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Kissing Chaos Volume 1
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The description made this book seem like it was filled with action, but in reality it was more about the inner monologues of a psychotic brat named Angela and some heavy dialogues between Damien and Raevyn.

I'll first start off with why I didn't like this book. First off, Angela very rarely talked. In fact, the most you get out of her is her mental raving monologues about her feelings towards Damien. If I was Damien and knew what she was thinking, I probably would have shot her instead. Most of the dialogue is between Damien and Raevyn, who have more chemistry than Damien and Angela. Half the time, their dialogues seemed so tedious and about absolutely nothing that I couldn't force myself to focus on what was be said. Not only that, but I literally had no idea what was going on. It was so hard to follow the story line.

All of that aside, it was pretty enjoyable. I loved Cruz's art style which was more sketchy than clean, clear lines. I actually spent more time examining his technique over the actually reading storyline I thought the characters were believable, psychosis and all. It was actually humorous to read Raevyn and Damien's spats although I often found myself wanting to smack them both. After a few of these little tiffs, I can imagine why Angela would just keep her mouth shut (although her silence was stilling annoying).

I thought about continuing the story to actually figure out what happens, but I decided there are more pressing novels on my bookshelves to read first.
Alphas Of Seduction Anthology
Alphas Of Seduction Anthology
Sierra Simone, Shannon Hunt | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great box set
Once Upon An Alpha along with 4 Paws for Ability, and these several bestselling authors, bring you this page turning, limited edition, anthology that’s sure to keep you up well past your bed time and craving your own Alpha of Seduction.

I had no idea what this charity does, but there is a little bit at the beginning that describes their work. I couldn't see a common theme running through each story, but I did read them all. Maybe, if the theme was more prominent in each story, I might have enjoyed this set a little more. There wasn't, though, any one story that stood out, for either positive or negative reasons, and I'm struggling to write a review for each story, some only a few pages long.

So, here's a general review, for the entire set!

I found them all well written, some in the the third person, some in the first. Some were sexier than others, some almost clean. I saw no spelling or editing errors in any short to spoil my reading.

All these authors are new to me. After some sorting, my wish list is now many more books longer, as each author has given me a taste of their work, and I want to read longer books by these authors. BY ALL of these authors! Usually, in box sets like this, one or two sneak on to my wish list, but this time, they all did.

A nice way to pass a few lunch breaks, a hours of shutting out the world.

a good solid..

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A story filled with intrigue, smugglers, ventriloquist, spies, romance, heartbreak, and a traitor. Travel back in time to 1808 in The Innkeepers Daughter.

This story has so many moving parts that you just want to keep reading to figure out WHAT IS GOING ON??? Also, there were several times our hero needed a good purse whomping. I absolutely LOVED this story. The romantic tension between Alex and Johanna...*whew*...And the climax of that tension in their kiss(es)...Make sure you keep a fainting couch nearby...and possible smelling salts.

The common thread throughout this story is all about giving over the control of our lives to God. It is easy to SAY that we trust God to see us through things...And yet we can still be found trying to fix all the little things that go wrong on our own...Trying to make it all our own power. Instead of trusting for a door to open from God...we pry open the cellar door into destruction and chaos and say, "LOOK! I found a way!!! It isn't a GOOD way...but I did it ALL ON MY OWN!" Michelle Griep addresses the need to trust in our Lord so well. And it really rings true.

If you love a good romance that is clean and passionate, sprinkled with mystery and intrigue, this is definitely a book that you will enjoy!

I received a complimentary copy of The Innkeeper's Daughter from the publishers through Celebrate Lit. I was not required to write an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Sigfried's Smelly Socks!
Sigfried's Smelly Socks!
Len Foley | 2020
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sigfried's Smelly Socks! is an illustration book for children that focuses on describing the smell of dirty socks at its fullest. Whilst I have mixed feelings as to how disgusting this subject is, I quite liked the bright-coloured illustrations.

I strongly believe that children are meant to love this book - it is full of wittiness and it made me giggle a few times, when the author describes how different coloured socks smell differently, and all so awful.

This book has a tendency to make you imagine the smells in your mind while reading and watching the illustrations. It can even make you feel like you could actually smell them in the room. Lovely description, though some parts might be too hard to be understood by the younger audience:

But nothing compares to the other smell that burns the hairs on my head.

While we discuss the subject of how the book focuses on dirty socks and some people might find it unbearable - I would point to the fact that this book is a perfect masterpiece in reminding the little cute monsters that they need to keep their socks (and their hygiene in general) neat and clean. It is a great moral and life lesson through a very funny story told by the silly Sigfried, who seems to notice all the rotten smells that surround him.

