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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post

May 26, 2019  
Watched #Bronson again recently. As a huge #NWR #fan you can 100% see a lot of his director traits and early work in it too (especially #Pusher) but there's also such an impeccable #ClockworkOrange esc aura/#influence that it makes it a #film so unlike any of his others that at times you'd be mistaken in thinking it was directed by a #British director. Such a #fascinating film not only as a character #study of Bronson himself but as a progression piece for Refn as a #director too.
Twice Seduced (Sanctuary Coven #1)
Twice Seduced (Sanctuary Coven #1)
Hazel Hunter | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heather is a non-practising Wiccan who uses her ability to see auras to help her in her career as a school counsellor. She is dating Lucas Carré, who she feels safe with as he has a green aura. What she doesn't realise is that he is a Magus Corps officer, and can change the colour of his aura at will. When she receives a summons to her sister's coven in Aspen, Lucas goes with her and then the fun begins.

This is a typical steamy novella, the type that Hazel Hunter excels in. The reason I have only given 3-stars is because there is a whole lot of stuff going on - so far there are at least three separate stories that have yet to intertwine and become a cohesive story. HOWEVER, knowing Hazel Hunter's various coven series, I have the utmost faith that this will become an intricate and fascinating story.

A good start to a new series that shows definite promise.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 28, 2016

Kane Hodder recommended Red Hill (2010) in Movies (curated)

Red Hill (2010)
Red Hill (2010)
2010 | Action, International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I typically don’t like Western-type movies that much, but Red Hill. I really enjoyed that. I’m very picky about the bad guy, and whether or not he looks intimidating to me, you know? Like, I saw the I Spit on Your Grave remake, and all of the bad guys looked like soap opera actors that let their stubble grow. They didn’t have the aura of being a badass. And I’m sorry to those actors. They’re probably going to ****ing hate me, but this didn’t come across as intimidating or scary or anything, or even convincing as criminals, whereas this guy in Red Hill was the best bad guy I’ve seen in a long time. Just when he would look, he would look scary as ****. I love a bad guy that really convinces me."

The Matchmaker
Elin Hilderbrand | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dabney Kimball Beach is the head of the Nantucket Chamber of Commerce. She is also known as the island's resident Matchmaker. As summer begins in Nantucket, she receives an email from her ex-boyfriend some 27 years before, Clendenan Hughes, that he will be back on the island the very next day. Dabney wasn't sure what to make of this news or what she was going to do when she saw Clen again. He has been the love of her life, the father of her child and the man she was supposed to be with. But now, she is married to John "Box" Miller Beach and they have a wonderful life together on Nantucket, with their daughter Agnes who is now and adult and living her own life in New York City. But this summer is going to be one that none of them will ever forget.

I am really starting to enjoy Elin Hilderbrand's books. They are perfect for the summer and they make me want to visit Nantucket. I haven't really visited to many northern beaches always preferring to go south.

This was a cute story about a woman who had matched over 40 couples in her life. Whenever she saw people that should be together, there was a rosy aura around them that only she could see. When they weren't a match, the aura was green and murky. I'm not sure what kind of special powers she had, but it was an interesting concept. Most of Nantucket loved Dabney she was always there whenever she was needed and kind to everyone. But this summer is different. Dabney isn't herself. She thinks, it's because she is love sick with Clen being back in the picture and she is married to Box. She sneaks away from work to see Clen to see if what they had in the past can be rekindled.

My reviews are always shorter with the books that I listen to, since I don't feel as immersed in it as if I had read it myself. But I did enjoy this book and I think I'm going to read more from Ms. Hilderbrand this summer.
The Imitation Game (2014)
The Imitation Game (2014)
2014 | Biography, Drama, War
Drama based on the life and times of Alan Turing, the so-called father of modern computing, who worked in Bletchley Park during World War 2 to break the hitherto-believed-unbreakable enigma machine that the German high command were using to send radio messages to their fleets.

This flits back and forth between three timelines: the 1950s (just before Turing committed society, after being found guilty of Homosexual behaviour, which was outlawed at the time), the late 30s/early 40s (his work at Bletchley) and the 1920s (his childhood at a public boarding school, where he was bullied).

Cumberbatch manages to bring a different aura to his portrayal of Turing than he did previously to Sherlock - even though both are geniuses who struggle with a low EQ (Emotional Quotient) - while Kiera Knightley does her period piece acting as his fellow (perhaps even smarter) codebreaker Joan, who has to also put up with the misogynistic attitudes of the time.

And yes, the Imitation Game of the title is a real philosophical conundrum (which is described during the movie itself).
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
1977 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"And then I’ll go to my third one, which of course I would say… Most people would go with The Empire Strikes Back, but I gotta go with Star Wars, the original. The Summer tentpole, it was something we had never seen before. I remember, back in the day it was all those exorcism movies, you know, it was the same time when all that was going on when they were like, “The Tempter!” and you turn around and it’s a scary movie. And then there was Taxi Driver, and all these weird… Everything had a weird aura to it, you know what I mean? And my mother was like, “I can’t take you to the movies! You’ll see something crazy!” So my aunt took me to see Star Wars. That was the only thing that we could see as kids. It was either that or The Apple Dumpling Gang, and I was like, “We can’t go that young!” [laughs] But Star Wars, man, I mean… It was really the sci-fi thing. Still to this day, I’m a sci-fi nut. I love it. It’s one of those things that influences me to this day."

