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Ross (3282 KP) rated The Strain in Books

Sep 6, 2017  
The Strain
The Strain
Guillermo del Toro, Chuck Hogan | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic addition to the vampire genre, with so much thought gone into the history, the biology and the infection. The disease/epidemic angle made this unique (as far as I'm aware) in this realm and added so much to the storyline.
It would be interesting to know how the book was written, whether Del Toro had the ideas and Hogan did the writing or if it was more of a joint effort. Still, incredible book.
Bloodrage (Blood Destiny, #3)
Bloodrage (Blood Destiny, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was good to finally have the mystery surrounding Mack's, erm, how to put it, her...biology? The is she a mage? Is she a shifter? Is she a bit of both? question answered in kind but I'm assuming we will get the full answer in the next book, so of course I'll be buying it as soon as this review is posted as with the previous books.

P.S. I'm also impatiently waiting for the Mack/Corrigan thing to happen properly.
Sourdough: A Novel
Sourdough: A Novel
Robin Sloan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beginning was fun and interesting, but the story started to stall and get sort of odd. The ending was both more climactic than the genre really calls for, and oddly anticlimactic at the same time.

Usually I like books of this type but the mix (almost like it was foreshadowing that it was going to change wildly into a fantasy or sci-if story at any minute) was so odd and kept me wondering so much about where the story was going that it detracted from my enjoyment.

I love the author’s voice, but the climax felt completely at odds with the rest of the mood set.

I do have to say that I thought a lot about the story in the week after I finished it, and it has definitely peaked my interest in micro-biology.
The Twilight Wife
The Twilight Wife
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The main character Kyra, confused after diving incident and trying to figure out what happened. The whole story was told from only Kyra’s perspective and other characters didn't have their voice in it. That's unfortunate, because it would've been interesting to hear Jacob's thoughts about the whole situation, which was going on in the book and what was his relationship with the friend from his childhood. Maybe a throwback to the past? All this would’ve given the whole book more twists and suspense, I believe. The characters were not very interesting to be honest; they were not very strong and did not have very charismatic personalities. I noticed that, if a male character looks perfect in the pages, there is something not quite right with him, in this case the same, Jacob was too perfect. Even though Aiden (a mystery man) should’ve been one of the important characters in the whole story, his actions were nonexistent, even at the end he was the most passive one. <br/><br/> I really enjoyed that in every chapter there used to be at least one memory coming back. The suspense was really well thought through, giving those recovered memories like little sips of water in the desert. Unfortunately, the whole plot in this novel is not very original. I saw couple of films with the same principal, but the suspense kept me interested and it was hard to put it away. There is very visible touch of author's life in the book, as she lives by the ocean. There are lots of terms of marine biology in this publication, which got me looking up some terms because I never faced them in my normal life. All the suspense throughout the book was nicely rewarded at the end of it, I really enjoyed it and I loved the fact, that it still left you hanging with some unanswered questions. It had a lot of turns and twists which didn't leave u bored and kept the book interesting. To conclude, I would recommend this book if You would like some twisty and suspenseful novel filled with island life and marine biology.
Here Comes the Boom (2012)
Here Comes the Boom (2012)
2012 | Action, Comedy
here comes the boom
A high school biology teacher looks to become a successful mixed-martial arts fighter in an effort to raise money to prevent extra-curricular activities from being axed at his cash-strapped school.
What lessons did you learn from this story (theme/moral)? What do you think others will learn from it?
A teacher can do more for his students than help them in the class room. One man struggles in no match for the mans achievements. Regular people can transform into heroes. Anything is possible when you believe in yourself.
What group of people would like this movie? Who would you recommend it to? Who would you not recommend it to?
i would recommend it to anyone that likes a good overcoming movie, and a movie where a teacher does the unbelievable for their students.
What is your final word on the film: Is it good or bad?
i would say the movie called here comes the boom is a good movie.
I give the movie here comes the boom a movie rating of 5.
The Science of Discworld
The Science of Discworld
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If there was an award for most misleadingly titled book, this would on the shortlist. Not only is it most definitely not about the science of Discworld, it is also not some sort of shameless cash-in on a well-loved author.

What this book is, then, is a 'popular science' book, dressed up with some (typically amusing) interludes featuring the wizards of Unseen University as they try to understand how our world can work without magic and stories. Pratchett was always keen to educate, and here he tries to condense science into a single volume, using co-authors and science writers Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen to do the hard lifting of explaining the basics and discoveries of physics, chemistry and biology.

The authors try to explain how everything really works, although they do acknowledge there is bound to be simplification (or 'lies to children') as some of the concepts are hugely complex. But it never gets boring or too difficult to read.

A superb book for anyone who just wants to understand a little bit more about science. And I still use the space elevator analogy to this day. A gem of a book, shame about the title.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated Golden Gate in Books

Apr 19, 2021 (Updated Apr 19, 2021)  
Golden Gate
Golden Gate
James Ponti | 2021 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The City Spies Cross the Pond
As this book opens, Brooklyn and Sydney, two of the team of City Spies, are on board a ship for a week of marine biology targeted at young women. While they certainly do appreciate the science they are getting, they are really there to covertly guard two of the other teens on the ship. And it’s a good thing, too, when Umbra agents show up trying to kidnap the girls. Meanwhile, there is a new lead on a mole inside MI-6 and a lead in a secret project for Mother, the spy in charge of all the City Spies. Might it tie into the kidnapping?

