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A Deadly Education: Lesson One of the Scholomance
A Deadly Education: Lesson One of the Scholomance
Naomi Novik | 2020 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Worldbuilding (2 more)
Coming of Age
Some descriptions lacking (2 more)
Confused on Series Plot
Good first book but not a stand alone story
A Deadly Slice of Life/Coming of Age Magic School
Magic School. Wizards. Teenage Angst. A lot of reasons I signed up for the giveaway of this novel and glad I got a copy.

For those who want the quick recommendation, if you enjoy wizard teens and magic schools, you will enjoy this book. Outside of that category, it is a decent fantasy novel that is worth a read, but no need to go and get right away.

First and foremost, books like "A Deadly Education" have the unfortunate hurdle of separating itself from the magic school genre alpha that is Harry Potter, to which I believe Naomi Novik did really well. Whenever I read such stories, I can't help compare to the Potter series, but the world that Novik builds is such a stark contrast that I quickly forgot about Hogwarts and Muggles and traded in for the Scholomance and mundanes.

The world that Novik builds is dark and untrusting. Inside the school, there are maleficera, or 'mals,' that try to consume the students' mana at every turn. This puts the place on edge, making almost every character paranoid to open anything or even go anywhere without at least one other person with them, usually at a cost. This darker side is refreshing, especially because the magic in Novik's world is hard magic as opposed to the soft magic of other series. To those who don't know the difference, soft magic is that magic just exists and spells come without consequence. Hard, on the other hand, has limits and comes from a source and takes skills and finesse to learn and use them. Any author who takes it upon themselves to make the magic in their world hard magic gives themselves a challenge, something that Novik clears easily.

The other part of the world that is dangerous are the mals that attack students. There are a lot of them, so much to the point there should be a separate book that could be referenced to know what they are fighting. Although your imagination can run wild, some of the descriptions, or lack there of, leave you to fill in a lot of blanks. I'm still not sure if they are shadows and/or goo with various metal attached or part of their bodies. The variety is so immense that you don't encounter the same thing twice it seems. When reading the encounters, it was hard to picture the exact nature of the fight in my mind. However, the sense of danger was ever present throughout the whole book.

The story itself is coming of age, or more so coming of friendship, mixed with a slice of life feel. Although there is a starting event, Orion saving Galadriel for the second time, there is not an overarching plot for the story. It is just to survive and possibly make an alliance for graduation. This is not my cup of tea when it comes to stories as I enjoy seeing a defined goal or enemy that leads to a finale or into the next book of the series. This story does not have that, which seems to lack an overall plot other that "just survive." Even the climax of this story felt a little out of the blue in terms of action, and then is superseded by a social bombshell and cliffhanger for the next in the series.

To wrap and reiterate, I enjoy the world that this story takes place. It is inventive and unique to standout against others within the magic school genre. There was some plot lacking, but is still enjoyable for not quite knowing what is coming around the next corning. This a clearly the first book of series which is not the strongest as its own installment, but definitely has me waiting for the next in the line.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PC version of Diablo IV in Video Games

Jun 22, 2023  
Diablo IV
Diablo IV
2020 | Action/Adventure, Fighting
The latest entry in the phenomenally popular Diablo series has arrived with the release of Diablo IV and with it comes the lofty expectations of a rabid fan base for the franchise. Players can play as one of various classes including Sorcerer, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, and Druid, each comes with its own unique abilities such as sorcery, speed and dexterity, and brute force.

I chose to play as a barbarian as I am not a huge fan of resource gathering, crafting, or playing in a support role, and preferred to mix it up close quarters taking as many enemies as I can with me before I go down in a blaze of glory.

As players gain experience they will be able to increase their abilities many of which can be deployed on a timed basis and grow increasingly powerful as players level up. Players will also be able to obtain armor, weapons, charms, and more along the way which can be recycled, sold, or crafted into various upgrades in the numerous towns and communities throughout the vast map of the game.

