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Kiss Me (Keatyn Chronicles book 2)
Kiss Me (Keatyn Chronicles book 2)
Jillian Dodd | 2014 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in the Keatyn Chronicles is just as good as the first. Keatyn tries to continue with her life and adjust now she is at boarding school.

The continuation of the writing style as a diary really helps you to become invested in Keatyn’s daily life and struggles.

Definitely recommend this series if you enjoy YA romances.
My Thoughts Exactly
My Thoughts Exactly
Lily Allen | 2018
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The raw honesty with which she talks about living after a miscarriage, being stalked and other sexual assault (0 more)
I feel a lack of depth when she talks about her family life. She talks about not being upper class, yet she went to private boarding school, has famous parents and hung out on movie sets as a teen... (0 more)
Lily Allen is raw and down to earth in this autobiography
She Was The Quiet One
She Was The Quiet One
Michele Campbell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Boarding School drama
This is my second boarding school drama in under a month, and whilst I thought this was better than Tradition, I still found it hard going in parts. There's a lot of teenage angst which frankly, I am well past the need to experience (other than having to live the dream of being the mother to a hormonal teenaged boy). There were just so many FEELINGS and it all got a bit hard going towards the mid-way point. It was a great mystery though. I didn't guess the perpetrator until about 70% in to the story, so that's not a bad thing. Others might get to it earlier. I could have well done without the epilogue at the end though. It seemed really out of place, and not like the rest of the novel at all. I don't think it added anything to the story.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher.

Dean (6924 KP) rated Innocence (2014) in Movies

Aug 2, 2019 (Updated Aug 2, 2019)  
Innocence (2014)
Innocence (2014)
2014 | Action
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pacing (3 more)
Guilty of being a terrible film
Another film to avoid on Netflix. Hoped this would be some sort of creepy film set at a boarding school. Not scary or suspenseful at all. Really feels like a cheap made for TV film. Plot is so simple but the films drags so much it feels twice as long. Hoped for better when I saw Kelly Reilly in the cast. Do not add to your watch list!
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Welcome to the hellmouth, we've got double games. Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) Review
If Hammer House Of Horror had produced “Spaced”, the result could have been a lot like “Slaughterhouse Rulez”. A common room home brew of British Boarding School classics like “If….”, “Goodbye, Mr. Chips” (the 1969 musical version specifically) mixed with “Ghostbusters” and dash of “Harry Potter”, this intoxicatingly lowbrow comedy horror offers a novel spin on the idea that British education has gone to the dogs....
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Characters – Don is the new student being sent to a boarding school, he comes from a common family where he has a close group of friends which he would prefer to be around, he does stick out around the rest of the students, easily breaking the rules around the school. Willoughby is the student that must show Don around the school, he fills in the blanks, has a secret and will be the one that helps Don be prepared for everything in the year. Meredith Houseman is one of teachers, he once attended the school, feeling the pride the school embodies, he will end up helping the students against the evil in the school grounds. The Bat is the headmaster, he has been taking bribes to let the fracking happen and isn’t willing to lose the money coming his way.

Performances – Michael Sheen and Simon Pegg both look like they are having a lot of fun playing the stuck up British stereotypes which are here for the supporting roles. Finn Cole takes the lead in this film and he does all he can because this film does try to introduce too many different types of characters, not giving the lead enough time to shine, Asa Butterfield does well with his role too, getting to become a supporting character for once, instead of having the weight of the film put on him.

Story – The story here follows the time at a private British boarding school which sees monsters unleashed on the students, who must fight to save themselves. The weirdest way to describe this film would be to say this is the British boarding school version of ‘Attack the Block’, I say this because we are trying to play into a lot of stereotypes for added comedy to the situation. When we break down this alone we get to see how the British private school system comes off, with the student classes, the students believing they are better than anybody else and how the teachers are trapped in their own illusions. Add in the monsters which is what they feel like, which again disappoints along with one serious side to the story which is almost played out for jokes.

Comedy/Horror – The comedy only works if you find taking the piss out of upper-class English funny, this is what the film is set around getting laughs from. The horror is what the monsters do to the people, it would have been nice to get more time with them, once we do it does work well for blood splatter.

Settings – The film is set on the grounds of a private boarding school, this is put in an isolated location which does help make the film get added horror elements involved.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are mixed because it does feel like the thrown buckets of blood which for the budget isn’t what you want to see, though the creatures do look frightening at times.

Scene of the Movie – Monsters unleashed.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too much upper-class British jokes.

Final Thoughts – This is a fun enough horror comedy, it will get the laughs in places and has well created creatures.


