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Spells (Wings, #2)
Aprilynne Pike | 2010 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating: 4.5

(Spells is the sequel to Wings, so I’m not going to include a summary to keep it spoiler free.)

I’m going to try really hard not to say anything to spoil this book for you. Let’s just say this—read it.

Spells was better than Wings. Though both were equally addictive (what? no! I can’t sweep, I’m in the middle of chapter twenty-one!) Spells just had more meat to it: more complications, more plot, more drama, and more romance. There are twists and unexpected surprises that spring out of nowhere and have you sitting on the edge of your seat forgetting to breathe. There is heart pounding and heart shredding romance that makes you grin and cry. And like every good book, there is a surprise at the end that leaves you saying, “Wait… what?”

Spells is a fantastic sequel to Wings. I’m anxiously awaiting the third book in the series, and I hope to one day have the whole collection sitting on my bookshelf where it belongs.

Content: clean romance, mention of sex, no language

Recommendation: Ages 12+. I would recommend reading it soon after Wings, since for the first chapter or so I was a little lost (I read Wings almost as soon as the ARC was sent out for review, some time last May or June) and even throughout the book I kept thinking “wait, who is that?” and “wait what happened again?”

This book was part of the Borrow My ARC Tour from Bloody Bad. Check out the other tour stops for more reviews.