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Storm Siren (Storm Siren #1)
Storm Siren (Storm Siren #1)
Mary Weber | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Be prepared for a tale full of twists and turns that will knock you off your feet and steal the very breath from your lungs. Infused with the powers of the Elementals Storm Siren has everything a YA Fantasy novel should posses.

Epic battles, devastating loss, search for purpose, simmering romance, bad guys that are the most vicious sort of people and good guys that will sacrifice everything for the good of the people. Nym has totally swept me into her world and I am looking forward to reading the next books in the series (which I was SMART this time around and placed all three books on hold at the same time at my library).

While the elements of faith are not blatantly in your face. I do recognize the threads weaving through the story. The constant battle between good and evil, the enemy being a deceiver, the good sacrificing everything. But maybe most importantly is seeing what is inside ourselves...and recognizing it for the GIFT it is rather than a curse.

If you enjoy Young Adult Fantasy with clean content and decent morals, you should definitely check this series out! Stay tuned for my thoughts on the remainder of the series.

I borrowed a copy of Storm Siren from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Reapers (The Hunted #1)
The Reapers (The Hunted #1)
Ali Winters | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a fast-paced and enjoyable Young Adult Paranormal, with a splash of Romance in the shape of a love triangle (sort of) thrown in.

Nivian has been doing her job for years with no problems when she suddenly starts noticing a man there each time. What is worse is that he seems to notice her too, which should be impossible. Then Reapers start disappearing, and the common link is that man that Nivian keeps seeing. Following conversations with Caspian (her boss... sort of) she finds out just who and what he is. Things are not always black and white though, and both Kain and Nivian have choices to make.

There were parts to this story that I absolutely loved, and parts not so much. I am not a fan of the triangle, even a version like this one. It builds up to a climactic ending where you will need to keep your wits about you as you move swiftly from one scene to another.

If you want a clean Paranormal that has a brilliant take on reapers, old man time, scythes, etc, then I can recommend this.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 15, 2016
Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes?
Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes?
Holly Bourne | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Within the first page, I was in love with this book. I love how Holly Bourne’s books don’t rely on romance to move the plot, and that is why she is one of my favourite authors.

Are We All Lemmings And Snowflakes is perfect if you enjoyed Juno Dawson’s Clean or Ned Vizzini’s It’s Kind of a Funny Story. It’s a bit of a mashup of the two but also manages to still remain original and unpredictable.

The story follows Olive as she stays in a ‘camp’ for people with mental illnesses. It’s set in a big stately home that has alpacas. ALPACAS! I promise I didn’t love the setting just because of the alpacas, but they did definitely improve the story.

The plot started off really quickly, which I wasn’t sure on to begin with, but then I could understand why. I’m used to novels with a build up before the main event, but this jumped straight to sending Olive to the therapy place, and I quite liked that. It meant that there wasn’t too much focus on why she was going there, and her story was more about her journey to getting better.

I enjoyed this even more than I enjoyed It Only Happens in The Movies, which I didn’t expect. I was completely gripped and felt a personal connection to every single character.

The mix of different people in the novel really shows how mental illness can affect anyone, no matter where people are from. It showed a broad spectrum of illnesses, while also fighting the stigmas they all have.

Let’s move on to the ending. When I was reading reviews for Are We All Lemmings And Snowflakes, I saw a lot of negativity about the ending. I’m not going to discuss what happens, but I feel that it really worked. A lot of people say it feels abrupt, but I feel that it fits the plot much better than a long, drawn out ending. If you loved the ending to Clean by Juno Dawson, you will love how this has been finished off.

Overall, I found this book amazing, and I can’t wait to pick up another novel by Holly Bourne.
Thief In The Light (Bed, Breakfast and Beyond #1)
Thief In The Light (Bed, Breakfast and Beyond #1)
Jaime Samms | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a thoroughly delightful read!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I've left with a deep feeling of delightful!

I mean, it comes with a story line that is a bit darker in places, when Lucky is telling what happened to him and the others but it's not delivered in any GREAT detail. You are just given enough for you to add things up, at first, to make a picture. More comes, in more detail, but still not great detail, you know? You don't have to live through everything Lucky and the kids went though.

It is *almost* clean. I expected it to come out totally clean, to be honest, but still I really enjoyed that fact. This is not about the sex between Lucky and Kreed, it's about the LOVE, or rather, about learning to love, to trust and to just be, you know?

I LOVED Mildred, the house! Loved the little noises she makes to express her opinion and thoughts on a matter or person. Loved that she saw the main trouble-causer in this book way before we did. Mildred did make me laugh, with her little noises, she really did.

I loved Lucky, and what he was running from, but more importantly, what he ran TO. He knew Kreed needed him, very quickly and just as quickly, Lucky was staying, even though people thought he had done a runner. I loved Kreed, too. He knew that Mildred wanted Lucky and he knew that HE wanted Lucky, it was just a matter of whether Lucky wanted Kredd enough to stay.

Like i said, a bit darker in places, but it really is the most delightful read I've read in a very long time! From what I can see, I've only read one other by Samms, and that was a long while ago. THIS book is billed as book 1 in the Bed, Breakfast and Beyond series, and I really hope I get to read the future books and that Kreed and Lucky pop up too.

