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Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
My entire childhood
So funny how seeing a "decked out" DeLorean in a Target parking lot the other day made me want to rewatch Back to the Future again soon. It had been on my rewatch list ever since I purchased the trilogy on Blu Ray on Black Friday, but just hadn't gotten around to it yet.

To say this movie (and the original Star Wars trilogy) defined my childhood is an understatement. The year 1985 meant I was 14 years old and lived within biking distance of the theatre where it was showing. Only Back to the Future and The Empire Strikes Back have the distinction of being movies I saw at least fifteen times during their initial run; at one point every day for a week straight.

The story of how the film got made is an interesting as the perfect screenplay itself. Basically Bob Zemeckis and Bob Gale shopped the movie around after they had made a few films, including Used Cars (good movie), but studios weren't interested. Except Spielberg. Unfortunately, the duo had just worked with Spielberg on 1941 and it was a dud.

Luckily, Zemeckis directed Romancing the Stone in 1984, so they finally went back to Spielberg with that clout and got the deal done. BTTF was actually the first film released under Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment (with the E.T. logo) that Spielberg himself did not direct.

Then, casting. Filmmakers really wanted Michael J. Fox, but he was not available due to his TV schedule filming sitcom Family Ties. They had to move on, so they cast Eric Stoltz and filmed for 5 weeks.

Zemeckis felt like something wasn't right and asked Spielberg to take a look at the dailies. They agreed Stoltz was a good actor, but not right for the part of Marty McFly. They begged the Family Ties people to let Michael do both and they finally agreed. I can't believe how Michael did two full time jobs during production, but he did and managed to create an unforgettable character that will live forever in movie history.

If anyone ever decides it is a good idea to remake, reboot and/or get a sequel going I will personally go to their house and punch them in the face! ?


Kevin Phillipson (10017 KP) Jul 29, 2020

Going to see it next week at my local cinema

Downsizing (2017)
Downsizing (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
The humor, the acting, the premise, the realistic aspects and reactions (0 more)
The lack of resolution of anything, the non continuity, (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
When I saw the trailer for this movie I was very intrigued by the premise and I still am if I am honest. I also really like Matt Damon as an actor and was expecting to see him in a more serious role, though The Martian was fairly serious. It started out fine and made sense but as soon as his wife leaves him small and stays big nothing is ever resolved after that. The movie even ends on an odd note that, to me felt like they ran out of time and literally could not cut any more and it was mildly necessary for the story so left it. I do believe the reactions to "downsizing" is realistic though in my opinion which was really nice.

Spoilers from here forward.

Ngoc Lan's prosthetic is never mentioned again after her and Paul have sex. Really? Walking around on a peg leg and having really bad chafing but doesn't mention it? Unrealistic.

Paul takes a random pill from a girl at a party and has crazy visions of his wife and friends but never has to do anything about his underlying feelings.

Paul's neighbor has some weird career supplying the small people with "luxury" items, but no one ever actually talks about them or uses them? Like huge bottles of vodka just exist and don't get used and get left out from the safe underground bunker? Just a convenient plot device for them to go to Norway.

Ngoc Lan illegally enters America and the only thing that happens to her is she goes to the hospital to get treated? Absolutely completely unrealistic.

Also I don't think any women have a conversation besides once without Paul or without it being about a dude. Not sure how I feel about that; or about Ngoc Lan being a house cleaner because of course she is a house cleaner, probably with a side of being a nail artist.

This movie was totally disappointing to me and it could have been awesome. They tried too hard to have it make sense, address all the possible problems with it, have it be funny, and have it be serious at the same time that it just turned muddy. Will probably write a fic to fix it for myself at a later.
White Boy Rick (2018)
White Boy Rick (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama
Would have been better if at actually WAS a McConaughey flick
If you believe the advertisement for the latest Matthew McConaughey flick, WHITE BOY RICK, you would think that it is...well...a Mathew McConaughey flick.

And you would be wrong.

Set in the mid-1980's, WHITE BOY RICK tells the true tale of Richard Wershe, Jr. a youth who gets involved in drug trafficking and becomes an informant for the FBI and who...eventually...becomes the person who has been incarcerated for the longest time in Michigan for a non-violent crime.

Sounds intriguing enough you say. And the cast list says that McConaughey is starring as Richard Wershe, so that could be interesting.

But you would be wrong again.

McConaughey stars as Richard Wershe, SENIOR, the father of Richard Wershe, Jr. who is played by Richie Merritt, in his film debut - and that's the problem. The actor that might have made the slightness of the screen play and story interesting is sidelined as a minor, supporting character and the lead role - the role that is front and center for the ENTIRE film - is played by someone in his screen debut who brings nothing interesting to the role.

