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Richard Ayoade recommended Persona (1966) in Movies (curated)

Persona (1966)
Persona (1966)
1966 | Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s brilliant. It’s almost like a detective story: you try to work out why this person hasn’t spoken. The logic of it is so strange, you know — you sort of go, “Where does it start?” It’s something in a sense that could have existed without those bookends, without that kind of prologue to it, but it adds a strangeness to it, in its awareness of its form. They’re not the main things I enjoy about it — I like it, but I mainly like those two actresses, and how lean it is: straight in, the first scene is, “Miss Vogler, stop speaking… ” Everything’s so condensed. It’s clearly someone who’s made so many great films already — just a remarkable series of films. And it’s odd, because it’s very rare that I like someone with no humor to them, and he has no humor. I mean, Smiles of a Summer Night is not a hoot, you know? It’s odd that something can be so great without humor; it’s strange. Most great directors have a bit of humor in their films. Kubrick’s hilarious; Malick’s really funny…"

Shadow Lands ( The Warrior Chronicles 3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
101 of 220
Shadow Lands (The Warrior Chronicles 3)
By K.F. Breene

In order to finally claim her title of Chosen and lead the Shadow People out of the Land of Mist, Shanti must make it through a century's old system to test her battle awareness, her fighting skill, and her ability to stay alive. She's about to enter The Trials, and she must do it alone.

Separated from Shanti on a dangerous island, Cayan must learn to use his mental skill while keeping his men safe from the people set out to kill them. But as more Inkna and Graygual flood the island, Cayan hears of a sinister force deep in the woods, rigging The Trials and killing any who venture too close.

It is now a race against time. The battle to become the Chosen has begun, and the victor is anything but decided.

Out of the 3 so far this one is the better of them. It had more story and the characters less annoying. I actually found myself liking it.
Get a Move On, Neuron!
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Get a Move On, Neuron! by Philip R. Kennedy presents a basic description of brain function to young readers who enjoy science.

Throughout the book the reader goes on a tour of the brain learning about different brain functions. The reader learn about some interesting issues during the tour; such as, memory, self-awareness, and emotions. Each brief chapter ends with a series of questions that recap and review the material. I find the questions a bit distracting since the answers are not provided. The illustrations are nice and helpful. The illustrations are not overly busy, in fact, they help emphasize the topic being discussed. A friendly looking neuron is the "instructor".

Young readers who enjoy science will enjoy this book and will learn a lot of interesting brain facts from this book. This book could be used within the science classroom for going beyond the lesson when discussing brain function.

I give this book 3/5 stars being of the continual repetition which caused the book to come off as boring at times.

I received this book from Choice Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (Død snø 2) (2014)
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (Død snø 2) (2014)
2014 | Action, Comedy, International
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dark sense of humour (1 more)
Uses bigger budget to good effect
EXTREMELY violent (1 more)
Some of the kills may be a little too much for some
Bigger, Funnier and Bloodier
if you had asked me after my first viewing, I may have given a 7/10 but a recent rewatch has reaffirmed just how great this film is.

It takes all of the self-awareness, over-the-top violence and ludicrous setpieces from the original, and just pumps more of all of it straight into its zombified heart.

It becomes more fantastic, more violent, more one is safe, not people in wheelchairs, not women with babies, not children...

Fortunately the brutality is ridiculous enough that it quickly becomes comic-book in terms of its realism, but the gore is plentiful indeed!

The plot is funny in itself, and some of the side characters were great fun, including the world's most unfortunate zombie...

If you haven't seen 'Dead Snow', watch that first (great in its own right) and then watch this.

For fans of Shaun Of the Dead, Tucker & Dale Versus Evil or Troll Hunter
The Kingmaker (2019)
The Kingmaker (2019)
2019 | Documentary
'When they searched my closet, they found no skeletons, only beautiful shoes,' declares Imelda Marcos (subject of this documentary), displaying a somewhat inconsistent level of self-awareness. For many people in the west, Mrs Marcos is only the punchline to jokes about her shoe collection: this documentary gives the full story of her life, especially in the present day. We see her making her stately progress about Manila, occasionally pausing to literally throw money at the poor people she encounters.

Much of the movie concerns Mrs Marcos holding forth on her achievements as mother of the world, bringer of world peace, ender of the cold war (and so on), intercut with other people with perhaps a stronger grip on reality pointing out what actually went on. Intended criticisms just ping off Mrs Marcos' elephantine self-regard; the effect is blackly comic more than anything else. But the film moves on to consider her attempts to make her son president of the Philippines, with all the re-writing of history and political corruption this entails: it seems the world may hear from her again. Intelligently made, eye-openingly weird, ultimately rather chilling.
Touched With Fire (2016)
Touched With Fire (2016)
2016 | Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Touched with Fire is a very depressing movie. As a person diagnoses with bipolar disorder, there are touches of reality in seeing the characters dealing with mania and depression. The problem with the movie is it shows the extreme of this mental illness. The characters in mania putting their lives in danger. The family only worried about the negative aspects of the disorder. This needs to be said..not everyone with bipolar disorder acts like this. The family treating them poorly says a lot about the misunderstanding of the illness.

