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Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
1983 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Ewoks (1 more)
May The Force Be With You: The End
Return of the Jedi- is the final movie out of the oringal trilogy. So is it my favorite one, no. The 4th one is my favorite one, it goes 4, 6, 5. It has good scenes like the battle between luke and the rancor, the battle planet desert beast, the battle on edor and the battle between Luke, Dark Vader and the Emperor.

The plot: Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) battles horrible Jabba the Hut and cruel Darth Vader to save his comrades in the Rebel Alliance and triumph over the Galactic Empire. Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) reaffirm their love and team with Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams), the Ewoks and the androids C-3PO and R2-D2 to aid in the disruption of the Dark Side and the defeat of the evil emperor.

I realize that these movie are slow, and it takes it time to build up suspense. Which can be good, but its bad because i fall alseep, cause its boring.

Other than that, Return of the Jedi, is the end of the oringal trilogy and a good end to a excellent trilogy.

May The Force Be With You.
The Secret Bridesmaid
The Secret Bridesmaid
Katy Birchall | 2018 | Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sometimes you just need a feel good, light read and that is exactly what this is. I read this book in one sitting and I hardly realised that I’d been sat reading for hours until I had finally finished it. I would definitely give it a 4.5 stars overall.
We follow Sophie Breeze, a professional bridesmaid which is like a wedding planner but doesn’t take over and instead makes sure the bride is completely involved with all of the decisions but has a supportive bridesmaid to lean on. Sophie set this up as a business after her and her ex-boyfriend broke up after 8 years together, completely surprising Sophie.
Sophie is extremely likeable, and I found that I had so much in common with her - she is my age, has different things in common with me and looks at life the same way. Which made it a delight to read. She was also very down to earth and very funny, meaning that sometimes I actually properly laughed at some of the situations that she was in (running down the street in a Chewbacca outfit was my personal favourite!) and I think that’s what made it so enjoyable.
I find Katy Birchall’s writing very similar to Beth O’Leary’s, so if you’re a fan of her I would definitely give this book a try! I can’t believe that this is her first adult novel, it’s not obvious at all from the writing. I will be on the lookout for her future work.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Free solo
#solo is a complete blast & possibly one of the biggest surprises of the year so far. I admit despite all the hate I was always looking forward to Solo (I cant stand #ronhoward as a director) it looked exciting, gritty & despite treading over old ground it looked #fun & unique. Im #happy to report Solo ticked all those boxes & with it at times being almost cringe/predictably #nostalgic it managed to do enough & have enough fresh ideas to stand on its own. Solo is visually great with sets costumes & characters all looking A1, locations feel vast, lived in & varied, costumes & creatures are well designed, cgi is great & camera work is really nice too. Its soundtrack feels fresh & the use of surround sound is awesome. #AldenEhrenreich did a really great job playing #harrisonford, he's really likable & did his best considering he's limited by years of character building that came before him. #paulbettany is also outstanding as is #donaldglover but sadly other cast members feel a bit flat in comparison but this could be down to the dialog/writing which at times can be really bad/bland. Set pieces are great & play out thoughtfully/intricately making them exhilarating & a joy to experience (bar one at involving a big creature which felt tacked on & lifeless). Theres a great sense of adventure here too & its really quite exhilarating to visit so many cool places & see so many cool things (it constantly feels fresh & never boring). Theres also a shocking amazing #cameo that I never saw coming & the film does leave itself open for a sequel that im already sold on. Overall I really enjoyed Solo, its by no means flawless but I found it a really fun & enjoyable film with enough unique style to set it apart from other films in the series. #odeonlimitless #odeon #starwars #filmcritic #lando #childishgambino #millenniumfalcon #chewbacca #jonfavreau #woodyharrelson #maytheforcebewithyou #thursdaythoughts #cinema #funny #hansolo #han #daenerys #emiliaclarke
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
2005 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The final chapter of the Star Wars prequel trilogy is definitely the high point (which isn't the highest praise...) throwing a large amount of sci-fi action at the audience, whilst bring the Star Wars narrative full circle and finally tying into the first film.

The action is over gratuitous at times, but it's still entertaining enough - the opening space battle, the climatic battle between Jedis, the harrowing Order 66 scene.
The special effects here are noticably improved from Episodes I and II, and once again, the various locations and landscapes that we're shown are stunning to look at (Kashyyyk is a good example).

The most important character arc here is of course Anakin's, as he completes his turn to the dark side and steps further towards the iconic Darth Vader. I much prefer Hayden Christensen this time around, although he's still wooden in parts - I get the feeling that he's trying his best, but George Lucas isn't giving a whole lot for him to work with.
Ewan McGregor is great once again as Obi Wan.
The biggest new character we're introduced to in ROTS is General Grievous, who's ok I guess - he's nothing more than a CGI model designed to sell merchandise, but then again, who doesn't want to see someone wield four lightsabers at once ey?

The dialogue is just about more bearable than in the other two prequel films, and the movie has a general sense of 'getting shit done' than before, and it's all the better for it and has some dark turns here and there.
There are some cringey bits of course - the unessecary Chewbacca line for one, and of course, the god awful 'NOOOOOOO' line near the end (literal sick in my mouth)

When looking back on the prequel trilogy of Star Wars, it's easy to cast them aside and say they're no good, when in reality, that's not wholly true. They have they're moments and will always be something that I'll (maybe) watch when they're on TV...