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Once Upon a Broken Sky (Grimmfay, #0.5)
Once Upon a Broken Sky (Grimmfay, #0.5)
M.T. DeSantis | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enchanting afternoon read

Oh my! A magical story without a fairytale ending.....well, not a classic happy ever after at least.
    Once Upon a Broken Sky is a mix of childlike wonder, manipulation, growing up fast, magic, illusion and so much more.
    I think I was a bit slow working out who some of the characters were before their life at Grimmfay but it made so much sense when I realised and things fell into place.
    I like that it mirrors real life slightly, in that one situation is replaced with another that appears to be better but actually isn't. I can't explain it as you seriously need to read this and find out for yourself.
    I'd recommend this for teenagers and above, partly as there would be a better understanding of the story and partly for some great talking points that create awareness for real life.
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
1997 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Umpty-tumpth Bond film rests on the laurels of GoldenEye perhaps just a bit too much. Evil media magnate Carver tries to orchestrate a war between the UK and China so he can sell more papers and grab a satellite TV franchise; British intelligence decides to disrupt his scheme by sending James Bond to have sex with his wife.

Well-mounted set pieces, and plenty of them, plus Michelle Yeoh gets an eye-catching role as the 'Oh, James!' character, but the problem is that the rest of it feels like karaoke Bond, without the self-awareness or attempts to move the franchise on that lifted GoldenEye somewhat - plus, it's just not as well written. The result is a mid-range entry in the series, assuming one overlooks the schoolboy error of Bond not being able to read Chinese (as any fule kno, he got a First in Oriental Languages at Cambridge). This still equates to an entertaining movie, just not an exceptional one.
The 5th wave (2016)
The 5th wave (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Thick-headed attempt to secure a slice of that lucrative post-Hunger Games YA demographic pie wastes the talents of Chloe Grace Moretz, Liev Schrieber, and various CGI technicians. Aliens show up and start conquering the world really slowly, starting by shutting down Instagram and moving on to floods, bird flu, etc etc. Plucky teenage girl sets out to save her young sibling while juggling the attentions of a couple of carefully-differentiated young hunks.

Painfully obvious and derivative, leadenly assembled; mostly just plain bad. What moves it beyond the inept and into the realms of the regrettable is a plotline about child soldiers - if this is trying to make a real-world point it does so with incredible crassness, though it may well be the film simply doesn't operate on that level of awareness. So-so box office returns means it appears we may be spared the threatened sequels; who know, maybe there is a God.
13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
So many mixed reviews
I surround myself with mental health communities as I suffer myself and have seen so many mixed reviews for this show. But having had depression throughout my school years I think this was a raw and real problem with school kids these days. I think so much more awareness has come from this programme and it shows that things that could seem so small to others can have a huge impact on the people around us. I don't think it glorifies suicide as a lot of people have mentioned, it shows how real and how easily something can hurt somebody without anyone else knowing. The end episode, for me, was a huge trigger and I think a warning should have been put on that. I know that has changed for season 2 though.
I enjoyed watching this, it was hard to watch, raw and I went through so many emotions.
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Musical
More semi-demented glam-rock-inflected goings-on amongst the Greek islands, distinguished this time by an actual sense of self-awareness of how absurd the whole thing is, an increased focus on younger and more attractive versions of the main characters, and an advertising campaign built around a massive piece of deception (Meryl Streep is only in the film for about two minutes).

I don't know, it's jolly enough I suppose, but one of the things that made the first one so distinctive was the fact it was about randy middle-aged people murdering classic pop songs, which you don't see much of in the cinema. This one is more about randy young people, which is much more commonplace and rather less fun. Also, when I watch a Mamma Mia film I want to see Pierce Brosnan murdering a song, not just being reduced to contributing the odd chorus and standing around in the background. Fairly inoffensive all in all, and quite entertaining.

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Incendies (2010) in Movies

Feb 11, 2021 (Updated Feb 11, 2021)  
Incendies (2010)
Incendies (2010)
2010 | Drama, Mystery, War
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The third in my series of films you would recommend to a visiting alien to explain humanity is… the harrowing yet utterly brilliant Incendies (2010), directed by Denis Villeneuve, from the play by Wajdi Mouawad.