The Haden Triplets by The Haden Triplets
The Haden Triplets by The Haden Triplets
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I’m cautious of musical dynasties. It seems to treat musical ability as some kind of spiritual magic, passed from soul to soul. I don’t get “Only Giles Martin can mix the Beatles because only he has the aura”. Nevertheless, everyone in the Haden family has such a gentle, intelligent, soulful talent that I find it hard to pull out a favourite. Father Charlie Haden is a beautiful, sensitive bass player who has played alongside Ornette Colman, Keith Jarrett and Pat Metheny. He created political, instrumental, jazz with Carla Bley and Don Cherry in the Liberation Music Orchestra. His parents were also singers and performed on the radio as The Haden Family. His son Josh is a bass player and singer with the band Spain and writes the tensest, poised, songs of heartbreak. Petra, Tanya and Rachel are Josh’s sisters and Charlie’s daughters, and although they have been singing for years, it took until 2014 to record their debut album of country songs. Previously Petra and Rachel had been That Dog and Petra had made an acapella version of ‘The Who Sell Out’. They have that synchronicity and intonation that only siblings can have. The three voices move as one. It’s the most straightforward, emotional music. There is no re-inventing of the wheel. It’s just music that lifts the spirits."

The Devil Inside (Morgan Kingsley #1)
The Devil Inside (Morgan Kingsley #1)
Jenna Black | 2007 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
86 of 250
The Devil Inside ( Morgan Kingsley Exorcist book 1)
By Jenna Black

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Exorcism isn't a job, it's a calling--and a curse. Just ask Morgan Kingsley, a woman who has a stronger aura than any demon. Or so she thought. Now, in a pair of black leather pants and a kick-ass tattoo, Morgan is heading back to Philadelphia after a nasty little exorcism--and her life is about to be turned upside the demon that's gotten inside her.

Not just any demon. Six feet five inches of dark, delicious temptation, this one is to die for--that is, if he doesn't get Morgan killed first. Because while some humans vilify demons and others idolize them, Morgan's demon is leading a war of succession no human has ever imagined. For a woman trying to live a life, and hold on to the almost-perfect man, being possessed by a gorgeous rebel demon will mean a wild ride of uninhibited thrills, shocking surprises, and pure, unadulterated terror...

I’m somewhere between a 3&4 stars! It started brilliantly and was a good book. I like the characters and the whole story idea. We have a kick ass strong female lead that’s not over written and demons are always such fun!
Will definitely be carrying one with series.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Garden State (2004) in Movies

Sep 20, 2020 (Updated Nov 26, 2020)  
Garden State (2004)
Garden State (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Whole quirk, probably just a feature length "Try not to cringe" challenge if I really think about it - which as a cringe connoisseur I always have a soft spot for and you will too if that's your thing - but this taps into something buried deep in the psyche, with an almost primal force. Not only does this capture how fucking insufferable "Hey, how've you been?" small talk can be, but this does better than most movies before or after it in depicting that time in your life (late adolescence/early adulthood) where you were the center of your own moody universe and nothing else mattered - when you thought that's how life would be forever and you just Felt So Deeply™, for good and for ill. It has this authentic, free youthful energy about it but it also has a pretty mopey demeanor to it as well. Hence why I think this would work better if these characters were a bit younger, but I digress - it does that so impeccably well that all of its other blatant shortcomings are easy to forgive (for instance I still can't decide if Braff nailed the emotionally detached, despondent aura of his disillusioned lead character... or if he just sucked). It's so magnetic stylistically (soundtrack is stacked and the cinematography rules) I think it does its job more than capably. Pretty mesmerizingly walks a fine line between "What the fuck is this?" and "Hey who left this bowl of onions here?". Portman is the final boss Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
The Foster Child
The Foster Child
Jenny Blackhurst | 2020 | Contemporary, Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is told from multiple perspectives, but mainly, Imogen and Ellie are the ones sharing their feelings and thoughts. I liked Imogen as a character, but sometimes her actions and decisions were silly and not very thought through. Ellie was a mystery from the beginning till the end, and I kind of liked that the author left this mystical aura surrounding Ellie until the last sentence of the book. All the characters in this book were quite disturbed, carrying some baggage from their pasts.

The narrative of this novel was quite tense, there always were little incidents related to Ellie, that made this book very absorbing. I liked the topics this book discussed, such as pregnancy, parental love, bullying, fighting your fears, child’s behaviour problems, attachment, and many more. I enjoyed all the little twists and turns the author threw in this in this book, it made this book a true page-turner.

The writing style of this novel was easy to read, but quite confusing. Till the last page, I could not understand what was going on with Ellie. In some places, it seems that she was supernatural, and in other places, it was brushed off as fabrication, so this thing did leave me baffled. The chapters had a very decent length and they didn’t leave me bored. The ending of the book was quite surprising but it rounded the story very nicely and left me satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, I really enjoyed this psychological thriller, it has very complex and disturbed characters, as well as the plot that is always trying to confuse the reader, and filled with turns, twists and very important topics.