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P.S. I Love You (2007)
P.S. I Love You (2007)
2007 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
8.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Casting (2 more)
Not your usual love story...
I'm not usually one for 'love story' movie's but I'm happy to give them a go....

Starring Hillary Swank & Gerrard Butler The story begins with a more realistic take on a couples quarrel regarding their personal life...

Continuing shortly after following the death of the husband from the time of the wake...

Perfectly orchestrated in more ways than one, widow Holly restrains herself from the outside world struggling to cope with her loss before being forced to live her life from love letters from the afterlife.

A beautiful and emotional story of tragedy and acceptance from begging to end.
Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer
Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer
Rick Riordan | 2016 | Children
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Talking Sword (3 more)
Strange Gods
Elf and Drawf BFF
Norse Gods and a new sassy half-blood? Why yes I would like to sign my life over for this.

Magnus Chase has had it tough enough living on the streets after wolves killed his mother, but then it all goes down the toilet when he dies attempting to do something for his estrange uncle. Next thing you know he is in the afterlife for other great heroes, Valhalla, trying to grasp being the living dead and who is actually is. On top of having to save the world, prove he is worth being part of Odin's army, and overcoming what happened to him.