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Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Music, Romance
Full of Eurovision spirit
I am a big fan of Eurovision, it's a must see event every year and I've even been to see it in person when it was last held in Denmark. Sadly with the cancellation of pretty much everything this year including Eurovision, I've been dying for a bit of cheesy fun and this film *almost* delivers it in the truckload.

This film really knows how to channel the Eurovision spirit. There's a lot of great cheesy songs and costumes, some great over the top performances (Dan Stevens was a hoot) and a decent amount of heart. The songs are very good, from the hilariously cheesy to the impressive ballads. The acting was good although i felt Will Ferrell was a little of a letdown. It was great to see Dan Stevens camping it up though and a nice (but sadly too short) role for Natasia Demetriou from What We Do in the Shadows, and I loved the cameos from existing real life Eurovision acts.

The problem with this film is the humour is lacking when it's not cheesy Eurovision fun. And the jokes that were there fell pretty flat for me. The film is also rather longer than you'd expect and did drag a little in the middle.

I had been expecting a Eurovision spoof comedy, but instead what I got was almost a homage to everything we love about Eurovision. It's not great but definitely an enjoyable bit of fun. I've been debating whether to score this a 6 or 7 and in the end, I've decided to be rather generous as it is a lot of fun.

Dean (6921 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Friday the 13th : The Game in Video Games

Feb 16, 2019 (Updated Feb 16, 2019)  
Friday the 13th : The Game
Friday the 13th : The Game
2017 | Action
Good graphics (2 more)
Shows the love for the films
Easy to play
Some minor flaws (0 more)
So young, so pretty.... Kill them all Jason!
A very good game based on the film franchise that came about via the kickstarter website. You can tell this was created by fans of the franchise, one of the biggest backers is a playable character in the game. The attention to detail is great. I've watched the first 4 films again recently and the layouts for the maps are the same as the films. Little details like the look of the cabins and interiors are true to the films as well.
I've read that Kane Hodder did some motion capture for the Jason character and SFX expert Tom Savini had an input on some of the kills.
The game is simple survive and try to escape as a counsellor or kill them all as Jason. The graphics are good with the moonlight and thunderstorms at night looking realistic. As with the film the music adds great tension, even better on surround sound during the storm!
There are a few offline challenges, closely taken from the film scenarios. Also a virtual cabin which acts as a museum of sorts with details about the films.
There are a couple of flaws, wait times for a lobby can be annoying, quitters, time it takes to level up and unlock some items. Also sometimes getting stuck on scenery when shifting. All these are quite minor though.
Overall you can sense the love and detail that has gone into this game, a great achievement for a crowd funded venture. Time to go camping... Think I'll take this old hockey mask with me.

p3anut (62 KP) Feb 20, 2019

Good review. I.myself was very disappointed with how the game ended, all because of that stupid lawsuit. I was really looking forward to more characters and a single player story mode. I was an early adopter of this game so playing it through all the glitches and bugs and server issues (more than there are now) Was well worth the wait for where it is now. But I'm still left wanting more.


Dean (6921 KP) Feb 20, 2019

Yes it's a shame, there was a recent update to fix some bugs. Hopefully fixed wait times for games. Still good fun to play.

Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries
Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries
Tonya Kappes | 2018 | Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Campground Isn’t the Only Thing That Needed Fixing
Mae West’s life has turned upside down. Unbeknownst to her, her husband Paul was running a Ponzi scheme. When the dust from the FBI raid settles, Mae is left with no money, no home, and no friends. All she has is an RV and a campground in Kentucky. She heads there, hoping to figure out what she wants to do next with her life while she sells the place. However, when she arrives, she finds the place has been neglected and needs a lot of work. Then Paul escapes from prison and turns up dead in the campground’s lake. With Mae a logical prime suspect, she begins to work to clear her name. Can she do it?