Thank you, Ms Samms, for an enjoyable, delightful read!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Jamie (131 KP) rated Shimmer and Burn in Books

Jul 30, 2017  
Shimmer and Burn
Shimmer and Burn
Mary Taranta | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique magic concept (2 more)
Fast paced and engaging story
Dreamy male lead
Bland main character (1 more)
Details about the world and magic is mildly confusing
Threading blood magic in a dying world
Shimmer and Burn was much much darker than I expected and I LOVED it. A locked away kingdom ruled by a ruthless king, forbidden blood magic that is both beautiful and deadly, a power hungry princess, a dying world infested with diseased cannibals–this book had it all. That is, except for the main character, Faris.

This book was almost perfect for me, but I just wish that Faris wasn’t so bland. The book is carried by an extremely strong plot and well developed side characters but.. well the story just sort of happens to Faris. She is constantly made out to be a fighter but she ends up running or needing to be saved almost every time. She has one central motivation, her sister, and some heartbreak over Thaelan, but that’s really all her character really has going for her.

Thankfully the other characters help drive the plot forward. I’ve never been one to fawn over book boyfriends but that changed with North. I really like North and Faris together, even though their romance sort of shows up out of thin air in a mild case of instalove. I would expect characters to talk and have more interaction before they go falling “in love.” It’s not the worst thing in the world, I still liked the characters and their romance so I was willing to look past that.

My favorite part of the book is the absolutely incredible magic system which is unlike any other I’ve ever read. Magic is described as being beautiful like threads that can just as easily fray and destroy the magic wielder if not handled with care. It is treated as something alien, even for the humans with a natural born ability to wield it. I can’t overstate enough how much I love this concept. The intricate political relationships in this novel is also extremely well done and I’m so excited to read the next book.

A fair warning though, this book is definitely not for the faint of heart. While the romance may be clean, the violence definitely isn’t. This book isn’t the goriest I’ve ever read but it does not shy away from the gruesome details. If you can stomach the gritty content then I highly recommend this book, it’s one of the best YA books I’ve read in a while.
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fact: When I discover a series that completely sucks me in...I simply have to binge read the whole thing. If the series has stand alone novels in it, it isn't as much torture and I can wait...But if it is a continuing storyline...You won't see me come up for air until I am done (or to post the reviews for said books). So pass me the Starbursts and Red Bull, I will see ya later! Oh, after I finish this post.

Scarlet picks up the day after Cinder ends. Cinder and Kai remain as main characters throughout the second book. But now we are introduced to a whole new level of intrigue in the storyline. Scarlet and Wolf are AMAZING! I adore them and can't wait to see where their story leads. Scarlet's grandmere is pretty awesome too!

As secrets unfold of her heritage and her grandmother's past, Scarlet embarks on a dangerous mission to find her grandmere and bring her home. Scarlet will do anything to protect the only family she has left, even at the risk of her own safety. We also begin to learn more about Cinder's past and everything that she has gone through.

Cyborgs, Wolf Gangs, Lunar aliens, space travel, escaped convicts, hidden princess, hidden genealogy, this series has so much to offer and entertain. Clean and sweet romance appropriate for Young Adults. I am comfortable recommending this book to teens and adults.
Close to You
Kara Isaac | 2016
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kara Isaac took my breath away with such a beautiful story. I can't wait to get my hands on her next release coming out in just a few weeks! Filled with so many dynamics, I was biting my nails, laughing out loud, sighing with relief, and at times, even yelling at the book. I have always been a fan of Tolkien and so I found the setting both brilliant and intriguing. This story hit close to home in the fact that I know what it is to be hurt and have a fear of trusting people. It was so encouraging though to watch Allie and Jackson's journey. Cheering them on and hoping they find their healing in Lord along the way. Filled with quotes from Tolkien and random #NerdGirl knowledge, I had so much fun reading Close to You. This is THE book that I chose to read on my way home from Nashville. I think the people on my flights thought I was crazy for the giggling that commenced a couple of times. If you enjoy a good, clean romance, Lord of the Rings, and New Zealand, you will fall head over teakettle for Kara Isaac and Close to You!

I received a free copy of Close to You in my "Swag Bag" from Christian Fiction Readers Retreat, Nashville, 2016. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Captive Heart
The Captive Heart
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
There are a few times that I change-up my review schedule to accommodate a book. The Captive Heart is one such book. I kept hearing my friends praising Michelle Griep, and figured, I had better give it a try. WOW, I am so very glad I did. A compelling story of love and forgiveness. You will find a lot of adventure, mishaps, romance, and passion within these pages.

I found this story not only tender and passionate between our hero and heroine, but also filled with the love and forgiveness of our Lord. His fierce love for us and His undying forgiveness is portrayed through this story. No matter what we go through, the trials that we see, the heartache we endure, the choices we make, He will never leave our side. Yet we must make the choice to walk in the light. To walk in His forgiveness and forgive ourselves.

The minute you open The Captive Heart, you will find yourself transported back to Revolutionary America, and the tensions are high. With non stop adventures, you will find yourself unable to set this book down to you know, eat, cook, clean...With an excellent storyline and gracefully composed with an elegant hand, Michelle Griep has indeed captured my heart with this book.

I received a complimentary copy of The Captive Heart through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.