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Barking with the Stars
Barking with the Stars
Sparkle Abbey | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Star is Dead
Pet therapist Caro Lamont is working with the stars and dogs who are part of the Barking with the Stars fundraiser, which is raising money for an organization that provides service dogs to soldiers who have returned from war. The biggest celebrity is Purple, an internationally famous pop star. But a few days before the big event, Purple is found dead. The police suspect foul play and are looking at Caro’s ex-husband. Geoffrey is many things, but a killer is one of them, right?

This series is always fun, and this book is no exception. The plot moves forward well, and Caro keeps digging until she puts things together in the end. I did feel like one plot point got forgotten as the book went forward, but that is a minor complaint. The characters are great. Caro and a few others seem very real, but the rest can be eccentric. They work in the series and provide some fun laughs, especially Betty. The series storylines advance as well, and I enjoyed getting those updates. This is another fun entry in a very fun series.

Nick Love recommended The King of Comedy (1983) in Movies (curated)

The King of Comedy (1983)
The King of Comedy (1983)
1983 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery

"You know what, I think I’m going to swerve The Godfather and go for The King of Comedy. I love Scorsese – I loved Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Mean Streets — they were all really seminal, but I always like a film which is, if not leftfield it’s not obvious Scorsese. He has made less obvious films, like New York, New York or The Last Waltz, which don’t hit the mark for me, but King of Comedy is a gem I think. Curiously enough I was talking about it to my fiancé at the weekend, saying, ‘You’ve got to see it,’ because I think it’s where we are now as a contemporary celebrity-seeking society. There are Rupert Pupkins everywhere now. What they don’t have, that Rupert Pupkin had, is innocence and naivety. When you see the whole Big Brother world, the way that people are cloying to get famous now, that’s Rupert Pupkin. I remember when I first watched The Office I saw a lot of Rupert Pupkin in David Brent. Rupert Pupkin had such likeability whereas Brent is a toad – you want to watch him fail. With Pupkin you want to say, ‘Don’t do it. Don’t go to Jerry Lewis‘ house. Don’t tell Diahnne Abbott you know him — you don’t!'"

S1m0ne (2002)
S1m0ne (2002)
2002 | Drama, Sci-Fi
The trifecta of flatness: a comedy with next to no laughs, a satire with no bite, and a drama without sufficient emotion. Yet another technophobic dud that fires on zero cylinders and has nothing to say - try to picture if 𝘏𝘦𝘳 was one of the (many) shittier "Black Mirror" episodes. Besides Rachel Roberts' perfectly realized, fittingly mysterious performance (which, of course, is underused) nothing else shines through here - has zero depth beyond a few performative quips and has that rush-through-everything-of-any-importance pacing + structure that I detest. Here we have what could have been a poignantly interesting film about a disenchanted director whose only authentic relationship is with a synthetic A.I. as well as a boiling satire about the state of celebrity, the objectification of women in entertainment, technology, etc. But instead we're left with such a rote, surface-level, come-and-go boilerplate narrative about this thinly-written 'failed director' trope having to hide an obviously fake woman from every idiot on the planet. Skimps out on where it counts, the brief spoof arthouse movies in these are more intelligent and watchable than the actual movie - which ironically feels as insincere and fakey as its central character. Also I miss Jay Mohr.
The Machine (2014)
The Machine (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cool Science Fiction Flick
Old Movie Revisited: The Machine. This was a pretty sweet movie! A way to describe it is part: Terminator prequel; Caprica; RoboCop; Species; Blade Runner; Universal Soldier... I think I could name a few more but, I'll stop there. So as you can tell its not an overly original story but was presented well. It's the story of Vincent, played by Toby Stephens(his celebrity mash up would be Michael Fassbender and Damian Lewis) who's a scientist dude, and he creates the world's first self aware cyborg in the form of super hot Ava, played by super hot Caity Lotz(with those eyes she had better play vampire at some point!). Of course the gov't wants The Machine for war, and Vincent wants to save his little dying girl... Who will win, where does that leave Ava and her sexy ass-kicking ways?? You'll have to watch to find out! If you dug any of those movies above I'd say check it out!! It is not an explosive all out destruction of man kind action movie, just a cool robot awakens movie, with a hot blonde kicking soldiers asses, and walking around nude, thank you Caity! Check it out... filmbufftim on FB
Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics (2020)
Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics (2020)
2020 | Documentary
Fun but misses some of the serious side
There’s a lot of fun to be had watching this documentary, mainly from the wacky tales recounted by fairly well known celebrities and the way they’re retold (silly cartoons or acted out by other known celebrities). This is definitely not a serious documentary warning you of the dangers of drugs, it’s more just a light hearted entertaining look at celebrity experiences of LSD. And it definitely is funny. There’s a lot of times I laughed out loud watching this, mainly at the sheer bizarreness of it all. You can tell as well that they’ve obviously spent a lot of money on the production of this film, as there’s a lot of big name stars in this and it looks like a very slick production.