Lovely read, and a lovely told story in a witty way. This book deserved a 4 out of 5 stars for the sole reason of this book maybe being too rich in the vocabulary for the audience it wants to reach.
The Eternal Hourglass (Magickeepers, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Series Review:

I really enjoyed the Magickeeper series! It's written for ages 8-14, but even I got really into it and enjoyed it a lot.

The stories were both woven well, with plenty of mystery and suspense to keep you reading. Once I started to read, it was hard to put it down. I never knew what to expect and was always surprised. It was like walking through a fun-house: you never knew what was going to be around the corner.

My favorite characters had to be Nick and Isabella, followed closely by Isabella's pet tiger, Sascha. Sascha was just a really cool tiger. Vladimir, the hedgehog, was pretty cool, too. It was fun to watch Nick and Isabella together: they balanced each other well and would be fun people to be around. I wish they were real so we could hang out. Haley why would you want to hang out with thirteen-year-olds? Because they're magician thirteen-year-olds who can disappear and fly and look into crystal balls, and have more adventure in a day that I have in a month.

The writing was good and easy to read and easy to follow, but some of the structure was a little confusing at times. It didn't take away form the action and adventure, though.

I really liked the Russian culture incorporated into the stories. It wasn't overdone, but it was really fun to read the descriptions of the foods and the clothes and the decorations, and learn about some of the traditions. In the second book, The Pyramid of Souls, there was a lot of other cultures incorporated into it as well, because there were Magickeepers from Egypt and Nigeria and a Parisian clan, and Australians… so there were a lot of cool things that went on that we wouldn't normally think about—even in the world of magic.

I look forward to the next book in the Magickeeper series! The Eternal Hourglass came out in paperback on March 31, 2010 and The Pyramid of Souls was just published in hardback on May 1st, 2010.

Content/Recommendation: clean, and suitable for ages 8-16(-ish). I'm 18 and I enjoyed it, and parents would enjoy reading the books out loud to their kids as well!
The Pyramid of Souls (Magickeepers, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Series Review:

I really enjoyed the Magickeeper series! It's written for ages 8-14, but even I got really into it and enjoyed it a lot.

The stories were both woven well, with plenty of mystery and suspense to keep you reading. Once I started to read, it was hard to put it down. I never knew what to expect and was always surprised. It was like walking through a fun-house: you never knew what was going to be around the corner.

My favorite characters had to be Nick and Isabella, followed closely by Isabella's pet tiger, Sascha. Sascha was just a really cool tiger. Vladimir, the hedgehog, was pretty cool, too. It was fun to watch Nick and Isabella together: they balanced each other well and would be fun people to be around. I wish they were real so we could hang out. Haley why would you want to hang out with thirteen-year-olds? Because they're magician thirteen-year-olds who can disappear and fly and look into crystal balls, and have more adventure in a day that I have in a month.

The writing was good and easy to read and easy to follow, but some of the structure was a little confusing at times. It didn't take away form the action and adventure, though.

I really liked the Russian culture incorporated into the stories. It wasn't overdone, but it was really fun to read the descriptions of the foods and the clothes and the decorations, and learn about some of the traditions. In the second book, The Pyramid of Souls, there was a lot of other cultures incorporated into it as well, because there were Magickeepers from Egypt and Nigeria and a Parisian clan, and Australians… so there were a lot of cool things that went on that we wouldn't normally think about—even in the world of magic.

I look forward to the next book in the Magickeeper series! The Eternal Hourglass came out in paperback on March 31, 2010 and The Pyramid of Souls was just published in hardback on May 1st, 2010.

Content/Recommendation: clean, and suitable for ages 8-16(-ish). I'm 18 and I enjoyed it, and parents would enjoy reading the books out loud to their kids as well!
Mistletoe Miracles (Ransom Canyon #7)
Mistletoe Miracles (Ransom Canyon #7)
Jodi Thomas | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovable Characters (3 more)
Interesting Plot
Great Worldbuilding
Good Pacing
A Clean, Sweet Read
I'm not usually a romance person, but the synopsis for Mistletoe Miracles by Jodi Thomas caught my attention. I'm really glad I read Mistletoe Miracles because I absolutely adored this book. In fact, Mistletoe Miracles may have converted me to be a romance reader. It has definitely made me a Jodi Thomas fan for sure.