Players will be able to complete the main quests and side quests along the way which will gain experience upon successful completion as well as defeating enemies in combat. The sheer distance between objectives can be daunting especially when the map is not clearly shown for a specific area as players may sometimes have to go a considerable distance one-way just be able to detour back toward their intended destination.

Thankfully various locales do have vast travel options that once discovered and unlocked allow players to travel between locales quickly. Being able to leave a dungeon to return to a community in order to sell gear, upgrade weapons and armor, and obtain necessary items before returning from the locale they originated from, is a key to survival.

In time I was able to obtain a horse that not only allows me to travel quicker between locales but prevented enemy mobs from attacking me so later in the campaign, I was able to focus on objectives more than dealing with unending waves combat while trying to travel between locales.

Players will encounter other players along the way and the game does have a social factor that allows for friends and players in the local area to be invited to campaign with you. This is a bit of a challenge at first as I found many players were power leveling and did not want to become involved with lower-level players.

While I completed much of the game solo, there were various bosses that I simply couldn’t handle alone, and was very grateful when I was able to obtain help. This changed when I reached higher levels as being able to complete the final campaign with three helpers made a challenging endeavor very enjoyable.

The map of the world is highly detailed as everything from towns, dungeons, villages, and supernatural realms are crafted in incredible detail and the vast number of enemies and their varieties is impressive even if at times frustrating as you have to battle your way through seemingly unending mobs to reach your destination.

Upon completing the game I will be venturing back from time to time to complete side quests and better prepare for the likely future content that will be coming down the line. While it is been popular some players and local community boards have been vocal about criticism for the game which I believe has varied from nitpicking to valid but I can honestly say I enjoyed this game significantly more than Diablo 3 and for me, Diablo IV is one of the best releases of the year and has been an enjoyable gaming experience throughout despite some frustrations along the way.

4.5 stars out of 5

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Bleeding Violet
Dia Reeves | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
Genre: YA, Romance, Paranormal
Rating: 4/5

My Summary: Hanna is a freak. Diagnosed with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Hyperactivity, Insanity, and nearly shut away as a maniac-depressive, she runs away from home in search of the mother she never knew. On arriving in her mother’s strange town called Portero, she makes a deal with her mom—if she can fit in with the people in this town within two weeks, she can stay. Her mother scoffs at the idea of Hanna being able to fit into the town—but Hanna soon learns that this has nothing to do with her, and everything to do with the town. Portero is like nothing she’s ever seen or heard of or imagined before. Strange creatures, invisible doors, a police-like force with a strange sense of right and wrong, a boy who she’s not sure if she likes or hates (but knows for sure that he’s hot), and a mayor who thinks she’s a god, Hanna starts her two-week challenge trying to fit in—and ends it trying to save the lives of everyone she loves.


Bleeding Violet was freakishly amazing, morbidly exciting, and realistically romantic.

 I love it when the romance between the characters is real—not two perfect people who never fight who get along perfect. No, the romance between Hanna and Wyatt was not perfect, but it was there and it was special, and it was funny.

This whole book was funny. Though parts of it were strange and morbid, a lot of it was moderately confusing in an understandable way (Does that make any sense? probably not. Remember that Hanna is insane. She hallucinates… and makes some pretty interesting things happen near the end. It is confusing because it’s impossible, but understandable because she’s crazy.). I laughed almost the whole way through. It’s light and heavy, witty and serious, all mixed with the color purple.

The characters were my favorite. All the characters were very distinct and different. Sometimes when reading a story, some of the minor characters kind of blend together and seem similar, not defined enough, because they don’t really matter. But in Bleeding Violet, all the characters are distinct. I’m not sure if telling everyone that I identify with Hanna would be a wise idea because it might scare you… but to a certain extent, I did (and do) relate to her. Not just because of my own insanity (mwa-ha-ha!) but because her character was written in a very clear personal way. The story is told from first person inside Hanna’s head, so I knew exactly what Hanna was thinking all the time. Wyatt wasn’t perfect either. He had his flaws and that made him a real person. The change in Rosalie (the mother) was… both interesting and wonderful to see (Trying to keep this spoiler-free… but those of you who’ve read it already know what I mean by “change”).

