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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy
8.2 (54 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An instant classic
Hot Fuzz is a glorious film, plain and simple.

It's funny, it's crude, it's gory, it's just plain ridiculous at times, and it's very British...
Anyone who lives here in England can confirm - this country is full of little villages and towns where something just seems a just like the films village, Sandford.
As Sgt. Angel starts to uncover a sinister conspiracy underneath the idyllic town, Hot Fuzz effortlessly weaves quick humour, with a creeping sense of dread, just like it's predecessor, Shaun of the Dead.

The fantastic trio of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and director Edgar Wright hit all the right comedic notes once again, and the film is riddled with famous faces from the British comedy scene.
It evens features once-James-Bond Timothy Dalton, just being generally awesome and villainous.

The climatic battle, (that likes fun at the silliness of the action genre) is good fun, but it doesn't quite hit the mark that Shaun of the Dead does.

It's still a great film though, I'd implore anyone to give it a go.
There's a Riot Goin' On by Sly & The Family Stone
There's a Riot Goin' On by Sly & The Family Stone
1971 | Soul
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This was a component of my youth, really, it harks back to the stuff that would be played here, all those albums I dearly loved. The idea of Sly, that’s it. This dude that just soaked everything up, switched it all around to his advantage, just channelled all the shit that was going on, all this energy. He was really handsome anyway, but he channelled it all into himself. Imagine seeing that for the first time, imagine seeing him leaping out of nowhere. All these albums are quite punky in a way. Even though there’s a lot of maths going on, a lot of overplaying they’re all fucked up, weird people on PCP. The best biography I’ve ever read is Sly’s, its just a diary of everyone accounting for what happened over two years. Towards the end it’s him just getting rid of everyone slowly cos he’s going so nuts, and he’s got a Pitbull terrier called Gun that bites everyone that comes into the room while he’s sat there smoking angel dust."

Au Hasard Balthazar (1966)
Au Hasard Balthazar (1966)
1966 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ll pair this with Mouchette, because they are beautiful, and if I remember right they were released only a year apart, an anomaly for filmmaker Bresson whose films often had many years between their respective release dates. I tried to go to college; in fact, I did go but did not come very close to completing a degree. The highlight of my attempt at formal higher learning was a seminar led by Michael Silverman on the movies of Robert Bresson. At the first meeting of the seminar, Silverman told us that he was still intrigued, confused, and puzzled by Bresson’s movies, even years into the experiences of witnessing them. So, he said, we would take this opportunity again to explore together their density and power. Balthazar and Mouchette slayed me, maybe Balthazar most of all because I identified more with the ass that was Balthazar than the angel that was Mouchette. Both movies are pitiless and intensely compassionate. They say, “This is how bad it is. Let us love until the end.”"

Constantine (2005)
Constantine (2005)
2005 | Action, Horror, Mystery
6.9 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Supernatural horror starring a post-Matrix/pre John Wick Keanu Reeves, which I remember going to see in the cinema.

I also remembered it had Tilda Swinton in it, as the angel Gabriel.

I'd completely forgotten that Rachel Weisz and a pre-Transformers Shia LaBeouf also co-starred.

I also remember all the fuss kicked up at the time over the casting of its main lead: instead of the blond, chain-smoking, sarcastic Brit that Constantine is portrayed as in the source material (which I still haven't read, although I have since seen Matt Ryan's portrayal in the various TV series's in which the character appears - a portrayal that is closer, apparently, to source) we have a dark-haired, chain-smoking douchebag of an American. I suppose one out of four isn't bad ...

The film itself is never really all that scary; nor does it (seemingly) ever really get going before it is over. It's also incredibly clear just who is pulling the strings from pretty early on ...
A Dowry of Blood ( Book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
119 of 220
A Dowry of Blood ( Book 1)
By S.T. Gibson

This is my last love letter to you, though some would call it a confession. . .

