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Britt Daniel recommended Cryptograms by Deerhunter in Music (curated)

Cryptograms by Deerhunter
Cryptograms by Deerhunter
2007 | Experimental, Psychedelic, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first met Bradford Cox in 2008. I had just gotten into Deerhunter, and we both played the Pitchfork festival that year. I just saw him around backstage and went and talked to him, and we ended up sitting on this ledge, watching people stream out of the festival. We became friends, and he ended up playing with us the next day. And then we took them out for the Transference tour. After Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, I thought Spoon was going to keep going up and up and up—and in terms of selling tickets, it has. I knew Transference was an uglier record that didn’t have as many hits on it, but I still thought everybody that bought Ga Ga Ga was going to buy it. I wasn’t exactly right. I don’t think we failed on that record, but it did turn a lot of people off."

Secrets of Cavendon
Secrets of Cavendon
Barbara Taylor Bradford | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you enjoy History or Historical fiction. Secret of Cavendon may be one of the books to pick up. It is book #4 in the series, I think you read it as a standalone if you want to. The plot bring out quite a few romances. One may be dangerous.

We see who the woman of Cavendon are and work together. We seem to learn more about history of the Swanns and Ingram's life. Well as we know we have Alicia, Cecily and Miles and their children. Get action and adventures. We also meet Cecily friends and or business partners.

There change coming and will they be able to stick together though it all? There a murder, heartbreak, drama. Bradford does it all in one book. There seems to be several story lines going on though out he book. They all seem to be teeming from Cavendon. What are secrets of Cavendon that seem to be everyone is worried about. It seems that is in record books.

If you are into British history or want learn a little bit about Britain and London this book is set in that area. You got Earls and Countess in this book.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lindsay has been living with her aunt Rebecca and Uncle Daniel Kauffman. Lindsay Bradford comes to a crossroads in her live to join the church or return back to the English world where are older sister is college student. Lindsay needs to make a big decision.

Lindsay hear about her family friend Trish has an accedent and decide to got live with her until she can get back on her feet. Lindsay also while visiting Trish and Frank, her sister Jessica pressures her to get her GED and make life of for herself. Jessica seem to want to run her little sister life.

Lindsay does stay in contact with her friends in Bird in Hand with her Cousins and new friends. While Lindsay is struggling to see where she belongs. She also is having feeling for someone back in Bird in Hand. Rebecca starts to have compilations with her pregnancy and her niece doe not want to tell Lindsay for her to leave her homestead and worry about her. Katie does not know if she would tell Lindsay or not but decides to do this and hopes to be forgiven for doing it.
It takes Two is the first book I’ve read by Erin Nicholas. It was also the first I read in the Counting on Love series, and I hate when I read a series out of order. The good news is that these books can stand on their own with minimal carrying over and lots of explanation to previous happenings.

Isabelle Dixon thought she could have a wild and crazy night before she has to settle herself into a new lifestyle because of a medical issue. She thinks Shane Kelley is the perfect candidate for the job. 6 months later she can’t believe she is still seeking him out and can’t seem to let go.

Shane Kelley has fallen fast and hard for Isabelle Dixon. He has asked her to move in with him multiple times and won’t take no for an answer. He thought their biggest obstacle was her brother Connor but it seems like they can’t get past something bigger. He won’t give up even when she seems to be keeping something really big from him.

Isabelle and Shane take a humorous road trip to find out if they can truly make it work between them. Each stop, on their way to a vacation house, has humor, angst, trials and truths. There may also be a little fun game included in their adventure, not known to all the parties involved.
I love the dynamic between the Dixon sisters, each with their own strengths and issues. Isabelle seems like a good mix of a party girl with a stay at home girl. She has to make some big choices with an unexpected health issue that hits her. She wants to hide herself away from the world but also loves being with Shane. Can she have it both ways and have them both happy?

Shane is the over the top, romantic boyfriend we all crave in life. Well maybe. He does go a little over the top sometimes but hey props for creativity. He loves Isabelle and wants to be with her all day every day. He knows she is hiding something from him but can he overcome the issues to make her happy for forever?