Overall: British Ripped apart
The Finishing School
The Finishing School
Joanna Goodman | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It has been 20 years since Kersti Kuusk set foot on the grounds of the Lycée, the prestigious boarding school she attended as a teen. Kersti was a scholarship student from Canada at the elite school, and she left abruptly in her senior year, after her best friend, Cressida, fell from her balcony one evening. The school declared the event an accident, but now, Kersti finds herself unconvinced. A timely letter from another of her school friends brings up more questions: was Cressida pushed, or did she attempt suicide? Kersti knows that Cressida had become increasingly obsessed with a secret society within the Lycée--banned since the 1970s when two of its members were expelled. As the school plans a celebration of its 100th anniversary, Kersti considers returning. She also starts looking further into Cressida's fall. However, some secrets are meant to stay buried.

THE FINISHING SCHOOL is told in alternating chapters between the present day and Kersti's school years, leading up to Cressida's fall from the balcony. This effective technique certainly creates tension and suspense, leading you to madly flip the pages, trying to figure out what happened - particularly to Kersti's group of friends at the Lycée twenty years ago. The novel pulls you in fairly quickly and hooks you rather rapidly. Goodman is quite adept at capturing the voices of her characters, especially the teens, and the boarding school passages are rather effective. (They are also great at making you want to never send your child to boarding school. Parts of it reminded me of Tana French's THE SECRET PLACE in that way.)

For me, the only thing that held this book back was that some of the plot was a little weird: mostly some of the things relating to Kersti's personal life and her obsession with Cressida. They didn't necessarily seem required for the story to be successful, but they bothered me. It's a shame, because overall I liked Kersti, and I felt a connection with her. Present-day Kersti is suffering from infertility, and, as someone who has been there, I can say that Goodman captures that angst very well. I just wasn't sure about some of her choices.

At times, some of the school drama gets a little tedious, but it picks up as the novel gains momentum, especially near the end. I figured out parts of the plot, but not all of it, and I was quite frantic to finish the last portions of the book to put it all together. It's quite a dark and twisted tale, overall. Certainly worth a read. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 04/11/2017.

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The It Girl (It Girl, #1)
The It Girl (It Girl, #1)
Cecily von Ziegesar | 2005 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The It Girl series follows Gossip Girl character, Jenny Humphries at her new boarding school, Waverly. The sophomore must navigate an entirely new set of social rules in her attempt to become New Jenny - an it-girl. But life at Waverly isn't always what Jenny dreamed for herself and sometimes it's so much better.

Overall, the book is enjoyable in a simple, YA, guilty read way. It's not going to win any literary awards, but if you enjoy books about privileged kids, boarding schools or volatile relationship dynamics you will like this read. Although it is fiction, sometimes I am astounded by the level of debauchery surrounding these students.

The first book, It Girl, introduces us to the large cast of characters. New girl, Jenny, who is looking to reinvent herself. Junior class prefect, Brett, who seems to have it all together. Privileged princess, Callie, who thinks appearances are everything. True it-girl, Tinsley, who is the puppet-master of Waverly. As well as all their girlfriends and the rotating batch of potential boyfriends.

School seems perfect - the guy she has her eye on seems to be crushing back, her roommates seem great and she's been invited to join the advanced art class. What could go wrong? {{spoiler}}Tinsley returns to school and is none too happy about the new girl in her bed.
Hit the Ground Running
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eric Bakker has just received a cryptic message from his brother, Michael, about the disappearance of their parents. Now Michael is also missing, but who can Eric trust to help him with all of this. Michael says to trust no one. Eric is away at boarding school and hasn't made too many friends. What is he going to do to find his family?

Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Moon Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Hit the Ground Running had me hooked from the start. I read almost 1/2 the book on the first day. This is a faced paced novel that leaves you wanting more. Imagine your parents dumping you in a boarding school in Canada for no good reason and uprooting you from the home you've always known. Eric isn't sure why his family made the move to Canada or why he has to go to this school. He tries to stick to himself as much as possible. But when he needs help to find his family, who can he trust to help him. While contemplating his situation, he runs into Tess another student from the school, and she thinks she may have a way to help him. Can he trust her? Will he be able to find his brother and his parents before it's too late?

This is the first book in a trilogy. The end leaves you hanging so you will want to read the next book. I can't wait for it to be released.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Good Girls Lie in Books

Jun 25, 2019  
Good Girls Lie
Good Girls Lie
J.T. Ellison | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mature Prep School Mystery
I was a bit worried when I picked up this book and realised it was set in an all girls boarding school, I’m not a fan of teenage girls, I didn’t even like them when I was one - way too much melodrama. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how well Ellison managed to write the girls in this book so that I didn’t feel the overwhelming need to slap them all (not sure if that means they aren’t very realistic though!?!)

The Goode School is a prestigious academy steeped in history and tradition. The atmosphere around the school is really enjoyable with an almost gothic feel to it. The elite world of secret societies and honour codes was a nice refreshing setting for me for a thriller. We follow the arrival of 16 year old Oxford raised Ash Carlisle as she arrives at the school following the deaths of her parents. Unfortunately it seems death follows Ash and soon deaths at the Goode school are starting to add up to something very suspicious.

I found this book to be a great page turner and had some interesting twists and turns. I enjoyed the world Ellison created more then the story, which was a solid captivating mystery.

My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.