Saved from the brink of death by a mysterious stranger, Constanta is transformed from a medieval peasant into a bride fit for an undying king. But when Dracula draws a cunning aristocrat and a starving artist into his web of passion and deceit, Constanta realizes that her beloved is capable of terrible things.

Finding comfort in the arms of her rival consorts, she begins to unravel their husband's dark secrets. With the lives of everyone she loves on the line, Constanta will have to choose between her own freedom and her love for her husband. But bonds forged by blood can only be broken by death.

Not sure what I was expecting but I really really enjoyed this. Gothic vampire story full of that old feeling. The characters were so intriguing. Well written gave me Angel and spike early days vibes ( if you know you know).
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Contemporary Adult

Average Goodreads Rating: 4.27

My Rating: 2.5

“What do you see when you look into my eyes?” I asked breathlessly and not entirely sure where the question had come from.

“All there is to know,” was his reply. “What do you see when you look into my eyes, Brooke?” he whispered, there was a slight anger to his voice.

I trembled. “An abyss and danger,” was all I could say.

I found Fallen Angel when I was looking for angel/mortal romance novels. Even though Fallen Angel was listed as a mafia romance and not not the supernatural romance I was looking for, I picked it up anyway. And at first it was great.

It immediately started out with a strong love story. Brooke is in the midst of an existential crisis after breaking up with her long-time boyfriend. When she visits her best friend Sam in New York, she ends up meeting billionaire Robert Stone, a handsome CEO who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. To the point of being a jerk about it. But at least he’s self aware about that.

“I’m worried that I might hurt you. I have a knack of doing that when people get too close to me, a defense mechanism, I guess.”

No one pretends Robert is a great boyfriend, which I love. There are too many alpha billionaires out there that are disturbingly abusive while everyone pretends it’s a normal relationship. Not here. Robert’s actually one of the first to admit that he’s not a good boyfriend and he’s never had a real relationship. Which is great. I love flawed heroes. And when Robert does get better at communicating his feelings, it’s worth it.

“I love you, Brooke. You’ll never know just how much because there are no words.”


And Brooke is strong enough to handle him. She stands up to Robert when he disses Sam for being gay (which, by the way, I hated a lot. You can be a flawed badass without being a homophobe. Ugh. Major turn-off for me) and when he makes a big deal about her wearing a revealing dress.

“I wore it for you and not for anyone else. If people can see my body, so what? You’re the only one touching it,” I told him.

Brooke’s even a trained kick boxer. She’s incredibly strong and perfect to help Robert get over his past.

Then the story falls flat.


After their second fight and make up, the story gets monotonous real fast. A lot of sex scenes– which, to be fair, were actually hot and well-written– and a lot of the mundane stuff. Brooke hanging out with Sam and Scott, Brooke working, Brooke attending one event or another with Robert. The story just dragged. And with the actual story dragging, the amount of comma splices and run-on sentences became more noticeable to me and book was practically unreadable. I had to make myself finish because I had already invested so much time into it.

It’s not like there wasn’t potential for more plot. There’s a jealous ex girlfriend out to steal Robert back and Brooke’s ex boyfriend can’t accept their break up. Brooke takes a troubled teen under her wing and isn’t this supposed to be a mafia romance?

And yet the majority of the middle of the book is sex, clothes, work days, and how great Brooke is for Robert. On top of that, Brooke loses a lot of the strength and independence I saw earlier in the book. In fact, she turned into a love sick teen.

Our souls, so entwined, were part of each other, true soul mates. Not even death would separate us.


