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Sullivan's Travels (1941)
Sullivan's Travels (1941)
1941 | Action, Classics, Comedy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. Hyper-sharp satire and wit together with joyful physical comedy, real emotion, and surprising social and personal awareness. The Lady Eve is great, too, but Sullivan’s Travels feels more modern."

13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
The show was an alright adaptation (2 more)
I enjoyed Alex, Zac and Jessica's storylines
I like the purpose of the show to raise awareness for suicide
Hannah's character was incredibly obnoxious at times and rather frustrating (0 more)
The book is always better
Humor (1 more)
These ladies do a great job telling these stories and keeping it light when the stories get heavy and dark. They are also amazing advocates for the victims and try to spread awareness so families can receive closure.
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
1968 | Horror

"The granddaddy of them all. A landmark achievement in technical innovation, social awareness, and sheer terror. The handheld look so many filmmakers use today was very new in the ’60s, when visual styles were very “locked down.” It was my first experience watching someone get disemboweled, and you don’t easily forget that."

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Don Miguel Ruiz | 2011 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This is a life-changing read. Even after the 25th time I find myself learning pure truth and gaining introspection for the deceptively small but very impressionable moments of choice in my journey. I keep these powerful words of compassionate awareness on my nightstand as a reminder to continue living my life with certainty and trying my very best."

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Shunryu Suzuki | 2020 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Religion
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I am not a Buddhist, but I have learned a great deal from Suzuki’s concept of “beginner’s mind.” In meditation you sit and concentrate on your posture and breathing. The purpose of meditation is to empty your mind and ready your awareness for anything and everything that will flow so that you can always be a beginner."

A Note Of Madness
A Note Of Madness
Tabitha Suzum | 2007 | Music & Dance, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mental health awareness (1 more)
Likeable chapters
Long chapters (0 more)
This novel was the authors debut, for a debut novel it's well written and flows fairly well. The portrayal of bipolar disorder / manic depression is realistically unsettling. It really shows how damaging a misdiagnosis could be and the serious effect of being dismissed. To avoid spoilers I'm not going to say if this story ends with a happy or an unfortunate end. I will advise you NOT to read this if you suffer from a mental illness and are triggered easily, this could be a serious trigger.
Following on, although I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and really appreciate the mental health awareness in it which is a rare find in a book, I found this a hard one to score higher than 7/10. This is solely due to the fact that the chapters are long, ranging on average at about 25+ pages. This made it difficult to stay focused and I found myself having to read back a couple of pages to recap. This is completely my own problem as I enjoy shorter chapters and I really dislike stopping half way through a chapter.
Overall I 100% recommend this book. It's very underrated and deserves more awareness
Mindfulness For Beginners
Mindfulness For Beginners
Jon Kabat-Zinn | 2016 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Meditation has become more mainstream in the last few years, thanks to scientific findings and general awareness of the benefits it brings. For me, mindfulness meditation is the most important habit I’ve taken up in my adult life. For those curious about it, Kabat-Zinn, one of the original mindfulness gurus of the West, breaks it down in simple and beneficial terms."

Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Jay Asher | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (108 Ratings)
Book Rating
Story line (1 more)
The brutal truth
Contains spoilers, click to show
This show has some bad press but the inflencial essence this show has and the benefits and awareness it gives to viewers who have suffered or inflicted is amazing
The Hannah baker rape seen is brutal and explicit but it shows that not phisycally fighting back doesn't not make it rape
The suicide scene has especially explicit content but show the brutal truth to the consequences of other people's hurtful actions and doesn't glorify the fact but In all essence spreads awareness and honestly believe this show is a must watch for anyone and everyone who is or has a teenager going into high school the show keeps you gripping your seat and in some cases hard to watch but the brutally honest truth to what goes on in a lot of children's lives.
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Doll Violence (0 more)
Plodded a little there in the middle (0 more)
After hearing such mixed reviews, I went in with low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. I thought this reboot really did the original justice, bringing a self-awareness to the conceit that the franchise has always had.
Mark Hamill was great, Aubrey Plaza makes a pretty convincing mom, and Chucky's got jokes. What more did you really want?