Hospital and Internal Medicine Podcast
Hospital & Internal Medicine lectures are intended for the medical professional who enjoys learning...

The Evan Brand Show
Evan Brand, Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and...

The Ouija Experiment (2013)
Movie Watch
Film student Brandon and four friends play with a Ouija board, unwittingly opening a portal to the...

Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth
Tabletop Game
A cooperative, card-based, app-driven adventure game set in Middle Earth.

Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about The Human Age in Apps
Nov 21, 2017

DK Løser for Wordfeud
Games and Utilities
The complete Danish Wordfeud solver is finally here! - It will make you a Wordfeud master! ...

Lösare för Wordfeud
Games and Utilities
New swedish dictionary: SAOL! The only Swedish Wordfeud solver is finally here! - It will make you...

Way of the Panda
Tabletop Game
Way of the Panda is a worker-placement game in which players control three different figures —...
BoardGames 2018Games CMONgames Miniaturegames WorkerPlacementGames

Dean Gregory (18 KP) rated Tsuro in Tabletop Games
Jun 2, 2019
Because it boasts such trivial mechanics, it is very easy to pick up and play a few rounds quickly (some games can last under 10 minutes including setup), as well as being one that young children could enjoy. The player meeples have a good quality feel, and it can be satisfying watching the winding paths in the game board grow.
However, it very quickly becomes obvious just how simple this game is - winning is often less about trying to run your opponents off the board as it is trying to keep yourself in play for as long as possible, until you inevitably take yourself out of the game.
Tsuro, then, is an inviting game for introducing regular folk to the mad world of tabletop gaming, and is a solid option for beginning a proper games night with its simplicity and charm. I used it recently myself as a sweetner to help ease a new player into game night, and it worked a treat. It probably won't make regular appearances however.
I like it. Worth a look.

Spanish checkers
Games and Entertainment
Spanish checkers is a checkers app which follows spanish rules. Main differences with US checkers:...