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LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated The Crush (1993) in Movies

Sep 19, 2020 (Updated Sep 19, 2020)  
The Crush (1993)
The Crush (1993)
1993 | Drama, Mystery
Men are shit and teenagers are psychopaths. Point-blank absurd, pure trash, and an outright blast - 𝘓𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘢 as one of the goofier and more fun beat-for-beat 𝘍𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 clones out there. What more of any value can I even say? This is exactly as advertised - checks off every bulletpoint for stalker flicks of the era but does so with a sublime verve and hearty layer of blunt sleaze. Alicia Silverstone is phenomenal, and the whole thing just looks fantastic, I mean really it's shot perfectly and has a real dope soundtrack to it as well. But apparently the director based the lead on a real girl he knew and just didn't change the name so he was legally forced to alter it; then he just swapped the place of one letter after it was completed and every time she's mentioned it's switched with some of the most hilariously shoddy dubbing since... damn, 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘮𝘢𝘯? Lmao, love it. Also the carousel is just as hilarious and out-of-place as everyone has mentioned. Features no shortage of delightfully raucous segments but imo the best way to frame this is as a sick man being forced to be haunted by his own pedophilic tendencies over and over again, an endless cycle of pathetic men being rightfully tortured by the girls they (and society) prey upon. Helps that all these characters except for Silverstone are dumb as rocks. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘋𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳.
Following the now-infamous Disney acquisition of Star Wars (which saw the abolition of the old Expanded Universe), I'm actually no-longer sure where this sits in the hierarchy of canon: is this 'Legends' (i.e pre acquisition) material, or is it stil canon?

This is set between the events of 'Attack of the Clones' and 'Revenge of the Sith' - actually leading directly into that movie, with Anakin and Obi-Wan jetting off back to Coruscant - and, in many ways, seeks to bolster the reputation of one of the missed opportunities from that movie: that of General Grievious (not his face on the cover ...).

I'm also not sure where it sits alongside the Genndy Tartakovsy animation which also seeked to do exactly that, though the latter portion of the novel does seem to describesome of the actions shown in that animation (the surprise attack on Coruscant, and the capturing of Senator Palpatine) in prose form.

This is also the first of the so-called 'Dark Lord' trilogy (comprising of this, [b:Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith|35458|Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith|Matthew Woodring Stover||476816] and [b:The Rise of Darth Vader|359848|The Rise of Darth Vader (Star Wars The Dark Lord Trilogy, #3)|James Luceno||574260]); while I have previously read - and enjoyed - the middle of those three, I now feel like reading the series in its entirity, from start to finish.
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
2002 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Attack of the Clones is easily my least favourite Star Wars movie, but still, I can't bring myself to completely hate it. It's still Star Wars. It's still a big part of my childhood.

The main issues for me lie within the story, and perhaps most infamously, the romance plot between Anakin and Padme. It's an integral part of the story for sure, but the dialogue is horrible, Hayden Christensen is oddly wooden, and unfortunately, it takes up a big part of Episode II's runtime.
I also find the action set pieces in AOTC a very mixed bag. Nothing particularly stands out, except maybe the arena fight scene with hundreds of Jedis, and the potentially great chase scene near the start is soiled by the needlessly quippy script work.

It's not all bad though. There are some great actors involved - Ewan McGregor is still awesome as Obi Wan, and of course, we're introduced to Count Dooku, played by the ever incredible Christopher Lee (although is character is ultimately pointless).
Locations such as Kamino are something new and different and great to look at, and then of course, the single most important thing about AOTC - it paved the way for the Clone Wars TV show, so it definitely deserves credit for that.

Unfortunately, Episode II feels overstuffed with a while lot of nothing, and is no where the same quality as Star Wars at it's very best, but like I said, I can't hate on it too much. For better or worse, it's part of the Star Wars experience.
The Last Command (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, #3)
The Last Command (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, #3)
Timothy Zahn | 1993 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final part of Timothy Zahn's 'Heir to the Empire' trilogy, which I first read way back in the early to mid 1990s ('94, '95, thereabouts).

So we're talking before the Prequel trilogy, never mind the Sequel trilogy. Before even the 'Special Editions' of the original movies.

And, talking of the Sequel Trilogy: I'm of the opinion that these would have been a better basis for those films than the disjointed mess we eventually got: there's a clear overall arc to the plot here, it doesn't disrespect the core characters (Han, Luke, Leia) while also does both deepen and expand upon the original trilogy, and introduces certain characters and locations that later made their way into the mainline movies: Coruscant? Grand Admiral Thrawn? The Noghri? All have their first appearances in these novels. I'm still waiting for Mara Jade to make her live-action debut, though ...

That's not to say that changes would have been needed: The Clone Wars mentioned here, for example, here has the Clones as the villains of the piece, and makes absolutely no reference to the Droid armies of the Trade Federation (understandably, as - remember - this was released way before 1999s 'The Phantom Menace').

All in all, this is a strong trilogy of novels that laid the groundwork for what would later become known as the Expanded Universe- later renamed as Legends - and of which parts are now being cherry-picked to fit into the main story lines following Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm back in (roughly) 2012 or so.