I grew up camping, and I wanted to love this series set at a campground. Unfortunately, the flaws were just too many. The plot was good, including a logical killer and motive. However, there is a major plot hole in the final quarter of the book – one big enough to drive an RV through. Then there’s the law enforcement character who is supposed to be FBI but acts more like the local sheriff. The characters are pushing the edges of quirky, but they definitely grew on me. There are multiple issues with the grammar, something I am usually able to ignore pretty well, but here they were pretty bad. I think most of the flaws could have been fixed with a good, solid edit, but instead the book feels like it was rushed out. It is a quick read, and includes three delicious recipes and some household tips at the end. I really wanted to like this book, but unfortunately, I will have to keep driving until I find a better campground cozy series.
The Festival (2018)
The Festival (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Mud spelt backwards
#thefestival #thefestivalmovie is overlong, overstuffed, unfunny, repetitive and out dated dribble. After enjoying all 3 seasons of #theInbetweeners I found by the time the films were released the formula was starting to become tiresome and predictable. So now along comes The #Festival and I'm sad to say nothing has changed at all. Within the first ten minutes I found myself exhausted by its relentless #humour and its need to shock, its all just far to simple/predictable and tries nothing new at all going for cheap #laughs over quality every time. Acting is also at times borderline atrocious with most scenes feeling far too scripted and forced. I found none of the characters likable and even during the standard ups and downs of the story you can see things coming from a mile off so I just couldnt sympathise or warm to any of them. Considering they are at a festival #music is not integrated well here, there's #famous hits blasted out over montages but very rarely are we treated to artists blaring from stages or shown bands on stage. This is #teenage humour at its most garish with no jokes hitting their mark/done better in other films and most out stay their welcome. Not many people were laughing in my screening either except one teen who was roaring from start to finish. I appreciate I may not be the target audience for this type of film any more but I cant help but feel with this kind of film now days once you've seen one you've seen them all. Overall it does nail the shit side of attending a festival extremely well but it lacks so much in atmosphere that its almost impossible to enjoy the cliched barebones story or care for its dull characters. A complete waste of my time and I just cant recommend it to anyone accept giggly #teens. #odeon #odeonlimitless #funny #silly #sex #camping #dj #joethomas #drunk #jermaineclement #noelfielding
#filmreview #filmbuff #filmcritic #inbetweeners #uk #british #joke #party #drinking

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Summerwater in Books

Oct 4, 2020  
Sarah Moss | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Summerwater takes place over a single day in a Scottish holiday park. Each section follows a different person as they experience a very wet holiday with not very much to do.

I do enjoy this kind of book that looks at the ordinary, everyday lives - nothing wildly exciting happening. I know this may appear odd, but there you are 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe it could be construed as voyeuristic, but ‘normal’ fascinates me, because one persons normal isn’t remotely like mine (or anyone else’s). There are people from all walks of life: the retired doctor and his wife who appears to have dementia; young parents with small children; older parents with teenaged children; a boyfriend and his girlfriend. I could go on, but I won’t. Needless to say, they’re all very different people. They do have some things in common: their distrust of outsiders. There is an ex-soldier camping and living rough in the woods, and a Ukrainian family who certainly seem to know how to have a party. No-one seems to particularly trust them or like their presence at the holiday park.

I liked the smaller sections from the point of view of nature - whether it was from one of the animals in the woods, or the bedrock beneath the lodges. It made me think that all of the petty human concerns were nothing in comparison to the ground beneath their feet and that feeling of endurance.

I’ve had more than a few holidays where I’ve been shut up in a tent, camper van or a holiday cottage because of bad weather, and this reminded me in some part of those holidays (minus the rather dramatic ending!). I think I liked this so much because basically, at the end of the day, I’m a bit of a curtain twitcher...

Many thanks to NetGalley and Picador/ Pan Macmillan for my copy of this book.
Evidence (2013)
Evidence (2013)
2013 | Horror, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A good "found footage" film
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is a film made in the style of "found footage". The whole film is made from the perspective of whoever is filming at the time. The style was made famous with The Blair Witch Project and perfected in Cloverfield. I saw the trailer for this and thought it could be good. After trying to track down the film I discovered it had just been released here. So I got hold of a copy and sat back.

The film is about a group of friends Ryan (Ryan McCoy), Brett (Brett Rosenberg), Abi (Abigail Richie) & Ashley (Ashley Bracken) who are out camping and making a documentary about the experience. They discover a strange creature and the trip quickly turns deadly. Soon they are on the run from strange creatures and anonymous military personnel intent on stopping the creatures.

