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Awix (3310 KP) rated Entry Island in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Entry Island
Entry Island
Peter May | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not my usual sort of thing, but recommended to (more like thrust upon) me by someone whose taste in books is usually interesting. Not necessarily in this case, though: a competent mash-up of a contemporary police procedural thriller with a windblown historical romance set during the Highland clearances (younger readers, ask your dad): a Canadian cop starts having flashbacks (kind of) to his ancestor's life while investigating a murder on a remote island; he feels certain he knows the prime suspect, although she and he have never met before...

The structure of the book certainly works in its favour: whenever you get bored of the whodunnit, the switch to goings-on in the 19th century Hebrides is welcome, and vice versa. And, fair's fair, the story does pick up pace and interest in the final third after a slightly stodgy opening. However, neither the plotting nor the writing are what I'd call inspired; workmanlike is the word that springs to mind. Passes the time inoffensively but unlikely to linger in the memory.

Jessica Cashen (1 KP) rated Tarnished in Books

May 16, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic read. Well written, with a great plot and characters. It is a bit slow going at first, then a lot of action starts happening and you can't put it down. I was engrossed from start to finish. Tarnished starts were Pefected left off. Ella spends about one week in a Canadian safe house before watching Penn’s suffering on the news and cannot just sit by. Ella plans an escape and the last person she ever expected help from shows up as Ella is escaping. Thank goodness for her unlikely companion (Missy) she helps Ella navigate the darker black market where pets can be bought, sold, or paid very little for jobs. The more Ella discovers about the inhumane conditions these human pets are made to live in, and mutilated, dead bodies of pets are turning up. Which is kept quiet by bribed police departments, the more determined Ella becomes to do something about it.
Don’t miss the trilogy’s conclusion, ‘Unraveled’ available on April 3rd! I know i can't wait to read it! I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.

A huge thanks to the author for sending me this book for an honest review through Netgalley.

I started read this book with no knowledge about the background of comics, especially for Canada. I have always loved comics, but never really read anything that speaks behind the scenes of how it started, what is the philosophy behind it.

I expected this book to teach me a lot of new things, and help me see the world in a different point of view, and I wasn’t disappointing at all. This is not a book that will deprive you from your sleep at night – in fact, it is one of those books where you read to learn, and it might seem boring at times, but that is only because it is full with information at all times. Wonderful read.

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American War
American War
Omar El Akkad | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing character development (1 more)
All-too plausible future
An amazing debut dystopia
By now you probably know there are a few things I tend to enjoy in novels. Dystopias, Fantasies, Debut Novels, and Diversity tend to peak my interest, and American War is a dystopian debut novel by an Egyptian-Canadian author.


El Akkad did an absolutely amazing job of weaving together the North/South rivalry of the US, climate change, the changing nature of energy generation, and US wars in the middle east to write an all-too-plausible novel about the US, seventy years from now.

Alternating between narrative chapters following his protagonist, and “historical documents” about the time period, he masterfully tells the story of how a terrorist is made. Because that’s what Sarat, his protagonist, is. Let’s make no bones about that. She is a terrorist. But she is a terrorist whose reasoning makes sense to us. Perhaps because the territories and the peoples are familiar to us, perhaps because we see how she grew up and what drove her to it – but the end result is a terrorist act on an unheard-of scale.

I’d like to think this book would make people look at refugees and terrorists in a new light – with more understanding and compassion and maybe with ideas to help actually combat the attitudes and circumstances that lead to terrorist acts. But I doubt it. I doubt this will change any minds that don’t already understand the underlying reasons.

My only quibble with this book is while he manages to weave together so many other issues facing our country right now, he doesn’t really wrap in racism. And I have a hard time believing our country is past racism 70 years from now.

I was very pleasantly surprised to find the protagonist is a bisexual, gender non-conforming woman of color. How awesome is that? And her bisexuality isn’t mentioned, it’s shown, her one on-screen sex scene (and it’s only barely on-screen) being with a woman. (She’s also attracted to a man in the book.)

The author was born in Egypt, grew up in Qatar, and lived in Canada, earning at least one award for his investigative reporting while working at The Globe and Mail. He’s one of the Canadian Broadcasting Company’s 17 writers to watch this year, and I see why. American War is definitely one of my favorite books of 2017.

You can find all my reviews at

David McK (3207 KP) rated Me So Far in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
Me So Far
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entry number 7 (of 9) in Donald Jacks Bartholomew Bandy series (Canadian First World War air ace), set - this time - in India, in the mid 1920s (1925, to be precise).

Having - inadvertently - previously saved the life of Prince Khoosie of the state of Jhamjarh, this novel starts with Bandy travelling to that continent to help them set up their own air force: an air force that is viewed with some misgivings by the (British) powers-that-be, who are convinced that it will be used against them and who refuse to heed any warnings about an uprising that is planned by another Indian state, even going so far as to take their side against Jhamjarh.