The pacing for Mistletoe Miracles was spot on. It wasn't a fast paced book, but it wasn't slow paced either. It moved at a nice relaxing pace, and I found myself loving it.

The plot for Mistletoe Miracles is a sweet one. It was interesting to see each couple's relationship blossom. Mallory is on the run from her abusive ex-boyfriend. She ends up in a car crash. Her dog is also injured in the crash. Little does Jax know he has her dog, but once he figures it out, it's the start of something sweet. Griffin needs a rich bride in order to save his working ranch that's been in the family for generations. Sunlan, a ranch girl herself, is just the right woman to fill that position. She's also looking for someone to take her away from her overbearing father. Wyatt is a soldier just looking for a place to rest while on leave. With everyone assuming he's Jamie's husband, he is taken to Jamie's house after he falls asleep and has a small crash. Jamie has been out of town, but when she returns, she's gets the biggest surprise of her life. However, she's been telling everyone she's married even though she's not. Wyatt may just be the (pretend) husband she needs. The reader has the pleasure of reading about each immersive relationship and how each one blossoms in its own way. There are no major plot twists, but Mistletoe Miracles is a book that doesn't need plot twists to be enjoyable. All loose ends are also tied up by the end of the book which I was happy about. I also liked that Mistletoe Miracles can be read as a standalone.

I felt that the world building in Mistletoe Miracles was done very well. Jodi Thomas makes it so easy to feel as if you are one of the characters in her book. She puts you right in the midst of everything that is happening, and it is so easy to lose yourself within each page of the story. Mistletoe Miracles takes place in Texas which made me enjoy the book even more! The world building is so realistic in this novel that I would lose track of time whenever I was reading it.

I loved every character in Mistletoe Miracles. I felt each character was fleshed out substantially, and every character felt like they were an actual real person instead of a character in a book. My favorite characters in this book were Sunlan and Griffin. I loved how they started out a bit distant towards each other, but eventually, they warmed up to one another and came out of their shell, especially Sunlan. Don't get me wrong, I loved the other characters too, but it was Sunlan's and Griffin's relationship that I loved the most. I did enjoy reading about all the other character's relationships as well, and I found them to be very interesting. Each character had something to bring to the table to make Mistletoe Miracles the great read it is.

There aren't many trigger warnings for Mistletoe Miracles. I would classify it was a clean romance. There's no swearing and no steamy scenes. There is some violence although it is not graphic. There is some drinking of alcohol as well as kissing. There's also talk about making love but everything is implied and not described in graphic detail.

Overall, Mistletoe Miracles is a very sweet and refreshing read that will warm even the most hardened hearts. It's got very likable and realistic characters characters, an interesting plot, and fantastic world building. I would definitely recommend Mistletoe Miracles by Jodi Thomas to everyone aged 16+ whether they like romance or not. This is one of those books that everyone should read even if romance isn't their preferred genre.

(Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this title in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)

Becs (244 KP) rated Fawkes in Books

Sep 17, 2018  
Nadine Brandes | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story. (3 more)
The writing.
Thomas Fawkes.
The emotions I went through reading this. (Yes it's here twice for a reason.)
The emotions I went through reading this. (Yes it's here twice for a reason.) (0 more)
A gripping, heartfelt historical read that will take you on an adventure. 
When I first picked up Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, it was for a blog tour that I was lucky enough to get (thank you so much!). I started reading it and only got three chapters read before I had to put it down because I just. Could. Not. Get. Into. It. I'm awfully glad that I picked it back up to actually reread the first three chapters and finish the book because this is my favorite book of September.

Legit, this is a five-star read for me. There's so much sarcasm, humor, history packed into this little story that I just didn't want it to end. If Nadine Brandes ever creates a second book regarding this storyline, I will be the first person to buy it and support it. Because dang woman, you have a way to make me tear up and then get all angry at a character in a matter of pages.

Okay, let's talk about some of these humorous quotes that I just can't get over.

"If you do not agree to all my terms, Thomas Fawkes, then I shall tell my guardian that you forced yourself upon me and - after he castrates you - he will string you up on the gallows without a tongue!" Okay Emma, he knows not to mess with you. You strong and independent amazing human being. I think I love you. (Can you actually fall in love with a fictional character?)

" ' There's no we,' Kit muttered in Jack's ear. 'Percy didn't even detect an intruder - the boy did.' " - SHOTS FIRED!

" 'Annika! Gabriel! Do you want to turn to stone?' " I just think this is so funny but it's true. Like you keep messing with that plagued rat, you ain't gonna look much different.

