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Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery
Adaptation of perhaps Agatha Christie's most famous murder mystery, which I had previously read even if I had not seen any of the previous TV or movie adaptations.

I also watched this after recently watching the semi-sequel 'Death in the Nile' on Disney+, thinking then that - as that was a sequel of sorts - I might as well go back and watch the original.

The problem, of course, as with all murder mysteries is that once they are solved (in either print or on screen), then they lose nearly all sense of drama or suspense. That, I think, is a fault of the genre as a whole and is perhaps the reason why it is generally not my favourite type of story: I prefer works that you can rewatch or re-read and discover something new each time through.

Anyway, the fact that I already knew the ending might have spoiled my enjoyment of this movie, even if I'm aware it takes liberties with the source material. Not obvious liberties, though! (Or, at least I didn't think they were).

Bill Nighy recommended Punch-Drunk Love (2002) in Movies (curated)

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"A relatively new film that went straight into my top five, I adore Punch Drunk Love, and I can almost recite it to you. It was on TV on a loop for a while, and it’s like The Godfather, you hit that film on TV and you stay there. There aren’t many, but you just stay there, thinking, ‘I could keep flipping, but there’s not actually going to be anything better than this,’ and it doesn’t matter that you’ve seen it sixteen times – you just dig it because it’s such high quality. I think Adam Sandler and Emily Watson are completely marvellous in it, and I didn’t know anything about Adam Sandler, I’ve never seen any of his other films, so I’ve only seen him in this. I love Paul Thomas Anderson, and I think it’s my favourite of his films. Possibly a controversial thing to say, as his other films are, perhaps, hipper, but I love the fact that it’s this fucked up love story. I love it stylistically, the jokes, the visual attitude of it and those funky links that he does. I love the apparent arbitrariness of the plot, which hinges on upon the fact that you get free air-miles with a particular brand of chocolate pudding, and I love the way it dovetails at the end. Everyone in it is magnificent, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, who’s in The Boat that Rocked and who is beautiful in Punch Drunk Love. Adam Sandler gives one of the greatest light entertainment performances I’ve ever seen. It’s a submerged light entertainment, it’s so integrated, so authentic in terms of naturalism, that you surprise yourself by laughing, because it’s so deadpan, so undercover in terms of comedy, and that’s my favourite thing of all time, the highest level. For the first twenty minutes you think you’re in art movie hell, but you’re not, so don’t panic."

The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
Plot is twisting and turning and provides for a consistent and ever guessing tale of tragedy and despair (0 more)
Cast can be wooden at times and on occassion the story lines do not intertwine as consistently as in the book. (0 more)
Amazing Whirlwind Ride From Start to End
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is one of the most honestly thrill seeking adaptations I have seen for a long time. I am a big lover of original novel based stories and when these stories are made into on screen adaptations, it is easy for things to go terribly wrong and the story to become lost within flashy CGI ect. This is one of the best TV shows I have watched for a long time, to be honest I binged watch it within 3 days. The crew and cast of 'The Haunting of Hill House' created a modern day masterpiece whilst staying true to the original paper back.
    Disc Golf Game

    Disc Golf Game

    Games and Sports

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Most realistic disc golf game ever. - The flight of the disc is just like in real life. It is based...

Hell Night (1981)
Hell Night (1981)
1981 | Horror, Mystery
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Linda blair (0 more)
It's been a while since I last watched this movie back in the late 80s late night tv and liking it back then. And now I've seen it a second time first time on blu ray in the UK from 101 and its just as I remember the first time for me the star of the movie for me is Linda Blair far removed from the exorcist for me it's her best role playing an older character and it works with support from Peter Barton as her love interest there are some good kills in the movie liked the way they kept the killer in the shadows never knowing where he's hiding. Must watch the extras next to see the cast and crew remember the film

Douglas Hart recommended 3 Women (1977) in Movies (curated)

3 Women (1977)
3 Women (1977)
1977 | Classics, Drama
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Before the segmentation of TV brought on by cable, I first saw this on one of the UK’s four channels. Back then, you could always stumble upon strange and wonderful movies like this . . . and the whole family would watch. Often this made your enjoyment all the sweeter if a parent or sibling didn’t get it. I watched 3 Women with my first girlfriend and her mother. When the movie finished, the Ma said, “I couldn’t make head or tail of that, but I do know it was sick and perverted.” I said to her, “It’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen.” She didn’t much approve of me as a beau for her one and only daughter before we watched the movie, but afterwards she thought I was the anti-Christ."