The problem is that this film almost seems to be highlighting the benefits or the fun side of taking these drugs. There are some scientific explanations and some talk about negative side effects, but they almost seem to be pushed to one side in favour of telling the humorous side. And this is what this film is lacking, that “drugs are bad” spiel to at least provide a more balanced view.
Mushroom Capped
Mushroom Capped
Cathy Wiley | 2023 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jackie Finds Murder Mushrooming
Former celebrity chef Jackie Norwood has landed in Conway, Maryland, for their second annual mushroom festival. She’s especially excited about connecting with her friend, Marshall. However, she quickly discovers that there’s lots of tension in town thanks to a big farming company trying to buy up the mushroom farms in the area. When Jackie finds the owner of the company dead, Marshall becomes the prime suspect. Can Jackie clear him?

I loved the first book in the series, and it was great to be spending time with Jackie again. All of her family and friends from the last book are back as well. While it would have been nice to see a bit more development for them, I still enjoyed spending time with them and loved the humor they brought to the story. The story started quickly, and when I reached the end, I appreciated just how the clues and motives were layered into the story. I was engaged the entire time, and the ending made perfect sense. If you like mushrooms, you’ll be interested in the five delicious sounding recipes at the end of the book. This is looking to be a great culinary cozy mystery series, and I’m looking forward to finding out what happens at Jackie’s next festival.
Muppets Most Wanted (2014)
Muppets Most Wanted (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Family
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It was nostalgia and curiousity that made the Muppets successful return to the big screen in 2011 such a hit. Parents wanted to introduce their kids to the dysfunctional entertainers of their childhood, and the adults who grew up on the Muppets wanted to see if the crazy bunch could still make them laugh. With the help of celebrity cameos and catchy parodies of popular songs, I remember thoroughly enjoying the Muppets’ comeback.

Three years in real time means just a few seconds in Muppet-land. Muppets Most Wanted begins where the last movie ended. Riding high on their successful return to stage, the Muppets are approached by a promoter named Dominic Badguy. played by Ricky Gervais, who convinces the Muppets to take their show on a worldwide tour. Despite his misgivings, Kermit agrees and soon the gang is traveling across the Atlantic.
Of course, no surprise Badguy has ulterior motives, which involve switching Kermit with an imprisoned doppelganger named Constantine, the word’s most dangerous frog. He and Kermit are identical, except for a mole Constantine must hide to trick Kermit’s friends into believing he’s Kermit, because his awkward American accent isn’t a dead giveaway at all. With awful accents themselves, Ty Burrell and Tina Fey play a French detective and a Russian prison warden who provide some of the human comic relief.
Riddled with funny moments and entertaining musical numbers, this sequel meets the expectations of most sequels. Even the Muppets know sequels are rarely as good as the original – they even sing about it. The movie has the silly capers and signature acts the Muppets know how to deliver, which will keep the kids entertained. The curiousity factor may not motivate, and nostalgic feelings may have waned a bit, but like its predecessor, the revolving door of celebrity cameos is what will keep the adults interested.
3 out of 5
Review by Barnetty Kushner
Muppets Most Wanted is the eighth big screen Muppets adventure, which carries the warmth and charm that we come to find with the Jim Henson created lovable characters. What sets this film apart from the 2011 reboot “Muppet Movie,” is that the characters are the forefront of the entire story and their human counterparts serve as secondary.

This time they are no longer worried about reuniting or trying to reintroduce themselves, the Muppets are on a world tour with their new Tour Manager, Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais). Dominic arranges a European tour for the Muppets with the ulterior motive of trying to replace Kermit with a look-a-like frog named Constantine, a wanted criminal who escapes prison and uses the Muppet tour as a cover to stage a multi-national heist ultimately ending with stealing the crown jewels. While Constantine attempts to play the role of ‘head muppet ‘, poor Kermit gets whisked away to the gulag, a maximum security prison located in Siberia, Russia where he has to contend with the warden, Nadya (Tina Fey). Due to Kermit’s good hearted nature and excellent stage show management skills, the prisoners and Nadya quickly realize that Kermit is not Constantine and forces him to direct the prison’s annual “Gulag Review.”

