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    Build a Bridge!

    Build a Bridge!


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    Test your engineering and improvisation skills in a puzzle game where the stakes are as high as they...

Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001)
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001)
2001 | Horror
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So, Wishmaster started off well enough but Christ, this series really dived head first into car crash mode.

This third entry into the not so beloved franchise isn't good-bad, or fun-bad - it's actually a festering shit pile masquerading as a straight-to-video B-Movie.
The effects are terrible and cheap, the dlailogue is laughable. The main protagonist is the least likable of the series, which is saying something. Every character in this shitty fiasco is poorly written. The music cues are intrusive and out of place, the editing is completely bizarre (surely a lot of the crew had to be drunk just to get through this)...
I'm not sure what I expected to be honest, but my expectations were absolutely exceeded.

It doesn't even have Andrew Divoff in it, the highlight of the first, and the only good thing about the second Wishmaster. He's replaced by John Novak in Djinn mode (who is fine by the way, the three or so minutes of full make up screentime is just about passable) and by Jason Connery (son of Sean) when he's in human mode. I don't recall seeing Jason Connery in anything else, and I'm sure he's a perfectly fine actor, but in this, he is literally David Brent. Once I noticed this, I couldn't get past it, and any evil he may have been trying to convey was lost in his Brent-ness. Unintentionally hilarious, but didn't make the film any less shit.

Wishmaster 3 is terrible. Don't do it to yourself.
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness
2020 | Crime, Documentary
And so, this is the one you are probably most familiar with, even if you have never watched a True Crime Doc before. Essentially a 7 part mini series with a making of extra program tagged on at the end that definitely does not need to be watched. Does any of it? It certainly showcases the nuttier side of America and some of the more eccentric characters that exist, not Least the compelling car crash human that is Joe Exotic – at times likeable, often very unlikable and almost certainly criminally insane. But it isn’t really about murder. The title is misleading in that sense. Mayhem and madness, oh for sure, but the murder part is an almost incidental detail of the show, as if to give it more gravitas.

It focuses on rivalries that existed between exotic animal parks that seem to take pride in mistreating tigers and other wild animals that have no place being there at all. The “fun” of it is watching “crazy” people, mostly Joe rolling around as if they were tiny kittens, and holding your breathe waiting for the inevitable moment they rip him to shreds. As it turns out, there is so much filler and false promise in this show that I would have to put it at the bottom of the list. It may not even have got on there at all if it wasn’t for the fact Lockdown viewing made it a shared experience that became ubiquitous. Otherwise, it is a poor circus freak show, badly presented and entirely cheap.
The Best Of Oum Kalsoum by Oum Kalsoum
The Best Of Oum Kalsoum by Oum Kalsoum
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Around the time of Poses, which is 2001, and a bit earlier, I discovered Oum Kalsoum. The song itself, 'Poses' is based on her kind of vocal sensibility; the end of the choruses [he sings 'Poses'] is this Egyptian moment. I didn't rip it off – I was just influenced by her. I would say that arguably of all the singers on this list – and we're talking some heavy hitters with Caballé, Domingo and Callas – I think she would probably 'win', in terms of the voice. She sang for a long time, and is basically to this day considered the greatest Middle Eastern singer that ever lived. And she only performed in the Middle East – I think she did one concert in Paris and that was the only time she ever sang in the Western world. There's just stuff she could do with her voice which is just mind-boggling, and also soulful at the same time. It's very sacred. I don't know if she's a religious singer per se, but it's obviously in the music she sings. It's traditional so I guess it's religious. There's a sacred quality to it that is pretty frightening, but also beautiful at the same time. She was also a real character, and not a nice person. She dominated the scene for her entire career and no one else was allowed to eclipse her. In fact, there's some story where some young beautiful singer started to become well known, and she very quickly and mysteriously died in a car crash."

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
A fantastic gem of a thriller.
Let it be known, regardless of it's connection to Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a pretty solid thriller in its own right.

After walking away from a relationship, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) ends up in a car crash and is knocked unconscious.
She wakes up shortly afterwards, apparently rescued, but chained to the wall in a closed off room.
She has been rescued by Howard (John Goodman) and is being kept in his nuclear bunker.
Whilst she has been unconscious, there has been some kind of attack and Howard claims that the air up on the surface is unbreathable.
As Michelle adjusts to her new life underground, she becomes suspicious to Howard's claims and starts to believe he's hiding something.

10 Cloverfield Lane is absolutely dripping with tension for the majority of the runtime.
John Goodman is absolute fantastic and unpredictable. His character is both caring, and dangerous simultaneously.
Mary EW is also great in her role, and the two of them alongside John Gallagher Jr, make up a pretty solid trio of well fleshed out characters.