The plot was engaging and fast paced, but not rushed. The details enhanced the story, rather than slowing it down just for the sake of telling you what something looked or felt like.

Bleeding Violet has a good mix of reality and paranormal. It’s mixed well enough that you can relate to it and it feels like our present day, age, and atmosphere, but the paranormal aspects are still strong and don’t feel out of place.

The low points of the book were the writing, and the ending. The writing was nothing special, but for the most part it was acceptable. The ending wasn’t a let down, but it could have been better. It was cute and sweet, but it didn’t fix all the problems, didn’t answer all the questions, and didn’t have quite enough closure for me.

Content: There was some sex, but no explicit details. There were some sexual references, moderate language, and some morbid details. Not for the easily offended or the weak of stomach.

Recommendation: Ages 16+ to anyone who doesn’t mind being a little freaked out or surprised by crazy people.

Will I buy this book and read it again? Yes, probably. (I read the e-book copy for review.) It will (hopefully soon) have a permanent spot on my bookshelf.

The Inquisition (Summoner, Book 2)
The Inquisition (Summoner, Book 2)
Taran Matharu | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justice for Fletcher (3 more)
Past uncovered
Return of Othello, Sylva
Gremlins, Blue
It got better!
Once more I’m impressed with the Summoner books because even though I am late to the game on this series so the suspense of Fletcher’s fate was not as intense it was still thrilling to see how he would escape these false accusations and unfair trails. One can argue Fletcher has sort of put himself in this tight spot, but due to his actions in the previous book he has friends and teachers who stand by knowing there is more to what he is being accused of than what the other side would like to admit. Fletcher has become to center of a far bigger game because of who he is and the power he holds in his attempts to tie races together. Furthermore, without spoiling anything for anyone else, due to a charge which does threaten his life Fletcher is able to learn who he truly is, but he will always be Berdon’s son.

Despite the fact Fletcher was in imprisonment for a year he is game to accept a new mission that will aid Hominum in the war with the Orcs. He’s even willing to accept the challenge that comes with it to prove Elves and Dwarfs can work together in the hopes it will fix the strain on the Dwarven and Elven ties with Humans due to events that took place while he is in the hole. Results he does not doubt the Triumvirate had their hands in. All Fletcher and his friends have to do is go into Orc lands with three other teams to put an end to a Goblin breed.

It can never be easy for Fletcher.

Now, that’s all I really want to cover as important points in [i]The Inquisition[/i] because it should pull you in if my next words do not. To circle back I enjoyed the second book far more than [i]The Novice[/i] yet found a new appreciation for the first book as I realize now all the set up there is the reason the second summoner book is successful and was able to focus on the race issue a bit more

To circle back, my enjoyment of the second summoner book is due to the writing by Matharu because of how he set up [i]The Novice[/i] and there is more appreciation to be had for the first book of the series because it is after the second I realized how much had been done for [i]The Inquisition[/i] to be successful. It is within the first summoner book we’re introduced to key characters, plots (minor and major), lives of the characters, and the issues which will drive Fletcher in the second. If anything, [i]The Novice[/i] was an thick introduction to the events to come in [i]The Inquisition[/i]. So I would say be mindful if you’re thinking to begin the series of what occurs and how it will relate later.

However I want to say the character growth is still alive, for better or worse. We’re even given new characters and demons to grow fond of, or hate. Somehow 350+ pages were not enough and yet were perfect to convey where we needed to go then set up the points for the third book. And I have to say there are some twists in here I did not catch, which is nice for someone who had read so much and can predict so much to come. Even though there is some betrayal to me it was worth it as due to Fletcher’s nature we’re able to gain perspective from another race no one has probably given much thought to.

So, if you have yet to get into the Summoner Books then I suggest you go if you’re for fantasy and magic. If you’ve yet to pick up [i]The Inquisition[/i] then I have to say I have no clue what you are doing because I’m peeved at myself for not getting to it sooner. Honestly, it’s a good series to get lost in and yet think about real world issues we have today even if they’re painted a little bit different.