The story is a snapshot of all of the aspects of being bipolar. There are not medications that always work. There are not routines that can sidestep mania or depression.

On a good note, this does bring awareness to some of the bipolar geniuses throughout history. The book by psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison’s (who make a cameo appearance) 1993 Touched with Fire, is the inspiration for this movie. She shows the connection to bipolar and creativity.

When you see this movie, keep in mind, we are all weird in our own special ways. Don’t judge someone on their diagnosis or their rough times. You may miss the spark.

Anne (0 KP) rated The Good Doctor in TV

Jun 24, 2020  
The Good Doctor
The Good Doctor
2017 | Drama
Freddie's portrayal of autism is convincing and the miscommunication, meltdowns, and sensory overload are true to life. (3 more)
Pretty good representation among the staff and patients of the hospital. The show brings up many important topics through the medical cases and family situations of characters.
Seems to further awareness, acceptance of and interest in autism and autistic individuals.
Writers of show didn't shy away from some uncomfortable topics and behaviors around autism, even showcasing that Shawn's autism isn't always a gift and isn't always well-recieved.
Yet another young genius white boy as the face of autism, media completely underrepresents the female, learning disabled, older, or POC autistics out there. (3 more)
Shawn's friends and colleagues interfere in his life far more than they need to or should. They do not treat him like an adult or give him autonomy he deserves.
Shawn's autism symptoms seldom manifest at inconvenient times, and the few major outbursts that do occur are laughed off and rarely result in consequences.
They did not cast an autistic actor, who could have leant more authenticity to the role and been a real role model for autistic kids.
Good medical drama- lacking some realism
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Hulk smash plenty (2 more)
Jeff Goldblum
More cameos than an Edwardian garden party
Weird effects on Cate Blanchett (0 more)
Having suffered through the first Thor film, given up on the second one, and detested him in the Avengers films I wasn't expecting to enjoy Thor all that much and was really only in it for the Hulk. However I was pleasantly surprised. Chris Hemsworth seems to have learned to act in the last few years, and seems to have developed an awareness of comic timing.
The film sees Thor team up with Loki, Hulk and a former Valkyrie to defeat Thor's sister Hela and avoid Ragnarok as she looks to lead an army of the dead throughout the galaxy.
There is a great deal of comedy throughout the film but also top notch action sequences, most notably Thor vs Hulk and Hela's assault on Asgard.
Having been disappointed with the absence of Thor and Hulk from Captain America: Civil War (Huffy Cry-baby) I had hoped this film would make amends, and it did indeed.
Of particular enjoyment was the theatrical interpretation of Loki's death where Matt Damon and the other Hemsworth act out Loki's apparent death, overseen by Sam Neill's Odin.
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Afua Hirsch | 2017 | History & Politics, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An important and necessary conversation
There is a wealth of insight crammed into this book about race and identity in Britain, describing how important it is to have a cohesive self by accepting that you may have other identities alongside being a UK citizen.

What hinders this process is the apparent racism that plagues British society, from being 'colour-blind' and thus ignoring the issue, to the awkward and troubled relationship with Britain's history and its origins. The author, Afua Hirsch, also discovers her own Ghanaian roots throughout her journey of self-awareness, making this book both a memoir and social commentary. Hirsch checks her privilege immediately, which makes a refreshing change.

While I can completely relate to her opinions on the racist structures in place and the microagressions that have become normalised, the historical and anthropological elements were the most fascinating parts for me. Learning about the racist views upheld by leading western thinkers such as Immanuel Kant and David Huhne, as well as how the 1919 race riots ensued over the perception of 'white cleansing' was deeply concerning.

Hirsch's call for change on Britain's selective amnesia is not new but it has a contemporary angle following the country's move to leave the EU. Incredibly engaging.
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Creaky buddy-cop sequel does feel a bit like a prison sentence. Any film calling itself 'Bad Boys' which opens with one of the 'boys' rushing to the birth of their grandchild likely has serious self-awareness issues, and it proves to be the case here. The same kind of schtick as in the other two films - Smith and Lawrence squabble a lot, shoot people, quietly actually really love each other, etc, etc. Though it has to be said that this film does favour Smith fairly blatantly (one wonders how the salaries of the two stars compare).

Putting a film this dumb, vacuous and mechanical out in January really does throw the weaknesses in its construction into sharp relief: it basically goes comedy bit, action bit, sentimental character bit, comedy bit (and so on) for two hours and then stops. Easy on the eye, but makes one of the Lethal Weapon sequels look like a classy piece of work. I would say at least it's not a Michael Bay movie, but the Prince of Darkness turns up in a cameo acting role. Scrapes an extra star for the odd vaguely funny line and one genuinely startling plot development, but the rest of it is deeply crass and equally predictable.