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1999 | Ancient, Mythology
Smart and strategic
My fiance and I went to have a board game night with some friends the other day and were introduced to this game. It didn't take me long to catch on to the rules, and as the game progressed, I started to pick up more on point value and different types of strategy. By the end, I was wanting to start over and play again.
Monopoly Fortnite Edition
Monopoly Fortnite Edition
2018 | Video Game Theme
'I must confess I do prefer it to most other forms of Monopoly that are neglected in my cupboard gathering dust. For me, its best feature is that it isn’t actually just another version of Monopoly, although you will recognise the layout of the board, that is where comparisons stop, and this is a game in its own right.'

Nick Toovey, Zatu Games
2019 | Fighting
'Auztralia is easily one of the best gaming experiences I've had this year, which is high praise since I don't normally care for co-ops. I look forward to repeatedly returning to the down under, where “that is not dead can enteral lie” unless us pesky humans poke it with a sharp stick.'

Wade Monnig, There will be games
On the Wrong Track
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cowboy detectives Old Red and Big Red find murder on board a train after they sign up with the Southern Pacific as detectives. Can Old Red figure out who the killer is? Lots of great suspense and an ending I couldn't put down. Unfortunately, the language really bothered me.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
2012 | City Building, Economic
City building theme (1 more)
Great Combo-Building Game
Surbubia is one of the best city building games around. It doesn't quite scratch my itch for a Sim City board game, but it does a great job with the theme.

The entire game revolves around placing buildings next to each other to built combos and a more effective city. Gameplay goes quickly, and has just enough player interaction to be fun.

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) created a poll

Nov 12, 2019  
Will you be buying Board Games for the Holidays this year?

Yes, of course.... why buy anything else?

0 votes

Yes, they make the best presents for friends and family
Yes, for my Kids!
Yes, for myself. I have a whole list of amazing games to pick up
maybe still deciding
No, the good ones are too expensive

0 votes

nah, no one plays monopoly anymore

0 votes

Nope, video game instead

0 votes

No, we only buy clothes

0 votes

Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Continues being iconic (0 more)
Ruined my story (0 more)
Soul vampires
I'm a little devestated. I've written a paranormal story plan and a lot of this was a lit like it. Back to the drawing board. This is a very very good film, as The Shining was. This could have ended up being a cheese feast but it continuous the iconic scare in new ways through a seperate story. Absolutely brilliant.
    Weekly Infusion

    Weekly Infusion

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    Weekly Infusion, hosted by board certified internists, Dr. Drew Pinsky, and Dr. Bruce Heischober,...