Even though the storyline is a bit drab, the production numbers are epic-from the “everybody knows a sequel is never quite as good” opener, the Miss Piggy/Celion Dion duet number, to the Siberian prisoners 1980’s Chorus Line show stopping dance sequence. In true Muppets tradition, this movie is peppered with dozens of amusing celebrity cameos along with a spirited stew of wordplay, slapstick comedic jokes. You can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia back the days from your childhood of waking up Saturday mornings and watching “The Muppet Show.” Kids will enjoy the movie, adults will laugh out loud at all the bad puns, and hopefully in the end they will have succeeded in connecting the new generation to the charm of the Muppets, in a world more that is more familiar with CGI and 3-D animation.
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Acting (1 more)
Musical numbers
Contains spoilers, click to show
The movie starts with Elton in an AA meeting, he is asked about his childhood and we're thrown in a toe tapping number of the bitch is back and I'm instantly aware that the movie is going to be a musical biopic. As a big fan of musicals I'm instantly drawn in.
It is obvious from the start that regi was talented from a young age. As he gets older he pursues his musical career and eventually Elton John is born. I'm not a great fan of Elton John so it came as no surprise that he was so much into drinks and drugs, however knowing his onstage personality was all an act to hide his problems was a bit of a shock and it just goes to show you never know what goes on behind closed doors even in the life of a celebrity.
The whole movie had its ups and downs, with a few emotional moments such as Elton trying to kill himself and singing with his younger self whilst drowning. But there was also parts where I wanted to smack him.
The movie was an interesting watch and because of the musical aspect I found it very entertaining, I do feel without this aspect though it may not have been as good.
Getting Doug with High
Getting Doug with High
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Cool celebrity guests (2 more)
Very educational
They're smoking weed man!!! Its awesome
Best show EVER!!!!!!
I was cruising through the amazballs app Tubi Tv when I came across this little gem... Mind you, I do smoke a shit ton of weed myself... And it is legal now in my whole country, so fuck it... Lol.
Doug Benson is someone I've seen on talk shows and heard on podcasts a few times, but I never knew much about him.
This little piece of click bait lured me in with the chance of seeing one of my favorite writer/directors Kevin Smith getting blazed up with Doug and Brian Poshien... Or however you spell it... And it didn't let me down.
He and his guests get just obliterated off some of the sweetest strains of bud made available by whatever weed store they happen to propagate. And they always tell you what the pot is like. Effects... Length of buzz... That sort of pertenate information stoners like myself want to know.
Plus its a chance to see Jeff Ross, Natasha Leggerio and Anthony Jeselnyk HIGH AS GIRAFFE BALLS.
Overall its 45 minutes that is filled with talking, coughing and laughter... Very reminiscent of nights spent in my mom's kitchen with my friends, sitting around the table smoking our heads off and laughing til the sun came up.
Ah the memor... Wait.... What????
53 of 230
Miss Frost Save the Sandman ( Jayne Frost book 3)
By Kristen Painter

Jayne Frost is a lot of things. Winter elf, Jack Frost's daughter, Santa Claus's niece, heir to the Winter Throne and now...private investigator. Sort of.

When the Sandman comes to Santa’s Workshop, the shop Jayne manages, to do his first ever book signing, it’s a major event. He’s kind of a supernatural celebrity and she needs to keep him happy.

All is well until trouble shows up at the party thrown in his honor. Trouble in the form of Luna Nyx, the Mistress of Nightmares and his creepy counterpart. The Sandman’s assistant says Luna is dangerous, and Jayne believes it when her dreams turn dark.

Can Jayne keep the Sandman safe from this gothic goddess? Or will Luna’s threats put them both to sleep for good?

What’s not to love about this series? It’s so quirky I love it! They are just about the right length to fit the whole story plus relationships without being overbearing or boring. I love Jayne she is so likeable actually I can’t think of any character I don’t like. This series is just so much fun. This book introduces us to the Sandman and his ex wife death. Brilliant if you’re looking for something fun and quirky.