You may have noticed in the above paragraph that the characters all have the same names as the actor playing them. This was either due to a very lazy writer, or as the writer was also Ryan McCoy one of the actors, an attempt to make the film feel more real and the friendships believable. I feel that the latter is the case as the group comes off as good friends. They interact with each other in a very realistic and genuine way. Especially the female stars. They manage to portray a wide range of emotions from playful happiness to annoyed and then terrified. The opening scenes are very well done. With most "found footage" films, the introduction to the characters and the plot are usually badly done, they are kind of a mess trying to get all the information out to the viewer. However this film is the exception to the rule. It's very well put together and the script and the pacing of the characters introductions are very good. The story starts of as a pretty standard you meet the characters, they go camping then the twist, they are not alone out there. The twist is where these type of films usually fail. But Evidence manages to succeed big time. You see a creature in the distance then during the night all hell lets loose. From this moment on the film is pure tension. I have not seen a film where for the whole last hour I was on edge. I was expecting something to happen at any moment. And it happens in so many different ways and at random times leaving you unable to let your guard down. Unlike many films in this genre, not even the camera operator is safe as the camera gets passed around for various reasons. The other great thing that I found was there was also a good reason to have the camera still on while they were running for their lives. Usually this is overlooked and we are meant to ignore that but here the reason is good and helps to make the film believable.

However with all the shocks and surprises, the film makers fail in trying to do too much. Towards the end the characters encounter many different types of creatures and I felt this was a little over the top. If they had kept to one or two different creatures it would have made a little more sense. As it was you are left very confused at the end with little or no answers as to what was going on. It worked with Cloverfield but here it missed the mark. Not by much and the film as a whole more than makes up for it.

There are a few plot holes but most can be explained away. However this is still a great addition to the "found film" genre. There have been many attempts to recreate these types of films and many fail. However people will continue to try and sometimes out of all the attempts you find something a little different, one that stands out from the rest. That one is called Evidence.
They Feed
They Feed
Jason Parent | 2018 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jason Parent’s They Feed has been on my radar for quite some time. A few months ago I snagged a galley of it. Things got in the way, but I finally found the time to sit down and straight up devour this title.

Set in Galveston National Park in Kansas, They Feed is the terrifying story of a what goes bump in the night. When a few groups, for completely different reasons, end up stranded in the dark, they quickly find themselves pitted against an unknown enemy that seems almost invincible, and every bit vicious. Can they survive until sunrise?

Let’s face it. When it comes to horror books, characters are dispensable. It’s hard to really get attached to anyone because we expect them to die. Therefore I’m always pleasantly surprised when there’s any amount of character development–and Parent’s stuffed this book with it. We’ve got a loathsome woman that, despite not being able to stand, I found myself cheering for. An angsty, delinquent teenager with redeemable qualities. A former convict. A group of frat boys behaving stupidly. All of these are present in this book, and Parent writes them in a way that had me both loving and hating several of them. (I cheered more than once.)

Plotwise, the book is pretty straightforward. It does switch perspectives, but thankfully it doesn’t alternate between past and present. This made the story flow really well, alongside perfect pacing on Parent’s part. There were also times I found my heart racing as I hoped for certain outcomes, and having that edge-of-your-seat thrill is one of my favorite feelings.

This is the first book I’ve read by Jason Parent, but it definitely won’t be the last. Let me put it this way: I’m even less likely to go camping now than I would have been last week. I’d like to thank NetGalley and Sinister Grin Press for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Beautiful Shining People
Beautiful Shining People
Michael Grothaus | 2023 | Dystopia, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“”Beautiful, shining kami in the sky. All different. All unique. Just like us”…After that, whenever we went camping, I would always tell my parents I couldn’t wait until nightfall so I could see the beautiful shining people in the sky.”
I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I started reading this, but I quickly realised that I was loving what I was reading. I do like both speculative and science fiction, so I knew we’d be off to a good start.

This is so much more though. It’s about relationships, both with others and oneself. It’s about loneliness, feeling cut off from others and trying to make a connection.

Both John, a young American tech genius, and Neotnia, are loners. Neither of them want to be alone. John is trying to escape his past and his past self, and Neotnia wants to find her past. They’re both very caring, likeable characters, Neotnia in particular, especially in her interactions with the elderly residents of a home she volunteers at.

My particular favourite was the cafe owner and Neotnia’s guardian - Goeido. He has an interesting and sad past as a Sumo, and this is probably the reason why he is so protective towards Neotnia.

Some of the themes have their place in our society too. The rise of AI, tense relationships between superpowers, terrorist attacks, deep fakes, cyber attacks, fake news - all of these affect us today.

Tokyo as a setting was inspired. All of the AI and robots didn’t seem out of place. I mean, we expect them there, don’t we? Robots taking your order in a fast food restaurant and helping you with directions in the street seem not too far a reach of the imagination in Japan (you can probably tell I’ve never been there!).

The last chapter or so, was so powerful. It was sad and explained all of what had gone before. It was emotional, and the ending was perfect.