To make matters worse, Robert’s criminal background isn’t revealed until three quarters of the way through the story! And since he got out of illegal activities years before he met Brooke, it’s really anticlimactic. Brooke makes a huge deal out of it and almost leaves him because of his past, which makes me dislike her even more. The criminal element actually seems more like an after thought to this so-called mafia romance. I’m really surprised it has such a high rating on Goodreads because I found it pretty disappointing. My rating is 2.5 stars because of the strong beginning, but I definitely won’t be reading any more of the Fallen Angel series.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Mr. Deathmask in Books

Oct 1, 2017  
Mr. Deathmask
Mr. Deathmask
Lee McGeorge | 2017 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slightly sadistic
This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

A satanic cult, an angel, a ghost, and lots of murder, Mr. Deathmask is a novel like none other. Horror-novelist Lee McGeorge has created a character that blurs the lines between good and evil. Members of a satanic cult in the heart of London are slowly being killed off one-by-one by a mysterious figure going by the name of Mr Deathmask. The murders shock the community, not only in their brutality but because the worshippers of the “one true Lord” should not be able to be harmed by another living being.

Mr Deathmask, so named for collecting the death masks of his victims, is a man with superhuman strength who is believed to be a “son of light”, i.e. an angel. Accompanied by a ghost of a girl, Magdalena, he plans to seek out and destroy the satanic cult before they can raise the son of the devil.

To begin with, it is not easy to differentiate between the good and the bad. On one side is the anonymous murderer, and the other, the perverted and barbaric sect with unearthly powers. But once innocent lives get tangled up in the violent fiasco, it is clear whom the readers are expected to root for.

Hiding behind the façade of doctors and other professionals in the public sector, the cult easily preys on vulnerable people, resorting to sickening methods to satisfy their abominable desires. Difficult as it is to read about these vile deeds, Mr. Deathmask becomes gripping, the race is on to prevent unnecessary death and get revenge for something that happened centuries ago.

Mr. Deathmask is not for the delicate-minded individual due to its violent and sexual nature. Plenty of expletives and foul terminology make up the narrative, which, although is to be expected in this nature of novel, is not the easiest story to stomach.

Unlike previous books with heavy themes or social connotations, Lee McGeorge has penned Mr. Deathmask as a form of entertainment rather than to challenge morals and judgement of his readers. However, it still has its fair share of shock tactics to keep the story going. It will certainly entertain fans of the author and the genre.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Mr. Deathmask in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Mr. Deathmask
Mr. Deathmask
Lee McGeorge | 2017 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<I>This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.</I>

A satanic cult, an angel, a ghost, and lots of murder,<I> Mr. Deathmask</I> is a novel like none other. Horror-novelist Lee McGeorge has created a character that blurs the lines between good and evil. Members of a satanic cult in the heart of London are slowly being killed off one-by-one by a mysterious figure going by the name of Mr Deathmask. The murders shock the community, not only in their brutality but because the worshippers of the “one true Lord” should not be able to be harmed by another living being.

Mr Deathmask, so named for collecting the death masks of his victims, is a man with superhuman strength who is believed to be a “son of light”, i.e. an angel. Accompanied by a ghost of a girl, Magdalena, he plans to seek out and destroy the satanic cult before they can raise the son of the devil.

To begin with, it is not easy to differentiate between the good and the bad. On one side is the anonymous murderer, and the other, the perverted and barbaric sect with unearthly powers. But once innocent lives get tangled up in the violent fiasco, it is clear whom the readers are expected to root for.

Hiding behind the façade of doctors and other professionals in the public sector, the cult easily preys on vulnerable people, resorting to sickening methods to satisfy their abominable desires. Difficult as it is to read about these vile deeds, <i>Mr. Deathmask</i> becomes gripping, the race is on to prevent unnecessary death and get revenge for something that happened centuries ago.

<i>Mr. Deathmask</i> is not for the delicate-minded individual due to its violent and sexual nature. Plenty of expletives and foul terminology make up the narrative, which, although is to be expected in this nature of novel, is not the easiest story to stomach.