Director Yann Demage does a credible enough job moving the plot forward from event to event, but doesn't craft an over-arching storyline - or character transformation - that makes each of these individual scenes work with each other. It's a series of vignettes, but not a total movie - at least not a total, emotionally satisfying film.

McConaughey, of course, is the best thing in this film - he has the "low-life, struggling, white trash" persona perfected. But he is in the film not nearly enough and his "big" scenes aren't big enough to make his appearance in this film worthwhile.

Jennifer Jason Leigh, Bruce Dern and Piper Laurie are wasted in even smaller supporting roles and the other actors/characters are just forgettable faces in forgettable situations. Only Bel Powley as White Boy Rick's sister is interesting to watch and has a character worth remembering.

There is a good movie in here, I'm sure, this just isn't it. Disappointing would be the best word I would use for it.

Letter Grade C+ (for McConaughey and Powley's presence - and for the sure fun of seeing Dern and Laurie together on the screen).

5 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
Genuinely creepy (2 more)
The tall man
The amazing 6th episode
Horror done right
What is the chance that I would watch the original "The Haunting" movie, only to see that the following day, a TV show based on the book that spawned the original movie, would appear on Netflix? Well, this is what happened to me. I'll start by saying I love the original movie. I love the psychological aspect of the horror. Sounds & shapes can be so much more terrifying that gore & jump-scares. When I saw the show under my recommendations, I couldn't wait, so I just jumped in.
I am not one to binge watch shows. My time is limited & I watch lots of stuff. But I was immediately hooked on this show. I watched half the season in one day & the rest the following.

The show does a very good job in taking the original movie's plot, changing things around & creating a terrifying tale that takes the psychological horror of the original, mixes it with some minor jump-scares & a compelling story of a family dealing with it's own demons as well as the spirits that live within Hell House. Yes, that was a very long sentence, which reminds me of the 6th episode, which is filled with long shots. The camera spins around, while things change around them. in fact, throughout the series, things change all the time. Sometimes statues turn their heads, ghosts appear in the background, faces appear in the furniture. Once I noticed one of these faces, just there, staring at the family. My fiance didn't even notice. I backed it up to show her. She went "Ooh! How did I not see that?"

The story does jump around in time, showing when the family first moved into the house, with 5 children & their parents & then in current day, still being haunted & compelled by the house. Every actor in the show is fantastic. Even the children really pull it off.

The ghosts in the show are creepy as all hell. My favorite is the tall man. I haven't been freaked out by a movie or TV show in decades, but I held my breath & stared as he...well, just watch.

I have recommended this to all my friends & those who watched it all got back to me to thank me. So, I'm recommending it to all of you too.
Men in Black International (2019)
Men in Black International (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Land Down Under
Men In Black International shoots for the stars but comes up short turning out to be nowhere near as fun or thrilling as all the other instalments but does enough to provide some entertainment at least. I was obsessed with Men In Black when i was a teenager the humour mixed with a quirky ugly scifi edge was refreshing to me as a kid & like nothing I'd ever seen before. So in a world where superhero movies rule i was kind of hoping international would bring back that sense of shock & wonder i felt when i was a kid seeing the original for the first time while at the same time invoking a feeling of nostalgia too. Sadly however Men in black 4 has something missing & i cant quite put my finger on what it is. Theres definitely a lack of thrill & excitement to the entire film (even the action scenes) which doesn't help & the humour feels weird like its jokes stop the film dead feeling flat/bland & badly written or delivered with bad timing. Then theres the acting & again im not sure whats wrong but somethings off with it or the dialog because characters dont seem to react to things well, talk to each other in a realistic manner or have anything interesting to say so from time to time i found myself just staring at the screen with my brain switched of to what was being said after a while. Maybe its the script or the actors not being given much freedom because Chris Hemsworth is a great actor & funny guy but in this he comes across like an average joe. Plot wise is very basic fluff just re jigged & reused from the others & the final act feels awkwardly rushed. World building is given a backseat this time too which is a shame & themes of individuality & finding your purpose arnt particularly great either. Its not all bad however there were set pieces i found really fun & creative, the cgi was great & extremely believable, its visually really nice to look at, sound design is punchy & i really liked the villains that were stalking them too even though they felt under used/developed & their presence on screen ended far to abrupt. Mib4 is definitely watchable even if it is a tad forgettable/lacking but I'd happily watch another instalment in a few years thats for sure.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Ben Is Back (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Ben Is Back (2018)
Ben Is Back (2018)
2018 | Drama
We seem to be knee deep in movies like this at the moment, Ben Is Back being the second from Lucas Hedges. This one is penned and directed by his father, Peter Hedges, though it doesn't appear that he was a shoo-in for the role.