As the movie reaches it's climax, you'll be on the edge of your seat.

The connections to Cloverfield become more apparent near the movies finale, and do feel a little tacked on (this movie did start out as a non-Cloverfield related thriller called The Cellar) but it actually works in a neat sci-fi way.
It would be nice though, to see it all tied together a little tighter in future installments.
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Professor</i>, a legal thriller by American author Robert Bailey, is a well-written novel about an investigation into a fatal car crash. A collision between a speeding truck and a family car resulted in the death of all four people in the vehicles. The mother of one of the deceased is determined to find out the truth about what happened and so enlists the help of an old friend, Thomas McMurtrie, the Professor.

Although everything revolves around the upcoming trial, the story is really focused on two people in particular. One is the aforementioned Professor and the other is an ex-student of his, Rick Drake. Tom used to be a lawyer but after persuasion from Coach Paul Bryant he took up a position at the University of Alabama teaching law. Now at 68 years old he is forced into retirement. Rick Drake, on the other hand, is a young and struggling lawyer, who after punching Tom due to his hot headedness is finding it difficult to pick up work. Putting aside their differences, the two of the come together to try and win this court case. The opposition, however, seem determined to make that impossible by using any means possible.

The prologue initially misled me. It explains how Tom became a professor in 1969 by detailing his meeting with Coach Paul Bryant who is more often referred to as the Man. This title, as well as the capitalization, led me to believe that he would be a sinister, untrustworthy character in this story. That turned out not to be the case – nor was he even in it, having long passed away. He was known as the Man in the same way that Tom is known as the Professor, due to respect and admiration.

There were times when I did not like what was happening in the novel, particularly the murders of Rick’s key witnesses, but once the trial actually began it got really exciting with the pace picking up as I hoped that everything would resolve itself.

For those who love crime novels this is a definite read. I cannot be entirely sure but the caption on the back cover “The First McMurtrie & Drake Investigation” implies that this could become a series rather than a standalone story; in which case it would be interesting to discover what the pair do next.
    Earn to Die HD

    Earn to Die HD


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    Drive your way through a zombie apocalypse! Are you ready to drive for your life? The hit online...

Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The humour (on the rare occasion there is any) (1 more)
The visual effects
The baffling fight scenes (0 more)
Visually, this film is stunning. It takes what Inception did and takes it into a whole new dimension (literally). With fights going on around constantly moving scenery, standing on the walls of buildings, or while the world around the fighters goes backwards it really was a visual treat.
However, the rest of the film seems like something of an afterthought. The story follows super-surgeon Steven Strange (not that one) trying everything possible to heal his badly damaged hands after a car crash that he caused himself by being an arrogant twat. This desire to fix his hands takes him to Tibet where he is taught lots of waving arms and making orange sparks appear in the air. All of this is rushed through and he just suddenly manages it. Once he manages to use the mystical power the first time he suddenly becomes a master at it ("we need a montage") and becomes his old arrogant, know-it-all self. And then he starts battling Mads Mikkelson, gets a magic cloak and stops the end of the world.
I'll be honest - very little of this film makes sense, and that's in the context of the Marvel Universe. What he's doing with his power, how he's doing it and what he is ultimately capable of is barely explained and you just have to accept it.
I hope Doctor Strange is a critical component of the Infinity Wars storyline, otherwise this was just a very pretty waste of time (a bit like Kelly Brook).

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Summerland in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Elin Hilderbrand | 2012 | Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's high school graduation on Nantucket. But this usual time of celebration turns to tragedy when--on graduation night--a terrible car crashes kills one local student, Penny Alistair, and leaves her twin brother, Hobson, in a coma. Penny's boyfriend, Jake, and her friend, Demeter, are not hurt, at least physically. But the crash shakes the island and leaves everyone wondering exactly what happened. Why was Penny driving Jake's Jeep that night? What caused her to drive so quickly and recklessly?

I enjoy every Elin Hilderbrand book I read, and I liked this one, though it wasn't one of my all-time favorites. I didn't find myself greatly attached to any one character, or really pulled deeply into the plot. Honestly, while many of Hilderbrand's books have a dark or sad side, this one was really depressing at times, even though there was a layer of hope as well. It hit very close to home, as I am a mother of twins, so maybe that was part of it. I was a little heartbroken, and my heart went out to Zoe, the mother of Penny and Alistair.

As with all Hilderbrand books, the story is interesting, and she weaves a detailed and intricate tale of island life. There's more than just an accident, with intersecting webs of characters. I liked the parallels and ties between the high school children and their parents. It was an engaging story, with a lot of serious subjects.

I'm glad I read this one, but if you're just starting out with Hilderbrand, there are other books I'd recommend first. 3+ stars.