If you haven’t read anything by Erin Nicholas, what are you thinking? The Counting on Love series, which apparently is a semi continuation of the Bradfords series with brief appearances by some Bradford characters, is the perfect place to start. I haven’t read the Bradford series yet but I’m anxious to now since completing the Counting on Love series.
Yes, Forever (Yes, Forever #1-5)
Yes, Forever (Yes, Forever #1-5)
Bailey Bradford | 2016 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the story of John and Benji. John suffers from a mental illness, a chemical imbalance which causes depression. Benji has just moved in with his granddad due to his previous relationship breaking down. These two have instant chemistry but have their own road bumps to sort out before things smooth out.

This is a story with many parts - you not only have John with his depression, but you also have Benji with his own issues, plus John's best friend Henry with his. You also have families thrown into the mix, the issue of having sex without protection, and a 'gay' church.

I found it difficult to find any empathy with either of the main characters. I would lean more towards John as I have also suffered from depression and can understand his feelings. Benji didn't come across quite as Bailey Bradford wanted him to I think. I'm glad these two are together, but they didn't 'grab' me like other characters of hers have.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 16, 2016
Arrival (2016)
Arrival (2016)
2016 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Great Direction (1 more)
Brilliant cast
Lack of Deakins' cinematography (0 more)
Not your typical alien invasion flick.
Arrival is the most recent movie from one of my favourite directors working today, Denis Villeneuve. This guy’s track record has been incredible so far, with my personal favourite of his being 2013’s Prisoners. Since then I have been following this guy’s career and although in my opinion he hasn’t since replicated the masterpiece that was Prisoners, he has came very close several times with Enemy, with Sicario and now with Arrival as well. The cast are also solid here; Jeremy Renner does what he does best, plays a supporting role and shines in a backseat position. Whittaker is, as always great in the film and is engaging throughout the runtime. This is also probably Amy Adams best role, I don’t hate Adams as an actress, but I do feel that she is extremely overrated and is never anything more than functional in a role. Here though, she actually has a character arc and gives a decent performance. Rodger Deakins’ cinematography is missed though, Bradford Young does sell the tone of the movie consistently through his shots, but for me no one comes close to Deakins behing the camera. Overall my hype for this movie was met and it is a solid addition to Villeneuve’s filmography and doesn’t let down his consistently great track record.
205 of 230
Vivid Avowed ( Evelyn Maynard trilogy book 3)
By kaydence Snow

Evelyn's secrets have all been revealed, even questions she never thought to ask. Despite the turmoil surrounding her childhood and true identity, she knows one thing for sure: she belongs with her devoted Bonded Variants - Ethan, Josh, Tyler and Alec.

But the truth hasn't set Evelyn free.

The division between Variants and humans continues to widen. Nowhere is safe. Behind all the chaos is one man - Davis Damari. He's the truth she's been chasing her entire life, and the only one capable of destroying the life she fought to build in Bradford Hills.

Davis will stop at nothing to get Evelyn. Her Bond will stop at nothing to protect her.

Evelyn must find a way to embrace her immense power, or risk losing it all.

I was a little disappointed in this last book I have loved this trilogy up to this point. I found myself skipping through this one getting so bored in parts. The action parts were so good but the rest sort of got lost for me. I’m not sure why but it just didn’t work for me. The first two books were brilliant and the conclusion was a good one which is why it’s a 3⭐️ and not a 2!
Erin Nicholas incorporates Lori Foster, Castle and Pretty Woman, 3 of my favorite things, into this 5 star novel. Can it get any better? #WhatWouldRichardGereDo

Douglas “Dooley” Miller was a total ladies man, he didn’t do commitment and he liked regular girls. Morgan James was no regular girl. He knew he was in trouble the moment he paid her bail and left her in the jail cell.

Morgan James couldn’t believe she was searching out Doug Miller again after he left her to rot in the jail cell. Ok so it was only for 30 more minutes after he left and they didn’t charge her or make her pay bail money but still. She needed his help, and it needed to be him and only him to help her out with a problem.

Dooley isn’t one that his friends go to first for help or advice so when Morgan tracks him down and asks for a favor he has no idea what to do. I mean who doesn’t want to help a gorgeous woman asking for a favor but he is still unsure he wants to accept this task.

Morgan likes Dooley and knows he is just the man to help. Their attraction is undeniable so there shouldn’t be an issue in him helping her out for a few days. She just needs him to come with her on a business trip, and maybe keep her nights entertained. She doesn’t know who else to ask, and honestly doesn’t want anyone else for the job.