After seeing Boy Erased I wasn't overly sure about Hedges as an actor, if I'm honest this has done little to sway that opinion in me. I don't feel like we get a massive range from him, possibly because these movies all feel like they've been made to win things over everything else? I'm not sure.

Hedges performance is brought up a level by the incredible performance from Julia Roberts, that woman truly is a treasure. The desperate nature of her character is so evident in every scene, wanting to do anything she can for her son and trying to fix everything. I don't think there was a single point where she faltered, and the part she played in the ending was immensely emotional.

There's also a solid support cast in Courtney B. Vance and Kathryn Newton. They drew in the much-needed family element which could have been lost to all the scenes with Ben and Holly out on their own.

You have to compare this to Beautiful Boy, it's difficult not to. They could be the same film, Ben Is Back just edges ahead for me though. I wasn't overly keen on the main actors in either film and both were carried by their parental leads. Both cover the drugs topic well from their own angles but here I felt we got a much better look at the family impact.

This rounded out a very emotional double bill at the cinema and what I actually came out thinking wasn't about this film in particular but that this year has given us some fantastic mum performances. Julia Roberts, Penelope Cruz and Nicole Kidman have managed to use their films to prove that they're giants in the acting world.

What you should do

I'd add Ben Is Back to my list of films to watch at least once.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

All I would really like is an attic that was as easy to get into as theirs.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Dante's Inferno (2010) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Dante's Inferno (2010)
Dante's Inferno (2010)
2010 | Action, Animation, Drama
7.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A commercial for the Dante's Inferno video game aired during Super Bowl XLIV, which gave viewers the impression that the game would be incredibly reminiscent of games like Devil May Cry and God of War. Although I never played the game, Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic was sent to me by the Amazon Vine program. My expectations weren't very high and that seemed to pay off in the long run. The animated feature takes the Batman: Gotham Knight approach where six different animation directors take hold of the film, but Dante's Inferno tells one semi-coherent story.

The film surely has no issue with showing graphic violence, gore, or nudity as there rarely isn't a moment in the 77 minute feature where buckets of blood aren't falling from the sky or where Dante's beloved Beatrice isn't exposing her rather well-endowed set of breasts. The changes in animation seemed rather infrequent and drastic at times while at others it felt a bit more natural. The voice acting is pretty top notch as the film utilizes voice actor veterans such as Mark Hamill, Steve Blum, and Kevin Michael Richardson.

Dante's descent through the nine circles of hell was unintentionally humorous at times though.; the main example being when he's fighting off and fleeing from the army of dead babies in Limbo. Also, his father accepting Lucifer's offer to work for him in exchange for all the gold he desired and the slaying of his mortal son wasn't surprising, but the fact that his mouth now looked like female genitalia was. Certain things just didn't add up at times. In the end, Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic isn't terrible but isn't fantastic either. It's not worth hunting down specifically, but is worth sitting through on a rainy day afternoon or something.

The only special features included on the DVD are the EA game trailer and animatics for five scenes in the film.

For those interested in which animation studio did what, here they are in order:

Film Roman (American animation studio)
Manglobe (Samurai Champloo) picks up when Dante enters Limbo (directed by Shuko Mirase who did Ergo Proxy and Witch Hunter Robin, easily the best out of the bunch)
Dongwoo Animation handles the next four circles of Hell (unfortunately)
JM Animation steps in when Virgil and Dante reach the City of Dis
The final circle is handled by Production I.G.

Kelly (279 KP) rated Spartacus - Season 1 in TV

Dec 21, 2018  
Spartacus  - Season 1
Spartacus - Season 1
2010 | Drama
Gladiators (1 more)
Great fighting scenes
Much better than the 1960 film
Who would have thought that the story of Spartacus could have been made raunchy for a modern audience, but Starz did this really well. The general facts around the slave rebellion against the Romans, led by the former gladiator Spartacus are limited, however Starz used what information there was and filled in the rest to create a believable version of the tale.

I know that around the release of the series, there was a lot of talk about the use of CGI in the show, mainly during the battle scenes, with the appearance of animated blood splatters/slashes, similar to that shown in the film 300. This use seemed to have divided the audience into either ‘love it’ or ‘hate it’. Personally, I feel that this was the unique selling point of the show- something different that we are not used to on the TV screen, I felt it helped made the show more watchable.

