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    German Checkers

    German Checkers

    Games and Entertainment

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    German checkers follows the german rules (link to the rules inside the game). If you look for US...

    SmartGo Player

    SmartGo Player

    Games and Entertainment

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    Play the ancient game of Go against your iPhone or iPad. Starting with the empty board, your goal is...

Betrayal at House on the Hill
Betrayal at House on the Hill
2004 | Adventure, Exploration, Horror, Miniatures
A lot of people I know really like this game, but I am not a big fan. I've played it four or five times- I keep giving it another chance and I just don't think it deserves one. The good thing is it has a lot of replayability with all of the different scenarios. The bad- this game has a LOT of down time. When it isn't your turn, it is incredibly boring. There's not a lot of big decisions or thought to even be made on your turn, so you have about 30 seconds of doing something interesting and then 10-15 minutes of waiting around before it's your turn again (especially if people haven't played before). The game is very high variance- it really depends on a lot of random elements. It is the randomness more than anything you actually strategize during the game to do that determines what happens in the end. It's a really simple semi-cooperative board game. If you are newer to board games and want to play something simple, I would recommend it. If you're expecting a challenging horror board game with a traitor mechanic, I really would not.

Akward (448 KP) Jul 20, 2018

I completely agree with what you've said. I honestly view it as a gateway game between Catan and more complicated games. Our group played it religiously for a few months, and I will say that it did get better with a more experienced group. After a short while, the turns could be done in 2-3 minutes (even with a 6 player group), so there was much less downtime. But there's no way around the fact that it is poorly balanced, which is ultimately what turned our group off.

    Rummy PRO - Remi Pe Tabla

    Rummy PRO - Remi Pe Tabla

    Games and Entertainment

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    This is an online Rummy Okey Game. You can play anytime, with whom you want, when you want! Right...



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    Tabletop Game

    A mission to Mars starts to go wrong when the on-board computer becomes self-aware and identifies...

    Portale FRECCE

    Portale FRECCE


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    With the Portale FRECCE app of Trenitalia, your trip is more enjoyable thanks to the various...



    Games and Entertainment

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    Abalone® is an adaptation of the famous multi-million selling board game! Discover - or...