Many, many thanks to Orenda for sending me a copy as a part of their book club. I’m really glad I read it!
Walking Baltimore: An Insider's Guide to...
Walking Baltimore: An Insider's Guide to...
Evan Balkan | 2013 | Architecture & Design, History & Politics, Sport & Leisure
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy-to-read layout (0 more)
A walking guidebook for central Baltimore
So this is a series of walking tours of Baltimore. I’ve only been on two of these walks so far, but I plan to take many more of them. It’s just been SO. HOT. And I’m not a person who likes walking much to begin with! But Pokemon Go makes walking a lot more fun. (Go Team Mystic!) That little bit of motivation of “well, I’ll walk to that Pokestop. Alright, there’s another Pokestop two blocks away, I can make it to that one. Maybe a little further to that next Pokestop. OOoo there’s a Tangela nearby!” It makes it just enough fun that I walk a lot more before I’ve even realized it..

Walking Baltimore gives me general guides for walks so I’m not just wandering Pokestop to Pokestop until I get lost! It has very detailed instructions – turn left at this corner, cross the street here so you can see this monument, then look up at the architecture in front of you – it’s really well done. My only wish is that there was an appendix that rated the walks in order of difficulty – each walk has a rating, from easy to moderate to strenuous – but there’s no way to see all of the difficulties side by side. With 33 walks all over Baltimore, with all levels of difficulty and lengths, there’s definitely something here for everyone, and the history and points of interest covered by the walks are fascinating.

The two that I’ve actually walked are half of #4, Inner Harbor Promenade, and #11, The Civil War Trail: Path of the War’s First Bloodshed. Both are mostly on the Inner Harbor, where my husband works, so I hitched a ride down with him, walked, and caught Pokemon until he got off work and we came home. (We live outside Baltimore City limits.) I’d been down in the area many times, but had no idea the Civil War’s first bloodshed occurred when a mob waylaid Union troops travelling through Baltimore! There are medallions laid in the sidewalks commemorating some of the events of the Civil War march, and most of those are Pokestops too.

Currently I have this book out from the library, but I think this is one I’ll be adding to my personal library soon. I want the walking guides! The author has also written 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles of Baltimore and Best in Tent Camping: Maryland. So he knows his stuff.

You can find all my reviews at
Renfield (2023)
Renfield (2023)
2023 | Comedy, Horror
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cage feels Caged-In
Sometime you are in the mood for a drama, sometimes an action flick, other times a romantic comedy.

And then there are times you just want to watch Nicholas Cage camping it up on-screen as Dracula.

If that is the mood you are in, boy do I have a movie for you.

Based (very loosely) on the character created by Bram Stoker (and the classic 1931 film starring Bela Lugosi), RENFIELD tells the tale of an over-the-top Dracula in modern times as seen through his “familiar”, Renfield.

Nicholas Hoult (Beast in the latest series of X-Men films) plays Renfield as a put-upon assistant to Dracula - kind of a comedy/horror version of the relationship of Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep in THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA - and it works (for the most part). Hoult is a winning (enough) and sympathetic presence on screen and you find yourself rooting for him in the end.

The surprising thing to me in this film is the sub-plot of Renfield finding love with a Police Office portrayed by (of all people) Awkwafina. This comedienne/actress has really grown on the BankofMarquis as a solid and dependable presence on screen and she doesn’t disappoint here. And that’s a good thing for the Renfield/Rebecca the Cop relationship ends up taking center stage during the 2nd act of this film (moving Nic Cage’s Dracula off-screen for a long stretch of time) and it works for Hoult and Awkwafina play off each other very well.

As for Cage, his Dracula is off-center, wacky, frenetic and out-of-this world. A true fish-out-of-water. But…if I’m being honest…his performance feels reigned in and it didn’t go far enough out-of-the-box and didn’t get nearly crazy enough for my tastes.

When something like that happens, one needs to look no further than the Director and Chris McKay (THE LEGO MOVIE, THE TOMORROW WAR) has a track record (at least for the BankofMarquis) of pulling his punches - and he pulls many, many punches in this film. But, he also DOESN’T pull punches at times (like in the scene where one guy gets his arms ripped off and then these arms are used as nunchucks on a bevy of bad guys). He doesn’t really know how far or how outlandish he should go. So he filters in a comedic amount of blood and gore - and then reigns Cage in. It’s an odd choice.

If you decide to watch Renfield, you already know what to expect - and for the most part you get it - except in the one spot that you really need it.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)