Can we talk about how descriptive Nadine is with things?! Like for real, I haven't heard anybody talking about that! So, without further adieu here are some of my favorite descriptive quotes:

"The darkness twisted invisible chains around my chest." Holy poopers. Like dang. This is a great representation of anxiety if anybody wants to know.

" 'His past is not without its bloodstains.' I joined him at the window. The grime rested too thickly for us to see out into the night. Another thing for me to clean upon the morrow. ' Should we do something?' 'Our fists are no match for a rabid mutt's teeth. We must leave a man's actions to his one conscience.' " Okay, I got chills when reading this. This is one serious moment but at the same time a jab at how gross London used to be.

"A line of freckles ascended from her left upper lip and ended beneath her eye... like a constellation on a night sky." I dig it and what a way to describe somebody's feature. I wish my husband was all gooey like Thomas Fawkes when it came to Emma.

The next few quotes are moments where I had to stop reading and just think, because they hit me with a burning passion for making me emotional.

"He said that he must bring on only those men who were necessary to the plot's fulfillment. The men who were irreplaceable. That spoke volumes about each man he'd chosen. Because he'd chosen me." Thomas is wanted, not just by his father but by a group of men that become his family. I feel you Thomas, you emotional man.

"I wanted my mask because I was ashamed of what people saw when they looked at me. I hated being defined by my plague and I was sick of being helpless. I wanted a future." STAY AWAY FROM MY THOMAS YOU NUGGETS. I KNOW KARATE AND I WILL USE IT. But seriously, why you gotta be so mean?

"If I was as inconspicuous as Catesby said I would be... why not simply kill the king on my own? In fact, why not turn his masquerade into an assassination?" Thomas you smart man. But don't go getting yourself killed. Emma (and I) need you to survive and stay with her (us).
Blood Promise
Blood Promise
Richelle Mead | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, the tortures that Rose puts herself through in the name of love and loyalty must be what make her such a fascinating character to follow. I have to say that it was rather predictable that Rose would succumb to Dimitri's evil wiles, because hey, he's hot and Mead has a book to fill. It was strangely satisfying for a little while in that Rose and Dimitri's relationship got cut short in the previous book and so they could not revel in their love for each other. Sappiness aside, I think I loved this book the most out of the series not only for Rose's escapades, but also for the setting in Russia and Siberia. I don't recall ever reading any fictional book that took place in these locations and it was a little bit of a learning experience for me.
Dimitri's family gave me some insight into who Dimitri is, which I appreciate since he always seems so mysterious. I also loved the character of Yeva - she did and said whatever she wanted and everyone was terrified of her - I hope she makes another appearance in the final book of the series!
The new element of the Alchemists was interesting in that humans have the potential to play a centralized role even in the Moroi/ Dhampir society, even though Rose has previously believed that her world was almost completely segregated from the human world. Unfortunately, this also creates just another layer in the caste system, for the Alchemists are essentially the "clean-up crew", which puts them at a lower position than even the Dhampirs who choose not to be guardians. No wonder Sydney sees Rose as "pure evil." In her shoes, I probably would, too.
Over Raging Tides (Lady Pirates, #1)
Over Raging Tides (Lady Pirates, #1)
Jennifer Ellision | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Over Raging Tides (Lady Pirates, #1) by Jennifer Ellision
Over Raging Tides is the first book in the Lady Pirates series, and going by this one, I can't wait to continue with this series. Grace has been a pirate since the age of seven, and is now Quartermaster and First Mate of Lady Luck, a pirate ship with an all-female crew. There is rivalry between her and Celia, the other woman who wanted the Quartermaster role. Grace's mother was taken from her when she was younger, by creatures of the sea that aren't friendly! Everyone presumes she is dead, including her love, the Captain of the ship. Things get interesting when Grace rescues two brothers from the Mordgris and brings them on-board. Her life changes and she sees things she never saw before.

This story was amazing and gripped me from the very start. The world building is amazing, and rich in history. The characters are well developed, although obviously some are more than others. One of my favourite characters is Sam, and I can't wait to see what she will do next. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the pacing was very smooth.

One word for you though - cliffhanger! This is the first book in the series so it does end with one almighty cliffhanger that will leave you wanting book two immediately. Unfortunately for me, it's not actually released yet, so I will have to wait oh-so-patiently!

For a clean, nautical adventure, with magic, mayhem, and a good dosing of rum, then I can highly recommend this book! Another corker by Jennifer Ellision.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!