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Adam Lambert recommended track Mad World by Tears For Fears in Hurting by Tears For Fears in Music (curated)

Hurting by Tears For Fears
Hurting by Tears For Fears
1983 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Mad World by Tears For Fears

(0 Ratings)


"Mad World’ is a great song and it has some personal significance for me. When I was on American Idol - you know how when you're on these competition shows, and you have these moments? - it was like my big moment. It was the one that people talked about for a while. “I remember the first time I heard the version by Gary Jules, which is in Donnie Darko. That was the version where I was like 'What?' Both versions of ‘Mad World’ are so brilliant and I think the thing about the song itself that's so brilliant is that it's talking about being disillusioned or disenfranchised as a youth, and with society, feeling like an outsider, and feeling like your voice doesn't matter. I would guess that the song is about dark times. “I think that now we're in a time where things like suicide and bullying and identity politics are so in the forefront of the conversation, but I think that when this was written, angst was more of a sort of mysterious thing and I think that's the brilliance of this song. It's talking about something that not everybody talked about at that point."


Armie Hammer recommended Fight Club (1999) in Movies (curated)

Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller

"Fight Club came into my life when I was an angsty teenager who wanted to burn down the entire world, much like the movie, and I was just like, “Yeah, you f—ing get ’em.” It just so perfectly captured every bit of teenage or young adult angst that I felt. It also is so funny. Like, I watch that movie and I just howl with laughter, it’s just so sardonic and funny, and also weirdly romantic. It’s a wonderful love story, too. I mean, obviously it’s a love story between two very dysfunctional people, but who’s not dysfunctional in their own ways? I think the writing is brilliant, I think that the cinematography is incredible, I think that David Fincher absolutely knocked that one out of the park. It’s a movie that I can watch over and over, and every time I catch a new line, or I catch a new shot, and I’m like, “Oh, wow. I never noticed that’s how they did that before, and that’s such a brilliant way to do that.” Yeah, I just think that it perfectly captures every single feeling of frustration and rage that anyone might be feeling at any moment."

The Flash, Vol. 9: Reckoning of the Forces
The Flash, Vol. 9: Reckoning of the Forces
Joshua Williamson | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Crime, Mystery
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review pertains to the last three Flash trades, this one and the previous two.

Vol. 7: PERFECT STORM was quite good. I found it to be an interesting addition to the Gorilla Grodd stories. I was so inspired that I took it upon myself to read Vol. 8 & 9.

Vol. 8: FLASH WAR was like a ride on the BARRY ALLEN ANGST and SELF-LOATHING EXPRESS! But, even with that feeling in mind, I continued reading, eventually taking on the even more difficult task of taking on Vol. 9, which turned into yet another ride on that same depressing train ride!

I had read Vol 1, Joshua Williamson's first outing with "REBIRTH" Barry Allen's Flash. That one I found to be lifeless and missing something that Geoff John's Flash definitely had! But, I thought I'd give it one more try with that Gorilla Grodd story, which I turned out to like more than Vol. 1!

Vol. 9 just continues to show us overly-doubting-himself Barry as well as Wally West's Flash, only now with more angst as well as Barry-centric anger! Yeah, not good! NOPE!

It seems like writing for the Flash would be a fun writing assignment, then factoring in Wally West, it should be that much more fun! Unfortunately, that was not the case! DC allowed Barry to experience a sense of self-loathing and a lack of self-confidence, doing a huge disservice to a character with such a rich history as his!

Equally frustrating was the way Wally was treated! I know he and Barry are both comic characters, meaning they are not real. I get that, but I still felt the need to want to buy them each a short stack of pancakes (my treat, of course) and then offer to give each of them a "bro hug" and maybe a Mini Schnauzer puppy as well!

Oh, and how about that shit Williamson did in regard to the Speed Force? I am pretty sure <b>NO ONE</b> wanted there to be other Forces, especially ones as unnecessary as the ones he was serving up!
And how about that art? What the hell?!!? I felt like the dude was trying to emulate Scott Kolin's style of art, only failing to not even come close!

I understand there may be those of you reading this review who like Williamson's Flash. Hey, good for you. No, really. But, I am not gonna be one of them!

Shame on you, DC Comics! BOOOOOO!
The Christmas Wedding
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gabby Summerhill is getting married. The question is, to whom? Will it be Marty, Tom, or Jacob? Each one has proposed to her, but she isn't revealing who the lucky groom will be until Christmas Day when her whole family is gathered together. Gabby hasn't spent a Christmas with her whole family since her first husband passed away. Once they are all gathered, Gabby will reveal the lucky man. Each one of Gabby's four kids has their own life and Gabby is always up to something quirky she even has her kids and grandkids call her by her first name.

I'm trying to get through all the James Patterson books I haven't read by listening to a few. I have long enjoyed his books and this one was alright.

Gabby is a high school teacher and a mother of 4. She is also a grandmother. Planning her wedding is quite an adventure and everyone seems to comply with the crazy idea of waiting until the wedding day which is also Christmas to reveal who sh is going to marry, even the groom doesn't know. It's fun to see how the story unfolds with nods to subjects like divorce, grief, and teenage angst.
Her Husband&#039;s Army Buddy (McLeod Security #1)
Her Husband's Army Buddy (McLeod Security #1)
Doris O'Connor | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Her Husband's Army Buddy (McLeod Security #1) by Doris O'Connor
Her Husband's Army Buddy is the first book in the McLeod Security series, and we meet the owner of the security business, Zane, and his wife, Sandy. Sandy and Zane have been married for 10 years, and are happy. That is until Sean shows up asking if there are any jobs going at Zane's security business. Sean and Zane have a history, and Sandy is worried that she will get kicked to the curb when they reignite their past together. Instead, it is Sandy who is able to bring the three of them together.