For me Andy Whitfield made Spartacus (and his loss was noticed in the later series of the show). His love towards wife Sura is clear throughout series one, and gave us a believable reason as to why he allowed himself to be manipulated by Batiatus. He was also supported by a number of well cast actors including Manu Bennett (Crixus) and Peter Mensah (Oenomaus), by the end of the series, we find that we really care about these characters.

The reason that I have not rated the show higher, is the casting of John Hannah as Batiatus. John Hannah is a good actor, but I felt the role was not suited to him. To me, Batiatus needed to be a little crueler and more angry, at the end of the day, he was profit and power hungry, and willing to give the lives of men in order to pay the cost of his personal success. There were times, when I did not believe that this was what John Hannah was portrayed, and there was an awkwardness around some of his scenes (particularly those where there were a lot of swearing).

Overall, despite the odd flaw, I really enjoyed watching Spartacus (and have happily purchased the complete box set for re-watching in future) .
Doom Asylum (1987)
Doom Asylum (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Horror
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
How insane it is (0 more)
Everything else... especially the dialogue. (0 more)
It's SO BAD... that it's actually quite good.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I honestly don't even know where to start with Doom Asylum. The dialogue is absolutely terrible and will leave you scratching your head (for example, a girl says to her Boyfriend "can I call you Mom?"... what?!), the acting is cringeworthy...I mean, it has to be bad if Kristin Davis (Sex in the City) is the best actor on the set and the Killer is confusing, to say the least.
Lemme tell you about the Plot... A couple get involved in a Car Accident and the woman in the accident subsequently dies, the man in the accident wakes up in the Morgue and, disfigured and in a rage of the untimely loss of his Partner, kills the 2 Morgue Assistants, who seem shockingly cavalier about their gruesome fate. However, it appears this Morgue is in an Asylum... not a Hospital. Why would you take a person injured in a Car crash to an Asylum? Why did they not check his pulse? I still have so many questions. Anyway, the Asylum is shut down, and 10 years later 2 groups of Teens decide to hang out and party there. One group being an all girl Punk band, the other being a small group of Friends... one of whom happens to be the daughter of the Woman who died in the Car accident 10 years before. The Killer sees that she looks just like the late love of his life, and he'll chop through anyone, and everyone, to get to her.
Honestly, this Movie is an acquired taste. Only for the die hard old school Horror fans, and they might even scoff at the idea of this 79 minute atrocity. I definitely left this Movie with an expression of dismay on my face... but something did keep me watching it until the end. I don't honestly know what, all I can say is that it was such a trainwreck that I couldn't look away, but this Movie is so bad that it's actually a little bit good. I will just never watch it again for a few years (hopefully) and will never admit to liking it in public. Only for the Horror fans who like a bit (okay, a lot) of cringe with their Gore.
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Perfect Score With No Shame
Dolemite is My Name follows the story of Rudy Ray Moore (Eddie Murphy) and his rise to fame with the creation of his legendary character Dolemite.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
The first five minutes involves a hilarious scene of Rudy trying to get his record played by a DJ (played by Snoop Dogg) who only puts on the hits. It’s a great introduction to the character and his plight. Beautiful way to get things kicked off.

Characters: 10
Rudy would be enough to score this category a ten on his own. His charisma oozes onto the screen, only matched by his never-quit attitude. It’s no wonder he quickly became one of my favorite protagonists in film. Dolemite is My Name doesn’t stop there as each character brings a fun, unique flare to the film. You’ll get to see Wesley Snipes playing the role of actor/director D’Urville Martin. With all the craziness going on throughout the movie, D’Urville remains unamused and his lack of enthusiasm adds a hilarious punch to the film. I also thoroughly enjoyed characters Jerry Jones (Keegan Michael-Key) and Lady Reed (Da’Vine Joy Randolph).

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Rudy is trying to get a movie off the ground with little money and resources. It feels like everywhere he turns, a new problem arises. The ensuing shakeups keeps things interesting and keeps Rudy advancing the story. Everything crazy that can possibly happen throughout the filming of his movie absolutely does and it’s fun to watch how things unfold.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
From albums to movies, you get to see every nuance of Rudy’s journey as the story progresses. Varying other side stories keep things interesting while not deviating too much as to slow the overall pace down. Every little piece works perfectly.

Resolution: 10
Great wrap to the movie that makes you appreciate Rudy even more. It’s both a culmination for all Rudy’s hard work and the true definition of who he is as a person. I appreciate its simplicity and finality, not overstaying its welcome.

Overall: 100
Call me crazy, but at the time of this review, Dolemite is my Name holds the ninth spot in my All-Time Top Ten List. It has everything you want in a movie from funny to heart. Hands-down, it is the best biopic I’ve seen.