As things turn out, of course, the British government have it all backwards …

As I've said before, I found the quality of these novels to have declined in direct proportion to their settings: for my money, the earlier books (set during and just after WW1) are far superior to these later instalments. Having said that, I did find this one to be more enjoyable than its immediate predecessor, with a few laugh-out-loud moments and a further insight into just how Bandy's First World War experiences have affected him
Morning Hour by Ed Carlsen
Morning Hour by Ed Carlsen
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Although he professionally trained as a guitarist, Ed Carlsen ultimately began to translate his skills onto piano, honing a versatile performance style in conjunction with his studies on the guitar. Eventually completing his studies in Music Technology at the London College of Music, Ed is now sharing his artistic vision with the world after spending some time making music for film and visual media.

Morning Hour is his third album, set for a September 27th release date on Canadian ambient/instrumental imprint Moderna Records. Words is a fine example of minimal electronic music, and showcases an understated and ambient production style with a core of 16th note repeats that shimmer like stars on a lake. The soul of this work is rooted in life-experience: the exploration and the anxiety that comes from losing some one close to you, as well as the difficult decision to leave the darkness behind for a new light. The music video for Words, the latest from Ed Carlsen, is a behind-the-scenes look at the machinery of personal redemption. As we examine the way that an aesthetic of downtempo can be applied to the visual dimension, we are left with a lasting sense of ordered chaos.
Morning in the Burned House
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Though I really cannot remember the last time I read a book of poetry, when I spotted this library discard by the well-respected Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, I could not resist. I was hooked with the first poem, as I felt that these words could have echoed from my own thoughts -- a feeling that continued with many more poems in this book. I also loved that she did not feel the need to make her poems rhyme or follow any specific rhythm. I believe the technical term is free verse. At any rate, it was much more freeing to read than the typical poetry I remember from my school days. I find myself also growing in respect for the author, as I think it is rather courageous to publish a book of poetry, even for an established author like Margaret Atwood. Poetry somehow feels more raw and closer to the heart of the author than a lengthy work of fiction. Though I have jotted down bits of poetry in private moments, I would not dare share most of it with anyone. Some of my favorites are "A Sad Child", "Red Fox", and "Helen of Try Does Counter Dancing", but I found something to like in every poem. I highly recommend this very enjoyable read, even if poetry is not your cup of tea.

Dutch (59 KP) rated Experimemtal Film in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
Experimemtal Film
Experimemtal Film
Gemma Files | 2015 | Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Experiments in film
When Lois Cairns stumbles upon a mystery that points towards a lost chapter in Canadian film history she jumps at the chance to make a name for herself and revive a career as a film critic that has long been on the slide.
Enlisting the help of a former student she becomes embroiled in the tale of Lady Midday and the tragic Whitcombe family.
The first part of the book very much focuses on Lois, her husband Simon, their autistic son Clark and her mother Lee with whom she has a strained relationship. Lois has seen her career fail, her health is not far behind and she feels guilty at the inability to love her son the way she feels she should.
As the story of Lady Midday unfolds she finds herself sucked into a story much darker and terrifying than she ever could have imagined.
Experimental Film is what I would call a gentle ghost story with the majority of the book focussed on Lois and her family and the struggles she must overcome to maintain her health, her project and ultimately her son.
I enjoyed the story but would not call it a horror story but rather a character focused tale with a subtle dash of the supernatural and a book worth seeking out.
DAT Poker Podcast
DAT Poker Podcast
Games & Hobbies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Latest news and gossip (0 more)
Can go quite off topic (0 more)
A news and gossip podcast focusing on the world of poker. Hosted by poker legend Daniel Negrenu, Terrance Chan and Adam Shwartz. Adam is a veteran of the poker podcast world having formerly hosted the long-running Two Plus Two podcast.

This podcast is light on the poker strategy talk but if you want all the details on all the latest gossip you have come to the right place. Daniel offers a good look into the world of high stakes poker with no holding back (language can be very colourful.) We get to hear not just about the action on the felt but also a lot on the gambling that goes alongside whether it’s golf, fantasy leagues or hockey (there is a lot of hockey talk - they are Canadian!) All the latest scandals get a good going over.

It doesn't usually bother going over too many tournament results unless they are significantly interesting or it’s World Series of Poker time. As well as the news in the poker world they also cover the best of the tweets (generally hilarious ones) in the poker world and answer questions from listeners. I enjoy it to keep up to date with what’s going on and find it generally entertaining if sometimes a little grating when they get too opinionated or side tracked.
A Soldier's Sketchbook: The Illustrated First World War Diary of R.H. Rabjohn by John Wilson is a fascinating glimpse into the actual sketchbook/diary of a soldier who served in World War I. It follows Russell Rabjohn from 1916 to 1919 during his time in World War I. Russell was a trained artist, so his superiors directed him to make technical drawings and maps. Constantly having pen and paper available enabled Russell to freely sketch his experiences on the frontlines. The drawings are a unique peek into the past.

The selected diary entries are interspersed with clearly marked context. The black-and-white pencil drawings are impressive and the sketches that show the horrors of war are respectfully rendered. What impacted me most in the beginning was the innocence of the young man from Toronto going out into the world for the first time.

I appreciated this chance to get to know a little more about World War I from the life of a Canadian soldier. It was a pleasure to get to know Private Rabjohn. I am grateful to him for his commitment to documentation. Historian and author John Wilson did a great job providing context and compiling the information into an engaging and beautifully formatted book. This book can be appreciated by older children and adults.

I received an advanced readers copy from Penguin Random House Canada and Tundra Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.