Utilising a French and Arabic speaking cast you have probably never seen before, this brutal drama feels as close to reality as you would ever want a story of this nature to be. Yet, of course because it is a Denis Villeneuve film (he also made Blade Runner 2049, Enemy, Prisoners, Arrival, Sicario etc, if you are not familiar with him) it is drenched in style and visual embellishment that makes it a work of art transcending a documentary feel. Naturalism is evident in the acting, but so is an awareness of storytelling. It also boasts one of the most jaw dropping endings I have ever seen. Once experienced, never forgotten. Rated the 111th best film of all time on IMDb currently, and my Decinemal score agrees with that.

Sam (74 KP) rated Me Before You in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Me Before You
Me Before You
Jojo Moyes | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (59 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will needed Lou as much as she needed him, but will her love be enough to save his life?

Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun teashop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.

What Lou doesn’t know is she’s about to lose her job or that knowing what’s coming is what keeps her sane.

Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he’s going to put a stop to that.

What Will doesn’t know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they’re going to change the other for all time.

When/Why I Bought It
This is yet another one of those books that I can’t actually remember buying! I bought it when I found out about the hype just before the film came out.

Overall Thoughts
This has made it to be one of my favourite books of all time. My copy is beginning to look tatty from the amount of times I’ve read it and the fact that I’ve lent it out to so many different people.

I love Lou. Even through everything, she still keeps her head on. She stays strong throughout the whole novel and I admire that. Watching her relationship with Will develop was heartwarming and I really wish I could read more from just that section of their relationship.

I really like that the novel raises awareness for both disabilities and mental health. I know there has been a lot of a kick back about how it goes about raising awareness, but I really felt like the way it was done gave it maximum effect and it really opened my eyes.

If you are prone to crying, do not read this in public! It even made me a bit teary-eyed which is almost impossible.
If I Was Your Girl
If I Was Your Girl
Meredith Russo | 2017 | Children
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amanda Hardy is the new girl in school. The strange thing is she is really newly a girl as well. Having just left her old life behind and moving in with her father to finish her senior year, Amanda is hoping the school year will go off without any incidents. At her new school, she quickly makes friends and even meets a boy she is really interested in. Will she be able to go through keeping her secret or will her truth be revealed and she will have to relive all the horrible things she had just left behind.

When I first heard about this book, I was very intrigued by the description. When I finally got the book in my hand and read further about the author, I was a little shocked. LGBT books are not usually a genre I choose to read. I enjoyed the book and it helped to increase my awareness about these issues. I commend the author for tackling such a personal issue.

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Fire in Frost (Crystal Frost, #1) in Books

Mar 20, 2020 (Updated Mar 20, 2020)  
Fire in Frost (Crystal Frost, #1)
Fire in Frost (Crystal Frost, #1)
Alicia Rades | 2015 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"There's a fire growing inside of me. It's not the harmful kind that can kill a girl like Olivia. It's the kind that can save her."

CRYSTAL FROST tells herself she isn't crazy, but sane people don't see ghosts. As her psychic abilities manifest, Crystal discovers she can see into the future, witness the past, and speak with the dead. Add blackmail to the list of things she never thought would happen to her, and you basically have her sophomore year covered. After spotting her first ghost, secrets from her family, friends, and classmates begin to surface. Uncovering secrets can be dangerous, but giving up means someone will get hurt. Again.

What was refreshing with this YA was there was no teenage sexual tension drama!! It was a really well written story about a young girl discovering her special gift. It also raised awareness for domestic violence and that it's not acceptable at any age, Alicia Rades did this without coming across as preachy like some authors can. I was impressed with her style and looking forward to reading more by her.

Ian Anderson recommended After the Break by Planxty in Music (curated)

After the Break by Planxty
After the Break by Planxty
1979 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This wasn’t my introduction to folk music by any means, but it was my introduction to Irish folk music that wasn’t merely The Dubliners or The Chieftains. It was Irish music that had a bit of balls and a bit of a wayward quality that came I think from those guys knowing about rock music and, generally speaking, what was going on in the UK. You could call them the first progressive folk band. They had a good way of bringing together bits of tradition, mostly Irish traditional music, with an awareness in terms of arrangements that could only come from a knowledge of other musical forms. And of course they feature what was a growing, new instrument, a non-indigenous instrument of Irish music: the bouzouki. Not the bowl-shaped Greek bouzouki but the flat-backed bouzouki that was being made by luthiers in Britain and Ireland as a more convenient, big boy’s mandolin. The bouzouki became an important part of Irish folk music and Planxty used it to great effect."