Unlike previous books with heavy themes or social connotations, Lee McGeorge has penned <i>Mr. Deathmask</i> as a form of entertainment rather than to challenge morals and judgement of his readers. However, it still has its fair share of shock tactics to keep the story going. It will certainly entertain fans of the author and the genre.
The Corset
The Corset
Laura Purcell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Mystery
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This haunting tale will have you spellbound right to the shocking end!
Its set in Victorian times, linking 2 central characters. Lady Dorothea takes up charitable work visiting Ruth Butterham, a self-confessed murderess, in the local prison. Dorothea is a student of phrenology and is fascinated by how the shape of a person’s skull can “apparently” signify aspects of their personality.

Through successive visits, Ruth tells Dorothea her story. It all begins with Ruth as a victim; a victim of poverty, bullying and a physical attack. She becomes angry, hateful and vengeful. She is then pulled out of school to bring in a wage for her growing family. All her energy goes into sewing, sewing for money and sewing items for her soon to be born sister.

There are several macabre scenes at this point. Shortly after her sister’s birth, Ruth sews her a blanket with an angel embroidered in the corner. And it’s while she’s wrapped in the blanket that the new born dies, and the reason for the death is described by the slang “taken by the strangling angel”.

Ruth believes that she has the power to curse people to death with her sewing, and this is a belief that grows stronger with each garment that she sews. Ruth secretly enacts vengeance on her growing list of enemies, as more people die who are connected to Ruth and her sewing. The story intensifies as Ruth’s circumstances deteriorate at every turn.

While Ruth’s story becomes increasingly gothic, Dorothea’s chapters are light and breezy, concerned with finding the right suitor. With regards to her visits with Ruth, Dorothea’s attention diverts somewhat from her phrenology as she listens to her story - but she listens as a sceptic. She sees how bitter Ruth has been but does not see her as a murderess.

Towards the end of the book, Ruth faces her trial. But that is not the end of the drama! I did not see that ending coming!

The language of the book befits the era in which its set; and I often came across words I was unfamiliar with. This did not put me off at all. The book may be odd in its premise, but is more dark and sinister than most – thoroughly recommended!

Sarah (7798 KP) Oct 17, 2018

I love it when book reviews make me want to read a book I'd probably never have considered otherwise. Definitely add this one to the 'to read list ?

City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)
City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)
Cassandra Clare | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can't believe I've nearly finished this series!

First of all, I would like to complain about the cover. If I hadn't heard so many great things about this series then I probably would have avoided it, simply because it looks like a typical teen paranormal romance atrocity. The story is actually way more action-based with a sort of hint of romance, but I just don't think the cover portrays that very accurately.

Moving on to the actual book, it follows on from the last novel where Sebastian is sort of reintroduced. He is a massive character in this, after disappearing - along with Jace. It turns out there's some sort of bond between them thanks to Lilith, and the only things that can separate them are the weapons of either angels or demons. Which, unsurprisingly, results in some rather reckless acts on the part of Jace's friends and family, including the summoning of an angel and a demon. Nice.

Alec and Magnus have some pretty serious difficulties in this book, which actually really upset me because they're currently my favourite couple. There's also romantic plots following Maia and Jordan and even Izzy and Simon, but nothing major.

In the end, the Institute receives a disturbing gift, Clary stabs Jace, and Magnus kicks Alec out of his apartment. Maureen is seen again, claiming to have killed the woman Alec was out to murder, and Luke's sister is taken and turned dark by Sebastian. I think that's everything?

As for the writing, I love it! The books are all quite long, but they don't feel it when you read them. I don't understand how the feel so timeless and exciting all the way through!

Of course, this is a YA paranormal novel with typical romance lines and so on, but it is as unique as a book in this category can be. It has a nice mix of surprise, suspense and plain old action, and the diversity of the characters is fantastic. I'm really looking forward to the next novel in the series, yet I don't want it to be over!

Simply because it is a somewhat generic book (there are just so many angel/demon YA novels these days) I can't put my rating any higher than 4 stars. But the writing is fab and the plot always interesting, so there really isn't any true fault.