This is a fast-paced book, with plenty of steam. It gives a small introduction into the world of BDSM without going into too much detail. It is fairly low angst, although there is the usual stubbornness involved. It starts off the series well, and with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, I have no hesitation in recommending it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Amityville: The Awakening (2017)
Amityville: The Awakening (2017)
2017 | Horror, Mystery
5.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not much (2 more)
Stays within the Amityville realm
Shows footage from DeFeo's crimes and mentions the Amityville history/"haunting"
Slow and drags on (8 more)
Tense in a teen angst way
Poor character relationships
One-dimensional characters
Vague plotlines
Visually too dark to see most action
Flat acting
Drags on and on and on and blah.
If you expect a family to move into the Amityville house where DeFeo murdered his family in the 1970s and be haunted or possessed by a ghost, demon, poltergeist, etc., you are 100% correct. That premise could be interesting but unfortunately, this film falls short. It is tense because of the relationships between the characters and not from suspense. It's pretty boring and relies on a few jump scares and flashes of horror. The storyline is unoriginal and poorly done. The lighting is so dark that it's difficult to see the last 30 minutes of the action. You might as well be listening to an old-fashioned radio show or horror podcast instead. This movie is problematic from beginning to end. There are much better films out there with a similar premise so unless you're extremely bored and like to torture yourself, avoid this one.
Seduced by the Handyman (Cougars &amp; Cubs #2)
Seduced by the Handyman (Cougars & Cubs #2)
Nancy Fraser | 2021 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
cute read, but not one for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Cougars & Cubs series, but it is not necessary to have read book one to enjoy this one.

As much as it pains me to say so, I found this a nice​ read. Ya'll know how much I hate using that word, but it's stuck with me for 2 days since I finished the book, and I can't shift it!

I liked that both Cate and Mitch have a say. I liked that Mitch does what he does to keep Cate's job safe, and they can continue their relationship.

I liked the heat level. It's not scorching, by any means, but it a pleasant heat, like sitting in the April sunshine. Not too much, but enough to feel the sun, you know??

I liked that both Cate and Mitch's friends were positive about their relationship.

I liked that there really isn't any great angst, and no break up/make up.

What's here is well written, and it reads well.

I liked​ it!

But something about it doesn't quite work, and I have no idea what.

a GOOD 3 stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​​
Blue Skies (Collier&#039;s Creek)
Blue Skies (Collier's Creek)
Nic Starr | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLUE SKIES is the last book in the multi-author series, Collier's Creek.

Kit and Felix are both new in town, although Felix is just returning to his roots. Both of them have baggage, although Kit's is more tragic than Felix's. Kit has writer's block and hopes new scenery will clear it. Felix needs to regroup and figure out what he wants to do with his life. When these two meet, it is definitely a case of opposites attract, although that does change.

As with all of the books in this series, it is low angst. I enjoyed their story, although I didn't quite 'feel' it as much as some of the others. I did enjoy the cameos from Logan though, and hearing the update of how he and Coop are getting on. They still remain my favourite pairing of Collier's Creek.

This was a sweet and sometimes spicy read, that felt like coming home. I have enjoyed this addition to the series and have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 30, 2023
Snowbody Loves Me (Christmas Falls #2)
Snowbody Loves Me (Christmas Falls #2)
Jacki James | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SNOWBODY LOVES ME is the second book in the multi-author seasonal series, Christmas Falls. You don't have to have read book one to get this one, but you're missing out on a brilliant story.

Arlo is the owner of one of the B&Bs and Emerson is the one lucky enough to find a spare room when everywhere is fully booked up. It is insta-lust, quickly followed by insta-love. To be fair, they don't act upon the insta-lust immediately with neither of them sure what is going on or how long Emerson will be staying.

There are lots of pluses for this book, but I do wish they would have spoken a little more about the big things. I know it can be scary to put yourself out there, but surely getting a solid answer is better than a lifetime of uncertainty.

This was a fun, low-angst, seasonal romance set in a town I am coming to love. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 13, 2023
Right Place, Right Time (The Pilsdale Chronicles #1)
Right Place, Right Time (The Pilsdale Chronicles #1)
H.L. Day | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME is the first book in The Pilsdale Chronicles. In it, we meet Ben, who left Pilsdale four years ago after his parents died, and Jasper, the father of Ben's best friend, Finn. Ben had had a crush on Jasper for years but thought nothing would come of it. When he returns to Pilsdale to sort out his aunt's house, he goes to see Finn. Unfortunately - or luckily - Finn isn't around, but Jasper certainly is.

This was a hug in a book! There is some angst but it's fairly low-key. There are some steamy scenes but they are entirely in keeping with the story and not just there to add sex appeal. And with a wonderful cast of supporting characters, plus the gorgeously described countryside, what more could I have asked for?

This was a great start to a series by a new-to-me author and I look forward to returning to Pilsdale in 2024 with the next book in the series. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 20, 2023