that we never find out what happens to the self-centered, simple-minded creature. I also believe that Llyan was a great addiction to the party. I love animal characters and she is just to adorable to resist. A harp loving cat? Yes, adorable.

All in all, it tends to be my favorite novel of the series because, while it still progress the plotline dealing with Arawn (even if indirectly), it gives you much greater insight to the world, Taran's growing maturity and feelings for his female companion, and Eilonway's history, even if it is destroyed. It's a nice refresher with the dramatic and action filled first two novels.