Dooley takes Morgan up on her offer and tries his best to not get involved. Don’t get to know her, according to Sam and his buddies, or you’ll never want to let go. Too bad he has felt like that for the month he’s already known her. Could she ever feel the same?

Once again the author takes us on a trip with the Bradford family and their friends. Each book references past characters but it never really totally involves them unnecessarily. That is one of the things I love about this author, funny enough following in the steps of the referenced Lori Foster who does the same. You get involved and invested in these characters and want to know all about them. Dooley was already a favorite of mine with his quick wit and passing advice. Knowing he needed a good match to keep up with him had me wondering who could possibly fill those shoes. Enter Morgan, his opposite on paper (so it seemed), but perfect to keep up with Dooley and all he’s about.

It was nice getting to know Dooley’s family dynamic and more about Kevin (who is the next book in the series) and I can’t wait to continue on with my Bradford adventure.
A Plus One for Murder
A Plus One for Murder
Laura Bradford | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Friend in Death
Emma Westlake has been talked into trying a new business as a paid companion for those who might need one. One of her first clients is Brian Hill, a local writer and conspiracy theorist. He wants Emma to be his cheering section at a local open mike night. When he dies not too long after starting his poem, Emma realizes he comments about there being people in the audience who wanted to kill him weren’t jokes. Feeling a sense of loyalty to Brian, Emma tries to figure out what happened to him. Can she do it?

As the first in a new series, this book has to balance setting up the premise of the series with giving us a good mystery. It does a good job of doing just that, and I was engaged the entire time. Naturally, the plot gets stronger the further we go into the book until we reach the logical climax. I did find one of the characters a little overbearing, but that was my only complaint. On the whole, I am already falling in love with the characters in the book, and it made me reflect on the friendships I have in my life. I also enjoyed the humor throughout the book. I laughed several times along the way. A new series from Laura Bradford is always reasons to rejoice, and this book proves why once again.

She’s the One is the 1st book in a 5 part Counting on Love series by Erin Nicholas. It is apparently a continuation of sorts to Nicholas’ Bradford series with some characters bridging the gap. I haven’t read the Bradford series as of yet but with some characters I’ve met I definitely will start asap.

Amanda Dixon is the oldest of her 3 sisters. Her brother Connor is their oldest sibling and has been a father figure in their lives since their Dad died unexpectedly years ago. She is the leader, the mother hen, the one she wants her sister to come to for advice, help or anything really. She doesn’t want to let her brother or sisters down, even as she has a secret in her past only Connor knows about. She knows she needs to have more of a life for herself but she can’t seem to stop. Can she find a way to work and have fun too?

Ryan Kaye is an all around manly man. He is a top-notch paramedic, football player and party guy. He knows the Dixon sisters as well as their brother Connor, his quarterback, and can honestly say he is interested. Emma has flirted with him in the past but they’ve never hooked up, not that he corrects the assumptions on that rumor.

Amanda assumes Ryan and her sister Emma have hooked up in the past, she envys Emma and how she handles herself. During a birthday party for her youngest sister, Olivia makes a birthday wish that Amanda and Emma trade places for one weekend. Each living life the way the other one would. That leads Amanda to make some wild choices for her weekend and she wants Ryan along for the ride. A motto of WWED (What Would Emma Do) makes her realize she had the wild child inside already.

Ryan can’t believe Amanda wants him to be a part of her wild weekend. He is definitely the man for the job. What he doesn’t count on is being the tame one during their night out. He realizes Amanda needs to get something out of her system and he doesn’t like the way she thinks about him and his past. He does the hardest thing by walking away. Can he make her realize she needs him for more than just one wild night?

They have quite a few obstacles to overcome, Connor, a car accident and missed signals but Amanda and Ryan are both strong characters who know what they want.

I read this book 2nd after reading book #2 first. I can honestly say that usually bugs the heck out of me. Not so with this author and this series. Each book is individual even though part of a series. You can easily read each on its own and know pretty much all there is to know to enjoy the story. I love that about books in a series. It doesn’t always help my OCD with reading order but it wasn’t unbearable.

I will most certainly read more from Erin Nicholas (and have already).