Last year, I fell in love with these characters with the first book in the series, and I’m delighted to say that this book was just as good as the first one. The story kept me engaged the entire way, and there were times I was turning pages as quickly as I could to find out what would happen next. While all of the characters get their moments to shine, this is really Sydney’s book since she sees the most growth. One thing I love is how much the characters care for each other, so we see them working through conflicts they have. I might have even teared up a time or two as I read. We also get plenty of laughs along the way. I especially enjoyed the scenes in San Francisco since I recognized so many of the places they went. Kids will love this book. I know I’m already anxious to find out what happens next.
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
1989 | Horror
5.0 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A group of students are taking a cruise to New York. A couple, who's part of the group, ventures off on their own in their own private boat. They wind up drifting through Camp Crystal Lake for a little quality time together. They set anchor and wind up resurrecting Jason in the process. Now as the cruise ship sets off, with Jason in tow, our students may have more than their biology projects to worry about.

Re-watching this was not a pleasant experience. I really had to force myself to watch it and once I finally did it was almost painful to make myself sit through the entire thing. Continuity is probably the film's biggest flaw. When we see young Jason drown, he looks like a normal little boy. Whenever Rennie sees him, however, he suddenly looks like he has down syndrome and like somebody beat him with a 2x4 made from every ugly branch they could get a hold of. On top of that, he pretty much has a different appearance every time Rennie sees him. Then there's the whole Crystal Lake leading into the ocean thing and the ending. Heavens, the ending is atrocious.

The script isn't so hot either. Julius is probably the best example. After Wayne asks him what weapon he's going to take after they realize Jason is on the ship, Julius replies, "Nothing," then pauses for a moment before following with, "...but this gun." The kills were also lacking. Jason takes a guitar to a girl's head and throws a guy onto an antenna. That's about as inventive as we get this time around. The one enjoyable factor of the film is Kane Hodder as Jason. The scene in Times Square is probably the highlight of the film. It's disappointing that the last film with "Friday the 13th" in the title is so bad.
Criminal (2016)
Criminal (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.6 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bad dialogue (2 more)
Rubbish Ending
Poorly written script
How To Waste A Great Cast
The trailers for this movie had me sold, as did the top class cast and the plot also sounded interesting, even if it is very similar to something that Ryan Reynolds was involved in previously. Last year he was in a film with Ben Kingsley called Selfless, in which Kingsley played an old millionaire who wanted his brain to be transferred into a young man’s body, and so he took over the body of Reynolds’ character. In this movie Reynolds plays a government agent who gets killed in action, but before he died, he had information that no one else knew and that the government needed. So the head of his team, played by Gary Oldman, recruits a scientist, played by Tommy Lee Jones, to use pioneering biology to transfer the memories of Reynolds’ character into Kevin Costner’s character, who is a psychopath with a child’s mind and has spent the majority of his life in prison. Predictably, Costner’s character starts developing symptoms of multiple personality disorder and having memories of Reynold’s character and from this point on, the film is kind of a mess. A poorly written script results in the audience struggling to find anyone to root with and this lack of a protagonist causes the movie to feel aimless from the start. The closest thing we get to a good guy is Ryan Reynolds and he dies at the very start of the movie, but then the filmmaker expects you to suddenly root for Kevin Costner’s character, even though he is a murderous psycho with absolutely no morals. Gary Oldman certainly isn’t a good guy, since he’s willing to go to whatever measures necessary to get this information that Reynolds’ character had when he died, no matter how extreme or morally ambiguous. Honestly this is one to skip, there isn’t even any payoff at the end of the movie and most of the dialogue throughout is pure cliché nonsense, go see something else instead.
Rings (2017)
Rings (2017)
2017 | Horror
3.8 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Going in I have to admit I had the lowest expectations for this movie. And indeed it starts off seeming like a complete joke with a scene on a plane that is reminiscent of “Snakes on Plane” but with an evil spirit, flies, and black sludge instead of snakes. The theater filled with laughter for the first five minutes.

A plot about a film that kills people who watch it is in itself offputtingly hokey. Previously I was never a fan of “The Ring” or “The Ring 2,” and I did not find either of them memorable to say the least. But, this sequel starts off in such a comedic fashion that most people will no longer have expectations to be scared. But this may not be a bad thing at all.

After the first few scenes something happens, and the film begins to be more artsy rather than hokey. Trippy effects like rain flowing upward or weird black liquid that almost looks like melted latex flowing out each time the evil spirit is coming, make this a surreal piece of entertainment. This film is actually best described as a modern day dark fairy tale and not a horror film.

Parts of the plot are very dark as you learn the complete story of Samara. Themes of captivity, murder, infanticide, and child molestation subtly peak into the plot. But it does not delve too far into these aspects which could have been truly twisted, instead it veers off into a more modern theme.

A college professor, Gabriel (Johnny Galecki), who teaches an experimental biology course and studies the afterlife, discovers the deadly film when he buys an old VCR. After watching it himself he comes up with a creative way of keeping himself and others who watch it alive. Hint – it involves a selfish pattern of sacrifice, which is a bit darkly comedic but also a realistic and shadowy reflection of human nature.

“Rings” is no horror masterpiece, but it is entertaining, unique, and a tad bit creepy.